Daomen Invasion

Chapter 250: : Night raid

Viscount Carmen smiled and said to Xiahe: "If the epic cannon is only attacked in a normal manner, it is not so expensive, I can afford it."

Xiahe Road: "Why? The voodoo forest will cease to exist. The empire will mobilize a large number of puppets and carry out thorough deforestation. The half-elves have no forest and are not our opponents on the plains."

"I also want to be an earl, otherwise I will not be able to take the initiative to take the initiative to lead the war alone."

"I am the earl, but it is not like you now?"

"Asla, don't make fun of me. You have already laid your foundation in Stormwind. As long as you gradually expand and attack the entire Dragon Island, there is a possibility of founding the country."

"Why don't I come by myself if I can use the magic cannon to do military work? I still want to be a Duke." Xiahe said in a nonchalant way.

Carmen froze for a moment. It was the same reason. If people have magic cannons, why should they help them?

And if this thing can brush half-elves, how could Asra not do it.

Only those half-elves, when they fled into the forest, were within the range of the magic cannon.

"This is a legendary restricted area, and the use of epic equipment is also limited, mainly due to wear and tear. In order to reduce wear and tear, my magic cannon will only fire once every half an hour."

Carmen suddenly felt stupid and attacked every half an hour? What's the use?

"And we can't unite. If you unite, you have to give me the command. What benefits does this have for you?"

Carmen was depressed, and Xiahe said that he was gone.

"I don't want to move on for the time being, if you want, we will each send out 110 people, 100 cavalry and 10 magicians. Form a patrol team and patrol this road for fifty miles before and after. I want the half elf attack There will be more and more, they can't break our camp, look at the people on the right side of the road ... "

Carmen's eyes lit up, yeah, those ordinary people's adventurous teams are not as good as their equipment and fighting consciousness. When facing the half-elves, they must be damaged.

It is much safer to form a patrol team and kill half-elves that are attacked and disturbed than to go deep into the forest.

"I will hand this over to Baron Nietzsche. You will also send someone to manage it. You will patrol twice a day, and the merits will be several times higher than others."

Viscount Carmen agreed to Xiahe's proposal, and he spoke for a while before leaving Xiahe's magic tent.

Xiahe was too lazy to really cooperate with Carmen to form a patrol team to expand the influence. If he could guarantee the road safety within fifty miles before and after, the half-elves would treat themselves as thorns in their eyes, and they wouldn't worry that they wouldn't attack.

After Viscount Carmen left, Xiahe gave the task of continuing to open up the forest.

There was a safe zone of more than 300 meters around the original camp. Xiahe ordered to continue to advance into the forest, creating a huge blank area.

Don't half-elves like harassment? Then you have to pay enough.

After the order was issued, the magicians with more than 20 levels in the camp were mobilized to make the soldiers cut the trees too slowly. The big trees here are as thin as one meter in diameter. Xia He personally took the students, and the magician of the 20th grade, used the wind blade to cut the giant tree, the puppet dragged away, and the soldiers cleared the branches of the giant tree.

Then Xiahe made the final processing, cut the trees into plates with a gold sign, and fired the magic fire to create large wooden components.

Xiahe was just boring at first, but soon he found that the wood here is hard enough. After enchanting, the material is comparable to metal. Although it will degrade rapidly, it can be used for a year or two is not a problem.

Xiahe simply used this material to directly make a wooden puppet over ten meters high.

Ovilla could have summoned the wooden puppet, this man-made object, she added a spell core, and it immediately worked.

Xiahe made three wooden puppets in one breath, and Oville reached the control limit, and Xiahe stopped.

Ten-meter-high wooden puppets are much more efficient than soldiers, and the handling of timber is given to Ovilla. The forest around the camp quickly disappeared,

Only two days of effort, the half-elves can't stand it. The camp on Xiahe is expanding too fast, and the big trees are cut down one by one, cut into plates, built houses, and built fortifications. Xiahe also used this thick wood to make a disposable firing quiver with arrows up to four meters long and erected in the camp.

As long as the magic circle on the arrow shaft is excited, the giant arrows can be shot at high speed.

In the early hours of the morning, the half-elves launched an attack. At least 500 shield warriors, holding a heavy shield over one meter high, approached the camp in the dark. Behind the Shield Warrior, there are more than two and a half elf archers, then the wizard, and more than three and a half elf cavalry riding the Timberwolves.

In the forest, there are more than one hundred heavy cavalry who ride the dragon to prepare to charge, but all this is seen by the imp.

