Daomen Invasion

Chapter 529: : Looking down

Xiahe's team encountered a block before reaching the second goal.

The enemy is a human army of about 800 people, equipped with ten chariots, miniature magic cannons and magic ballistas.

Xiahe's flying battleship went directly to destroy these heavy equipment. In addition to the enemy's chariots, there were two steel puppets carried with the army.

When the flying warship retreated, there were only more than 500 enemies on the ground.

In the past two years of rebellion, the nobles of the Northland have missed the opportunity to change the empire nobility circle, and the empire cannot provide them with new equipment. These more than 500 soldiers were a little dazed. Xiahe's army had already accelerated its march at a distance of less than ten miles.

When the distance between the two sides was within two miles, the speed of the college mercenaries decreased and they re-lined.

More than two hundred soldiers maintained the chariot. There are one hundred Sun City cavalry on each wing, two hundred heavy armored infantry in front, and five hundred musketeers behind. Two hundred reserve teams.

The team was upright and shocked head-on. The musketeer attacked after more than 500 meters.

The magic projectile roared past. The longest range of Viscount soldiers' bows and arrows was only 300 meters. The ideal killing effect was within 100 meters. The magic cannon and ballista have been destroyed, this is a unilateral slaughter.

The students brought by Xia He couldn't bear to see this scene.

"Principal, why not surrender them?"

"Because it is not time to show kindness. Now showing kindness will be regarded as weak by the enemy."

The students do n’t understand very well, but they ca n’t say anything more. Since the headmaster has a decision, they are not even the executors. They just come here to learn.

The college mercenaries approached step by step, the closer the killing effect, the stronger the effect.

The Viscount soldier quickly collapsed and turned away. The advance line of the heavy armored infantry became a decoration. The musketeers did not chase, and the cavalry on both wings rushed behind.

These two hundred cavalry soldiers are considered veterans trained for a long time in the Sun City. In the fast Mercedes-Benz, they can also shoot at the mounts. The Viscount archer does not have the ability to escape while attacking at high speed, even if it does, these cavalrymen do not care.

boom! boom……

There was no unbearable look on Xiahe's face. This kind of enemy, he will not be used to refine the soul, and return to nature when he dies. There is no **** of the world in this world, and there is no problem of reincarnation of the soul. Death is the end, it is also liberation.

When dealing with souls, Taoists usually adopt a forgiving attitude.

But this forgiveness is only for his own world, as well as human races.

These soldiers are out of luck. Xiahe needs Liwei now. Otherwise, most of them will survive.

Only the generation of weapons, short field battles, the Academy mercenaries wiped out the enemy. Although the number of enemies is small, but the equipment is good, if it is replaced by the previous, this battle, Xiahe ’s loss will not be small.

Still the old rules, clean the battlefield and count the loot.

The most valuable things were smashed, the magic cannon and the steel golem. But there is no way to keep this thing, it will pose a life threat to Xiahe's army.

But finally it has a recycling value, Xiahe let the magic net mage decompose the material and collect it by himself.

Then he spent time to burn these hundreds of enemies to ashes and set up a cemetery in the wilderness. The magician turned mud into stone and gave a blank tombstone. Among the ashes, belongings of the fallen were also added. But Xiahe knew that no one would come to check.

The students don't understand it, what are they doing?

Xiahe said seriously to the students: "This is respect for the human race deceased. If it is a half-elf, I will cut their heads and lay on the ground to let other people take a good look at it. "

Students understand this time, they can understand the respect for the human race itself.

Because of the education of the empire, some similar things were mixed.

But Xiahe didn't say, if the enemy is the soul above the legend, then he's welcome. The legendary soul may be reincarnated unless it is hit hard. But even the Yang Shen Taoist, reincarnated there will be a fetus, not to mention the magician who has not studied.

The cold wind was cold and Xiahe camped temporarily not far from the battlefield. Even a short battle would have an impact on the soldiers and pressure on the soul.

And in the current fighting method, the magic musket needs maintenance, it is best to do it once after each battle. Unless magic guns become cheaper, use them as you please.

The problem is that backward things do not mean cheap, this thing is still used on a large scale, if you can be frugal, Xiahe will not waste. He has hundreds of thousands of people, each of whom has one to three magic muskets, mainly magicians and some strong men with more than 20 levels. The magic muskets will be equipped with more.

After getting rich, Xiahe intends to give each soldier at least two, one long and one short.

