Daomen Invasion

Chapter 809: : Death (1)

Shrek said that in his mouth, but he was still somewhat lost. There should not be only three legendary mages under him. Several masters in the old team were transferred away and went to other positions. Of the three legendary mages, only Drizzt will continue to follow him, and the other two will also be arranged to leave.

This is no way, because only Drizzt is more suitable for this kind of thing, and he is cruel.

"Head, choice, your selection ability is much better than most people. That underground trap, after going down, you call the airship bombardment, there is also a trap over the main entrance, you let Master Drizzt open Guarding behind the door, it must have also restrained the opponent's strength. The final escape was too decisive. We will be left in the underground factory for two or three seconds at night. "

Another young mage said: "Yes, the leader, you met a strong enemy before, but you are very decisive, and we will not have this reaction in exchange."

Shrek smiled bitterly: "Relax, I'm not messed up. It's just that the teacher said, how many heroes are there in the world. I thought it would be a legend, at least I can share the worries for the teacher, I didn't expect to be very weak.

The rest of the Masters are also silent. Everyone knows that the last mission was completed by Smith.

The second student of Lord Duke of Smith specializes in swordsmanship. Everyone thought that the magician must be stronger than the warrior. Who knew that a swordsman actually saved four legendary mages.

"Okay, don't be frustrated. Smith still has stronger enemies. He can't do anything. Let him deal with it. The next target is a mercenary. In a city that belongs to the empire, we can't go directly to kill him. Uighur, use our official documents to contact local officials and ask them to help. "

Li Wei is the strongest mage besides four legendary mages. He is less than thirty years old and at level 35.

He was ordered, nodded, and received the document Shrek gave him, and he listened quietly to Shrek's arrangement.

This second goal is a legendary warrior. A dragon slaughter mercenary group was established in Jueyan City. This name is quite vulgar. As long as the dragon in this world has been extinct, this name, but anyone with a little culture, Won't play.

Gauss, the legendary warrior, established the Dragon Slaughter Mercenary Corps a year ago, and was not affiliated with any academy, under the free mercenaries.

Such people are not easy to deal with in the city of Ju Yan. Mercenaries are legitimate organizations, and attacks for no reason will attract repression from the local government.

However, since the Duke gave the order, Shrek didn't care, and if the local officials didn't cooperate, they would also look good. After all, the duke leader is now powerful, although it has not yet been supplemented by politics, but it is almost the same. On the side of Princess Angelina, the Rhode Island family is still very powerful.

If Jueyan City doesn't know what to do, it will be dealt with together.

This has nothing to do with power. It is purely taking the upper line. The teacher does not care about the intensification of conflicts, and Shrek certainly does not care.

Xiahe certainly does not care. He has to deal with these people, all of which have different statuses. The Dongxu City is a local noble, a mercenary group in the city of Juyan, a private organization. If Princess Angelina did not support him, he would naturally have the means behind.

If he supports, then he will continue to support the princess.

It's all temptation, nothing to say.

For Xiahe, time is the most precious thing. There is a lot of income for one thing. For example, the son of the law of killing, one is to look at the reaction of the main god, the second is to test yourself to the princess side, and wait for the degree of help you get. After all, this is tossing in the empire, and the third is to look at the benefits. For example, the side of Dongxu City was managed by Shrek and turned to himself.

The follow-up trouble is that the Merrifin family may just face up to themselves.

That's fine. Xiahe's most worrying thing now is that he has a bunch of soldiers, but he can't find a suitable enemy and brings more benefits to himself.

The number of demons is much, but the only benefit is that there are countless materials to devour the starry sky worms. Then a large area of ​​land was obtained, and I don't know when it will be purified.

He occupies nearly one-third of the land in the New World, but he has to allocate some of his nobles, not all in his own hands. But these lands want to be used, and it takes only 30 to 50 years to choke.

The magician didn't purify the land quickly, and then he committed evil with the temple. He had already killed many powerful temple masters. It is impossible to find a magician for help now, of course Xiahe had long expected it, but he wanted this result. Anyway, he is underpopulated and the New Continent cannot make use of it.

Then he was still testing the reaction of the nobles within the empire. He not only sent the magician to kill, but he also sent a squadron of soldiers.

Speaking of which, in the empire, it is already illegal to do so.

But above the law, there is power. When you are strong enough, you can ignore the law. The princess did not say, would the other nobles not?

However, the reason why Xiahe doesn't care is that he killed the son of the law and has seized the evidence. This matter, the royal family can certainly help him to suppress it, if it can't be suppressed, what kind of auxiliary minister he will be.

