Daomen Invasion

Chapter 507: : Burning money

Xiahe looked at these soldiers and had no intention of increasing their task difficulty.

Watching their movements, they know they have passed. Hundreds of such units have been trained in Wumen City.

Soldiers riding Trojan horses are not without impact, but these are regarded as horseback infantry. In real battles, it is normal to get off Trojan charge.

The Trojan is a tool for transporting soldiers. Without a plug-in, a micro-magic furnace is added inside, so it cannot be used as a cavalry mount.

Each soldier has three magic muskets and a short weapon.

The first magic musket, just like the short spear, has a sharp spearhead at the front, and a rifle can be added to the back, and the total length can exceed three meters. This magic musket can only fire four magic bullets, all of which are suppressed in the internal magazine, which is itself a melee weapon.

The second magic musket is more common, more than one meter long, ten round magazine and forty round magazine. Finally, a short magic musket, twenty rounds of magazines, can be hung on the body.

Melee weapons are short swords, each of which is enchanted equipment, and the armor breaking attribute is added.

Such an army has super long-range throwing firepower, and it uses short magic muskets to engage in close combat. Without a bullet, it will fight with a spear.

There are not so many magician muskets, only a special one, less than one meter, which is more powerful than a long musket, and can give full play to the ability of the magician to lock remotely.

However, each magician is equipped with scrolls, and each scroll can summon an elemental creature to assist in combat.

Xiahe originally wanted to equip the magician with a puppet assistant, but the cost was higher than the scroll.

Unless his technological capabilities are close to the Shenzhou Empire, this idea can only be implemented in the Knights of Medirelli. In this large-scale army, we still have to face reality.

The barracks of ordinary soldiers have been built, and the soldiers are helping each other to take off their armor.

The armor of the bottom soldiers are all made of composite materials. The bulletproof and anti-magic properties are mainly heavy, but there are micro-magic furnace adjustments, which are worn by professionals. It is not a multiple burden.

The magic furnaces in the Trojans are turned off one by one, and only fifty are kept. They are in a low temperature state and can be put into battle at any time.

Outside the camp, the number of patrols was reduced to four. There were only 20 people, but there were also 20 small aircrafts circling around the camp. These aircraft, more than one meter long, had fixed wings, propellers, and quite old flying equipment. The speed is not fast, the above is a constant eye array method.

In the chariot in the center of the camp, two magicians are in charge of communicating with these aircraft.

The camp for five hundred people has been done very well. It can be said that the defense is meticulous and there are not many loopholes. Another function of the core chariot is to be able to counteract the false realm of the epic powerhouse, so as to prevent the soldiers from being suppressed by the false realm and completely lose their combat effectiveness.

In a barrack next to the chariot, the soldiers were cooking dinner, carrying dry food and immortality, which was only used when the battle situation was tense and the logistics were completely gone.

Through the formation on the chariot, Xiahe can remotely monitor and see all the actions of this team, and he is satisfied.

"Jack, we have such a team. If we want to settle down in the future, we don't have to look at other people's faces."

"It feels that there are too few units of 500 people."

"Because of the short training time, their level is still low. You see, the Knights of Medirelli are much more terrible than this, even legends are reluctant to touch. When we develop later, such a unit of 500 people, There will also be a 3,000-person assisting combat unit, and all kinds of messy troubles will be handed over to the assisting unit to do. These 500 people are only responsible for the tough battles in the field. "

"Assisting unit?"

"It is to surrender our troops. I will not train them. The meaning of assisting the fight is to work hard." Xiahe rightfully said. The Taoist palace invades any world, and there must be a large number of servants.

The Shenzhou Empire launched a battle, usually up to 50,000 people, and the remaining combat units may be as many as one million, and as few as two or three hundred thousand. The 50,000 people, all of them were civic soldiers of Shenzhou, and their combat effectiveness was beyond the table.

Xiahe's thinking is the same. What he wants is different from other nobles in this world. All he wants is the spiritual resources.

Rhode Island, as long as it can provide him with 200,000 soldiers, anyway, the army will gradually expand, and more and more. These two hundred thousand soldiers, together with the servants, could easily chew a piece of meat on the half-elf empire.

The half-elf empire is nothing but millions of troops. Also have to deal with the Empire's field army and noble army.

"Sir, that's what the Masters are like, and Medieri said she's fine." Cotton Jack pulled the subject back. He was in charge of the magistrates of the entire army of Rhode Island, but he also had to deal with the mages in the Knights of Medirelli. The specific battle round is not under his command, but Cotton Jack has to manage the construction.

