Daomen Invasion

Chapter 249: : Back Road

Xiahe did not go far this time, and could still sense the imp, and found two half-elf assassins. Xiahe knew that in this voodoo forest, the number of half-elves might far exceed his imagination.

However, the half-elves failed to block the forward of the human army, and Xiahe didn't quite understand it.

In a half-elf empire, half-elves should move faster than humans.

Although the Arcane Empire has airships, but the cost is very high, it is impossible to use all airships for transportation, and most of the troops also come by boat along the river. Therefore, it took a long time for the human army to gather at the beginning, and now it has not completed all deployments.

Suddenly Ovelia said: "The half-elves can't stop the imperial striker, they just harassed in the back, this is the appearance."

"What about the truth?" Xiahe wanted to hear what Ovilla had learned in the capital.

"We contain most of the power of the half-elves, so that the imperial strikers can quickly pave the way to the temple. The imperial strikers are no more than eight thousand people, and the number of half-elves in the voodoo forest is definitely more than that. The auxiliary soldiers are okay, but it is difficult to move forward normally. "

"In this way, the empire is not ready to attack the elven temple, and it has not assembled enough power. But it is also normal. The empire is too large. The things that His Majesty can directly control are mostly in the emperor. So many provinces, so many Nobles, it is difficult to mobilize enough power to destroy a new god. "

Xiahe is very clear that the new **** of this world may not even reach the level of 80.

In other words, if the front is just right, the new elf **** is not an opponent of the Arcane Empire emperor.

It's just that the temple is located, just like the emperor of the arcane empire is hiding in the city of Juno, the new **** of the elves must rely on it.

Juno III is in the city of Juno, I am afraid no one can kill him.

New gods of elves will also receive special blessings in the temple.

However, such blessings come at a price. Juno III cannot leave the city of Juno, nor can the elven new **** leave his temple. Both can only go to other places by projection.

If Juno III is projected, it may not be the opponent of the new **** of the elves, and the loss of a projection is not a small price. His Majesty the Emperor may not be willing to pay this price.

If this is the case, destroying the new **** starts with weakening the wings of the god, that is, the believer who first kills the god.

In fact, Dao Gong invasion uses this method.

The difference is that the Taoist priests were afraid that the gods would go mad and damage the world.

When the gods discover, everything is too late, there are not enough believers in the world, and the gods cannot even come, they can only be trapped in the kingdom of God, waiting for the invasion of the Dao Palace.

Yeah, the empire is fierce, and maybe the real purpose is to wipe out the half-elves first.

"Let's get here today, go back." Xiahe instructed the team to turn around. He was sure that the empire would not attack the temple immediately, so he was not in a hurry.

The students naturally had no doubt and followed Xiahe back to the camp.

The camp did not change much, except that there were some new noble troops in the vicinity, and the number was more than 500. They were stationed only a few hundred meters away from the Xiahe camp.

Xiahe looked at the other party's banner and led a Viscount. The title was lower than himself, so he didn't visit in the past.

When Xiahe came back, Baron Nietzsche was relieved. He came to see Xiahe and said that someone would order a knight suit reel, a total of 150. Xiahe had already prepared this material on hand and directly collected the money for delivery. For Nietzsche, this business directly changed hands and earned 300 gold coins, which is very good.

For Xiahe, the money is not enough.

He returned to the magic tent to rest, Freya followed him, Ovilla refused to live here, and there was Medieri lying at the door, and Freya whispered to Xiahe.

"Sir, is Medierly considered herself?"

"Well, I have decided to accept the disciples."

"Why haven't you taught her Taoist words?"

"I will divide the Yin Yin God directly to her, which contains all the Taoist characters. She is still a bit older, if only two or three in the morning."

There are a total of 129,000 words in Taomen. If you learn slowly, it really takes a lot of time.

Freya was dissatisfied and said: "That will affect the speed of adults' advancement."

"It's no hurry, Medieri goes one step further and will be able to stand alone. I now lack trustworthy staff."

"What about the half plane?"

"How are you doing?"

"The two coordinates have already been delineated and can be merged."

Xiahe sighed. This kind of merger will cause great losses. Most of the things that originally existed in the half plane will be destroyed. The two half planes are complete. The element plane is communicated, the ecological balance is forcibly merged together, which is equivalent to a collision between the world and the world. The damage caused will cause the two half planes to face the end.

But there is no way. The interrogation of the legendary half-elves reveals the secrets of the half-planes, which contain powerful creatures. If they rush in, unless the original half-elves, the rest will be attacked.

