Daomen Invasion

Chapter 460: : Weapon Supply

Although the matter of general weapons should be left to Freya, Xia He himself has done his best. After all, he also has a deep understanding of the laws of this world, so he must give Freya advice.

The bullets of the electric department, Xiahe will not pass out the drawings. This thing can be designed by others, but his plan is also mature in the Shenzhou world. Although it is not the mainstream, it is an important reserve of knowledge.

Some things can be taught, some can't.

Xiahe hesitated for a long time, and still didn't really draw the bullet drawings of the electric department. Give it to Freya. The most troublesome design of this thing is that it can't be studied. This involves secret means, Freya is particularly good at it. Xiahe didn't have time to do so many puzzles,

The problem with Xiahe now is that even if there are ready-made things, he dare not use it, because he does not want the Taoist priests coming from the Dragon and Tiger Dao Palace. When he comes to this world, he finds that there are traces of Dao Palace. Then he will be exposed immediately, which is not a good thing.

The matter of negotiation with Dao Palace is at least the achievement of his own immortality. Before that, he had no power to deal with people from the Dragon and Tiger Dao Palace, and he was not even qualified to negotiate.

Dixian, Tianxian, Zhenxian, Jinxian, Daluo.

Although Dixian is the fairy in the bottom layer, as long as he gains a firm foothold in this world, it will be difficult for latecomers to surpass. Unless the Taoist palace sends Golden Immortals to come over, in that case, it will cause a battle of destruction. In the end, the Taoist palace will get nothing. If Xiahe succeeds in celestial beings, he is willing to share a lot of benefits to the Dragon and Tiger Road Palace, and the Road Palace can tolerate this kind of thing.

As long as the other eight Taoist palaces are not good, it is easy to discuss.

This universe is very broad, and there can be more than one Da Luo. It may hold more than a dozen Da Luo, just like the universe where Shenzhou World is located.

With the power of the Dragon and Tiger Palace, it will eventually occupy a huge share in this universe, and it can exclude the other eight Tao Palaces, which is better than being harder than yourself.

No matter how you develop yourself, you cannot control the universe.

Xiahe confiscated the magic paper, but quickly drew a structure diagram of the magic musket on the magic paper.

This is the musket used by the magician. It is different from the previous empire design. It is only two feet long. It imitates the refining method of the gun of fate. It can suppress 55 bullets inside. This is the result of Xiahe's optimization. If the compression space inside is too large, it will increase the cost.

The magazine has also been redesigned. For magicians, the use of magic bullets may be to make up for the lack of their own attack attributes, so the bullets in the magazine and the magazine can be adjusted. The magician can change different according to the attributes. The bullets are pressed into the bore as required.

As a result, the capacity of the magazine was also reduced, with only twelve rounds.

Xiahe doesn't care, if you need to attack the number, just bring another magic musket. For the magician, it is perfect.

Qiu Xuanji came back and was suffocated when he saw this near-finished drawing.

"This is the core component?"

"Yes, the core component, you can add a lot of things outside, additional attributes. This is just the core structure, because it is simple, so it looks a bit scary."

"It's terrible, if this thing is attached with more attributes, it can hurt the real person of Yangshen."

"It's a legend." Xiahe didn't take it seriously. The technology of the Shenzhou Empire can hurt even the immortals.

Yangshen real people can avoid tens of thousands of degrees of fire, but what about hundreds of millions of degrees?

Material fusion is not a very advanced technology for the Shenzhou Empire.

Therefore, this gun is still not influential in the Shenzhou Empire.

Because firearms of the same power are not so expensive in the Shenzhou Empire. The manufacturing cost of this magic gun has thousands of gold coins. If you want to exert more attribute power, you have to install a kit outside. Each is very valuable.

Xiahe sighed: "My firearm ... is similar to the half-elf empire. For the sake of attributes, it can only increase the level of raw materials, which is not suitable for battlefield use."

"The cost will always decrease slowly."

"How can there be so much time?" Xiahe laughed. "Besides, I don't have the money to make this stuff now. I will talk about it later. The firearms given to the students are all at the cost of more than one hundred gold coins, which is already very good."

Both Marquez and Elaine also came, and listening to Xiahe said, there was nothing wrong with it.

They are not very interested in magic guns, because they are cheaper, they are not as powerful as their own, they are too expensive, and they are not as diverse as the reel's attributes and can target different environments.

In their view, this thing is to compensate the soldiers for lack of attack distance.

And it is indeed effective. With this thing, the mage below level 20 has reduced its survivability on the battlefield too much.

