Daomen Invasion

Chapter 810: : Death (2)

Such a magic wand, when waving, can achieve the effect of a giant sword slashing, stimulating the above magic, and can cut off medium-sized magic.

The killing effect of the material itself is directed at the temple ’s caster.

In the future, Xiahe's mage group meets the magician, and the magic wand is stabbed in the past, and you will have to die if you have more body protection.

Xiahe picked up the spear magic wand, and there was only one thought in his heart: let you open Wushuang, let your priest play heavy armor!

"This thing, study another model for the Magnet Master, which is designed to kill heavy armor units in close combat."

"Yes." The mage behind Xiahe immediately recorded it. This requirement is fairly simple and should be completed soon.

"Master Duke, there is a letter from the princess over there."

"Show me it."

Soon, someone outside sent the letter in. Xia He opened it, but it was reprimanded by Princess Angelina. Roughly speaking, it means that he used soldiers in the hinterland of the empire, violating the laws of the empire, and asked him to go to the princess ’camp to plead guilt.

Xiahe thought about it and knew that it was for outsiders.

Because of this, it is normal to go through the House procedures, and it is very troublesome. Going to the big camp to blame or something is pure nonsense. What can happen after guilt? Rebuke has been reprimanded.

Of course Xiahe didn't have time to pass by, so he answered the letter.

Of course, Xiahe would push it cleanly, and then he took another bite, saying that Duke Merrifin had no control over the weakness of his men, so that the son of the law appeared on the site under his control.

His own people took the soldiers with the consent of the Viscount, specifically to kill the son of the law. The Paine family was disheartened and did not want to follow the Merrifin family, so they turned to themselves.

Then he said that the Merrifin family might collude with the elves. Otherwise, why did the Red Sea City not settle for a long time? After he drove the Merrifin family away, the half-elves could no longer make waves in the Red Sea City. The appearance of elves over Dongxu City this time may also be related to the Merrifin family.

Of course, he was spitting blood on the mouth. The problem is that once this is done, there is no way to go through the House process, and it can only be solved below.

This kind of investigation, the Merrifin family will be very troubled.

Then Xiahe was still very deadly. He said directly that if the Merrifin family were not convinced, then they would fight head-on. Whoever wants to support the Merrifin family does not care, and solved the best together.

Princess Angelina was stunned when she saw Xiahe's letter. Why is this **** not afraid of anything?

Fighting against the Merrifin family? There are several worlds behind them, not to mention the Duke who was mentioned recently. It was because the empire used to be equal and there was no war, so there was no opportunity for promotion.

Compared to the truth, you are far away from Asla.

But Asla said something quite reasonable. Why did the Merrifin family get nothing in the Red Sea City before, and when they left, the people of Asra stabilized the Red Sea City?

You know, at that time, the half-elves often attacked the Red Sea City, and the people under Asla suffered heavy losses.

As for the children of the law, Asra should have blocked the mouth of the House of Commons. With this reason, it cannot be resolved through the legal process on the empire side.

Your own reprimand is already over.

As for the presence of elves over the Paine family, this is indeed a problem, but it is not so serious when it comes to the children of the law. It should be the elves brought by the children of the law, not the old comeback.

The Merrifin family is also unlucky, and this matter has nothing to do with them at all. However, Xiahe can remember the previous things. He and the Merrifin family have nothing to say. Killing the legend of others is not a face-slap, it is terrible.

Even if it is now easier to practice advanced, legend is also the most important force of a family.

To be honest, if a family has no legend, it can only depend on others, and it is not an independent force at all.

After Princess Angelina wanted to understand, she held a meeting and announced Xiahe's letter.

There is an uproar in the world, and even if the Duke Asra is rational, it is too aggressive to fight another Duke? Do you know how to write dead words?

The Merrifin family, but not the nobles of the North, are all poor.

The Merrifin family has a long history, and the development of a different world is also very long, with sufficient troops and strong people. Duke Asra is rich again, and no one is rich. The force comparison also shows that the Merrifin family is dominant.

Asla is playing with fire, and Princess Angelina pushed it in the back.

Instead, everyone was silent, no one jumped out, accusing Xiahe.

Princess Angelina saw this scene and admired Xiahe instead. If it weren't for this, it might have become violent.

When he was so troubled, no one wanted to provoke the upper body. Anyway, the Merrifin family was so strong, let Asla go to the wall, and do n’t mix in. All nobles were thinking this way, and the scene was deserted.

As for blending in and getting benefits?

