Daomen Invasion

Chapter 502: : Alliance

Ensling and Xiahe signed a series of purchase contracts, investing in his things, not written in the document, for Metatlin, there are many such investments, Xiahe here is considered a relatively large investment.

The reason for the large investment is the core component of the flying warship, which can bring benefits to Metatelin.

Attacking the alien world is quite **** and violent, and the return is high.

The core component of Xiahe does indeed contain substances that cannot be synthesized by the magicians of this world, and the technological level is far beyond the research scope of the legendary mage. Therefore, Metatlin's willing purchase is not for Xiahe, but in thinking about what kind of power is behind Xiahe.

Metatlin did not want to explore the terrible power, but had to be prepared.

For Metatlin, a flying warship is just a qualified tool that can be used to quickly solve battles, invade more worlds, and accumulate huge wealth.

Metatelin is not without similar equipment, but after comparison, I still feel that Xiahe's cost is acceptable. Unless it is a destructive war, the power core provided by Xiahe is really too durable. In order to keep the secret, the core cannot be disassembled. A bad consequence is that this stuff is ridiculously durable.

It is cheaper to repair it.

Xiahe is also helpless. In this thing, there are traces of Dao Palace. He would rather lose some of the maintenance income in the later period, and also ensure that the stuff inside will not be exposed for the time being.

When he met the chapter of Fengshen, Xiahe started again carefully.

In this world, even the people of Kunlun Dao Palace have been here. Is there anyone else who could not enter?

Ensling stayed in the Marquis House in Xiahe. He would not shoot ordinary people, but if there is a legend to interfere in the affairs of Sun City, he will stand up. His true level is as high as sixty-nine levels, and he will not be able to fight back against the demi-god.

Xiahe was completely relieved. He came to the office of Sun City. Baron Nietzsche had been waiting for a long time.

"Sir, you are already a marquis!" Nietzsche saw Xiahe and couldn't tell the taste.

"This kind of title is useful now, right, do you know what to do over here?"

"Learn about the Knights and cultivate family strength."

"Yes, I give you the opportunity to study up close. Your family must also have a knighthood of no less than 200 people. I support you financially. Unfortunately, you are not a magician, but it ’s okay, I ’m all I did n’t expect you to progress so fast, it ’s not a problem to mix legends in this life. ”

"Not yet promoted by adults." Baron Nietzsche's posture was extremely low.

"Who made the sentiment in the voodoo forest back then. When I came to surrender when I was developed, it was naturally different from the original." Xiahe said, handing Nietzsche a badge, pure black.

"I have put the resources that your family needs. I will go to Golia for the study. She will arrange it for you. If you need help, you can also tell her."

"Adult, I want ..."

"Don't go to the Dragon Island, the water is too deep. You are here to endure a year, train the family knight, and then follow my large army to attack the half-elf empire."

"Are you going to war?"

"The half-elf empire is a piece of fat. If we don't **** it, we won't have any soup." What Xiahe thought was the soul of the half-elf empire. Xiahe can't do it with the soul of human beings. Although Daomen has various rules, it is not impossible to do it.

Of course, what is more precious is that the half-elf empire also has many legends. Their soul value and other worlds faced by the legendary powerful are more valuable than the half-elf empire itself.

Xiahe's current coordinates outside the world are not good places, such as the Broken Abyss.

There are tyrannical creatures all over the place, and it's meaningless to fight down, because the broken abyss is a world to be destroyed. To make the world eternal, it is best to start maintaining the laws of the world and make up for the deficiencies before the world has reached its peak.

In Shenzhou World, the Taoist palace appeared early and done early, so now it is fully developed and the lifespan of the universe is extended. The Taoists have enough time to pursue eternity.

The broken abyss will not work, the world itself has inevitably gone to extinction.

Even the big Luo Jinxian can't stop this process.

The emperor asked Xiahe to solve the battle of the Dragon Island alone, so Xiahe would not be so obedient. As long as the battle situation in Dragon Island remains in a state of stalemate.

The warship he sent was for training troops.

Xiahe is not in a hurry to occupy the territory. He wants more babies and teenagers to join his Taoist palace. All wars are to collect spiritual resources. When there are a large number of Yangshen real people in his hands, it is no longer a problem to become an immortal.

But Xiahe couldn't show it, he was farming. So he had to use troops outside, and he asked Metaline to sit in town in order to show his uneasiness and his importance to Sun City.

