Daomen Invasion

Chapter 823: :convince

Princess Angelina gritted her teeth and said, "How many benefits have you given to the northern nobles, Asla, you want to be independent!"

"If your majesty is here, I will definitely not say this to me. He wished I could be so crazy." Xiahe replied lightly.

Princess Angelina also calmed down, **** asshole was right, because she lacked control because she lacked confidence. If his father was there, he would be very happy how tossing Asra.

But when I changed to myself, my heart was full of uneasiness.

"His Royal Highness, Muses and I, both new nobles, have a shallow foundation, and to be honest, no one takes our two knights to heart, so His Majesty has given you both of us. If both of us If you dare not use it, your life is almost over.

"Yes, Your Highness, I now have a group of people, and it is because I am the Minister of Political Affairs that I will follow me. If I don't have this status, those little nobles will not take risks. Why do they follow me, just because There is a very sharp contradiction with those big nobles, they have no way to ascend, and follow your highness, you will have hope in the future. "Muses said the key question.

He and Xiahe have a group of loyal men, but at first, where did these people come from?

Xiahe is because Xiahe has a good relationship with the princess, forming an alliance, the princess's fleet, and even starting from Samsung Town. The Duke of Asla is a princess figure, and he was favored by the emperor, so there will be little nobles to follow.

The old aristocrats, with strong strength, have already played the world near the main world. If they want to find a new world, they must be in a distant place. The small aristocracy has no too thick foundation. The world channel is a huge burden, and it is not yet possible to recover the cost.

This attack on the half-elf empire, if you can find the coordinates of the half-elf empire and fight with the princess, how can you get some points?

But follow the old nobles? People won't share your soup.

But Princess Angelina is not a little girl of ordinary people. She knows clearly that these two guys must have other intentions in it. Even dividing the land on the New World is not their main purpose.

But I can't figure it out. There are many people in her hands, and her loyalty is high enough. Unfortunately, there is no real strongman.

It's not that being a legend is a strong one. In this era, many legends that were stuck in the epic realm and reluctantly promoted through the years have the most. This kind of legend is not talented, the combat power is good, and it is okay to go out to fight. It is really useless to command a thousand troops.

"This thing ..."

"Your Highness, in my opinion, things are still easy to solve. Alchemy factories and even the manufacture of robots can be given to them. I still have at most one month, and Muses can complete the Great Wall in two months. At that time, the alchemy factory was almost completed. You proclaimed your intention to admit our occupation. At that time, these guys who violated the yin and yang, then faced a choice. If you do n’t listen to you, the alchemy factory ca n’t get it. Listen. After you, the half-elf empire, you dare not help. "

Muses said: "I will release the news. I may have found a passage to the east of the mainland. Your Highness is on the side of Sanxing Town, and then a group of warships will pass. These nobles have short-sightedness and will rush to clean up the Demon. The place that can be occupied is occupied. Then I will prepare to go to the sea to find an opportunity and ask us to share the passage. "

"However, there is no channel."

"So when they turn around, it's too late."

Princess Angelina is even more at ease. These two guys are really good first-class players, so you should n’t have to count yourself.

"His Royal Highness, even if you don't support us both, the two of our walls are built, won't you let go? You don't support your assistant minister, what will the following people think?"

Princess Angelina's body was soaring and she was about to hit someone.

What this said is abominable, it is just like kidnapping yourself.

However, it just made sense. If you do not support these two bastards, then in the hearts of the nobles of the empire, even more insignificant.

Muses said: "His Royal Highness, in our two hands, after all, there are still many nobles attached, although the title is not big, but the name is not small, after the territory is expanded, they can be promoted at will. The land in the hands of Duke Asra and I is enough to seal many counts, and counts have the power to discuss politics. "

Princess Angelina suddenly felt, yes, someone, land, merit, there would be a knighthood.

You can do this yourself, and seal up a few nobles who have been following you, to make them even better.

"Then you two, isn't the loss great?"

"If the Merrifin family eats it, it would be worthwhile to release half of the land." Xiahe said anything this time, he wanted the Merrifin family. The Merrifin family originally occupied a lot of land in the empire, and they also have many different worlds to back up.

