Daomen Invasion

Chapter 459: :material

Snowies was even more distressed, and he said to Xiahe: "Asla, I have to ask the imperial capital for support.

"If Lord Jennifer is here, you really don't have to worry about them, it's a pity ..."

Xiahe tentatively said that Jennifer is the top powerhouse in the legend, and playing five is not a problem. If she is there, it does have wonders.

Snowows said: "But the headmaster is in the extreme north, suppressing the scourge, and can't get out of it."

Xiahe didn't feel any special mood swings in him. Obviously his reaction was very real, that is to say, the twists and turns of the extreme north, his county governor was not clear.

Yes, Snowvis is just an ordinary epic, and has not been exposed to such high-level things.

"Help, those armor problems should be easily solved by the empire, but it is strange how the Demon Legion entered this world. It stands to reason ..."

Snowves smiled bitterly: "The matter of the White Smoke City has not been resolved. Even if there are strange spatial fluctuations, the Empire does not have much ability to suppress it."

"Why so?"

"Because ... someone is waiting to see His Majesty's joke."

Xiahe awe-inspiring, said: "Among the nine major academies of magic ... none of them support His Majesty?"

"The green forest continent changed, the Neisser Academy of Magic was controlling the west, the half-elf empire, the battle continued, and Metatlin continued to invest. Although the other six majors can also be mobilized, the empire is not only the north. Problem. "

Xia He frowned and said, "You can't get the legendary strongman, right?"

"I'm in control of three legends. Isn't it less?" Snowvis was speechless.

Xiahe thought about it. Indeed, the three legends are in one fortress, not a small number, but a large number.

"His Royal Highness, the devil may not come. After all, you are here in the snow and ice. The devil does not like this kind of environment. If the frost giant is the troublemaker, you should worry."

"Go to Asra!" Snowvis said with a murderous face: "Can you speak auspiciously, in case you go to the Griffin Temple, it really leads to the Frost Giant, and I am miserable on this side."

"You have a fortress cannon, the Frost Giant is really not a trouble. This time I came over, in addition to asking for some supplies with you, that is, I have a little magic pattern specifically for the devil. Although the royal family does not lack this, but I think you are If you want to get something similar, I still need some time and procedures. I will leave it to you first, and it can be used directly for magic guns. Expanded, even magic cannons can be used. "

Xiahe, you and yours keep talking, and Snowvis does not mind. The blood mage is a marquis. Although his county king has suppressed a lot of levels, the other party does not have to bow down.

The Marquis is already the upper echelon of the empire and is eligible to participate in state affairs.

"What do you want, I remember the part about black gold, I have paid it to you. Last time you passed by, I took a lot of things."

"Your Highness!" Xiahe said very seriously: "If there is no such thing, I will not talk to you. I am now taking the students of the Imperial Academy of Magic to try in the Griffin Temple. Normally required, I It ’s all taken out of college funds, but safety is paramount, is n’t it? "

Snowvis was helpless, he and Xiahe fought side by side, Xiahe said such a great sense of awe, he was not easy to refuse.

"Say what you want, Snowvis decided to shed some blood. Anyway, this kind of thing can be reimbursed from the imperial capital. Asla said it makes sense. He took students to take risks and encountered this on the road. Trouble, well prepared. These students are magicians of the 20th grade and above. For the empire, they are the young backbone. "

Xiahe Dao: "Why is it so painful to speak of your Highness, I took out my personal magic pattern and dedicated it to the Empire, what is this?"

"Okay, okay, I'm not right. You just picked it up in the warehouse." Snowvis smiled wryly. The magic patterns and information given by Asla are very important things. I really shouldn't care about it.

"It is mainly armed with ninety-two students. I will also borrow an alchemy factory to make a batch of magic bullets here. The gun I took last time is returned to you. I make an additional batch myself."

"The musket is bad?" Snowvis asked frowning.

"No, your musket is suitable for the army. I need it for the magician. In addition, my college mercenary also needs some, and does not need this extended musket."

"This kind of musket is very powerful."

"His Royal Highness, the distance on the battlefield, for soldiers, more than 300 meters is meaningless. They aim very hard. If the hit is lucky, the luck value will not be too high, and the bullets are not cheap, we It is better to control the combat distance within 300 meters. "

Snowvis did not understand Xiahe's ideas, but he did not interfere, so he agreed.

He wrote a warrant to let Xiahe go to the warehouse to collect materials and borrow a tool factory from the alchemy factory. He got Xiahe's information and magic patterns, and he must call his men to deal with the matter quickly.