"Three thousand main force, eighteen thousand auxiliary soldiers, Mediel Li is trying to eat me poor." Xia He read the report and smiled bitterly.

Medieri ’s Knights, part of her own command of 600 people. The remaining two or four hundred people are all two hundred combat units. The proportion of combat mages in it is very high. Her core of six hundred people, there are one hundred battle mage, probably the entire Sun City, the best mage group.

For the remaining twelve hundred-person units, the ratio of mages is as high as ten to one.

If Xiahe had a lot of uniform equipment and the price was high enough, the Master owed money to him, and he would have been unable to make ends meet.

If only these three hundred magicians are enough, her auxiliary corps, 18,000 people, also has a large number of magicians, mainly to control warships, chariots, flying equipment and so on.

"Yes, in my plan, most of the equipment investment was given to Medirelli." Cotton Jack also smiled bitterly.

"Looking at the data, her training intensity is also very great. The consumption of black gold, the loss of magic guns, and the confrontation training! It's good that she didn't kill anyone." Xiahe continued to vomit.

"Now the mage beside me is not as good as those of her knights." Cotton Jack complained.

Xiahe looked at the illusion. The five hundred soldiers encamped, compared with the equipment of the Knights of Medirley, and found that their students were really wasteful.

The Knight's debts are also very high, probably the most indebtedness of all Xiahe's army.

If he does not consider morale, he can now maintain a few decades without paying wages. The Knights, who rely solely on salary, simply cannot afford debt.

"Okay, Jack, next month, the secret room here will be built. With a large phantom space, her training costs will be lower. If you need supplies over there, ask Freya."

Jack said heartily, Freya is so good to talk.

The materials that others give to themselves are actually enough, that is, Medieli does not know how to control himself. But this can't be said to Xiahe. He is in charge of the Master Group. If he can't coordinate, he won't deserve this position.

"By the way, the problem of Mage A is solved. Let's start with the bottom mage. Now the magic gun is rampant. If you don't wear Mage A on the battlefield, the big magician is not very safe. You go to the alchemy factory, micro The magic furnace, continue to manufacture. "

"Yes." Jack promised, and was also happy. The technical problems of Master A, after more than a year, finally passed. This thing already exists, but the standard is the first one of cotton Jack.

In the face of magic guns on the battlefield, as well as attacks like magic ballistas, the magician's survival is getting worse. The training of magicians is much more difficult than soldiers, and every loss is unbearable.

The role of the mage armor is to provide protection equipment for the caster according to the knight's power armor idea.

"Well, I'm thinking of building a magic net, so that the magician can easily cast spells within the magic net. This requires the magic net chariot, and the combat radius must be controlled at least within five miles." Xiahe said to the cotton cloth Jack.

Cotton Jack does n’t know what to say, Magic Web? He knows this concept. However, the chariot that provides the position of the magic net is a big consumer of gold coins. Why develop this thing is not significant. If the magician leaves the magic net, the combat power will be revealed.

"In our army in the future, combat mages will be combat mages, and they will be able to complete missions on their own. The rest of the mages will be magic net mages. Only within the scope of the magic net can they play their role."

Cotton Jack was suddenly taken aback. In this case, the magic net provided by the lord actually restricted the freedom of the wizards. Leaving the magic web, they are nothing.

"Jack ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You have to understand that the scope of the magic net is very small at first, but we have flying warships. With the flying warships, the control range of the magic net may be hundreds of miles. It can completely support a large battle. "

Xiahe portrays Jack a beautiful future. In the heart of Xiahe, this magic net can also be upgraded. Any magic provided by himself can be used by magic masters.

One day, as long as the magician is strong enough, he can release legendary magic and be in his magic web.

At that time, I was the **** of magic.

Green forest and arcane empire, there are a large number of magicians, want to create gods?

First grab their priesthood to see who can complete the arrangement first.

The emperor did not allow the magic **** to appear, but he was different. The **** of magic can be born, as long as he is controlled by himself. However, Xiahe does not allow all mages to be controlled by the magical god. He needs a free mage and a priest. It is impossible for a **** to control all casters.

"Jack, if you can't do this, you have to let the people in Stormwind complete it. You can just put the project on. I will let them through. Within a year, they must bring me a network that can be implemented.

"Okay, sir, if you really need it."

"Of course I need it. You may not understand how much benefit there is." Xiahe's thought suddenly flew far. He remembered the information he had seen in the Taoist palace. 8)

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