Daomen Invasion

Chapter 290: : Solicit (no status)

No one obeyed Xiahe's orders. Xiahe thought about it, and it didn't matter. The forest was permeated with colorful malaria, moist and heavy.

The area of ​​the depression is not small, with a radius of more than five kilometers, the forest is sparse at the edge, and the feet are muddy.

The magicians are in two rows on the edge of the depression, releasing wind magic alternately.

"Everyone pay attention to poisonous insects." Others did not listen to Xiahe's orders. Xiahe didn't want to delay the time. He came to the edge of the depression and released a wildfire in the distance.

The scorching airflow was different from the past. The wilderness fire of the 30th grade was too hot. Xiahe immediately released a **** blaze fire. The wilderness fire in front immediately ignited, and the width of the fire reached 100 meters.

At the edge of the depression, a blank area suddenly appeared, and the surrounding malaria formed a turbulent flow, moving towards the blank space, making a bang, like an explosion.

The magicians at the edge of the depression, the magic robe was stirred up by the airflow, and in the depression, the poisonous insects irritated by the fire rushed towards the magicians.

"Withdraw!" Angelina's voice was sullen.

Blazing stars!

In Xiahe's hands, nine huge fireballs fell forward, each five meters in diameter. In the exclamation of the Princess Mage, a violent explosion sounded one after another, and nine fireballs circled and exploded, forming an explosion vortex. The sludge in the depression was also affected by the explosion, and the mud splashed towards the front without falling.

The slammed poisonous insects were the first to bear, and the corpses were blown to death. Xiahe even had a skyfire coming. In the high altitude, the fire elements formed small fireballs and poured down frantically.

The mages are discolored, with a wide range of fire magic, and they have extremely high requirements for spiritual power. Asra looks almost instantaneous. How powerful is the spiritual power of the blood mage?

Princess Angelina ’s smile was still the same, and she wondered why her father would n’t let him move him.

If according to his temper, this kind of disobedient guy still kills him first.

Fire Dragon!

The fire dragon of Xiahe is also more than four meters in length, which is far worse than the flames of the exploding stars, but this fire dragon burst into the depression more than four hundred meters before dissipating out of thin air.

"Let's see clearly. The mud on the ground is very thick, and the edge is three or four meters deep. I am afraid that the deer can't get in."

The mages frowned. They gave up their mounts, and it was okay to go in, but without the mounts, there was no speed. It was hard to tell if they ran into danger.

"That can't be delayed, I can feel that there are so many poisonous insects in it." Princess Angelina said anxiously.

Xiahe Road: "I happen to have a lot of wooden boards. I originally built the campsite walls, and they haven't enchanted them yet.

"There will be Earl Lau." Angelina smiled.

Xiahe didn't act immediately, but after making four porcelain dolls in turn, he set off a wilderness fire and cleared away the miasma. Then he took out the wide wooden board and let the porcelain dolls lay in the mud.

Xiahe was also in a hurry. The devil had gone deep into the depression, and saw a weak golden light in the depression. Numerous poisonous insects gathered here, surrounding the golden layers, and did not attack each other. .

The poisonous insect looks like it is worshipping the golden light. The golden light is covered by layers of poisonous insects, or it rises a few meters high.

The devil was far away and didn't dare to get close, otherwise he would immediately be assimilated by this golden light, and Xiahe could only vaguely see the golden light with a vague face.

Xiahe made three more porcelain figurines, which penetrated into the depression a little bit. The porcelain figurines had no flesh, only the elements condensed, and the poisonous insects did not attack.

The mages followed Xiahe and walked on the board. They were careful to petrify some of the positions under the board so that the board would gain more support. No one rode the deer anymore, the deer followed behind the mage, and each one was very nervous.

The deer on which the mage rides is slightly different from the warrior's. It is covered with soft velvet, like a robe, and it also has certain defensive capabilities. These mounts were carefully cultivated by the Princess Mage. The deer itself will also release natural magic, and its speed and defense are much stronger than those of the warrior.

Xiahe walked at the forefront, releasing wilderness and fire, bursting stars, opening roads, and laying planks. The mage behind used a simple petrification method to stabilize the mud under the board.

The scary thorns in the mud were burned to ashes, and the poisonous insects would ignore the humans that appeared around them if they were not attacked.

Princess Angelina, beside Xiahe, she refused to fall behind, and the Masters were very nervous.

Xiahe is very calm, he said to Princess Angelina: "Your Highness does not have to follow, we are not far behind."

"As a coach, sometimes I have to be in front. I can't help myself as a princess."

