Daomen Invasion

Chapter 531: : Spider (1)

Xia He was relieved in his heart, and if the emperor did not interfere in this matter, then there would be no problem. There are not many legendary strongmen in the nobles of the Northland. Last time, in order to deal with themselves, they used four and lost two. Although they are all legends from other worlds, the loss is also amazing.

You know, some wars between nobles have fought for hundreds of years, and they will never die.

The 18 aristocratic territories are really not small. What happens after the fight?

With a decision in Xiahe's heart, he could not ask for any of them for a while. This thing must be given to the emperor. I don't know why, the emperor's attack on the half-elf empire was not so eager. Instead, he struggled in the north.

Xiahe didn't want the emperor to misunderstand what he wanted in the north. He didn't care to intervene.

He just needs some resources for development. He doesn't need to be the emperor of the world. He just needs to be a monarch to let the profession of Taoist take root in this world.

Let Taiyin Xianfu be the only faith of all people.

In the Shenzhou World, although the Nine Avenue Palace holds the supreme power, it is still left to the Shenzhou Empire to manage. Taoism in the empire is just conventional power, there is no fairy, and it is mainly responsible for preaching and selecting talents to enter the Taoist palace.

Xiahe's Taiyin Fairy House must maintain this structure.

However, in the Arcane Empire, such a framework cannot be completed. The magician of the Arcane Empire cannot allow any other force to intervene. This allows Xiahe to accumulate resources at an early stage, but when he really develops, he becomes his shackles.

Therefore, the arcane empire must be destroyed.

It's a desperately long process. Xiahe couldn't get started just by the emperor alone. It can only hope that the war that will break out in the whole world may give him a chance.

You know, even if Xiahe is advanced Yangshen, it is only a threat to the legendary mages below 80th level.

Level 80 is the demigod, and the power system has been improved again.

As for His Majesty the Emperor, it is even more difficult to guess what kind of power he is.

Long only really came to confirm, and left. It won't take long for the House to announce the conflict between the nobles and officially recognize the blood revenge.

In this way, no one should be involved, Xiahe is equivalent to giving up the identity of dean of the School of Magic, just in front of these eighteen nobles.

If he does not give up, even if he loses, the other party will not dare to kill him, but only to divide his territory and humiliate his dignity. Others may think that Xiahe is a little silly and put himself in the Jedi. But Xiahe knew that it was possible for these 18 nobles to use resources from outside world and send a few more legends.

Since the legend of the outside world does not care about the reactions of other magical academies, Xiahe does not have any amulets.

Simply, tearing the face, let the name of the blood mage, louder.

Xiahe began to issue one command after another. First, he transferred back to the fleet from the Red Sea City. This fleet has been replaced by several batches of people. Blood vengeance started, the alliance temporarily disintegrated, other families did not want to be misunderstood and blended in, but they did not dare to break with Xiahe.

When Xiahe withdrew, they added manpower to continue fighting.

However, Xiahe left a lot of weapons and equipment without collecting money, so they had to give Xiahe a military contribution. This was a matter of official business, and he was not involved in blood revenge.

Xiahe did not dare to repatriate the fleet in the sea area of ​​the semi-elven empire. It was for His Majesty the Emperor. He simply ordered the people of Dragon Island to retreat halfway and came to the North to fight the nobles of the North.

Before those southern nobles came to attack the nobles in the north, they didn't do their best. They didn't want to kill them. They just wanted to take advantage of them. Xiahe didn't care so much. Ordinary people didn't plan to deal with them.

In fact, a full-scale war really broke out, how can the civilians have a way of life.

The problem is that if Xiahe does not come, the world will still be a mess. There are ambitions like His Majesty the Emperor, and the world is full of holes. How can peace be possible?

If Xiahe arrives in this world a few years later, he may not see any signs of peace.

Xiahe just transported some experienced soldiers back, but it didn't really make the storm corner empty. He transported less than 5,000 people, and still used it to supplement the power of the Sun City.

Storm Point is still safe there, but Sun City may be, maybe the northern nobles will attack Sun City.

It is impossible to send a legend to damage. They also have cities in their own homes, and no one can bear it if the other party revenge. However, there is no problem in attacking military installations and fleets and dispatching their own troops to attack.

The nobles of the arcane empire no longer bastard, but also a bit of ethics, will not go to slaughter the people.

Xiahe now takes Huaihua Castle as the core, gathers the army and sends back the college mercenaries, all replaced by his own manpower. Huaihua Castle leans on the mining town, Xiahe makes full use of it and builds civil engineering.