However, this time the more than 100,000 captives brought him three coordinates. As long as he had enough troops, he would knock down these three worlds himself.

Of course, Muses is also ready to start against the Merrifin family. He can give it to the ice maple continent, but the benefits of the different world depend on his own ability.

Xiahe really wants to start working on the Merrifin family, but first he has to figure out how many worlds are behind the Merrifin family to provide support.

Cut off the support of these worlds, the Merrifin family is not worth mentioning, otherwise, this family is as difficult to deal with as the half-elf empire.

This is the essence of the main world, strong, thick and extensive.

Fortunately, Daomen has its own means. After discovering a powerful world, it will sneak in and study what other small worlds are connected behind the powerful world. Daomen does things and cuts the grass.

The so-called mowing up the roots does not mean killing the whole family, but doing it cleanly.

Invading a world will surely get all the related worlds.

After hearing Xiahe's voice, Princess Angelina calmed down. If this guy swallowed all the benefits of the Merrifin family, it was indeed willing to take out the land on the New World and divide the nobles.

But this thing cannot be done by oneself. If the royal family seizes the imperial nobles, it will make all nobles unite to resist.

But the war between nobles is different.

Sure enough, Duke Asra was still the blood mage, Duke of the Tombstone, could not afford it.

The three of them were in the magic tower to discuss things, to finalize the next thing to do properly, and then Xiahe and Muses left the magic tower.

The two went out of town together without using magical powers. They rode a Trojan horse and ran for more than a hundred miles all the way. Xiahe said: "How are you, Muses?"

"No response, it should be a bit effective."

"I will try again."

"Well, if I took the task."

"Then it's up to me, but I don't think so."

Neither of them said anything directly. In fact, they talked about the Lord God. Being able to talk like this means that the Lord God ’s communication with the world is not perfect. If you can't say it, if you dare to break the rules, you will be killed.

The son of Xiahe's law of chasing and killing, but Muses and he walked so close, and did not receive a task against Xiahe.

Instead, the princess, who did nothing, was assassinated. Later, with Xiahe's method, it is not so easy to investigate the people around him one by one, and then want to assassinate Angelina.

"Asla, those hundreds of thousands of people, do you really give me?"

"There is a price."

"What price?"

"You can't take them as slaves, let me know, you sacrificed them."

"How is it possible that I never use sacrifices, even if the benefits are not great,"

"Oh?" Xiahe didn't believe it. The bottom line of the Son of Law was lower than many people thought.

Muses felt that if he didn't make it clear to Asra, he would probably increase the hostility inexplicably in the future. He doesn't care about being an enemy, but it's inexplicable.

"Asla, most of my strength comes from my own hard work. This kind of sacrifice is used by the god-cultivating people. It is terrible. I have met some people, and then they are crazy."

There are still traces of breaks between the sentences he said before and after, but Xiahe can make up for the key problems.

It's just that Muses didn't dare to sacrifice, and many of the sons of the law who liked to sacrifice were crazy.

"Musis, how old are you this year?"

Muses froze for a moment and said, "I entered the world after I was six hundred years old."

Some words, he didn't say, he gave up everything before, only to get the chance to enter this world. Although, there is still the task of the main god, but it is no longer a recruit recruited into the battle at any time.

"Living for six hundred years ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is very hard."

Murcis was silent, not just hard work. When he first became a natural voter, everyone still had a trace of excitement, thinking that he encountered a big adventure, who knows that this is an endless journey of death.

You can die at any time, the friends around you can die at any time, and the people you have seen can die at any time.

For six hundred years, he lost all his friends, and it was difficult to see his acquaintances. Later, they were all face-to-face. The Lord God has never lacked the talents to join, because if you do not become a talents, you will never understand that this is not an adventure, but a punishment.

But he was still struggling to live, because he did not dare to die, he did not know whether death was the end. At least in terms of how he feels about the Lord God, the Lord God will not let them free.

If he can be freed from death, he would not want to live long ago.

Alive, too lonely, lonely with nothing.

Asla seems to understand this feeling.


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