Daomen Invasion

Chapter 818: : Hanging

Desolate Realm!

Princess Angelina is not a weak chicken, she instantly released a domain skill, not her boundary strength. Boundary power will weaken everyone except her. Her cooperation with Xiahe was not good, so she released a range of magic.

Xiahe's Dragon Shield, defense in the field of bleakness, skyrocketed.

This is a special attribute of Phase Frost Dragon Shield, Princess Angelina knows.

The dragon shield was oval, protecting Princess Angelina of Xiahe properly, and Xiahe released the mirror of the moon night. This is his own legendary magic, invincible skill.

The so-called invincible skill is an attack released by someone who is not as powerful as him, and they cannot break the mirror of the moon.

Princess Angelina was surprised to see that the dragon shield in front of Xiahe, layers of cracks, each layer of frost crystals, defenses are legendary magic of more than fifty levels, but only the power of the explosion affected the dragon. The shield was worn away in layers, and it collapsed in a flash.

Half the house collapsed, the mirror of the moon flashed for a moment, disappeared, and the aftermath of the explosion completely dissipated.

Princess Angelina's face was iron-green, and Xiahe kicked it out, using teleportation magic, otherwise she might not be able to kick her own soldiers.

Her personal soldiers were all cultivated since childhood, and their loyalty broke the mark.

Such people can be used, where else is safe?

"It's not what you think, but the soul has been replaced." Xiahe quickly comforted the princess, otherwise Angelina began to doubt the ghosts, if anyone didn't believe it, it would be no good for him.

"Come here." Princess Angelina calmed down and called for the manpower. She called Xiahe to come over, but in fact, she broke all the people away, and had some private words to say.

"Angelina, you know, my Dragon Shield, even if there is a legendary magic cannon in front of it, can't open it, not to mention your blessing in the cold field, so that the defense of Dragon Shield has more than doubled. It is another invincible skill that blocks the attack. "

"Is it a sacrifice skill?" Angelina asked.

"It may be a directed alchemy bomb, and its power can be infinitely improved."

"What it is?"

"Something of the son of the law." Xiahe is also a little uncertain now, is it Muses? It shouldn't be possible, even if you want to kill yourself, you can't take Princess Angelina with me.

Members of the princess's mages rushed in, as well as the guardian command.

Seeing the mess here, everyone looked at each other in horror, and even forgot to guilt.

Princess Angelina gritted her teeth and now she doesn't know what to do. It is the personal soldier who assassinated yourself. Do you blame the entire personal soldier system? The Master League has nothing to do with this matter.

There is no way to find the behind-the-scenes instructions for the assassination, and there is nowhere to report revenge.

When I presided over government affairs myself, I didn't expect to be suffocated. Do you want to consult Asra? This **** was just smug, teasing himself and saying nothing would let him take it away.

Is it possible to escape to the city of Juno? In the city of Juno, he has a special blessing of the royal family, and he is absolutely not afraid of such assassinations.

How can you command the three troops?

"Ann ... Her Royal Highness." Xiahe looked at many people and decided to give the princess some respect.

"whats the matter?"

"It's better to let my brother come over to protect Your Highness. He originally protected me." Xia He wanted to bring Xia Ye over. Xia Ye had an orderly scale in her body and had stronger defense than herself. Xia Ye made it, originally to deal with the attack of the demigod, and it should be no problem to protect the princess.

"No, I transferred from the royal family." Princess Angelina shook her head. If she had to rely on Asra to protect her, what confidence would she have to rule the empire?

This is a test that his father gave himself. If he can't do it, when his father returns, his inheritance rights will probably disappear.

Although it feels not fun to be an emperor, has she ever lost?

Xiahe gave up, he decided to take Xiaye wherever he went. It's terrible, the main god, looks crazy, I don't know how many people are going to be unlucky.

Fortunately, everyone in his army has checked in a large illusion, not the son of the law.

You must know that his phase of the Frost Dragon Shield has evolved repeatedly, and his defensive power has been ridiculously strong. He has seen Long ’s death and turned around, so he has never overestimated his defensive power.

Long can kill the legend in the epic realm. Now that the legend is there, the power of the death turn will also increase.

In this world, there is never a lack of genius, like a similar kind of magic. The ordinary magic shield cannot be defended at all. Besides, he has made a lot of powerful equipment. He can build it, and others can build it.

Oriented alchemy bombs have a space attribute. Although they kicked away their own soldiers, the explosive power has not weakened much. In theory, there is no threat to their lives. The problem is that it is theory. If three or fifty bombs explode at the same time?

In theory, thirty or fifty directional alchemy bombs would be expensive, and few people can afford them.

