Daomen Invasion

Chapter 819: : Not adjustable

If someone else knew what Xiahe thought, he would definitely slap him.

What is the scale should not be too large? He did send only 20,000 people to East Sun City, but there were more than 100,000 robots. Didn't you see that the Merrifin family also mobilized more than 100,000 troops?

And Rhode Island sent most of the flying warships in the past, leaving less than 20% of the homeland.


Why is there less than two hundred flying warships left by Duke Asra?

Nonsense, wasn't he sold?

Lots of modified flying warships were packed and sold by Rhode Island. Instead, it is a six-pointed star airship, none of which means to sell.

Isn't Xiahe short of liquidity? Gold coins are not enough to make money. If it were n’t for Rhode Island, who would owe a lot of money, he would not be able to mobilize the army now.

This is what Xiahe used the rules of this world, that is, the loyalty of the lord to the lord. He is the head of Rhode Island, and the people of Rhode Island background, the better the day, the loyalty to him is really high.

Xia He was thinking about himself, and suddenly Princess Angelina asked: "Duke Asra, how do you deal with this matter?"

Xiahe casually said: "I have started a war with the Merrifin family, and detained him 100,000 people in East Sun City. What can I do, I am also helpless."

"You detained him!"

"I can't help it. The army transferred from the outside world by the Merrifin family is too brittle. One charge collapsed. There was no good air defense force in the base camp. As a result ...

"Okay, I know. I will send someone to scold the Duke of Merriffin."

"Oh" Xiahe responded with dissatisfaction.

"What are you going to do with those troops?"

"If you want money, ten thousand gold coins per day is considered as food expenses. If the Merrifin family doesn't give money, I don't care about the food.

"Ten people, eat fifty silver coins a day? Asla, are you crazy?"

"My army is this standard." Xiahe said straightforwardly. Of course, his army is higher than this standard, he is converted into money. How to set the price of Lingmi? This thing can improve people's physique, make practice easier, and may inspire special skills.

Although this excitement is very unreliable, there is no one in 100 people, but as long as the attributes are announced, no one thinks that Xiahe is too expensive.

If his Lingmi is open for sale, any noble will buy it out to cultivate an elite army.

Xiahe didn't want his soldiers not to be accounted for, but the food he provided was really valuable.

In Rhode Island, food is graded, and the lowest grade is purchased. It is not considered expensive food in the empire. It is used to raise livestock. Then there is the polished rice grown in its own grain factory, which is the grain sold throughout Rhode Island, which can be bought by the common people, and it is no different from the imperial pricing.

The food price of the empire has not been high, which is also the cornerstone of the empire's stability.

The profiteers resell everything, but reselling food will surely die.

The quality of this kind of polished rice is better and the prices are converging, so the livelihood of Rhode Island is also very stable. Then there is the low-level spirit rice. In the army, as long as they are professional soldiers, they are mixed food of fine rice and spirit rice, which is of great help to upgrade the level. Then there is the professional who is over tenth level, whose physical quality is already extraordinary, and can eat pure low-level spirit rice.

When it reaches the epic realm, it is the mixed consumption of low-level Lingmi and high-level Lingmi, and when it reaches the legend, it is pure supply of high-level Lingmi.

Even for soldiers below level 10, the daily consumption is pure rice mixed with a certain amount of low-level spirit rice, and the price cannot be reduced. In fact, the daily food consumption of professional soldiers is priced at ten silver coins in Rhode Island.

And one gold coin is equal to fifty silver coins. Xiahe professional soldiers, one gold coin is only enough for five people to eat one day.

Therefore, in Xiahe's army, if you only train and do not perform tasks, you will only owe more and more debts, and you will definitely not make any money. Training also costs money, and the magic circle of the illusion runs, that is costly.

But as long as the task is performed, there is a relatively satisfactory income.

The soldiers were not worried, because there were some killed and disabled in the previous war. Those who died in battle are directly forgiven of debts and have additional pensions, usually no less than fifty gold coins. For the disabled, the Duke will install a prosthesis for free, reduce debt, and the remaining debt will become an interest-free loan, and then some additional rewards.

These are not counted as income earned during military service after joining the army, including the money that must be released every month, plus the loot earned by performing missions.

The system was not invented by Xiahe, but by the Shenzhou Empire.

Considering joining the army, they can basically become professionals. After retirement, they will not worry about their work. People in Rhode Island have always been very active in enrolling in the military.