"I'm afraid I'm getting any benefits?" Xiahe said, taking three magic nuclei and handing them to Angelina. Angelina took it, and Xiahe took four more bottles and said, "I left a bottle of blood , These are taken from an important position, and there is also a small bottle of essence. "

Angelina took them one by one and asked, "Why didn't you mention the conditions this time?"

"You didn't use me again this time."

"Oh, the blood mage's temper is quite big." Princess Angelina said lightly.

"People's names will be wrong, nicknames will not."

Princess Angelina listened to Xia He's words and pondered for a moment, saying: "That's right. Your name is exchanged for someone else's blood. Your experience should not be questioned or judged."

"Honour Highness's tone of speech, are you used to it?"

"Of course, I'm a princess. I have a land of three thousand miles, and there are thirty thousand knights. I am used to giving orders."

"I can't even get 3,000 people together." Xiahe said.

"You are used to talking like this." The princess heard Xiahe's irony.

"Normally I will be more arrogant, and I dare not be in front of the temple." Xiahe said, and put another hot star, the hot breath pressed against her face, Angelina sighed, and the surroundings suddenly became cooler.

"Your serial fireball is good, you can control the direction of the explosion, should you be able to control more things?"

"Yes, this magic is already perfect, and the legendary realm will not fall behind. However, it is not so fine to deal with poisonous insects, and the power control is almost at the 20th level. We have fewer people, and the magic power should be saved."

Angelina didn't want to talk to him again. Since this time, Xiahe has released an amazing amount of magic. He also said that he is saving magic power, isn't it intentionally angry?

This is showing off, showing off naked.

"Count, can you be loyal to me?" Angelina was not a mortal. She was sullen for a while, and her words were to surprise Xiahe.

"His Royal Highness, I don't want to hide it. I'll be loyal to Your Majesty. In addition, I plan to build a country overseas, and my army is attacking the Dragon Island."

"Don't you say that you can't get all three thousand people together?" Angelina sarcastically.

"Thousands of people, indeed haven't got together, the current strength can only be used. His Majesty also knows my ambitions, and also sent an army to support it, knowing that I am short of manpower now." Xiahe put Angelina The princess blocked back when she solicited.

"Allegiance to me, what is wrong, you are a magician, and practice requires money. If you are loyal to me, half the plane is not a problem."

"What does your majesty mean?"

"It has nothing to do with father."

"Allegiance to you, what's the difference between me and them, I'm a blood mage." Xiahe's finger ticked, and he touched the young mage behind the princess mage group.

These young mages are all young talents. Xia He estimates that several of the older ones already have an epic realm, but they are only affected by the legendary restricted area and suppressed at the level of masters.

"What's wrong with them?" Princess Angelina asked.

"Your Highness, do you know His Majesty's thoughts?" Xia He suddenly asked.

Angelina shook her head and said, "No one can know what his father thought."

"His ambition is enough to accommodate me to do anything, you can't." Xiahe said very directly to Princess Angelina.

Angelina's face was slightly cold, and the blood mage was too crazy.

Xiahe slowed down the casting speed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ looked up at the sky and said: "I think ... Your Highness should be aware of the power contained in the deep space. There are too many secrets and ordinary magic in the endless universe Teacher, even if you let them go, you ca n’t understand it, and you ca n’t understand it. ”

"You mean, can you?"

"Of course I can, otherwise why your majesty thinks I am special. You can question me, you should not question your judgment."

"Asla, let's ask for conditions. If you are loyal to me, what do you want?" The princess didn't give up.

"My Highness can't afford what I want."

"How about you marry me?" The princess suddenly said something that made Xiahe almost disappointed. What is marrying you?

"Of course not. I have a woman I like." Xiahe refused flatly, saying that even if he married, it would be you who married me. How could you say the opposite? What I mean by this is not to obey you.

"I just asked casually, don't take it seriously. Earl, the person you like, is your chief of staff?"

"Head of Staff?"

"Ovilla, she is in the capital, forming a team for you, I heard that."

Xia He felt a little proud in his heart, and with a sense of consciousness, Ovilla followed behind him, separated by a deer.

"She is not the chief of staff. I have no one in this position. She is my navy marshal."

"Hah!" The princess smiled very dry, like wood buried in the desert for tens of thousands of years.

"Why, Your Highness feels that she is not a good marshal?"

"No, I just suddenly lost interest in you. You like to be loyal to your father and emperor, then go on, I won't fight him. Hahahaha ..."

"Your Highness is quite wise." Xia He exclaimed.

"Because I found out that if I recruited you, I would be mad at you. What do you mean, naval marshal? Blood Master, how many boats do you have?"

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