Daomen Invasion

Chapter 822: : Huge conspiracy

Over Cotton Jack, the magicians listened to Xiahe's strategy and couldn't laugh one by one. Sure enough, our Lord Duke is an unreasonable model. If you build a half-foot high city wall, are you afraid of flooding when the tide rises?

The key is that he also made robot warriors, miniature, equal to already stationed troops.

Who dares to say that a one-centimeter robot warrior is not a soldier, jump to your face, one shot will be deadly, and the poison will explode.

Of course, Cotton Jack can't really make robots that are useless, one centimeter high, and has its uses. For example, it can be installed with wings, can fly, and can be used as a surveillance weapon in the city.

By arranging a large robot as a center, this thing can monitor a large area.

This thing can also be used as an assassination weapon, a poison needle is enough to be deadly.

In addition, the construction of the city wall will not be meaningless in the future, it should be to delimit the land. Prospecting mineral veins, land resources, water sources, etc. The location of the river that enters the sea still needs to be built, so as not to find a reason to break through.

Also, the new type of flying warship is on the agenda.

From design to finalization, a lot of data is needed, and it needs to be perfected in the illusion space. The new-style warships must be built with legendary configurations, so that the warships have enough degrees and enough attack power to resist legendary spell attacks. If the number is sufficient, they can even kill legends.

Because the Duke did such annoying things, maybe someone would join the Merrifin family to break into the Great Wall. The Duke must send flying warships to bomb the enemy's nest.

The bombing did not solve the problem, but it was a naked face.

If the city is attacked every day in your territory, the dominance will decline, and the little nobility attached to you will be separated from Germany.

Others will see your weakness, and maybe they will bite.

Correspondingly, your Rhode Island should also strengthen the arrangement of anti-aircraft weapons. You can build flying warships, and so can others.

Anyway, he was not beaten, it was definitely not the style of the Duke.

Cotton Jack assigned the task and passed it back to Rhode Island, and this time even the Storm Point gave the news. The underground world, Titan Island, does not say anything about the miniature Great Wall, but new equipment will appear, but it has already been prepared. Especially on the island of Titan, Lynch ’s army will rotate to Rhode Island to train to adapt to new weapons.

The Merrifin family turned a blind eye to Xiahe's threats, and the hundreds of thousands of captives simply didn't want to.

When Xiahe heard the news, he was also dumbfounded. What way is this? In this way, are you afraid of serious consequences? Shenzhou is absolutely unable to do such a thing. Xiahe wants nothing but a ransom. Captive, he really didn't plan to get stuck.

Involving too many people's lives, he is not the devil.

However, after a month of delay, the Duke's powerful productivity has almost built the city walls. It's just a little troublesome to install and requires too much manpower. Even if the robots are in the battle, only half of the coastal zone will be surrounded. However, they are all directed at the direction of Bingfeng University. The people of the empire want to attack, and from this position, they will not detour.

Xiahe was helpless and simply went to the main city of the royal family to find Princess Angelina.

This time Angelina did not work in other places. She usually went out and stayed in the magic tower. When Xiahe arrived, Princess Angelina said with some gloating: "Duke, those hundreds of thousands of people, is it costly to raise?"

"I am ready to sell."

"Sold!" Princess Angelina was startled.

"Mussis's territory, which just happened to lack manpower, was sold to him. These soldiers from outside the world are still of good physical fitness. It is also a good thing to go to open territory without being a soldier."

"You and the Merrifin family ..."

"Endless, yes, Angelina, what happened to the half-elf empire?"

Angelina was defeated, and she was in a bad mood.

"Guess, what am I doing recently?" Xiahe smiled smugly, and Angelina frowned.

"Asla, don't do big things, now I'm worried."

"What is the big deal, I am the Minister of Political Affairs and I want to share your worries."

Princess Angelina would like to throw all the documents on the table on Xiahe's face. He has done most of the recent things.

"Your Highness, Duke Muses asks for advice." A magician came in to report.

Princess Angelina looked at Xiahe and said, "Is it your appointment?"

"Yes, this matter, Muses also contributed, and I can't do anything, let me alone."

"It would be nice if Snowvis was there." Angelina slumped in her chair, feeling both physically and mentally exhausted.

Not long after, Muses was brought in. Angelina let him sit and asked, "Speak, what's the matter?"

Muses shook his head, and Xiahe said: "How's the matter of the Alchemy Factory, Your Highness?"

"They are arguing, it seems that you two are not allowed to intervene. The Merrifin family is the most noisy, and the other people will not give in."