There is no way to do all this. Who makes His Majesty the Emperor, so he likes to watch everything secretly.

On the contrary, it is the princess and the county king, who are really worth associating. Maybe Princess Angelina has a little more flowers, but her heart will still be regular. Juno III is basically a demon-like existence.

Such a powerful man, Xiahe really hopes that he will die soon.

Because Xiahe felt that even if he became a Yang Shen, in front of Juno III, 90% would die. There is a 10% hope that the other party will die. If Juno III is irrational and gets close to himself.

Six **** embers, even the fairy can burn to death.

Only Da Luo Jin Xian, immortal, not too afraid of this thing. Xiahe did not know how Taiyin Xianfu worked out such a thing as Six Dao Shenmen.

In the world where Xiandao prevails, the Six Dao Shenming is definitely unscientific.

Xiahe returned to the Tenth School of Magic and saw the new weather of the school. The number of societies has soared and the school buildings have been renovated a lot. However, no changes were made to the small theater or dormitory where I had stayed. Long actually took care of his mood.

Xiahe was also polite. After signing the documents that he should sign, he took the development funds sent by His Majesty the Emperor, and distributed them politely.

He chose twenty-four other students, rented a magic airship, and sent it directly to Storm Point.

This kind of bad behavior is ignored.

The empire is not worse than these twenty-four children. Anyway, Asra became the dean, and only waited for the death of Jennifer, the Tenth Academy of Magic was completely taken back by the empire.

The most hateful thing is that the emperor wanted to take back the academy and had to use all his means.

Those nobles are killable!

Xiahe didn't care about the college's affairs. After sending 24 new students away, he detoured to Black Rock City and Woods Fortress. With flying warships, this kind of thing becomes simple.

In Black Rock City, Xiahe and Princess Angelina talked all night long, and did not know what sneaky deal they had done, and then he went to the fortress again. The Lilac County King is really different now.

The magic circle of the whole fortress was working, the soldiers were full, and each one looked elite and abnormal.

The number of his Masters is expanding, and many people have never seen Xia He.

Entering the study, Snowvis stood up with a big smile, hugging Xiahe.

"Marquis, I was fortunate to have listened to you and did not gobble up on these, but I contacted His Majesty and the Metatron family in advance and secretly fixed this income. You wouldn't blame me for not consulting you?"

"Of course not, there is already a year of pure income, what more can I ask for." Xia He answered with a smile.

He originally wanted to create a contradiction between Snowvis and the emperor, but he didn't expect this guy to wake up early. Taking the initiative and the emperor said that and was found to share profits, that is a different result. The emperor didn't rub the sand in his eyes, and even if he didn't need these magic stones at all, he would not allow his nephew to go too far.

This is a question of loyalty, not money.

"Marquis, now I'm on the ice field, with three strongholds, there are more soldiers, you said where do we still use troops?"

Xiahe quickly waved his hand: "His Royal Highness, you must not leave the princess alone."

"Why?" Snowvis frowned.

"If your majesty abdicates, who is most likely to succeed the royal family?"

"Of course it is a princess, although there is no precedent for the emperor in the empire, but there is no law saying that the princess is not allowed to take the throne."

"That princess and noble ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Who is closer to you?"

"It must be my elder sister, although ... she is really good to me."

"If you don't form an alliance, you will not have enough power to speak in the royal family. Inside the royal family, there are still some powerful county kings, right?"

"Yes, Emperor Xian also sealed other kings. Is it?"

"Wait until one day, it will be late. You will send someone to contact Princess Angelina, the three of us will form an ally, and advance together. If the empire changes, I still have territories overseas, and there will be no life and death crisis. . "

"Marquise, what did you hear!" Snowvis was surprised.

"I have n’t heard anything. It ’s just that your Majesty ’s things, I saw some, you did n’t. He is doing something very dangerous. We ca n’t discourage anyone from coming. His Majesty is the one who is going to do something big. Gao, our ideas are very naive in his eyes. "Xia He confuses.

"However, alliances between members of the royal family will be considered ..."

"You are all allied with me. I am the bond. I can do nothing in the middle. No other members of the royal family do this?"

Snowows Khan came down and Xiahe pointed out the problem, and he looked back again. He was still naive.

"Her Royal Highness, let's mine more and let her contribute money to help others. We will share her. She is Her Majesty's daughter, and Her Majesty will not have any opinions." 898)

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