Daomen Invasion

Chapter 503: : Battleship

Xiahe said this, looking at the expression of Snowvis.

Snowvis was very hesitant and said, "If we do this, does your majesty really think too much?"

Xiahe smiled and said: "You also said, if the emperor passed the throne, the most likely is the princess, how could he think more?"

"That's good, it's up to you." Snowvis didn't let it down, anyway, he added an older sister and the veins could not be mined. Sooner or later, this thing will detonate war.

Xiahe is doing a good job. If the relationship between the two brothers and sisters goes further, thank him. If the two break up in the future, at least the princess would also like to thank him.

It was a strange thing for the emperor to have no idea to do such a thing. Xiahe didn't want him to achieve his wish with Snowworth's previous efforts. Putting a thorn in the emperor's heart, let's talk about it, even if it's small, there will be a day when it works.

Although I'm sorry for Snowy, but as he judged, His Majesty the Emperor, for Snowy, will not be much better than him. The only relative of the emperor may be Princess Angelina.

Xiahe persuaded Snowvis quietly, and finally completed the task.

He began to sell flying warships to Snowows now. Snowows saw Xiahe's things and wanted to buy them at a glance. He heard that it could be driven by magical rough stones. The general version cost only 80,000 gold coins. He was not excited.

What he has in the original magic stone is that a flying machine with 80,000 gold coins is more powerful than a floating airship.

Although the carrying capacity is worse, there are a lot of powerful magicians under his staff, just redesign the plug-in. The core power, which can be superimposed, makes large-scale flight equipment. Transporting hundreds of people at a time is not a problem, and it is not inferior to floating airships.

Snowvis is not short of money or rough stones. Xiahe happens to be the most short of money.

He spent a lot of money in the past year. If he had sold something, he would not be able to withstand it. Xiahe did not plan to ask for money, but some resources. So he promoted the flying warship to Snowvis and Angelina, because these two guys have more gold coins.

In terms of resources, the two of them tied together are not as good as Metatlyn's odds and ends.

Xiahe can get any material he wants from Metatelin, but not the county king or princess. It is not that the two of them are reluctant, and there are some things they really don't have.

Xiahe has received a lot of money on the side of the princess, and now has a lot of orders in the hands of Lilac County King. As for delivery, it is only difficult if Metatelin needs customization. The princess and the county king want more common versions, because the performance is enough.

Metatlin is going to fight in a different world, and the requirements are naturally different.

Over the past year, Xiahe has produced a large number of core components, and he is not worried about selling them. Even if it is not sold, the emperor will buy it all, lest Xiahe be afraid of losing money and sell it to foreigners.

Xiahe has overseas territories, and even if he sells things to the Holy Thunder Empire, the emperor of the Arcane Empire is not happy.

Therefore, Xiahe boldly made the power core of these flying warships, not afraid of falling into his hands.

Snowvis and Angelina are not comparable to Metatelin. If Metatelin does not care about the cost, it can create a flying warship, and its attributes will not be weaker than Xiahe. But the king and the princess can't do it. The two of them may be rich and powerful, and many people are willing to follow, but the background is too bad.

For flying warships, these two men are bound to win. They will not pursue the ultimate attribute of Metatelin, nor will Xiahe design another, as long as the basic version is good. What matters is the quantity.

Xiahe was promoted all the way, and he joined forces to promote the alliance of the three, and sold enough flying warships. This year, the family was almost hollowed out and full.

Xiahe couldn't maintain it if he continued to expand like this.

After Xiahe left the fortress, he didn't go to the underground world. There is a **** in the underground world. After stealing things, he can directly contact Freya. Xiahe tried not to touch himself, he paid more attention to the progress of jade. The underground world is rich in jade reserves, but the best mine is the first mineral vein discovered in the northern island in the beginning.

Afterwards, he couldn't touch chalcedony, and there were not many unique ores.

Xiahe's flying warship flew all the way from the fortress to the west, and was intercepted by the people of the school. Xiahe stayed at Neisser College until February, when his fleet appeared near the port of Neisser City before he left Neisser College.

After Xiahe boarded the flagship, he shut himself in the cabin and went all the way to the storm corner.

Along the way, there were no accidents. The saintly thunder empire that appeared at first seemed to forget the existence of Xiahe.

The fleet reached the storm corner, and Xiahe was the first to land, and far away, he saw the Blue Moon City.

Sun City was built along the coast, but Blue Moon City is not. The Blue Moon City is a few miles away from the shore. The wall is like ice crystals. It is more than fifty meters high. Although it is far from the fortress, but if the enemy is not a giant, this is definitely a male city.