"Then let them do it. Me and Muses are both in the enclosure. Now they are halfway around."


"Your Highness, look." Xiahe immediately released his illusion with the ready-made formation on the table. I saw a half-foot-tall wall on the edge of the sea and the high rock edge. The city wall is constantly enlarged, as a reference object, there is a scroll of dragon scales on it.

Look at the city head, there are robot soldiers patrolling, and miniature artillery, erected on the fort, the size of the artillery is about three centimeters.

"This is a **** horse thing?"

"My Great Wall, when the layout is completed, if anyone dares to walk past my city, I will blow up his old nest."

Princess Angelina stroked her forehead with her hand, unable to say a word. Asla, how naive are you?

"I did it too, Your Royal Highness." Then Muses spoke.

"You two!"

"His Royal Highness, the nobles refused to contribute, because they felt that the two of us could not control so much land. Anyway, when the Demon Domain collapsed, they could transfer troops from the empire side and enter the south and north directly. That is, not to reason with them. When my city walls are all built, His Royal Highness issued a will to recognize our two ownership of the land. "

Princess Angelina rubbed her face, and Muses said: "What will the nobles do after His Highness confessed?"

"Of course it's a collective impeachment, saying nothing about this account."

"If you don't recognize it, just drive them out of Xinda 6. The area of ​​Xinda 6 is larger than that of Bingfeng 6. If you don't have such a big size, you won't be able to clean up the Demon Race now."

"How do you catch it?"

"His Royal Highness, you can mobilize the royal army. At that time, they dare not fight you?" Muses encouraged.

"What good do I have?" Angelina was a princess, knowing that these two jerks would definitely not mean nothing else.

"His Royal Highness, of course, the benefit is that I will also help you enclosure."

"Huh, it's useful."

"Over the half-elf empire, the nobles still refuse to move, right?"

Princess Angelina immediately understood the meaning of Xiahe. The first step was to use this miniature Great Wall to determine the legality of this behavior. After the nobles succumbed, they copied it on the half-elf empire.

The half-elf empire is not here, the Xinda 6 is full of pollution, and may not benefit for decades.

Other people can't make such a complicated robot, can't mine, let alone cultivate. So Xinda 6 can take its time, but the land of the semi-elven empire is rich and rich in minerals.

Now everyone does not want to suffer losses, and hopes that the royal family can send the main force as a vanguard and lead them.

Of course Princess Angelina refused. The empire's field troops in the local area were already scattered. Can't you mobilize so much to draw the main force of the royal family from other worlds? What about the outside world?

Now the two jerks have a way of thinking, as long as they are surrounded by a miniature city wall, the land is their own. If the nobles refused to exert their real power, they would build small walls in the half-elf empire, and they might even revolve around the entire big six, and when they did not move, then all the benefits in the half-elf empire would be with them It has nothing to do.

Therefore, the Xinda 6 must be made.

"This method will make people laugh." Princess Angelina said reluctantly. After all, this method sounds rogue and has no emperor's heart.

"His Royal Highness, do you really think that the nobles will yield so easily?"

"of course not."

"Who will launch against us?" Xiahe asked.

"Meriffin family!"

"Yes, so, I plan to unite with Muses and destroy the Merrifin family."

"What are you talking about!" Princess Angelina stood up suddenly, this is to kill herself?

"I said, I want to destroy the Merrifin family, so that they will no longer have blood to inherit the title." Xia He said very cold, it sounded shocking.


"I can only say things about the Paine family. I am a strong word. But they rushed into the territory of the Paine family first, and I countered it appropriately. But on the Xinda 6 side, my city wall is my own duke ’s territory, If they dare to take a step, I will immediately go to the main city of the Merrifin family. UU reads www.uukanshu.com to make them regret why they are so stupid. Your Highness, this is not the business of the Merrifin family and me, it is the business of you and the nobles . They think you are weak and can be bullied. "

Princess Angelina's face was blue, and she said, "You are not the same. I feel weak if my father is not there!"

"You think too much, I have sent someone to the world of Snowvis, let him come back quickly, to help His Highness. In addition, I sent someone to Juno College, Juno College promised to send some magic Teacher, to support your Highness. "

"anything else?"

"Samsung Town is now forming the Northland Alliance. I want to integrate the northern nobility, all under His Royal Highness. On the Samsung Town side, I am opening an alchemy factory to build various warships, robot warriors, and constructs. Then, on the land of the Merrifin family, make local supplies, and then attack the half-elf empire. By then, who dares not listen to your assignment? "

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