Daomen Invasion

Chapter 504: : Recovery Dao

Xiahe did this for another reason. His reputation was cruel, but outside rumours, he was also very lustful. The flagship is named after Freya, and such a luxurious shell will make people feel that this boat is for enjoyment, not for combat.

Freya is just laughing and joking, now that she and the Goddess of Doom can't make a star warship.

It is not a matter of money and materials, but the level is not enough.

Freya said: "This flagship is completed. Adults need a main fleet to maintain the existence of Stormwind. The Saint Thunder Empire has a legendary battleship. The strength of our fleet must be able to contend with the legendary battleship."

"Legendary warships are not acting alone." Xia He reminded Freya.

Freya said: "I know that it is impossible for us to sink that warship now, just to keep the legendary fleet of the Holy Thunder Empire from daring to get closer. The only question now is, lord, where are our goals?"

Xiahe Road: "Of course it is a half-elf empire. We are not in a hurry about the Dragon Island."

"Who is the coach who attacks the half-elf empire? Willn't the adults go there in person?"

"Of course not, I still have to be responsible for making money." Xia He smiled bitterly.

Xiahe cannot deal with the transactions between Metatelin and the Lilac County King and the princess, but must do it himself. If these funds are not available, he will use what he buys for food and materials to feed so many people.

Freya complained: "No one can rely on Stormwind. I can only stay here. I still want to be with adults. It seems that you will return to Sun City."

She is right, no one can give it to the college on the goblin ruins.

Unless Su Taizhen comes back, but the goddess of doom is now in the isolated island of the underground world, it is impossible to leave, there are a large number of jade mines over there for her to deal with. The Temple of Doom can only be given to her Pope.

Austin has grown in strength now, but unfortunately people are still unreliable.

A gadget that was born from an artifact is still as inferior as a goblin. Qiu Xuanji was simply sent by Xiahe to the Sun City, and it was impossible for him to touch these for the time being. In the words of Cotton Jack, he is not a Taoist himself, he is following the path of a pure magician.

The first batch of students in Xiahe had insufficient grades and could not control the situation.

So Freya couldn't do without the storm angle, and she was extremely depressed when she thought of it.

"Sir, don't you still have ..."

Xiahe shook his head, the seed of the gods, he had only two left, and he recently used all of them as materials, with some regrets. The information contained in this thing is too rich, comparable to the fairy.

As long as I knew, Xiahe did not abuse it.

"Freya, you think of ways to make some meteorites that can run in the stars. Our communication is still too bad."

"If you want to be secret, the cost is high."

"It doesn't matter anymore. When we have a difficult communication when we are fighting, we know how important this thing is."

"Okay, then I will start preparing."

"Our strength is still very weak. I don't plan to go deep into the inland to fight, so you have to hurry up to train for the affairs of the fleet. Let them grow up quickly. You are in the storm corner, Su Taizhen is in the underground world, I am in Rhodes Island. The matter of war should be left to others. "

"So what do I have?"

"I brought in twenty-four new students, and now there are a total of seventy-two. You are nurturing together. If there is any damage, you will make up. The things on the dock are handed over to Austin. He is here. Stormwind has a magic tower, and the power should be enough. You can concentrate on the Blue Moon City and the fleet, fight on the Dragon Island, and hone them. "


"In another three years, I will be a legend. By then, you can follow me everywhere." Xiahe comforted Freya.

Xiahe became a legend, which means that the number of legends on his side has skyrocketed. Five **** generals, Freya and Goddess of Doom. Looking at the speed of Medirelli's practice, it's about the same.

Among Xiahe's students, there will certainly be a lot of epics.

With the addition of equipment, the defense of Sun City and Blue Moon City is not too difficult. Of course, after three years, Xiahe expects this world to start to be in chaos.

Freya knew that she could not complain too much, and Dao Jun had already tolerated her enough.

She thought for a while and said, "In those three years, I held back, transforming the resources that adults exchanged back into our strength."

"The five gods will not be enough. The materials I gave you are also after the decomposition of the seeds of the gods. You try to make a batch of suitable commanders, which will be classified on the starry sky battleship in the future."

"How much?"

"It can't be much worse than Sullie, you can do it yourself."

"That must be less than a hundred."

"Enough is enough to conquer the whole world, it is impossible to rely on them alone."

"Well, I might still consume a lot of jade."

"Don't affect the construction of Xianfu. I came back this time mainly to discuss things with you in recent years. Ovilla may come back, but you can't let others know. You have to prepare and give her a hidden identity Let her command a fleet. "

"What about Abigail? You can't leave her behind, sir?"

