Daomen Invasion

Chapter 506: : National Plan

Xiahe Road: "This ruin may not lead to a small world in the future. We have to go in and there is no good to take. Unless we take the army to conquer. If the castle itself has any good things, it will have been solved by the Holy Thunder Empire. Where will we stay? "

This is what Medierli did. She heard Xiahe say that she was afraid to startle the snake.

Anyway, if the coordinates are left, the castle will not escape.

Xiahe sneaked quietly under the seabed, using Huang Quan's escape sign. Because he was afraid of disturbing others, he just entered the underground shallowly and directly dropped a coordinate.

This doesn't need to be created temporarily, the coordinates are always on his body, as long as they are activated.

Hidden coordinates in the rocks beneath the seabed, there is basically no possibility of being discovered. After Xiahe is done, he greets Medelly and the two sneak away.

The diving battleship found no trace of two people.

Xiahe didn't feel the legendary power in the castle, but in this environment, he wanted to enter quietly, and it was not possible. The other party must be equipped with a sufficiently strict monitoring method.

If you want to sneak in, ordinary ghosts and gods can't do it, and get the five ghosts of Freya.

Xiahe does not take a boat, does not need to fly a warship, and comes here directly by flying, but he does not intend to enter directly by force. While fighting underwater, his magic is not affected, but the power of the legendary Flame Demon is suppressed, which is the biggest problem.

Now Lucifer can't be summoned at all times, and summoning Seraphim is not a legend.

Seraphic fighting in the sky, super powerful, if underwater ...

Xiahe suddenly found that he had shortcomings in underwater fighting.

The two left quietly, and when they were on the sea, there was no one nearby, so they flew into the sky and went straight to the Arcane Empire.

"Sir, just that place, between Green Forest and Bingfeng, the Saint Thunder Empire plugged in, because they had a strong fleet. If war broke out between the continents, everyone would desperately build a ship, Saint Thunder Empire It ’s hard to do this place safely and securely. "

"Yeah, so it's more troublesome. Even if we transfer the fleet now, it will attract the attention of the legendary strongman. You think, I am a marquis, and I actively conflict with the Holy Thunder Empire. Everyone knows that there will be benefits later. If For a world channel, the legendary strongman will also intervene. "

"Wait for this place when we are legendary?"

"Look at the value." Xiahe wasn't sure, what was this abandoned castle under the sea. Because the style of the castle is too old, he has looked at the royal library materials, and he can't find any traces that can be compared.

Xiahe and Medielli did not go directly back to Sun City, but walked north, went to visit Angelina and Snowvis first, delivered some flying warship power cores, and received a lot of cash. Then he went back to the Tenth Academy of Magic and stayed at the Academy for two days. He drove away a flying warship staying at the Academy and returned to Sun City.

The commercial port on the south side of Sun City has expanded a lot now, and the Marquis Palace has to set up an office here to receive many messengers from the nobles.

But the man without the emperor, Juno III, apparently disregarded the flying warship. He could make more by spending more of his own money. The emperor's material was abundant, and he did not care about consumption at all. He absolutely refused to let his flying fleet be pinned by Xiahe.

Of course, if Xiahe dares to sell a flying warship for 10,000 gold coins, it is estimated that he will be caught and taken to the imperial capital.

Xiahe still collects everything, but the coal reserves in the northern seas are too large, so he does not collect raw coal and black gold. But the big nobles are also more sensitive to energy control, preferring to Xiahe grain, and are unlikely to provide black gold. Over the past year or so, Xiahe has built too many power cores for flying warships, and now it is being sold out, and Sun City's supplies are becoming more abundant.

The army that Freya designed for Xiahe has also been officially finalized. All kinds of military equipment are manufactured in large quantities in alchemy factories.

Xiahe's technical advantages are reflected at this time.

His army is different from others in structure, logistics is different from others, and weapons are different. However, what makes Xiahe the happiest is not these, but Freya's customized national professional plan, which has been considered a success.

At least the soldiers trained in the five-faced city became professionals after more than a year.

There are also a large number of young children and teenagers, all in training.

This is not free. Every child who has become a professional owes thousands of gold coins to Xiahe. These gold coins are recorded on the books in the form of interest-free loans. In the future, these people will make contributions, make contributions, and then return slowly.

However, the people of Rhode Island have already cast land on the five bodies of Xiahe's rule, and everyone does not care about the debt.

Anyway, if the law of the lord lord is dead, and there is no inheritance for future generations, this account will be eliminated directly, and it will not burden the future generations.

