Daomen Invasion

Chapter 585: : Advanced

The mechanical legion had been settled silently, and Xiahe left 5,000 people in the town, and the rest, along with Snowvis ’army, went to Black Castle.

However, an individual left by Xia He was the epic warrior Marcus.

Before Rawls left, he came to see Xiahe alone.

"Sir, if your Highness wants me to do something too risky, what should I do?"

"What makes it too risky?"

"Let our people fight against the enemy far more powerful than our enemies."

"Of course not, we are just a supplement to his strength. This army was not originally intended to fight him. Taking risks on the battlefield is bound to be accepted, but beyond your strength, you can refuse to execute."


"During this time, I will give you the pills. You remember to take them every day to improve your physique. I will go back one year later. If you want to go back, I can also transfer you back and change it again. Approve people. "

"Sir, that's not necessary, we can continue to work here."

"Well." Xiahe didn't mean it originally, but he didn't say anything.

After everyone was gone, Marcus asked strangely, "Adult, why don't you let me go, with my help, Rawls is safer."

"You are all at level thirty-nine. If Snowvis made you do anything, it would be difficult for you to refuse. It may fall. You are not a magician. What Rawls can do, you cannot, unless you are a legend. "

Marcus lowered his head. Yes, in the main world, the magician is treated far more than the warrior, even if he is a legendary warrior.

"I will teach you some warrior abilities recently. Probably the next time you see the king, you are a legend. In that case, he can't force you to do anything."

"Yes, sir." Marcus knew that the Duke was protecting him. To his surprise, the Duke had to point out his martial arts practice.

Xiahe really started to instruct Marcus. Marcus was a pure warrior with strong power. Xiahe taught him some breathing methods and had his own refined method of strength cultivation, originally from the secret method of Jennifer .

Jennifer paid a price in order to gain strong power. This secret method has a great impact on the appearance of people and is irreversible. Originally, this was nothing. Many people were willing to pay a heavier price for strength. But this is the secret of Jennifer, and Xiahe cannot give it to others at will.

What he has extracted himself has no effect on body size. Of course, it is not as powerful as Jennifer ’s secret method in power, but the explosive power is very good, suitable for warriors like Marcus.

After all, Jennifer is a magician, and uses her power differently than the warrior.

Xiahe didn't teach Marcus Shouyuan Hammer, what he taught to Marcus was the short spear tactics. Marcus himself is slightly taller, and looks like one meter and ninety-five. His short spear will also exceed two and a half meters according to his size.

Marcus entered the country like flying, the more he practiced, the more awe he was to Xiahe.

Suddenly one day, Marcus ran to Xiahe, forcibly suppressing the fear in his own heart, kneeling on one knee and saying, "Sir, I seem to have a problem."

Xia He glanced at him and said with a smile: "Then there is a problem, that is, Danhai was opened. I didn't expect that you are a legendary warrior of your age, your body has been shaped, and you can open up Danhai."

"What is Dan Hai?"

"The source of the extra power, my line of magicians, will practice Danhai. You have Danhai. Although the attributes are different, you can't release any spells, but ... you can use the scroll in the future."

Xiahe is also gratified, because if you can use the reel, Marcus's combat effectiveness is very impressive.

Give him an eight-scroll reel sequence launcher, and he will be able to fight like a demon warrior. The demon warrior is usually not as powerful as his pure warrior.

Marcus froze for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "My lord, I still owe you a lot of money, even if you can use the scroll, it's not affordable."

Xiahe Road: "The money thing is not so anxious. You have to be careful that before you become a legend, it is easy to fall. Every day you remember the breathing method I taught you. You must use your homework to calm down. The warriors are having trouble at this level because their strength is constantly expanding and affecting their hearts. "

"Yes, I want to live, and I can't let my money be spent on me."

Xiahe nodded, this is to reach a certain level, even mediocre people, wisdom will continue to increase. Marcus already understood that he did not want them to repay the money, but needed their strength.

Marcus accidentally cultivated Danhai. In this way, in this expeditionary army, there will eventually be two powerful legends, which is already a matter of course.

What does legend mean? It means there will be no accidents.

If it were not Xiahe who personally sat in the town, the last strike of space-based weapons would have caused heavy losses to Snowvis, and at least half of the more than 20,000 people would die.

There are two legendary legions that are relatively safe.

