Daomen Invasion

Chapter 821: : Disgusting strategy

The meeting took quite a long time, most of the time, it was not talking about the half-elf empire, but the allocation of the final interests of Xinda 6.

Xiahe bite the Great Wall defensive line, and he also made it clear that you can fight from other places, I will let you pass, if not, just stay honestly south of the Great Wall.

Who dares to infringe his Great Wall, then fight until death.

The nobles are also helpless, this is a rule. People repair the city wall, no matter how you repair it, you ca n’t touch it. Although arrogant, it cannot be said that Duke Asra was unreasonable. Who makes people willing to spend money to repair such a big project from the beginning?

Like Muses, he looks ugly, builds a castle, and pulls out a line that no one can touch.

So this time, everything is directed against Muses.

But Xiahe stood up and asked Muses if he wanted to drop the soldiers, making everyone really guilty. This is clearly a posture that two people want to be embarrassed.

Originally, the Minister of Political Affairs, the left arm and right arm of Her Royal Highness, it is normal for people to unite.

But what is surrender? Duke Asra, really fighting the Merrifin family?

This is a madman. I thought he was normal in the past two years.

Princess Angelina did not forget the assassination hate, and said at this time: "I will not participate in this matter, but there are a lot of children of the law over the Merrifin family, which must be explained to everyone. Now the meeting, they are again If you do n’t come alone, it ’s ... hum! "

The nobles stopped talking. The woman was careful. Was the princess a woman?

Just assassinated by the son of the law, there are many children of the law from the Merrifin family. Whoever gets involved in this matter is unlucky.

Forget it, Duke Asra is crazy, but he is still very trustworthy in doing business. Everyone buys and sells goods on the Duke's side, and has never lost money.

Even if it is something unique to the Duke's leader, the Duke will not particularly raise the price.

This guy just doesn't want to stimulate him. Once he is stimulated, he must go to war immediately. But his army is getting stronger and stronger, which makes people have a headache. In addition to the little nobility under the earl and the viscount, everyone will have a few worlds to make their home.

However, no one dared to provoke Asla. Everyone sighed at the thought of this.

Could it really be that Cheng Ping has lost his energy for a long time? Even the attack on the half-elf empire grinds Haw.

Xiahe didn't feel right. These nobles came to the meeting and didn't make any comments other than compete for the territory. That is to say, Her Royal Highness' control of the nobility was on the surface.

Everyone didn't accept this princess, but they didn't say, or did not care at all.

I have jumped like this, and this group of people still admit that they are not going to make waves with themselves. This kind of soft means cannot be done without uniting together.

These people ... are really not afraid of death.

Although Her Royal Highness is young, she is after all the emperor's daughter, legendary mage, and she has a firm heart. Later, when there is conflict, there is one in the room, don't even think about living.

The main cause of the expansion of the war is to drive the nobles to the front line. This is different from the attack on Xinda 6, which is all demons, and no one will be left behind. It is more difficult to attack the semi-elven empire than to fight against the Devil.

Devil races are not so strong in the main world, don't look at the evil spirits that this population has been passed on, it is for the small world.

The small world, even if it is on the verge of collapse, is only cultivated by the will of the world to have some demigods, but at that time, the demigods of the Devil Realm could not be stopped. Coupled with the inexhaustible demons, the resources of the small world are simply not enough to resist.

The words of the main world, even if the spirits of the devil came, could not pollute the will of this world.

But half elves are different. They also have a weak goddess of the forest. There are many priests. There are also half elf mages, half elf warlocks, and they are invincible on the battlefield.

Therefore, the empire's way of playing on the side of the half-elves is to build cities, and the army is gathered. It does not fight small-scale battles at all. After occupying a little place, it continuously expands its defense force and slowly advances.

The battle for the annihilation of the country is normal for a hundred years. Now that the speed of the Lord is accelerating, the aristocracy below may not be too involved.

I myself just let Lynch toss about in the southeast of the semi-elven empire. In fact, it didn't occupy any land. Just near the Titan Island, there was a large fortress group, which still belonged to him. It's just that the essence of the half-elf empire is not here, so no counterattack has been organized.

As for the Red Sea City, the terrain over there is not suitable as a bridgehead for attacking the half-elf empire. Similarly, the half-elf empire needs a lot of troops to recover the Red Sea city.

Therefore, in the future, I will unify the main world and say that I must imitate the system of Shenzhou. I cannot use such an ancient monarchy. The God Zhou Taoist manages the practitioners, and the Empire manages the world.