Xiahe is an advanced legend, not necessarily an opponent of that creature.

So I used this brutal method to guide the two half planes to collide together and start over.

This can't be done right now. He can only use the power of the Goddess of Doom. He and Freya have to go to Stormwind Point.

"Adult, if you want to transform the two half planes into the Dao Palace, it is equivalent to investing resources into a bottomless hole in advance, which is not conducive to future growth."

"There are too many loopholes in this world. I'm afraid I can't wait for the second batch of people from the Dragon, Tiger and Taoist Schools, and it will be a mess here. If the gods watch, I can't open the Xianfu."

"At this time, the opening of the Xianfu Palace was insufficiency, and it would still lose the shadow.

"Toon mirror, I will make another side."

Freya smiled bitterly, Master Daojun seemed to have made up her mind, and she had nothing to say, she could only cooperate with her.

"Freya, with the cave world, not the half plane, we can have a retreat."

"Sir, we have no escape route."

Xiahe thought, if I received a suitable apprentice, there would be a retreat. It's just that I can't say that, it's a bit frustrating. Master, his soul is scattered, but if he can achieve the great Luo Jinxian, let the six gods ember metamorphose, all the people who have practiced the six gods ember in the Taiyin Xianfu can be resurrected.

Finding a student yourself, teaching the six gods of embers, and passing on the world of the heavens is equivalent to arranging a retreat.

Is it that you are old?

No, Taiyin Xianfu has always been like this, and plans ahead. If you can't pass on the Taoist tradition, you will be meaningless even if you are a Daluo Jinxian.

"Then I will start preparing."

"No, I let Abigail speak to the Goddess of Doom and let her be prepared."

"We still have the coordinates of a small half plane, how to deal with it?"

"Here you are. You can do whatever you want. The investment cannot exceed 20% of our income."

There is no joy on Freya's face. What's wrong with you today?

A magic alarm sounded in the distance. The camp a few hundred meters away was attacked by the half-elves, but the camp was well built. The half-elves had to retreat after a few minutes of impact.

The devil of Xiahe observed the battle at close range. The soldiers in the other camp did not pursue them, and the half-elves retreated.

The Viscount is quite cautious. He has a strength of more than 500 people, so he can come out of the nest, as long as he does not leave the road too far.

The devil followed the jungle, and the half-elf withdrew three miles, so he didn't run again.

Xiahe saw a half-elf wizard through the imp, wearing a human robe, and at least more than thirty wizards surrounded him, listening to him to order. This half-elf might be an epic realm, and Xiahe's little devil was a little closer, which caused him to be alert.

The ghost stopped immediately, and when it didn't move, it was difficult to find even the legend.

Since then, Xiahe could not understand what they were talking about, and the half-elves surrounded the wizard and led away. The optimal distance between Xiahe and the imp is no more than five miles, and beyond that, the imp can decide what to do.

Xiahe was a bit uncomfortable. The various private soldiers of the empire could not fight back on the road, which means they were passively beaten.

The mages can also explore the forest. If the soldiers are slightly poorly equipped, they will have to face terrible poisonous insects. Fortunately, the mage of the forward army cleaned the sides, and there will be no glare for the time being.

"Master, Viscount Carmen asks to see you." Soldiers reported outside the door.

"Please come in." Xiahe estimated that the Viscount was coming soon. Medirelli got up and turned to Xiahe behind, Freya was still sitting next to him, and in front of Xiahe, paved with alchemy stone.

Outside the magic tent, a man in a white robe walked in. The man was majestic and his footsteps were calm and powerful ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ with a bright rhythm. After entering the tent, he saluted Xiahe.

"Viscount, please sit down." Xia He pointed to the ground opposite the alchemy slab. He didn't have a seat himself, but sat on the floor.

Earl Carmen's silver-grey hair, with short cuts, and a frost on his face. Thick eyebrows are relatively stiff, eyes are divine, and brown pupils have a faint light.

He sat down calmly in front of Xiahe. Xiahe said: "Why are you here to see me?"

"Count Asla ... I have camped here, and I have been attacked three times, one more serious than the other. But my mages are not enough to dare to go into the forest to chase, why should we unite?"

"Catch what they do, and when the empire's main force arrives, it will destroy the forest on a large scale, and it will probably open up a five-mile-wide gap. The imperial army will never be long with a short attack. We just have to wait patiently."

"I saw the magic cannon?"

"After a bombardment, there weren't many gold coins." Xia He refused with a smile, and if he wanted to support himself with a magic cannon, he wouldn't do it.

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