Marcus happily, Xiahe let him stay in the grass, do not worry about other things, concentrate on impacting the legendary realm.

Xiahe never thought he could be so fast. Without Danhai, Marcus might not be able to take another step forward in a few years. Even if he enters the legendary realm, the results will not be too great.

Xia He contacted Lucifer quietly, but did not expect to get a response. It seems that the connection between him and Lucifer is far closer than he expected.

Xiahe didn't do anything else, so he left a message for Lucifer and asked him to find a way to contact Freya, saying that he needed a rune box that could hold the sun **** rune. Previously, his ring was left in the storm angle, and he did not plan to use it again. If he uses any legendary equipment in the future, he will have to create it specially.

Storm Point, Goblin Ruins, Tai Palace.

Freya was very surprised when she received the news. The angel the adult had done was too powerful. She was able to communicate with the adult in an isolated world.

Yes, the relationship between yourself and adults is different from the general spirit. Lucifer should have faith in adults.

It's really evil, and the gods believe in mankind.

Freya quickly let go of other things, and began to wonder in her mind that the adult needed a rune box, so he could no longer make a ring or something. Adults have very little equipment now, for a Taoist.

The magic robe and the badge are not counted, just a lunar fairy ring, without the seal, the adult does need a Taoist weapon.

However, too much has been invested in the cultivation of the Taiyin Mirror. I cannot manufacture growth equipment this time, otherwise how can adults still have time to practice?

Simply create a celestial astrolabe?

No, the investment is huge, and it is slow to build. If the adult returns after a year, he will not be able to handle it himself.

Holy Spring of Huangquan?

It's sullen, and the adults are the same as Xiemenwaidao, not to mention, let's say that this thing is expensive to repair.

What is cheap and practical? Freya thought left and right, and suddenly remembered that there was something good in Kunlun Dao Palace. She happened to know the manufacturing method. Of course, this is also the secret of Longhu Dao Palace.

No matter, anyway, they fight, Master Daojun will not mind.

Freya thought of this and started to prepare resources.

Xiahe just said something casually, but he didn't expect what Freya would do. He was still practicing in the town, and his consciousness repeatedly scanned out of Jiutian Gang, trying to find space-based weapons.

However, if it is upward, the disturbance of the consciousness will be greater, unlike the search in the horizontal direction.

Soon after batches of grains were produced, after magic treatment, they were loaded on transport ships and sent to Black Castle. In Xiahe's alchemy workshop, various kinds of robots were created and spread out, looking for the nearby intelligent mechanical life base.

There must be a place that can produce weapons in large quantities and receive resources from robots in a larger area.

If you do n’t find this place, the town will be threatened at any time. After you leave, it is difficult to guarantee production.

In this way, another two months passed. Suddenly one day, a blood-red breath rose into the grass, and it formed a golden-red eye in the air.

Xiahe was taken aback, and Marcus looked up to the sky, and was instantly suppressed by his spell, without dispersing his voice. The vision lasted for less than three seconds and then dissipated.

Marcus directly condensed his powerful realm.

You have to know that in the epic realm, he has no false realm.

This eye, although it has a **** breath, but it is not something evil. The golden breath contained in it has strong strength and is in line with the taste of Daomen.

Xiahe was a little disturbed by the eye, as if all the heavens and the world were seen through it.

In the Taiyin fairy ring, he began to analyze the secret of this eye quickly, of course, this is also Xiahe's practice.

Marcus did not come immediately, but closed his eyes tightly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After thinking for more than twenty hours on the spot, he stood up, walked out of Xiahe's room, knelt on the ground, and said: " Master, I know you are very strict in recruiting disciples, and my qualifications are not worthy of this status. "

He said here, he bowed his head heavily, and had been worshipping more than a hundred times.

"Get up, you can name it under my door." Xiahe was very plain.

"Yes!" Marcus exulted, standing up and walking into Xiahe's room.

"How is it? What ability?" Xia He looked at this epic warrior, and he was also feeling with emotion. His qualifications could not be seen by himself, showing that the Taoist was not omnipotent.

If he hadn't brought him this time, this talent might have been buried.

"My legendary ability seems to be able to see through everything, of course, it is too much. But as long as it is not too powerful, I can see the track.

Xia He thought for a while and released a phase of Frost Dragon Shield, hovering in front of Marcus, saying: "Experiment."

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