The wall looks like a pale blue ice crystal, which, when viewed from a distance, shows a beautiful arc.

If this arc extends, it is a huge circle, and the city wall has an angle. If this angle extends, it can also meet in the sky. The entire Blue Moon City is like a half sphere. If the magic circle is excited, these half spheres will emerge completely.

This is what Freya said, the overall urban defense plan.

Very common, at least in Shenzhou.

If there is no similar defense, a simple attack by the starship in the air can cause huge casualties to the city.

From the pier, a straight road leads directly to the Blue Moon City. On both sides of the road, the left and right sides have different markets. Going to both sides, the left hand is a huge golden ring, and over there is the shrine of the goddess of wealth. Although the goddess of wealth agreed to abandon the storm corner, but the temple still left her.

On the right hand side, there is a huge black inverted cross vaguely printed on the earth. That was the temple area of ​​the goddess of doom, and Xiahe accidentally saw a forest appear around the temple of doom.

This is a storm angle, and no tall trees will survive on the beach.

Xiahe surveyed a little bit and found out that it was a lot of tree monsters, and didn't know how Freya got it. These tree demon, have clearly converted to the goddess of doom.

The scope of the shrine has been reduced, and the strength has been strengthened. The two shrines have become the guards of the Blue Moon City.

For this result, Xiahe is still very satisfied.

In the north, it crossed the Temple of Wealth, and there was a mountain that extended to the sea. Now it has been rebuilt, and the fort has been built. In addition, several forts in the south have protected the port.

Of course, it is useless to rely on the fort alone, but there are the most fleets in Xiahe, and it is difficult for the enemy to get close.

Outside the Blue Moon City, there is also a Stormwind City, where there is also a magic tower. This city is a bit embarrassing, I do n’t know what to do with it.

The Marquis Palace is in the Blue Moon City, the magic tower of Stormwind City, looks like it is monitoring the temple of wealth.

However, the Stormwind City was very solid and it was a pity to remove it. It was simply used as a garrison. All commercial activities were placed behind the dock. Anyway, the storm corner has been tossing for so long, and there is no commercial activity.

Xiahe took Medillary and Smith directly into the goblin ruins. Under the ruins, they now completely changed their appearance. Although it is also an underground world, you can see the sun, moon and stars running above your head, and the earth beneath your feet. Buildings are rolling up and down, and it looks as if they have returned to the Taoist palace in the world of God's week.

Here, it is already an institution where the standards of Taoism are built, and it is also a place dedicated to the training of Taoists.

Today's underground world, except for a limited number of people, can only enter and exit.

Freya greeted him and brought Xiahe into a hall, which expanded inside and suspended a blue wooden warship. This warship is gorgeous and elegant, 120 meters in length, without any external weapons on it, and carved beams on the top, like a cruise ship.

"Finished?" Xiahe looked at the floating battleship with an unspeakable taste in his heart.

Things that are only 120 meters in size are far inferior to those of the warships that go one kilometer upward at Shenzhou. Such warships are all used for fighting in the stars. In Shenzhou, a thing of 120 meters in the starry sky can only be regarded as a little guy.

"Finished, when flying, the auspicious cloud will be released. The soldiers can stand in the auspicious cloud and attack the ground, but we can't use this thing for now ... Alas." Freya said very regretfully. No trace of this door can conceal it.

Xiahe ’s worries ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ She is also clear, that is to say, unless this battleship does not fly, once it flies, there is no secret in the eyes of the Taoist.

Only when it is regarded as an ordinary ship, it will not be noticed by Daogong.

"What about attributes?"

"It can fly into the starry sky and attack hundreds of miles away. It can fight against legendary warships, and its defensive ability is good enough. When it is really in danger, it can also dive into the sea or jump to other spaces."

"Do you need to shell?" Xiahe knew that there was a large escape cabin at the core of this battleship.

"It has been integrated. This is the flagship, the floating battleship for combat. I can only design it separately."

Xiahe understands that if this thing jumps in space, he can jump into Taiyin Xianfu. Maybe you can also set other coordinates, such as the half plane you own, the small world made by Lucifer.

"Very well, it's called Freya."

"Sir, shouldn't it be the Asra?" Freya was very strange, not knowing why she should be named after her.

"This boat is so beautiful." Xiahe answered with a smile.

Freya narrowed her mouth and said, "When I build a main starship, named after an adult, the appearance must be fierce and cruel."

Xia He laughed and said, "That's right, how can the Blood Mage's battleship be so beautiful." 898)

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