Daomen Invasion

Chapter 193: : Legendary Forbidden Land

This porcelain figure has a somber expression. When Xiahe flashed away, it bowed deeply towards the audience.

"Everyone can see that this is a variant of earth elemental magic, which involves the fire element, the water element, the wind element, and the shaping technique. Perhaps it cannot replace me as a caster, but in a battle, this porcelain I even urged a magic cannon instead of me. If I did it myself, I might not see everyone now. "

"Professor Asla, why is that?" A lecturer sitting on the edge of the stage at Anderson asked.

"Because the base of the magic cannon is temporary, it controls the counterattack to withstand the attack, even if it is only a part, it is not affordable by my realm at the time."

The eight people responsible for questioning could not ask any more.

Because it can withstand rebirth, it means that this porcelain figure has life characteristics, otherwise the rebirth will fall on Asla and will not be fully borne by the porcelain figure.

"Do you know? I can exist for an hour." Porcelain puppet opened his mouth, this is the magic of voice turning, but under the control of Xiahe, it seemed that the puppet really talked.

"But if some other magic is applied to me, the time of my existence will continue to rise, Professor Asla, please do me a favor." Porcelain puppet to Xiahe Road.

"Okay." Xiahe's armor of a **** fell on the porcelain figure.

"Now, I have three hours in my life. It is a metallic magic on me. It is a variant of earth-based magic. Professor Asra has isolated it. It ’s just a simple additional state, let me have it. Three times the life. Professor Asla, what else can you do? "The porcelain doll turned sideways and looked at Xiahe.

"Simpler, it is the soul that gives you some signs of life, and you can cast some simple magic." Xia He said, a radiance shot from his hand and fell on the porcelain doll.

The porcelain doll immediately became agile, turned around, and said in amazement: "God, I feel like I am alive! Asla, are there any more?"

Xiahe's palm, the electric light surged into a lightning spear, which suddenly penetrated into the heart of the porcelain doll.

Porcelain puppet had an incredible expression. He covered his chest and knelt slowly on the ground, saying in his mouth: "Asla, why, why did you kill me?"

"Just shorten your life, now you can still exist for more than ten seconds, if I don't do that ..."

Xiahe said, and released a recovery skill to the porcelain figurine-Asla's prayer.

Porcelain doll loosened the covered wound and looked down, the hole pierced by the spear of destruction in the chest contracted inwards and slowly closed. The wound soon disappeared.

"Asra, it's amazing, are you a pastor?"

"If you dare to insult me ​​so ..." Xiahe's palm, the lightning ignited again, the porcelain doll backed away in horror, the laughter from the audience broke out, and it couldn't stop at all.

Everyone knows that porcelain dolls are not life, everything is self-directed by Asra.

But the performance of this porcelain doll has far exceeded Anderson's fire snake. The eight people on Xiahe's side couldn't help crying. Asra used charms. This is not the key. The key is that he is too good at acting. The atmosphere in the entire Hall 9 is controlled by him.

"Sir Asra, I was wrong, please let me go!"

Xiahe palms, electro-optical flying, dozens of thumb-sized light **** flew out, bouncing endlessly around the porcelain dolls, in the light ball, the arc flashed, forming a large electric grid. The porcelain figure was struck by an electric arc, his body twitched, twisted, and danced frantically on the stage.

"I'm wrong! I'm wrong! I shouldn't have dealt with you ..." The porcelain doll screamed and sounded through Hall 9.

Anderson's complexion is more purple than eggplant. Asla was ironizing him. The problem was that he thought he was really funny.

Xiahe took two steps forward and made a quiet gesture, saying: "Once, I heard a **** stick saying that punishment is forgiveness. However, this is the same as farting. My punishment is to shut it up."

The voice did not fall. Among the dozens of light balls, the erupting arc suddenly became thicker and made a thunderous sound.

The porcelain doll was crushed silently under the attack of the arc, and turned into dust accumulated on the ground.

Xiahe waved his hands, and the dust was reshaped, raised, and turned into a tombstone, which read-Tomb of Pure Magic.

The students under the stage laughed again, and no one noticed. The mirror behind Xiahe's head exudes a faint blue light.

The debate still needs to continue. Even if Anderson is heartbroken, this point cannot be given to Xiahe in a hurry. Xiahe has to explain his understanding of mixed magic in depth. The students did not come here to watch the show. If they didn't learn anything in the end, they would scold their mother.

