Daomen Invasion

Chapter 584: :produce

The seeds brought by Xiahe are fast-growing small wheat, which has the advantages of high yield and high energy content. The disadvantage is that there is a big demand for water. If it is okay in another world, this world is full of radiation. Even if there is a water source, it must be purified before it can be used.

Therefore, there is a magic array in the factory, which produces clean water, but the electricity cannot be used by the magic array, and it is not as good as coal.

Xiahe remembered this lesson in mind and entered other worlds. If the technology is incomplete, he often has to waste extra resources to supplement his own shortcomings. In other words, you have to pay for your own ideas.

Fortunately, there are enough magic stones in Snowows this time, and the consumption of magic array for making clear water is relatively low. Even without this factory, Xiahe had to arrange it, and soldiers and civilians needed to quote clean water.

Fast-growing small wheats consume a lot of water, but the sugar content of the stem is quite high and can be used as feed. Poor places will even be used to the limit and can be used to squeeze sugar.

Xiahe has placed a sugar press on the side, and the remaining residue is thrown into the crushing array and can be synthesized into wood.

This extreme use is also because the things in this world are all used with radiation and mutated plants, which are highly toxic to civilians.

The civilians in this town have almost stone furniture and no decent clothes on their bodies.

It's not that the quality is not good, but that it doesn't fit well. It should be the inventory left over from the previous era and distributed to civilians. These residues can also be used to synthesize fiber woven fabric, which was originally a worthless thing, because the value of radiation is much higher.

In the first few days, low-level officers still gave lectures to civilians, but Xiahe produced a textbook at random. On the fourth day, he opened a school to teach knowledge to civilians. Know nothing. Civilians in this world originally had a lot of educational resources, but after the outbreak of war, there was no condition to open schools.

Fortunately, the appearance of the abilities is not far away from the previous city-state era, and there are some cultural remnants. They are quite attentive to impart knowledge, so the civilians are literate and have not degenerated into useless people.

In addition to cultivation, Xiahe also manufactures the components needed for the alchemy workshop. Although it is said that he brought a lot from Troy City, it was not enough.

The mechanical legion was blocked by Snowvis ’army for hundreds of miles. The team of Snowvis was different from the remaining two thousand eight hundred people in Xiahe. Xiahe came to train troops. The scale of his expeditionary army was not mentioned. By the way, just like a few people, although the quality is better, but the experience is far inferior to that of Snowvis.

Snowvis did not come to train troops, he came to conquer.

The war with the mechanical legion does not mean any training. The human army has not adopted a division tactic. It uses air suppression, long-range attack, and breaks up the mechanical legion, and then harvests the robots little by little.

In the sky, flying puppets and small electric warships, all of which are copied from the battlefield, are watched every day by soldiers without missions.

Xiahe doesn't even do the evaluation now, let the epic mages deal with it, modify the attributes of the magic projectile, and improve the weapons of the mechanical life in a targeted manner.

Mechanical life, only particularly advanced, will use bio-energy, the rest are simple high-energy batteries.

However, this kind of energy is not as stable as the magic array. The generation of powerful electromagnetic projectiles can allow the robot to strike temporarily, and even directly damage the energy core.

A small-scale electromagnetic explosion is even more lethal to mechanical life.

Xiahe gave all the troublesome things to the following people. Anyway, in this town, he had to stay for at least three months before he could produce the first batch of grain and make it into military grain.

This farmer's work thought that Xiahe would not participate anymore. He practiced every day, and at the same time analyzed and dissected the battlefield pictures to explain to the soldiers under his command. However, for this job, Xia He directly handed over the mirror image he created, and he hid himself in the grass, carrying the qi and communicating in deep space. At the same time, you must upgrade your equipment.

Yes, he came to this world and learned many new laws, which brought him a deeper background.

In addition, he was still feeding the starry sky worms, and used the method of Taiyin Xianfu to deliver some worm gas to the starry sky worms. If Yang Shen is a real person, if he is used to kill a person, it is truly invincible. However, gangqi is also an energy that can be directly absorbed by starry sky worms.

This gangue was first tempered on the wall of the gourd before the rest was swallowed by the starry sky worms, which saved Xiahe a lot of time. If he does n’t want to waste his anger, the operation is much more meticulous. There are star worms absorbing now, and Xiahe doesn't care about the operation method, but just pursues a fast word.

The green color of the gourd is more and more like a piece of beautiful jade, but the natural texture of the gourd is still there, and it looks smart and cute.