No kidding, Asra is a mad dog. If you mix it in, he will bite you first. Pay and gain are not proportional.

The nickname of Duke of Tombstone is not a mess, it is really a killing head.

The matter reached the Merrifin family, and the Merrifin family was also anxious to die. At sea, they could not stop the Duke of Asla. At Sanxing Town, not only the property of the Asla family, but also other nobles. Well, including the princess, even Metatlin started to do things over there.

However, the Merrifin family certainly refused to swallow this bad breath, and immediately announced that they would wage war against the Paine family and wash away the shame of betrayal.

Rhode Island responded quickly, saying that if a soldier set foot on the Paine family's territory, Rhode Island would launch an air strike on the Merrifin family's territory.

Goliath is also out, don't you want to die, Lord Duke? Then play well.

Rhode Island's attitude is fierce, and it is clear that if a war begins, a new batch of weapons and equipment ready to be sent to the New World will be used by the Merrifin family.

The Duchess has few battleships now, because the resources are put on other things. The old-style battleships are useless after all. Unless they reach the legendary level, they can survive on the sea and play a huge role in the future. However, the manufacturing of legendary warships consumes too much resources. Even if there are star worms, Xiahe does not want to waste it.

Everyone felt that the two sides were fighting each other. On the second day of the incident, Rhode Island dispatched ten large airships, escorted by a large number of flying warships, and reached the territory of the Paine family.

There are three main cities of the Paine family. The main characters of the family are in Dongxu City, and the small city facing the direction of the Merrifin family is only two miles away, and the population is not large. It is called Dongri City.

In the territory of the Paine family, there is a mountain range, called Dongyin Mountain, which runs from east to west. Tori Castle is on the north side of Dongyin Mountain. There is a road in the north, except for a mountain range in the south, the rest are plains. The farmland within the Paine family territory was vast, and it was originally made in the wine industry.

Rhode Island's army, simply, went straight to East Sun City, saying you came to fight, beat me.

Ten airships brought an army of battalions, and East Japan City originally had only more than a hundred soldiers, and the host and guest suddenly changed positions. Ten airships hurried back immediately, followed by 20 more, and this time only brought about a thousand people, and the rest were supplies.

On the east side of the city, a child of the person in charge of the Paine family, although it is a direct line, has no inheritance rights, not even a knighthood.

"Berlin Paine, twenty-seven years old, twenty-seventh-level mage?" The battalion sent by Rhode Island, in the living room of Berlin, occupied the master seat.

Berlin smiled bitterly: "It's me, how do you call it?"

He could see that he was a legendary mage. Are legends worthless? He was originally a fifteenth-level mage. After the loosening of the rules of the main world, he entered the world rapidly in the past two years, and reached the twenty-seventh level. After the people of Rhode Island came, he discovered that the other party ’s army was strong Ruyun.

The legendary mage smiled and said, "I came here to make up the numbers. My name is Bill. This battalion is also formed temporarily."

Berlin is speechless, how can you confess it?

However, there are so many robot warriors brought by the other party, and the city can't let go.

"Well, there is a mine vein on the Dongyin Mountain. I have seen it. The money for dispatching the army this time is from there. Don't worry about it. Normally, there is also a copy of the Duke of my family. It should be withdrawn in advance. I do n’t need your help in logistics or the like, but the money for fortification is for you to come out. After all, I ca n’t move the city. "

"It should be."

"Oh, if you know how much money, don't say that, but it doesn't matter, since the Pene family has turned to my prince, then it will give you a 40% off price, in short it is affordable."

"This, I can't be the Lord!"

"Of course you can't be the master, it's Lord Duke's order, you just listen."

Berlin was silent, and Bill looked at him: "Your qualifications could have been admitted to the academy, why ..."

"The resources of the previous family ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are all given to the elder brother, and I have nothing to say, who will know that he has been secretly calculated later." Berlin also has no meaning of jealousy. The qualifications are better than him. Of course, family resources will lean past.

Civilians can go to the college without spending money, but if the nobles want to go, the consumption is too large, and the Viscount family cannot afford two people.

"Okay, if you really want to fight, your people will be your own soldiers to protect the city's main palace. The rest will be left to me."

"Yes." Berlin is no longer nonsense, the other party did not mean to let him contribute, just pay.

Bill looked at the map and said slowly: "The Merrifin family has always been slow, and even if it comes to trouble, it will probably take a month. One month, it should be repaired."

Berlin does n’t know what to say, repair the city in a month and resist the Merrifin family? Just another camp?

This is really death!

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