Of course, magicians have their own advantages. When they are targeted, they will be alert. The magician uses a magic rifle, and the attack distance is much longer than that of the soldier. If a warrior and a magician bombard each other with a musket, it is definitely the soldier who died.

The difference on the battlefield is that one hundred warriors can attack a magician together.

Marquez said: "Principal, this thing will be more and more in the future, professional warriors may each one shot, we should study the magician's armor."

"Lined with Mithril Armor, there are always two special defensive magics on the belt, you let the magician carry heavy armor? The casting is disturbed." Xia He laughed.

"Principal, I think a lot of magicians wear heavy armor." Yilian asked.

"Well, although not mentioned in the book, but there are many materials, the power of the magician comes from the gods, although it is also a caster, and it is completely different from us in mobilizing elemental power. If they use elemental magic, then It ’s also ordering elements. Of course, some magicians also do the same, but it ’s a special case. "

"Principal, Mithril armor is expensive?" Marquez asked.

"Imitation only, the intensity reaches Mithril Armor, and it does not affect the magician's spellcasting. This is not difficult. The advantage of Mithril Armor is that it can be used at a high level. This kind of imitation goods is meaningless to the legend. But in the legend, who cares about this kind of musket? "

Xiahe educated the students while taking out the prepared drawings and asked the two students and Qiu Xuanji to make them.

The rest of the students are huge, but all of them are in the 20th grade. Xiahe let them make special bullets. As he said before, the reason why these bullets are expensive is because they have to go through the hands of the master of magic and the cost cannot be reduced.

Now Xiahe let them work as principals and build weapons for themselves, the cost is neglected.

Xiahe had no choice. He always encountered a huge number of enemies.

Undead, half-elves, and humanoids underground, this time is a demon again, thousands of them are considered to be few. Fighting on their own magic, these students will soon be exhausted.

The vitality of the devil is still very strong, even if a magic bullet is in the heart, it may not die immediately.

Although magic bullets are not cheap, they are always cheaper than reels.

For Daomen, the technological existence of the empire is also very valuable. For example, when attacking the outside world, the empire's technological army can also be destroyed.

Learners are busy, in addition to magic bullets, but also to create some simple components. On Xiahe's side, according to his own drawings, he was making a magic gun.

He has a gun of fate. The problem is that the gun of fate is legendary equipment. Although there are also epic-level attacks, the wear and tear is there. Weapons of this level are repaired with thousands of gold coins at a time, and there is no major damage, and maintenance is not cheap.

Xiahe still thinks that the gun of fate can be used to shoot legends, so don't use it normally.

Xiahe stayed here for half a month, and after seeing September, he took the students away. Because the devil has never appeared, the icefield should be safe.

According to intelligence, the Demon Army did not attack Montenegro, but went east.

In other words, it is likely that the goal of the Demon Army is to enter the noble coalition in the North. The rebels of the nobles of the North, or the demon of a certain world.

Xiahe really provided each student with a highly mimicking Mithril armor, and the belt and magic robe were changed. Taking into account the mood of Snowvis, Xiahe did not want to mount this time, but left on a reindeer.

Only a day before leaving the fortress, heavy snow fell.

The hay was buried in an instant, and the oncoming wind was as hard as a knife, and the reindeer shrank and didn't want to move. Xiahe couldn't help it. In this weather, letting go of magic power is not impossible to walk, but isn't that sick?

The base is a wall ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ With so many magicians, building a camp is too simple.

The students arranged the task for Xiahe within half an hour. The wind blew over from the top. Although there were snowflakes falling down, the camp was still much warmer.

The students in the South felt that the climate of the Northland was not terrible two days ago. This time, the road was blocked by the snowstorm and finally created the power of nature, not as simple as they thought.

Such a blizzard, even if a magic column is erected outside, will not play much role.

Xiahe simply sent the devil out of the realm, let the college mercenaries and students take turns, and arranged some outposts.

Together with this blizzard, we will either march at a high speed and get out of the blizzard or wait for him to pass. Xiahe did not expect this season to start heavy snow, camping is purely helpless.

Xiahe ordered the center of the camp and set up a bonfire to make the students happy and happy.

The students are still young. After listening to these words, they all relaxed and began to prepare. Xiahe and Qiu Xuanji walked silently into the snow, went around the camp, and looked out.

The two spread magic wings and flew in a snowstorm. Qiu Xuanji followed Xiahe and flew around the camp for a long time. They were inspected within a radius of a dozen miles before Xiahe landed.

"Master, why do you suffer?"

"The person who is the leader should have been like this. In the future, if we become legends, we still have to protect those little guys." Xia He doesn't care. 8)

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