Daomen Invasion

Chapter 289: : Full of treasure

Bang Bang Bang Bang ...

The metal warhammer hit the chain, and the carapace behind the centipede fired without any sign of injury.

The serial warhammer is already a very powerful magic in Xiahe. In the knighthood like a princess, only a few people can resist such blows with fighting spirit.

Xiahe lost a low-level reel, and the reel put an arc in the air and landed on the centipede. The huge body of the centipede showed obvious delay.

"Eat the electricity department, everyone controls it with electricity magic, siege it."

Xiahe did not give any specific command. He simply released the electric chain of death mist. The centipede was directly trapped by the death mist, and the electric chain kept blinking. It didn't even take another step forward.

But Xiahe could sense the inside of the mist of death, and the centipede did not suffer much damage. It was more like a protective contraction, resisting the lethality of the current attack on it.

Still afraid of electricity, even if it grows bigger, the current damage to them is the same. Warcraft is different from human beings. Human beings have system wisdom and do not rely on blood to inherit power.

To deal with electric chain attacks, humans can rely on physical resistance, or use spells to fight.

For example, using magic to create an insulating layer is a very common skill, otherwise the skills of the electric chain are invincible.

Taoists basically do not eat weak electricity attacks, but strong electricity attacks are terror, with breakdown properties, high temperature, and fatal.

For example, Xiahe's Spear of Destruction is a real electric magic with first-class melee breakdown attributes.

Xiahe probably knew how to get rid of this powerful centipede, but he was too lazy to manage it. His death mist fog chain lasted for a long time. This centipede guarded against death. If it didn't move, it was death. Because the electric chain of Death Mist lasts a long time, and it does not move like this, Xiahe can cast spells serially, leaving the electric chain always covering it.

The consumption of the death mist electric chain is much smaller than that of the thundercloud storm electric chain. Xiahe has been left unattended, and the mages of the princess mage group carefully approached the sides of the centipede and started a crazy pouring magic.

For any creature, magic resistance is limited, and defense against external attacks requires physical energy.

After only three minutes of playing, the giant centipede suddenly jumped out of the body and forcibly jumped out of the mist. This was because it could not bear it, and it dared not stop it.

After a thick current, the volley hit the bounced centipede.

The Princess Mage was n’t proficient in electric magic, but it was rare. The centipede was hit by dozens of currents. The body made a crackling sound. Pieces of scale armor exploded, and a hot flame was ejected from the wound.

Princess Angelina was a hundred meters away, and a cold air erupted from her mouth, hitting the centipede's head accurately.

The centipede fell straight, the surrounding magician, petrified spells fell like rain, no matter how high its resistance, so many petrified spells, still hit two, the body suddenly stiffened.

The princess of the Princess Mage, embarrassed to see that the earl just happened to be opposite the centipede, and the fallen centipede almost fell in love with Asla.

Phantom flashes!

Xiahe immediately launched his familiar movement skills, and in the hands of Phantom, a lightning spear condensed.

Spear of destruction.

The lightning spear threw out suddenly, piercing the centipede's chest, if it had a chest.


The magicians of the Princess Mage are heartbroken. This giant centipede is a species that has never appeared. If you can study its magic core, it will bring you not much new knowledge. Asla's lightning spear, I am afraid to destroy all this.

Xiahe's figure appeared above the centipede. A golden flame was sprayed from the centipede's mouth. The phantom only had time to release a phase frost dragon shield, and the flame was sprayed without a trace. Long Dun vaporized directly, and Xiahe hadn't seen Warcraft have such a high-temperature flame.

In the hands of Xiahe, there is a simple scroll, and the symbols on it, people in this world will definitely not know.

It is a curly spectrum, magic condensation-true soul movement.

The centipede was hit hard, and the soul was directly sucked into the true soul movement. Xiahe tucked into a soul crystal.

The simple and clear battle, more than twenty magicians, just work for him. Without their mad bombing, the centipede would not flee with the attack of the electric chain.

Xiahe got the centipede soul. In the soul, there will naturally be the secret of the centipede. The wisdom of this kind of thing is not high. The imprint in the soul must be very clear.

Princess Angelina understood Xiahe's methods and thought about it. There was no good way to change to her own words. She could only use the Earl's method to control the centipede with another electric magic, and then rely on the number of mages. , Heap it with magic.

However, the flames sprayed by the centipede made her see clearly. She really played according to the routine. No matter which magician wanted to stop the centipede from leaving, it was a little difficult. Xiahe's ice shield has amazing defensive power, and as a result, it was vaporized.