But the benefits of becoming a professional are too many. First of all, it is energetic, life expectancy is long, and there are very few illnesses. Even if it is sick, it is easier to recover.

Furthermore, the survivability has been strengthened. Rhode Island is not a good place. The south is windy and the north is cold in winter. There is not much time for planting all year round.

Xiahe's propaganda is that the empire will soon have a war, and large-scale wars will involve the entire world. Under such publicity, who does not want to become a professional.

Ordinary people may die under the influence of a magic attack. If the professional is not directly hit, there is a high chance of survival.

The success of this plan means that the people after Xiahe will become professionals. This is almost the same as the Shenzhou Empire, although the generation gap in technology cannot be compensated. However, the increase in personal physical fitness will increase wisdom after two generations, and it will become easier to cultivate talents.

This is a snowball-like effect. Besides, it is not white training. These people owe a lot of money. They really died in battle, and even the pension was saved.

This is the difference between investing first and investing later. Xiahe is willing to invest first.

Although, most people can't exceed the smallest threshold of level five in their lives. This is why the Empire is not willing to train professionals on a large scale. Too much money is spent, and in the end you get a two or three level professional, the gain is too small.

Now in the Sun City, Xiahe's main people are Goliath, Cotton Jacket, Qiu Xuanji, Mediel Li, the God General Su Qi, Baron Nietzsche, and the first batch of one hundred soldiers, also placed here. The rest are in the underground world.

Martin also stayed in Sun City, Xiahe let him train scouts, this assassin's current level has improved a lot.

Then there was the double swordsman Jani, the college mercenary with him, only he did not choose to stay in Metaline. Others are still reluctant to rely on the backers. Although there is no prospect for development, it is better than following the blood mage. In the hearts of the mercenaries of these academies, the blood mage is just a noble noble who rises like a meteor.

However, although Jani always felt that he was not taken seriously, he still worked diligently to do small work.

Xiahe's inspection was almost done, and he was transferred to Sun City, and he began to give him the army and let him do the same thing as Baron Nietzsche.

The rest of the people who have fled to Xiahe in the past two years are also some. However, Xiahe is most assured of his students. He has no background and simple mind. They are all placed in the storm corner, and the rest are on Rhode Island.

On this day, Cotton Jack came over and talked to Xiahe about the construction of the division.

The two people were chatting. Xia He talked again and again, while watching the magical phantom in front of him, which was sending instant images, that an army on the other side of the city was training.

This army has a staff of 500 people, including mages, and has no logistics. It depends solely on the army.

The training site was a bit muddy. It was exactly in the evening when several teams of five patrolled the periphery, because there were always opponents sent by the five cities to test them.

If you can find opponents and ensure the safety of the camp, you will get some credit.

Everyone owes a lot of money to the lord. If the training results are good, they can also replace the gold coins.

The soldiers trained by Xiahe in the Five Faces City almost completely got rid of Warcraft, and all the mounts were Trojan horses and war dolls. Trojan horses are far more passable than chariots. There are only five chariots in the team of 500 people. One of them was equipped with a magic cannon, and the rest only had a weird artillery that looked like an enlarged magic gun.

However, the working principle of magic artillery and magic guns is not the same in www.wuxiaspot.com.

The chariot with magic artillery is in the center of the camp, and the remaining four vehicles are guarding each side. In addition to the artillery on the chariot, the materials used for camping were transported. The muzzle on the chariot was facing outward, and a camp wall was erected around it. The walls of this camp have certain defensive attributes. Standing behind, soldiers can use magic guns to attack with ease.

Trojans were arranged behind the chariots and lined up, and the rest was the barracks.

There are not many available materials around, and the magician uses magic to empty the muddy ground, and the entire camp is quite dry.

Cotton Jack was also attracted by the picture and said, "Adult, what is the cost of this tank?"

"It's cheap, it can go uphill, and it has good defense. There are not many materials that can be carried, and the soldiers' food is always with them."

"There are so few construction knights, and the level is not high."

"It's good to have five. The army of five hundred people, the elite core is fifty people. On the battlefield, it is actually not much needed." Xia He watched the soldiers camp, five configuration knights and five combat mages Are very vigilant. There are forty elite warriors around them. These fifty people are the core strength of a 500-person combat unit.

Construct a knight and a battle mage, riding a pale unicorn with the lowest match.

However, it was enough. The remaining forty elite warriors were riding a lot of Trojan horses. Xiahe's army completely abandoned Warcraft as a mount. 8)

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