Because Huaihua Castle now has a huge alchemy factory, and a huge underground magic circle is running, many magic furnaces are working. Xiahe installed a fortress cannon directly in the small town next to the castle.

He didn't have any drawings for this thing. When he was going to do this, he drew one by himself at the fortress of Woods.

Xiahe does not worry about the legendary strongman, Anduzias is now more than seventy grades and can fully exert his power. He also has legendary equipment and can also use Jennifer's scroll. Moreover, he has the ability to kill the legend directly.

As for the strength of the army, Xiahe has enough mages, and the Cadillac Knights dispatched a thousand people, and six hundred were the constructed knights led by Medieri himself. Then there are the seven thousand elite soldiers, some from Storm Point, and some from Sun City.

These eight thousand people are field troops. In addition to these, there are three thousand soldiers who are responsible for guarding the castle.

There are also 5,000 soldiers from Rhode Island who have not actually fought, but there are also high-intensity exercises on weekdays. Now put it here to prevent the lack of troops.

Xiahe transferred less than half of the granary in Huaihua Castle, and the rest of the food was enough for the military.

Xiahe didn't plan to attack for the time being, he just sat here to defend, any news of blood revenge was sent out, if the 18 nobles had faces, they would come and attack. Why bother to find one by one yourself.

The most important thing is that Xiahe is still learning more things now.

The last time I advanced into Yangshen, he felt that the accumulation was deep enough. He went to the Dragon and Tiger Dao Palace and came to this world again. He realized why the Taoist priests had to go out and communicate. Even the Taoist priests between the 9th Avenue Palaces will have contacts at the knowledge level.

This time, he accumulated much deeper than last time.

And he has an advantage that no one has, that is sacrifice.

The Yang God who had been cultivated before was sacrificed. If it is not the secret method of Taiyin Xianfu, he can only be regarded as an avatar. After the soul is complete, Xiahe feels the sacrifice of Yang Shen and feels what others cannot feel. Absolute order is self-destructive and reborn.

Passed by fire, the Taoist concept can spread from one universe to another and be reborn from destruction. A new universe will also give birth to Taoist avenues. Xiahe didn't know what power kept this mysterious thing. But he knows that in Taiyin Xianfu, it appears as six gods.

The Six Dao Shenming is destruction and new life.

Cultivating into Da Luo, he can regenerate all the ancestors in the six gods.

Yang Shen's self-sacrifice, like the six gods, is full of two sides. Yang Shen died, but Xiahe was fulfilled.

This makes Xiahe's great heritage more than a hundred times deeper than before.

At that time, the master was running out of time, and he was somewhat helpless to help him grow. Now again, Xiahe realized the bitterness.

I also want to have an apprentice who can pass on the tradition of Taiyin Xianfu.

I still have to create a lot, and let Taiyin Xianfu go one step further and become the existence of Jiu Avenue Palace.

Xiahe closed his mind in silence, and suddenly Freya passed the news.

"Adult, do you want me to help?"

"You have nothing to do with it. If you don't sit in the town, Stormwind will not work."

"I haven't run out often."

"I can't use you this time, I will use it much more in the future."

"Adult, are you going to advance Yangshen?" Freya rejoices, Xiahe Advanced Yangshen, her and Goddess of Doom's power will surge. Their two fighting capacities are still second. As their power increases, they can use more resources, and the genetic information obtained from the seeds of the gods will explode.

Dao Gong never thought that the Six Dao Shenmeng erased the connection between Dao Gong and the seeds of the gods, otherwise it would not do so.

Under normal circumstances, the gods made by the Taoist palace will never betray.

"Yes, there are two or three months at most. I have some ideas. My mirror is not perfect enough. I was poked by a waste last time, but it made me understand what the master said. , We ca n’t use too much deep space power, like the moon is not always round. ”

"Adult ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is not a time for spiritual practice. I sent you a group of golems again, hoping to use it."

"Golem? I don't remember letting you make this thing." Xiahe was somewhat repulsive to the golem, because in terms of combat power, the golem is not as good as constructing a war figure, and it is not too cheap.

"Adult, do you remember that goddess?"

Xia Hexin said, of course, remember that the girl demon **** is very powerful, although the level is not enough now, the essence has not changed.

"She gave me a drawing, a steel spider golem, which can be driven by burning raw coal, is cheap and easy to use."

"How lethal?"

"Adult must remember her fingers, iron spider's forelegs, very sharp, unrivaled penetration, and other attributes are also scary. It is that the body is not very resistant to punching, and it is easy to be iron knotted when it encounters a powerful magician."

When Xiahe heard it, he also became interested and said, "How much have you sent?"

"More than ten thousand." Freya replied.

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