The ice shield made by the 30th-level magician has been vaporized. This temperature is too horrible. Your defensive magic may not be effective. It is estimated that it will trigger the magic of death.

The problem is that the magic of death, or invincible skills, can fail.

Failure is almost a serious injury, depending on whether your companion can rob you back.

Xiahe rode a wind in the air, controlled the strong wind, and flew to the princess, saying, "This thing is very valuable. Should we break it down before going there?"

"No, the nodes over there, after a long time, more terrible things will be born."

"This may be the three magic nuclear creatures."

"Hebei, you and the earl stay, dig up the magic core, collect blood, save it, and give you five minutes, the rest, come with me." Angelina decided, leaving Xiahe and one Young magician, she led the team away.

Ovilla glanced at Xiahe, who nodded to her and let her follow.

The divinely leaked node is also very important.

However, this centipede did not destroy the magic core, but first destroyed the heart and then captured the soul. If it is three magic nuclear creatures, the value is great.

But the magic core can't ask for it, otherwise, don't face it.

But the things researched by the magic core can be shared by themselves. The Taoist originally didn't care too much about the resources that could be copied. If Xiahe wanted to occupy the world, it would require a lot of resources. He was not interested in the magic core.

In Shenzhou, basically all genius Dibao can be made artificial, and biological things are harder, but as long as the principle is understood, there will not be much difference in the attributes of the manufactured things, but the cost problem.

Xibai glanced at Xiahe and said, "Count, you come, I look around."

"Good." Xiahe was also polite, jumped on the back of the centipede's body, and walked forward a few steps, with golden light popping out of both hands, cutting it behind the centipede's brain.

When these things are alive, they are invulnerable. After death, the carapace will be much weaker.

However, Xiahe still took the knife according to the gap between scales and bones, dissected the head of the centipede, and took out the three magic nuclei inside. The three magic nuclei are yellow, red, and cyan. Xiahe tossed the magic core in his hand, gave Xibai a glance, and then put it away.

This is to tell him that three magic nuclei are available.

Fortunately, no one coveted by the side, the magic core was collected smoothly, and Xiahe used the gold symbol to break up the entire centipede's body and earned it in his badge.

He collected some blood in a bottle and packed it. The blood and the magic core are for the princess.

A lot of people have been fighting for a long time, and they have gotten a spear of destruction. The problem of the attribution of the spoils, I still have to face it. If it weren't for the twenty-seven powerful magicians, how dare you play a heartbeat in front of the centipede.

If the phantom flash is late, it will be sprayed, and it is estimated to be half dead. It can be cured by eating the world ghost.

In this world, the cost of deploying the Heaven, Earth, Ghost and Divine Pills is more than one million gold coins, and I have no solution.

Three magic cores, if this thing absorbs more divinity, it is indeed terrible. Xia He also sensed more things in the carapace of the centipede, which is a natural treasure.

Putting it in the world of Shenzhou may not be a big deal. Xiahe cannot be synthesized in this world, such as Dingfengzhu.

Take it out, you will be directly immune to wind magic.

Of course, this depends on the level comparison, but it is already very violent. The low-level wind magic is not effective for yourself. What is the concept? This is not a forbidden demon, his own wind magic is still effective.

In addition to Dingfengzhu, it is estimated that there are also fireballs, which can gain a lot.

If you let Freya directly calculate the internal structure of the fire bead in this world, she will be exhausted. When she can calculate, Xiahe no longer needs this thing.

Now with the real thing, it is possible to quickly research equipment with high fire resistance.

On the battlefield, high fire resistance equals fewer deaths ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Two armies fought, no matter how many thousands of fireballs were not dropped. Magicians can cast their brains without brains, because on the battlefield, fireballs have the highest return on efficiency.

After Xiahe packed up his spoils, he said to Xi Bai: "Magic box and blood, give it to you first, or let me give it directly to the princess?"

Xi Bai smiled and said: "Master Earl, give it to the princess. I stayed to prevent someone from making a surprise attack."

Xia He also smiled. This guy should be the best in the entire Master League, so Angelina kept him to avoid conflict with herself.

Xiahe watched the magic clock, and in less than five minutes, the speed at which he split his loot was not bad.

"Let's go, the princess's side, it is estimated that the trouble is not small, hurry up and help." Xiahe said, jumped on the deer, Xi Bai followed behind, and went all the way to the forest depression.

The depression in the woods was filled with malaria, and eyes like Xiahe could only see a dozen meters away. The Princess Mage is blowing with wind magic, but the effect is still not ideal.

Xiahe jumped off the deer and moved slightly closer, beckoning everyone to stop.

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