If you want to become a professional without joining the army, the Duke's collar also provides convenience, at roughly the price of about five thousand gold coins.

The price of Xiahe's food is fixed and the captive is halved, but he will not really provide the captive with any good things, at most for the feed level of food.

Listening to Xiahe's words, the princess's eyes were dry.

Xia Hedao: "If the people of the Merrifin family feel excessive, I can give them a list. My army eats so expensive. I really don't pit them ..."

"Forget it, just hang, I think, you have 100,000 hostages, and the people of the Merriffin family will not continue to fight. But this matter cannot be combined with the matter of Muses."

"I don't owe Muses anymore." Xia He said with a grin.

"What do you want to say?" Princess Angelina listened to him and became a little nervous.

"War reparations. The Merrifin family would have to pay for war reparations if they wanted to end this. I died a legend of the 55th grade, or my student, from the Asra Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I also paid for the transfer of the army. It was sent by air transport to the East Japan City, the war wasted, everything was out of the Merrifin family, otherwise the war will not stop. "

The people in the magic tower are silent.

Duke Asra, this is not to end the war. It stands to reason that he all won, and everyone took a step back, and the people of the Merrifin family spent money to redeem the soldiers, and the truce was over.

However, Duke Asra clearly wanted to avenge his students.

But are there so few legends that you killed others? Did the swordsman under your team kill a few other legends?

"This matter, no discussion. I haven't said anything about the Merrifin family and the children of the law!"

Princess Angelina immediately patted the table and said, "I think the Duke said it makes sense."

"Then I will call the nobles?"


Princess Angelina greeted Xiahe and went to the third floor below the magic tower, where there was a meeting room.

Her mages only left two legends, and the rest retreated, and Xiahe sat beside her, waiting for the arrival of the nobles.

"Asla, you said, how will this matter be resolved in the end? Not long after my father left, I messed everything up. Alas ..."

"Let's delay for a few days and listen to the news from the empire. The Son of Law suddenly broke out and did a lot of things. I think it's not just that we are out of luck, there may be other places."


"Angelina, the son of the law wants to hide his identity for a long time. When he comes, he is most likely to come to non-professionals. There are very few noble children, unless they are waste wood before. Reaching the fifth level standard makes it more difficult to come. It ’s almost impossible. ”

"How do you control your army?"

Xia He smiled and replied: "You know, my army, trained with a large phantom array, has been immune to the advent of the Son of Law for a long time."

"Will it hurt the soul?"

"How is it possible that my own students all use phantom arrays to practice. The biggest role of phantom arrays is to provide some enemies that are not normally encountered, such as dragons and phoenixes that have been extinct. There are also various terrains, Various extreme war environments. "


"Not sold, the royal family also has it."

Princess Angelina will not mention it, she feels that her class can also create such a illusion, and the rest is just a matter of consumption.

"So in the end, in what form does the war end?"

"These 100,000 people paid me the money to support them within three days, and within a month I would get a ransom. If I were not paid, I would give these 100,000 people to Muses, which happened to be lacking. What about people? As for how the war ends? I have n’t thought of ending him. If the Merrifin family wants to end, then ceded a different world to me, the land area should not be smaller than that of Bingfeng. ”

Princess Angelina tapped the table with her slender fingers and asked, "Do you want to end?"

"No, if the Merrifin family can compensate me for the loss and cede a world, I can guarantee a peaceful coexistence with them and do nothing against them in the future. Unless they are provocative again."

"But ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ These hundreds of thousands of people are very important to the Merrifin family."

Xiahe Road: "Why don't you say that a world is more important."

"A world can be fought back, but when people are abandoned, they can never be taken back. These hundreds of thousands of people represent the hearts of the Merrifin family. If the war is defeated, they will be abandoned. The army is very difficult to manage. "

"I haven't thought about this, but you know, I value money very much."

Xiahe and the princess were talking, and successively the imperial nobles came to the meeting room of the magic tower, saluted the princess, and then sat in the position where they should sit according to the size of the knighthood.

For about half an hour, the nobles who were still in the base camp of the imperial city had all arrived, and the only one who did not come was the Merrifin family.

Angelina was very unhappy. The Commander of the Expeditionary Force had been put down by Muses. The injury was not serious enough to prevent him from attending the meeting. This meeting was originally intended to regulate the conflict between the Merrifin family and Muses. Now that's fine, the Muses came over and the Merrifin family disappeared. What else can I say?

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