Unfortunately, these three words are unlucky in theory. Many things are more theoretical.

"Go back to the magic tower first, Asla, you too."


A party protected Princess Angelina and returned to the magic tower. There are not many buildings affected by the office locations here. As the name of the bomb, the attack is directed and has a fan shape. Most of the attacks were still resisted by Dragon Shield.

But no one wants to let the princess take the risk, or go back to the magic tower for safety.

If the explosion of Fang Cai was born in the magic tower, Angelina could instantly organize a layered space defense.

Returning to the Magic Tower, Princess Angelina's heart was truly settled. She immediately arranged a manual investigation and used the formation in the Magic Tower to detect the soul state of the people around her.

Fortunately, nothing went wrong.

"What's the matter with the Muses and the Merriffin family?" She asked by the way, before she had forgotten what Fang Cai said. What if it is true?

A mage replied: "Your Highness is a matter of competing for the territory. The Muses are here. His army is to the south. The conflict with the Merrifin family army is due to transit issues."

When the princess of the princess magistrate said this, he also glanced at Xiahe. Xiahe was inexplicable. What was it about him?

He didn't know yet that Muses had learned him, expanded the site to the south, built a fortress, and sent troops. But without the ability to build the Great Wall, it is difficult to stop the nobles ’troops from entering and leaving.

Now the Demon Territory is on the verge of collapse, the power of the Demon Clan is being weakened, and the noble army takes the initiative to attack, often passing by the site that Muses claimed to occupy.

Conflict is a matter of time, but this time it happened that the Merrifin family was out of luck.

"What happened to the south, why did you come here?" Princess Angelina did not expect that there was a real conflict.

"It's the Duke of Muses, who beat the commander of the Merrifin family."

Princess Angelina is speechless, what is she doing, ignoring her existence? It ’s all about Asra, why should Muses? No, what is Asla!

There must be something wrong with his mind, and he should tolerate Asra's misconduct.

But I really need Asla ’s support, and Muses, this is my father ...

Yes, if you do not support the two bastards, it is against the father's intentions. These two **** are ministers of auxiliary affairs.

"So, how did it hurt?"

The mage of the wizarding group hesitated, and Princess Angelina frowned, saying, "What can't you say?"

"The commander of the Merrifin family was hung up and beaten, and his clothes were almost gone."

"Hang up and fight? I remember him as a legend."

Everyone had nothing to say. The incident was exploding in the main city. When the Merrifin family saw Muses, they accused him of not allowing his own army to cross the border. In fact, in the south, the conflict between the Muses and the Merrifin family did not happen once or twice. Many people died this time.

Then Muses was angry, you dare not provoke Asla, when I am bully?

I am also a legendary mage and a minister of auxiliary politics, and you deserve to scold at my nose!

This matter is really inseparable from Xiahe. Xiahe built the Great Wall, and whoever dared to come and beat him, all of them were dead hands. There was no reason to speak.

The problem is that the Great Wall is a real line of defense and a legal building.

Muses just built a castle, and then draw lines on both sides of the castle to prevent others from passing by.

The expeditionary commander of the Merriffin family was an earl, and Muse was the duke. When the two quarreled, Muse simply started.

Muses is high-level, well-equipped, and the children of the law. Many people do n’t know the foundation, even if the level is lower than you, it can also make you a yin.

"Your Highness ..."


"Mussis also said that if the people of the Merrifin family were dissatisfied, they would go to his territory and toss about it. They were afraid that they would not dare to pass." The mage said helplessly.

The land of Muses was too far away from the Merrifin family, and the obstacles along the way were not mentioned. The site of Muses is basically across the sea from Asla's site, and the strait is not very wide. According to the degree of flying warships, Musisi's local war can be supported at any time.

The two auxiliary ministers, this is to unite to dry the Merrifin family.

Xia Hexin said, I am going, Muses wants to bring myself together, but now he has been like this with the Merrifin family. The Merrifin family really went to the territory of Muses ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I really do Can't ignore.

The problem is that Muses is also a big pit.

If it were not for her own eagerness to open up a new world and transfer all the soldiers back, the Merrifin family was pushed flat. Although there are many legends in this family, it is not enough to do it yourself.

Forget it, first try to find out what the other nobles mean. I haven't seen any signs yet. I just have a goal against the Merrifin family. Rodriguez College has shrunk.

I only sent more than 20,000 people to East Sun City, one is really lack of manpower, the other is not wanting to behave so fiercely.

It costs money to fight, and a legendary clone of Bill spent a lot of money, not to mention the material transfer of so many troops. The war in the main world should not be too large before the blood of another world has returned.

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