Although the devil may have little to do with him, but he is a nail stuck on the ice field. Anyone who wants to make trouble in the north will think of his existence and will sleep and sleep. The fortress is so powerful that it is really difficult to attack, but the demons that Asla said are definitely not false information.

Xiahe sent someone to call the fortress in the camp, he took Qiu Xuanji, went to the warehouse, and took the order of Snowius, and all the guards in the warehouse would cry.

Why is this Lord Marquis able to fetch things by himself every time?

I heard that Lord Junju likes men. Wo n’t he be Junjun ’s boyfriend?

When Qiu Xuanji entered the warehouse, he was also surprised. Asla seemed to have quite a lot of power. Can this kind of place also be accessed? Fortress warehouse!

In this warehouse, there may be no rare treasures, but there are high-quality materials and a huge amount.

He followed Xiahe to the inside, and he heard Xiahe tell him: "I have read the list I gave you, have you seen it?"


"You choose what you should take, and then we go to the alchemy factory to make weapons. You can also take what you want, pay attention to the quantity, and remember to tell me."

"Yes." Qiu Xuanji agreed, and went to find the necessary materials himself.

Xiahe already had a draft in his heart, and he soon picked up what he wanted. But when he wanted to come out, he saw a fossil-like thing piled up in unrecognizable objects.

I don't know which world is the lightning strike wood in the early age. The attribute of thunder is very old, primitive, and not small in value.

This thing can be integrated into the ring of the Qing Emperor to improve the quality of the ring, because the amount of material is large, it is possible to manufacture four or five rings. Only the lightning strike wood of this period has a similar value. This thing is rare. Xiahe put it away. Anyway, if the unrecognizable item is checked by a legend, it does not matter if it is taken. It is worthless to the world.

Xiahe simply searched again. Apart from a piece of feather gold that could be used to refine the flying sword, there was nothing the Daomen needed.

In the beginning, Shenmu was destroyed by thunder and formed fossils. The ghost knew how it became a loot and lost it here.

Feathering gold can be used by Jianxiu, but the portion is too small.

Qiu Xuanji also came to the place where unrecognizable items like garbage dumps. When he saw a bone, he picked it up and put it away. Xiahe asked: "This is a bone of undead, what's the use?"

"To make a barrel, I will make a magic gun for myself."

"What about attributes?"

"Curse system, please don't use it, sir, even if I forget it ..." Qiu Xuanji suddenly thought that Asra must have come from the door, knowing that the cursed thing should not be used indiscriminately.

"Then do you still use it?"

"It's for the Huangjin Lux, but it won't kill me. The porcelain doll shouldn't work."

Xiahe nodded. Porcelain puppets really don't work, but can Huangjin Lux? Why don't you know. But he didn't ask for the other person's yellow scarf talisman because Xiahe had it. Now think about it, the Yellow Scarf Runes may be the secret of Qiu Xuanji, and I am not easy to ask for it.

Once you want it, your identity changes.

The two came out and greeted the officer guarding the warehouse, Xiahe said: "Look back at me ..."

"Don't use it, let's count it ourselves." The man looked at Xia He and smiled. He is a county king. He feels that Xiahe is close to the county king, so he must take good care of it.

The county king agreed to let him take the supplies in the fortress, and the Marquis' corruption point was nothing.

"Write a list for you, I am busy now, and I will give you later."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Xiahe left in a weird gaze ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There was a hairy feeling in his heart, he didn't understand why a person who looked at the storehouse was so kind to himself, his eyes were strange.

"You call everyone and go to the alchemy factory."

"Are the students useful?"

"Let them make bullets, anyway, I have taken the materials, and let the magician do it by hand, much better than those made by the apprentices. The main cost of this thing is the magician's craft."

Qiu Xuanji thought for the same reason. The 20th-level magician who made bullets would of course be more expensive. But these students made it for themselves, how could it be possible to collect money.

Xiahe entered the alchemy factory himself, still looking for the management official first, and asked for a factory building to make room for his people. He sat down and spread out the drawings himself. What he thought was not how to arm the students, but the future development of his team.

In this world, there are so many messy enemies that you have to have general equipment to deal with them.

All strangers, except Taoist priests like Qiu Xuanji, are legends, and their resistance to lightning is relatively low. In other words, you must start with your own universal weapon in this respect.

Refra must not work, because the material requirements for the equipment are too high, the damage rate is high, and the consumption is large.

The electric attack is different. In this world, it is not too unpopular.

Plasma bullet?

Xiahe rubbed his chin and found that he didn't know when he had a beard. 8)

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