Daomen Invasion

Chapter 530: : Revenge of Blood

Xiahe is not in a hurry to attack the city of Viscount Murphy. The Viscount claims to have 1,500 people stationed. In fact, a city with more than 100,000 people must have at least tens of thousands of talents to guard it.

The Viscount can still have more than two thousand troops, and will retreat to the inner city.

Xiahe and others came over and completely occupied the iron ore. This iron ore is not like raw coal. It has many associated ores and various metals. However, some high-grade metals are buried deep. Xiahe discovered it with Huangquan escape. This requires a professional mechanical drill.

Xiahe now many magic soldiers are in the eastern waters, mining magical rough stones under the sea,

With the mining plan of Sinovis, most of the time now Freya goes to steal the mine in person, the highest efficiency, and it is impossible to give up. This thing has been made public, not a secret. Sooner or later the nobles of the empire will swarm up.

Xiahe simply didn't want to speed up the mining speed, let Freya concentrate on stealing.

While everyone's eyes are on the magic stone, Xiahe is digging iron ore here, it is estimated that no one will pay attention. After all, the price of iron ore is much lazy compared to the original magic stone.

The northern nobles did not know what Xiahe wanted. As a result, he had been stationed in Huaihua Castle until April of the next year. The northern nobles suddenly discovered that the blood mage used large vehicles and airships to transport steel to the Sun City . This is to occupy the resources of Viscount Murphy for a long time.

Two coal mines, one iron mine, is also a great asset. Let the blood mage keep occupying like this, and the face of the nobles in the north was lost.

Although the nobles of the North submit to His Majesty the Emperor, there is some trade in them. Blood Mage This is pure face slap.

In April in the Northland, the ice and snow did not melt away, and there were only signs of warming. The three castles currently operated by Xiahe have not expanded too much, but all have built forts, underground defense formations, and parked the landing areas of flying warships.

Xiahe didn't manage these by himself, his mind was all in practice.

Seeing that he will return to the state of Yangshen, he has the capital to challenge the world's powerful, and his personal strength is not to fight. But to protect everything.

If you are not strong enough, others will come to eat you, it sounds very primitive, but the God Week world, this law still exists, but only for external use. And always remind you that everything you have is not something you should be born with.

Xiahe's power has swelled, and the ordinary Duke does not have as many people as him.

But what if he died in the Earl's Court with his core?

Freya will definitely die, and the relationship between the two parties is so. Then there is no way to maintain this group, that is to say, everyone must ensure that Xiahe will not die, otherwise everything will disappear.

But Xiahe did not find a suitable disciple to inherit his six gods.

There are many little Taoists in Taiyin Xianfu, but none of them are suitable for this secret method. If he could not pass on the Six Dao Shenmeng, as soon as he died, Taiyin Xianfu completely cut off the foundation.

If the Taiyin Xianfu Palace did not hit the Kunlun Dao Palace, the most powerful palace in Jiu Avenue, it would not be destroyed. Taiyin Xianfu also has a strong heritage, as well as the fighting power of even Jiu Avenue Palace.

However, no one has a strong foundation and many people.

Suddenly on this day, Xiahe received Freya's message that the Odin fleet went to the Dragon Island to support Lynch.

Xiahe relaxed a lot at once. He didn't know if Ovilla was his robber, but if he died in the imperial capital, it would have a small impact on his practice. He didn't plan to break this love by slashing, hitting Ovilla is a matter of destiny, he can't get rid of his destiny for the time being, it is better to let it go.

Naturally, Ovilla will not die.

Xiahe arranged the cloning of camouflage, and he did not expect that Ovilla was so suffocated that he only escaped to the storm corner until now. At this point, the Marquis House on the other side of the imperial capital was already an empty shell. Although the staff inside are very loyal.

Now that Ovilla is fine ...

No, even if Ovilla made it seamless, he could not act immediately. Still be patient, otherwise His Majesty the Emperor is so smart that he may not be able to calculate anything.

At this time, it should be natural.

Xiahe had planned to get out of Ovilia, and he took a big action against the nobles in the north. Now he suddenly didn't want to do it, and felt a layer of shackles suddenly disappear.

It's like feeling like the last time you have achieved Yangshen.

So soon, is it coming? According to Xiahe's experience, this time he will achieve Yangshen ten times faster than last time. This feeling appeared last time. Less than a year later, he has achieved Yangshen. That's the evolution that appears in the mind. This time the feeling is more abundant and more colorful.

But the castle is not a place for spiritual practice. Xiahe cannot accumulate Yangshen resources now.

Just when he didn't know what to do, a magician came to report the information.