When the Shield Warrior approached the 100-meter position, the arrows in the camp were fired at the same time. Hundreds of arrows more than four meters long whizzed and flew out, and heard the dull impact sound.

The semi-elven stainless steel shield and the demonized arrow cannot penetrate, but the powerful impact force knocked the shield warrior out and the bone was broken.

Summon fire elements!

Summon the tree demon!

The mage and the wizard of the two sides began a contest, and dozens of fire elements were summoned and rushed to the shield warrior. The half-elf sorcerer summoned hundreds of tree demon, seven or eight meters away, all covered with lumpy wood tumors and thick moss.

Summon earth element, summon wind element, summon water element!

The magicians summoned one after another, and more and more tree demon summoned by elven wizards. After a wave of attacks, the Shield Warrior left more than three hundred, and in a blink of an eye it hit the edge of the camp. The feather arrow of the half-elf archer roared, and a transparent barrier suddenly lit up in front of the camp.

The casters on both sides are pale, and there are too many creatures called by the other party. No one has experienced such a battle.

With so many tall tree demon, the human cavalry dared not make a head-on impact.

The main reason is that the horses are not good. If the cavalry are all built by Freya, and they are mounts, they will not be afraid of these summoning creatures.

The cavalry as a reserve team began to retreat, and the horse-riding infantry stood in front, and their hearts were uneasy.

This half-elf attack was too brutal. The half-elf with the steel shield, nearly half dead and wounded, still crossed the camp wall. The magicians blessed their soldiers one after another. On the ground, a rope net suddenly pulled up, stopping the half-elf shield soldiers.

With a spear, a round of attacks, the infantry in front of them retreated one after another.

The advantages of many mage immediately manifested, Xiahe students began to release the Void Blade, and then connected a small fireball, the half elf crossing the camp wall was blown into pieces.

This is not dead?

Xiahe was surprised and was swept by small fireballs. Most of the half-elves were only severely damaged by the wind blades on their legs, and lost their ability to move, but they have not been killed.

Your own spells must be left to the Dragon Knight. If it is charged by the Dragon Knight, it will be a disaster. The ground dragon is a living armored chariot. After wearing heavy armor, it can rampage on the battlefield. I can't figure out how these half-elves made up more than a hundred dragons.

Feather arrows are still falling, and human soldiers have begun to suffer casualties. Xiahe thought about it and ordered the mage guarding the magic cannon to attack the half-elf bow and arrow troops.

On the barrel of the magic cannon, the brilliance of the elements flowed. From back to front, the entire barrel slowly turned into pure white.

The air in the entire camp shook with it, and an elemental ball was silently fired, falling into the position of the half elf shooter and exploding.

The violent explosion caused all the surrounding creatures to be frightened. A deep pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters was bombarded by magic. Not only was the archer cleared, but the surrounding summoning creatures were also directly killed. .

The Viscount Carmen discolored in the distance, didn't Asra say that this thing was not powerful enough?

And how is he used to attack the archer, not the tree demon and the wizard?

Xiahe sneered. Among the people attacking the camp this time, there is a powerful wizard who is expected to transfer spells such as mass teleportation. All half-elf wizards are under his protection and locked with magic cannons. As for the tree monster? Those wizards are alive and can continue to be summoned from the forest until their magic power is exhausted.

Only the half-elf archer, with the archer hidden in it, had a fast rate of fire, and it took only ten seconds to cause nearly one hundred casualties among human soldiers.

After the magic cannon attacked, it sank immediately. The half-elf was badly hit, and the wizard was mad at death. He never thought that the other party's attack was aimed at the archer.

Their position is relatively high, and they want to attract magic cannons to attack ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The plan failed, at the cost of more than a hundred archers, all eight archers lost.

Xiahe frowned, and more half-elves appeared, all of them infantry soldiers. The half-elf wizard is still calling the tree demon, and the human mage has to summon elemental creatures to fight. Relying on the soldiers to attack the tree demon, that is to die. The tree demon is too powerful. It takes seven or eight elite infantry to entangle one, and there will be death and injury.

"Adult, there aren't many wizards who can summon the tree demon? The investment of half-elves this time is great."

"Freya, are you going?"

"I plan to take their soul." Freya licked her lips, feeling a little hungry.

"They have dispatched more than forty wizards, and there are thirty who can summon the tree demon, which is not easy to handle." Xia He felt embarrassed to see so many half-elf wizards.

It stands to reason that the number of half-elf wizards is definitely less than that of human wizards. But this time in the voodoo forest, the proportion of half-elf wizards is a bit ridiculously high.

"Sir, I bless you with God's presence, and you rush to the past to release the city of shadows."

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