There are dozens of schools in such an auditorium. The debate competition has just begun. Most students have gone to lectures. Those who have not listened to the lectures are relatively poor students. Seize the time and take advantage of the opening of many places in the school. Practice hard.

Xiahe's debate did not attract much attention. In the principal's conference room, dozens of important people from the school gathered together. On the huge table in the middle, it was a three-dimensional map of the border between Emerald Province and Lishan Province. One area has become blurred.

"Joy, you have seen it and talked about your thoughts." Said a magician who looked only in his twenties. His long black hair rolled up a bun, and he wore a robe at random. His hands were clean and clean, without any magic equipment. The facial features on his face were the characteristics of the Metaline family. They were very clean and handsome. His eyebrows were dark and his eyes were like Stars.

The body of the young magician has almost no smell of elements. A badge on his chest proves his identity.

Dean of Metatron Academy is second only to the Grand Duke of Metatron in the family. His real age is more than two hundred years old.

Joy also looks only 30 years old. From the realm, it is similar to the Dharma King.

He is the lowest in this room, and all the others are legends.

"This place is a typical legendary forbidden area. Even if it is projected in the past, there is no way to preserve the power of the legend. I have seen it, and the false realm has also been suppressed. The legendary scroll cannot be expanded. Only in the past can they have the power of legend. "

"So, Joey, what is the enemy like?"

"It's very strange, it's a kind of life that we haven't seen before. It's like a metal life, it's also like a demonized creature, and there are some undead traits? I ruined one, and I saw it with my own eyes. , Only one drop of blood remained. That drop of blood escaped. "

The legendary mages looked at each other, and a drop of blood escaped?

No need to elaborate, everyone understands that this drop of blood will grow again, which is like the characteristics of demonized creatures. However, the magic energy of demonized creatures will be slowly diluted in this world. Even if the door of the demon world opens, everyone does not care too much.

This is the main world, by comparison, the devil world is a bit small.

"Before our mistake, we sent too many low-level adventurers in the past. Invading creatures grew up by absorbing vitality. If you give them a large city, there will soon be legendary power. Fortunately, there is legend. In the restricted area, otherwise more than one hundred adventure teams will die, and terrible creatures have appeared for a long time. "

"The good news is that this creature was only difficult to kill at the beginning, but it was relatively fragile. If it is in the plains, we only need to send 500 cavalry to kill it and destroy it completely. The problem now is that we need to invest in the mountains Power, even if sent to the Warcraft Cavalry, the environment will not allow the group to charge. "

"What if the legendary mage is put on the imprisonment ring?" Asked an old legendary mage.

The imprisonment ring can make the legendary wizard realm fall, become an epic mage, remove the imprisonment ring, and the power can be restored. However, this thing could not be removed by itself. It was originally a torture tool, which was later used by the legendary mage to practice. The danger is that after wearing the imprisonment ring, it may be killed by a low-level mage ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Of course not. I did not touch the core area. Maybe there is a strong intruder in the core area of ​​the village , You can ignore the influence of the legendary restricted area. "

The headmaster of Metaline College looked dignified and said, "The best way is, of course, to send legendary mages and lay a line of defense around the legendary forbidden area. Don't let those things escape. In fact, we have sent projections. On the side of our emerald province. "

"I heard that there are some adventure squads in Lishan province, and a team of twenty soldiers. The top priority is not to let this creature out of control." The only person in the room who is not a spell-casting profession Spoke. He was wearing heavy armor, the mask on his face had never been taken off, his voice was dull, and there was a terrible breath on his body, which felt stronger than the dean.

"The communication between the Governor and Lishan Province is not smooth, and may have to be delayed for a month or two." The principal said helplessly. Sending legendary transits is a very dangerous move.

Do n’t worry about how impressive it is. If you think differently and something goes wrong on your side, the other party will send a group of legendary mages to come over. The governor of the Emerald Province is afraid to immediately respond.

"What does your majesty say?" Asked a magician in a **** robe.

"Your Majesty said it was not easy to interfere and could not send troops, let us solve it ourselves." The principal sighed.

A bunch of legendary powerhouses, stumped by worldly problems. Lishan Province is not like the Emerald Province, the internal forces are intricate, there are several large nobles, and the emperor sent the past Governor to control everything. The Governor of the Emerald Province was chosen by the Metaline family.

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