"Master Marquis, the nobles of the North have united and organized a large army of more than 30,000 people to fight against us."

"Oh?" Xiahe seemed a little careless and said, "How many houses are there?"

"Eighteen, the youngest is also an earl level, and none of the people under the earl are involved."

"What about the name?"

"Revenge for Viscount Murphy."


"Viscount Murphy, was assassinated in his viscount's palace. Someone thought you killed him."

"It must have been identified by a small person?"

"Well, it's a non-professional, a second-class housekeeper."

"Are you worried?" Xiahe looked at the young magician, who also came to him from the south and was not a wild master. He used to do things for other nobles, but it was not a support relationship and he could get away.

Most of the mages beside Xiahe are of this kind except for those he cultivated himself.

"Don't worry, I surrendered to adults, just waiting for this opportunity." The young mage was ambitious. His qualifications are not first-class, but on Xiahe's side, the system is hierarchical.

The first class is his students, as well as those Taoist priests. However, for the time being, Taoist priests can only practice in Taiyin Xianfu, and they will not use them as war weapons. Xiahe needs these Taoists to grow steadily and to support the facade in the future.

The second is the outstanding talent and hope to promote the legendary magician. The number of such wizards is not large, and the treatment is not much different from Xiahe ’s students.

The third level is just like this, with good qualifications, but the best time to practice is missed. Some of them are flawed. Without Xiahe, it is impossible for them to advance to legend. This magician, Xiahe will give Soul Liquid as a reward, so that they may not advance to level 160, but it is entirely possible to break through the level 80 level.

The fourth class also needs to be cultivated with soul liquid, but the qualifications are a bit worse, at most breaking the forty level.

The fifth level is the battle mage in each team. They are just tools, hopeless legends for life, but it is still no problem to break through the 20th level.

The last class is the auxiliary mage, and the difference from the fifth class is not too big.

The Master of the Magic Net is not in Xiahe's mage system.

Xiahe said to the young magician: "Then you have waited for the opportunity to declare war on their eighteen nobles, in the name of ... they were stolen and framed, and I did not kill the Viscount Murphy. Is the declared level the highest level, endless, When will their bloodline die, I will stop. "

The young mage was cold all over, but then his blood was boiling, and he said, "Yes, I will let the clerical officer prepare the documents!"

"Slow down, don't worry, this matter must be notified to the House, but they have no reason to dismiss it unless I make a mistake. The Empire will not prohibit this kind of thing." Xiahe smiled.

Xiahe's declaration of war, among the nobles, is called the blood revenge.

The blood of the other party will continue to die, this revenge will not stop. There are very few such things happening between nobles, but once it happens, there is a rule that outsiders should not interfere.

Whoever intervenes will affect the whole family.

This thing may explode into a full-scale war and a domestic chaos, but if Xiahe is cruel enough, no one is willing to come out to cause trouble.

The next day Xiahe's documents were sent to the Imperial Capital, a guest arrived at Huaihua Castle.

Legendary Master, Long.

"Master Long, isn't it for the eighteen nobles?"

Longmian was expressionless and said, "They are also worthy. I just asked the reason and gave me a reasonable explanation. Your majesty also needs the nobles of the Northland to act as the thugs and attack the green forest. If you kill them with a chill, right Your Majesty ’s plan is not good. "

Xiahe Road: "You know, Count Notting Hill?"


"I do n’t know who is behind this idiot. He instigated the rebellion of the people in my territory. He also put a lot of people in and organized a gathering of more than 100,000 people. I did n’t kill him for such rudeness, his heir I It did n’t move. But these 18 nobles ... It ’s too much of a war to say that I killed Viscount Murphy. Do you think this is insulting everyone ’s wisdom? "

"Just for this?"

"Could it be something else? If His Majesty intervened, I would definitely stop, even if his reputation was damaged. If His Majesty didn't mean that, these eighteen nobles, I'm determined."

"Then kill it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Don't blame me for not reminding you, this leading guy, but a real legendary wizard, I may not be an opponent."

"Legendary Mage ... If I killed him, he would belong to me."

Long was a little angry, did he not respect the legend?

However, when he was really angry, he did not show it, but just chuckled and said: "Of course it belongs to you, you can eat these 18 nobles' territories. But their mines are already owned by His Majesty, You only have mining rights, and you have to turn in most of them. "

"I am not so greedy, and I am very satisfied that I can make up for the loss of war."

Long's complexion still changed.

The blood mage is really arrogant and arrogant, really do not know where he came from courage? In the case of blood revenge, the blood mage can't use the power of other people.

Metatlin has no relationship with him, and no support is possible.

This war depends on Asla himself.

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