The imperial royal family, the master is in charge of the military, and the rest is handed over to the civic council.

The civic council has no military power and cannot threaten the royal family. The royal family is not just a totem, but the Dao Palace suppresses it and cannot replace the civic council.

The civic council needs the Taoist palace, so there is no way to play tricks in management.

Although it is not the best system, as long as there is a Taoist palace, no one can find the flowers.

Like now, the imperial power is scattered, and the main strongmen are concentrated in the Nine Academy, which itself is entangled with the nobles. The power of the royal family was also dispersed.

Now think about it, the emperor wanted to engage in a floating city, but it was not unsuccessful.

Who is the emperor? That is an extremely powerful magician. Now Xiahe feels egg pain if he thinks about it, if all the magical colleges are in the hands of the royal family, how could there be such a violent Yang Feng today.

In other words, the princess had a meeting, but got nothing.

Nor can it be considered that nothing was obtained, and Xiahe got a shipbuilding task, and he happily agreed to come down. Those nobles must have prepared to sit idly by while building the Great Wall.

It happened that there was something about the Merrifin family, and they didn't need to be in their early days, depending on how they got it done.

It's useless to be angry about this matter. Don't look at Xiahe's construction of the Great Wall and fooled these people, but what will happen in the future. Now that the demon domain has not completely collapsed, he can still hold the site and wait for the demon domain to disappear. What if those nobles mobilize soldiers from the empire?

What's special, you have to wrap up the whole north, and those people think they can't do it?

Xiahe was depressed, but he had made a decision, and he said to the princess: "I am not going to deal with the affairs of the Merrifin family in this big six, and I will solve it within the empire. I will go back first, and there are still many things I have to deal with. "

"Then you go." Angelina was also tired. She was not stupid. The nobles looked very obedient and honest than when their father was there. When the father was here, the nobles often quarreled, saying that they were close to their father. Now they do not even quarrel.

Xiahe came out of the magic tower, looked gloomy, opened the communication, and directly ordered the cotton cloth Jack: "Jack, you send someone to build the Great Wall around our site, all surrounded!"

"Adult, we don't have so much power, nor so much ..."

"It's half a foot tall, beautiful, with a fortress tower, and it's a city wall no matter how small it is. Who dares to cross over, I kill him. If you send a robot warrior to defend, if the robot warrior is a one-centimeter high, , With a single miniature magic musket, with a miniature badge, will blow up. "

Cotton Jack didn't know what he was crazy about, but it was just a half-foot-high wall, and it really didn't cost much. As long as the army is dispatched, it will be built all the way.

Cotton Jack immediately had an idea and thought it was road repair, but in the future, road repair will also be necessary. Then build a batch of constructions that can only release petrochemicals. As for the city wall, of course, it is not built on site, it is directly done in the alchemy factory, and then a slot is formed on the petrochemical ground and inserted into it, which is the city wall.

Who dares to say that half a foot is not a city wall?

After Xiahe gave Jack his orders, he didn't leave immediately, but he heard the muses.

Muses also ran out and saw that Xiahe's face was not very good, and she said, "Asla, I am right now. I have to fight with so many people. What are you dissatisfied with?"

"I have an idea."

"What price?" Muses was sober.

"At the southern end of Xinda 6, I want to build a large city with a harbour."

"Yes." Muses said heartily, anyway, I can't take it all. If you want to build it, you can build it. It's not that you don't feel distressed.

"I let the alchemy factory process the city walls."

"Process the city wall?"

"Yes, half a foot of the city wall, go around the ground, who will do who, what do you think?"

Muses patted the thigh and said, "Good, great!"

"I know that your alchemy factory has insufficient capacity, so I will manufacture it for you and be responsible for transportation. I will build as much as you want for the site. This price is another city, and I want to build it at the southern end. It's only two hundred miles away. "

"Xing Xing Xing, you know, I can't take up so many places at all."

"That's different, I will support you, anyway, you first fenced around, leaving me with a large area, so that I can have a supply point in the south. Eight hundred miles. Is it enough to give you 1,200 miles horizontally? "

When Xiahe heard it, it was 240,000 square kilometers! Although the expansion of Xinda 6 is huge, the area of ​​this land is also enough to build a country. Muses is really good.

"Enough is enough, but you must also build a little castle to ensure that you can attack the noble army crossing the border based on the castle."

"Relax, I will definitely be able to attack them." Muses got Xiahe's strategy and was confident.

Xiahe was in a good mood. Didn't these nobles want to isolate the princess or the two ministers of auxiliary affairs?

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