However, the living creatures in the gourd are not cute at all. If this thing is not controlled, it can eat the entire galaxy, and then it can't bear such huge energy, and it collapses into a black hole-like existence.

This is the life of the starry sky worm, starting from the weak and dying from the strong.

Daomen had a way to deal with it. Since a larva was found, Xiahe would naturally cultivate it, so as not to let it lose control. And the starry sky worm devoured his six gods, it is impossible to lose control.

Void Fire is a good flame, with rich attributes, but this larvae was hit hard before being conquered. Void Fire consumes too much and cannot be used for combat for the time being. It is foolish for Taoists to promote such things, so Xiahe did not give it too much panacea, but healed the wounds first, fed gangqi, and slowly turned on his psychic power.

In addition to gang qi, Xiahe also fed it chaff.

Now Xiahe's diet is all spiritual rice planted over the corner of Stormwind. A millet is three feet long, and Daomen rungs are naturally generated outside to block the aura. He is a real person of Yangshen, and he can only absorb one at a time.

However, the level of this spiritual rice is still low, and Xiahe can't cultivate higher grades for the time being. The seeds brought by the Taoist palace were originally only the seeds of spiritual rice that were eaten by the Yin Shen Taoist. Dao Gong practice, repeated breeding, selection from generation to generation.

The three-foot-long millet was cut off by Xiahe, and then sucked in from the air to absorb the pulp.

A huge chaff, also contains a lot of aura, he threw it to the starry sky worm. Anyway, the worm eats everything. This kind of spirit rice is quite good for improving its wisdom.

There are so many excellent Taoists in Taoist palace, and they are inseparable from the resources. The daily diet of Taoists is different from ordinary people. They have been accumulated over many years, and their physical qualities have changed dramatically.

With so much investment in Xiahe, how to create a storm angle is not good for yourself.

Without the strength of a martial art, relying on him to plant spiritual rice every day, when can he become a fairy?

However, the starry sky worm is not just about eating and vomiting. Xiahe's qi is very pure. It doesn't matter. The chaff of Lingmi is not all it wants to eat. After being directly smashed and absorbed, the starry sky worms spit out the blue pulp again, which was collected by Xiahe.

This thing is a fetish, and the spitting juice is also useful. The people of Penglai Dao Palace will use it to make rune paper, and the Dragon and Tiger Dao Palace, which is good at making runes, will make large-scale purchases every year.

This thing is very practical for the Taoist priests above the Yangshen and below the immortals.

Although it is a one-time rune, it is incomparable that it can be used repeatedly, but its attributes are no different from jade runes.

And because it is a one-time thing, it can fully stimulate the power, but Yu Fu has to worry about the explosive force, which damages the structure of Fu Mi.

Although Xiahe has good jade, he still has to use it to build a Taoist palace and distribute it to his disciples.

If it is used to create a fusi, he cannot use it at will. With the Star Worm, he has nothing to worry about on the rune resources. A chaff can make a blank rune paper.

Unfortunately, Xiahe didn't know that he could find this kind of artifact, and he didn't have an empty chaff on his body. This thing was stored in the warehouse at Storm Point. He originally planned to make magic projectiles.

A natural container, it is perfect to make powerful projectiles.

However, with the starry sky worm, Xiahe will not be so wasted. The dungeon of the Yangshen level is much more powerful than any magic projectile.

Xiahe lived in a brief life, and Snowvis contacted him again, it was a month later.

"Asrah, the Black Castle is done." Snowows' first sentence was quite proud.

"Well, give me another month, and I will be able to supply you with food steadily."


"The grain factory has been built, the crop growth cycle is about eight days, and the output is large, but the resources consumed are not small. The cost is about seven or eight times that of ours. In addition, since it is very important here, you have to stay more Some people come down to protect the factories here. I suggest no less than 5,000 people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ because if the machine is attacked, there will always be losses. There are no more than 3,000 people in this city and they cannot be protected at all. "

"Then I know, the space channel can be opened in a year, which is earlier than expected. Are you planning to go back?"

"A trip back."

"It can only be opened for three days. I have to mobilize a lot of resources and come with additional manpower."

"Enough is enough, I will promise to come over." Xiahe replied.

"Well, you left five thousand people over there, and the rest let them come to the Black Castle. I'm going to prepare for the next move. By the way, those of you, why don't you hand it to me?"

"Okay, I will let Rawls report with you."

Xiahe promised to be happy, but if he was thinking about it, Snowvis seemed to be very anxious?

Forget it, he just came over to help, he had any selfishness, as long as he didn't hurt his own interests, it would not be his turn to question.

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