"I'll let her go to Sun City, follow Medilly, and attack the half-elf empire."

The two said in detail, and both Medierly and Smith were listening beside him. Smith was shocked. The teacher's purpose was to conquer the starry sky, not just this world.

After Xiahe and Freya assigned their tasks, they came to the palace Freya built for him.

The hall is empty, the wooden floor has no gaps, only beautiful patterns. It seems that the hall is transparent on all sides, but in fact no one can see what is being done inside.

Xiahe sits alone in the center of the hall, communicating in the deep space, and in the Danhai, the Six Life Yuan Fu is spinning rapidly, breathing out his true energy. Under the suppression of the six-life symbol, the true qi became more and more condensed. The original state of true qi was like liquid. After Xiahe attracted deep space power to practice and instantly broke through the realm, in his Danhai, the true qi was bright and condensed Such as mercury.

In one fell swoop.

Now that Xiahe has advanced, he dare not find a place. Every time he advances, he has to communicate the power of deep space.

True Qi is like mercury, in order to develop towards true Qi. By the eighth grade, the power of the spell has changed dramatically. Just for Taoism, Xiahe hasn't thought about it now, how to make such a real energy to urge magic. He had to dilute the true energy and use it as a magic power to release magic normally.

Next, he had to think about progress in magic.

If you can only achieve this level, then his magical power is not much improved, but it is equivalent to the magic power has been increased dozens of times, and it feels like you ca n’t use it up.

Overseas of the soul, the Yang Shen Dao pattern spreads all over, passing through the body, winding the meridians.

At this point, Xiahe's spellcasting is not much different from that of Yangshen, and he can do whatever he wants without damaging meridians. However, compared with Yang Shen, his magic power is heaven and earth.

The magic of Daoyang Yangshen is still much stronger than the legend of the magician.

The foundation is not deeper, and the technique of skill is far more mature than magic. This is not a problem of the two worlds, but a problem of many universes. Taoism is a relatively mature system, and magic still has a lot of room for improvement.

Xiahe's Yin God quickly calculated that all his spells appeared in the soul, and formed one by one in the sea of ​​souls, and scattered again and again.

After sitting there for seven days, Xiahe suddenly let out a long roar, and his figure rose to the sky.


The roof of the main hall collapsed in an instant, and a bright moon rose behind Xiahe. The whole person was bathed in brilliance. Everyone in the academy, at this moment, was shrouded in his lunar light, and an unspeakable feeling came into his mind. That is the yearning for the avenue.

"Adult!" Medirelli turned to Xiahe in front of her, and it seemed that she had mastered the use of the beam splitter.

"It's okay, it's almost not suppressing the realm, if the advanced legend is now bad." Xia He waved his hand, withdrew that round of the moon, and fell.

"Why do you want to suppress the realm?" Medieri didn't quite understand, the teacher's realm should be quite stable.

"Magic, I'm not willing to be a fake magician. There are many things in magic that are also helpful to my practice. I have to expand the foundation of magic and then advance to legend."

Medierly got it, her own Jianyuan deepened every day. Unless Jianyuan no longer expands, otherwise, she will not proceed to the next step.

Jianyuan expansion ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ had to strengthen the soul at the same time. Without a strong Jianyuan, the soul is difficult to improve. This is the path of Jianxiu's practice, which is quite difficult.

Medirelli was glad that she had met Xiahe. Otherwise, her achievements in legends were not a problem, but the road after the legends was terrified. At most, she is just a swordsman who can compete with ordinary legendary mages. She encounters a stronger legend and is still not an opponent.

Moreover, in this world, only legal professions can prolong life, and can be thousands of years old.

"Medi Li, stab me a sword."

"Yes." Medelli did not ask why this time, a sword light ignited at her fingertips, and spurted into Xiahe's heart with lightning. This sword really hits, and the legend is about to fall. In the sword light, there was a faint roar of thunder.

In front of Xiahe, a small moon lighted up, as if it had been cut on a piece of white paper, and the glorious glory did not belong to the moon of this world.

Jianguang submerged in the lunar wheel, almost at the same time, shot the same sword light from the lunar ring, and rushed towards Medieri.

Medierli's fingertips tremble slightly, the reflected sword light dissipates instantly, and the thunder stops.

Sword solution!

Both were surprised, and Medieri was surprised that the teacher blocked his sword with Leiyin using spells. This sword was issued in close quarters, with great power, second only to the blue silk sword she released in close quarters. Lei Yin breaks the law. She has tried many people to experiment, no matter what defensive spell, this sword must be pierced. 898)

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