It depends on what Angelina can do. Of course, the rest of the intentions are also related to Muses.

If you talked to Muses, you will also draw the attention of the Lord God. Xiahe is running on the road to death. It was really staring at the main god, giving Muses a big temptation, maybe he would do it himself.

Xiahe is still cleaning up the Demon Race, the progress is not too fast, mainly because he did not do it himself, and the cotton cloth Jack is also not coming out of the Tongtian Tower. Relying on him alone, he can't compete for the entire world, he has a lot of powerful helpers.

Up to now, five field legions, one expeditionary legion, all have qualified legionaries and deputy legionaries. Although the level is not satisfactory to Xiahe, but the effect is ideal. The following battalions are no problem. Even at the rank of captain, there are also many talents. Eighth Chengdu came from Asla Magic Academy.

If it were n’t for the change of the laws of the main world, it became easy to practice. It is really impossible for him to cultivate so many people in a short time.

The gold plant of Tongtian Tower is becoming more and more important.

Xiahe was in the factory of Tongtian Pagoda that day, looking at the newly-made magic guns, he was a little excited in his heart.

This is an epic equipment. For Xiahe, making epic equipment is easy, but producing it from a factory is not that simple. This magical musket is like a short spear in appearance, only more than two meters long, with three faces on the tip of the spear, some of which are like arrow clusters.

On all three faces, there are natural holes, which are three launch holes.

This short spear, which can be controlled with mental power, shoots three magic projectiles in an instant. It sounds like a weapon that can only store three attack power is not very powerful, but this is an epic equipment, which can be used as a melee weapon, and has a strong piercing ability.

And this thing is dedicated to the magician, not to mention the epic equipment, it can be used at level 10.

Xiahe's military reform has an important invention, which is to allow the magician to be in close combat with the warrior. However, this is the patent of the battle mage. The magic net mage is limited to the magic net, unable to learn so much magic, and the mental power is not enough to support this battle.

Some people say that the mage has a use in melee, isn't it a waste? How many knives did you cut a fireball from a distance?

However, on the battlefield, the cooperation of magicians with each other, although there has been systematic learning, even strange wizards can quickly become familiar with each other. The problem is that this is not a game, the interaction between magic, When doomed to cast magic, the Master was subject to many restrictions.

So the magicians on Xiahe's side, everyone specializes in fireball, and the best way to practice is to cooperate with each other.

But even so, more fireballs also affect each other, such as detonation in advance. Although the magician is physically strong, he can't beat the soldiers in close combat.

Xiahe thought about it. Why can a priest wear heavy armor and flirt with flail, unparalleled on the battlefield?

So Xiahe redesigned the mage armor, which can be folded in the belt, evoked at any time, and put on the body. Then there are mage weapons, melee spells and so on. Everything became a system, and then dedicated to high-intensity practice in the phantom array. Now, as long as there is a phantom array, all the wizards led by the Duke are desperately doing this.

The new spear magic wand was developed for this system.

The magician can attack from a distance, and can also close combat, has always been quite powerful.

Now the magician also has this ability. In the future, he will not fight as many deaths and injuries as he did in the front of the temple.

The Temple of Dawn had escaped early, and the remaining eight temples refused to give up their interests. As a result, they were besieged in the north by the Imperial Noble Alliance. However, the deaths and injuries of the Allied Forces are not too low, because the magicians in the temple are too fierce. On the battlefield, it is the same as the humanoid Tyrannosaurus.

Wearing heavy armor ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Many long-range firearms can't be worn. After they are worn, they are canceled by magic arts. Those that are not canceled can also be treated quickly. If they don't die, they will explode at any time. .

Fortunately, in the Demon Realm, if the **** can come, this kind of magician is really a headache.

No matter how strong Xiahe is, he is just a person. If Xia Ye is not around to fight with him, he will not be so powerful.

Besides, even if it is the Taoist palace, you must try to cultivate as much power as possible. You can't let anything go, let Jinxian take action, then everyone still has time to practice.

The spear magic wand looks heavy and inconvenient. It is more than two meters long, but it is not a metal material. If there are so many powerful demons this time, and there are materials provided by the starry warship, Xiahe ca n’t help himself. Let the alchemy factory make it.

The basic material, of course, is provided by the starry sky worm. The weight of the spear magic wand is only more than six pounds. Although the tip of the hair is triangular, it actually has holes, and after processing, it is equal to three spear blades. Sharpness with constant epic ranks.

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