There are too many things involved. Ordinary soldiers can only use simpler ones, because they cannot maintain the normal use of weapons in special environments, and no matter how expensive they are. A magician can obtain weapons with multiple attributes. Professionals over level 20 can also protect the magic musket in his hand and let it fire normally.

Temporary camps have simple defenses, but with chariots around, defensive attributes are still possible.

The soldiers defended their weapons, and the Magnet Master disassembled the loot, and it soon fell into the night. Xiahe ordered the soldiers to take a short break, and then set up the stove on the spot to let the soldiers eat a hot meal.

The second castle is not far away, this is the iron ore mine of the Viscount Murphy.

Before Xiahe dispatched troops, a team of ten came to Xiahe camp.

"Master Marquis, I am the chief knight of Huaihua Castle. I represent the castle and surrender to you."

In Xiahe's camp, the soldiers who came to the camp knelt in front of Xiahe and raised their carrying swords above their heads.

"Knight, you surrendered to me, what about your loyalty to the Viscount?" Xiahe looked at the young knight, he was in his early thirties, and had the power to approach epic. It should be the most trusted person around Viscount. It is not easy for a Viscount to raise such talents.

"Huaihua Castle, do not want to be destroyed. I am not your opponent, I can only surrender, but not surrender. I am your captive, if you are willing to let the Viscount use the money to redeem me, I would be grateful."

Xia He smiled and said, "How can there be such a good thing, your Viscount owes me a lot of money. This time I sent soldiers to fight, and the money spent would also require him to come out. If he refuses If ... you will become the knight who lost the lord. "

The knight is sad, but there is no alternative.

The Viscount was clearly wrong, he could not fight the Blood Mage, and the promises of the other nobles in the North were useless.

"But it ’s best not to fight. Since you surrendered, I ’m not afraid of the Huaihua Castle. I ’ll send you to the academy and be a captive. If the Viscount refuses to surrender, he will not pay the gold owed to me I can only say sorry, but you do n’t have to pay the ransom anymore. By the time you are not honest, I will execute you. "

"Thank you Lord Marquis." The long knight lowered his sword and silently withdrew from the camp.

Naturally, some people went to **** the captives. Xiahe sent someone to investigate. Sure enough, Huaihua Castle was not fortified. The people of Xiahe passed over and transferred management authority.

Xiahe split up again and escorted the captives to the Tenth Academy of Magic. When passing by Fengshuang Baishuang Castle, he asked the soldiers to come over there.

Xiahe's magical rifle tactics have a requirement for the number of soldiers. If the number is less than 1,000, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Because the enemy is a nobleman from the north who has already lost a lot of soldiers, considering that the scale will not be broken, they are scattered in various castles and cities, otherwise Xiahe will bring more people out.

On the Huaihua Castle side, the iron ore mine is closer. Xiahe went round and round, and like Fenglin Baishuang Castle, a large amount of steel was accumulated in the warehouse. Satisfied, Xiahe went to the next iron ore mine with large reserves, good quality and easy mining.

Why not kill such a Viscount?

This castle is the core of Viscount's territory, and the area is relatively large. The mine itself is a small town with the ability to directly extract steel. However, steel is not raw coal and cannot be refined and compressed. It will take a lot of energy to transport these steels back.

With teleportation, the price is too high.

The transmission array is to calculate the quality. The price of steel is the cheapest in the country of origin. The additional prices behind it all come from transportation costs.

I am afraid that no one will use the teleportation array to send steel, and Xiahe cannot be so luxurious.

I had to ship it back to the academy before saying that there is no magic airship in the academy. Large airships are still cheap to transport supplies, but there are few large airships, and Xiahe has never built them.

Can only rely on the medium-sized magic airship ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ plus some magicians, carrying badges, using badge space to transport.

All the steel is transported to Sun City. If you use a sea boat to send it to Storm Point, anyway, you need training and a fleet.

As long as the sea boat is not sinking, it is cheaper to transport materials.

Xiahe did not rush to continue the offensive, began to collect resources at Huaihua Castle, and then let Freya send people to bring parts of large mining puppets. He is going to mine directly here. The gold-making equipment of this mine is large and advanced, and the output will be high.

If no one stops, Xiahe will always mine here.

The next day, over the Sun City, he sent the Su blood to the mine. On the third day, a magic airship, with five hundred configuration knights, landed directly at Huaihua Castle.

The leader of the Cavaliers is Medieri.

On the fifth day, the knight of the Copper Bull Castle brought people to surrender. At this point, all three castles of Viscount Murphy have fallen. Xiahe did not know why the Viscount did not send someone over. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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