Daomen Invasion

Chapter 824: : War Preparation (1)

Xiahe lost a metal rune, and Muses took it, asking, "What is it?"

"So that you can contact my formation and pass text, nothing more."


"I still have a lot of things to go back. I will give you the follow-up things as soon as possible. If you have any urgent matters and I am not in the Sky Tower, I will use this to contact me."

After Xiahe finished speaking, he collected the Trojan horse and released the legendary realm. A red magic robe suddenly showed up, flying against the wind. Looking at Xia He's distant figure, Muses's expression changed, and finally he sighed.

It is too powerful to be regarded as an enemy, but the chosen one is destined to have no friends.

Xiahe was in a hurry to go back, and there were too many things to deal with recently. He hadn't built an expedition fleet yet. He just built two small boats, a defensive clipper, and ordinary attack power.

For most of the time, Xiahe was clearing the Demon Race to prepare for the future war.

Unexpectedly, the first target he wanted to start with was the Merrifin family.

Xiahe returned to the Tongtian Tower, and the cotton cloth Jack made him send all his recent achievements to him. Xiahe stimulated the magic circle in his room and checked them one by one.

Most of the equipment is improved. For example, the complete set of mage equipment is now very rich.

Mage A above level 20 has become a construction, and the construction is divided into three types, which are assigned to different mage. The first type is the magician who practiced Daomen's breathing method. This is the backbone of Xiahe. They are basically cultivated by the Asra Magic Academy. Although they cannot be Taoists, they are different from the original magicians and have the most powerful fighting power. .

The second type is pure magician, who can't learn the Daomen breathing method, but it is possible to achieve the sea of ​​magic, that is, advanced legend.

The third kind is the magic master of the net. This kind of magician has the most, and the equipment is also relatively special. It is necessary to cooperate with the tattoos on the body to wield the power of the master.

Constructing tattoos is not new, but it is not unique to Daomen. Daomen is not too active in studying magic, but it is extensive enough. In the multiverse, constructing tattoos is not popular, but it often appears.

Xiahe's apparently constructed tattoos on their own can improve the quality of the Magnet Master at the cost of not being able to betray later. Constructing tattoos needs to be promoted, and it is not something that the Master of the Magic Net can do. The technology is on Xiahe's side, and it requires a person who has practiced the true spirit to make it.

Master A is a complete set, and the price is very high. Xiahe must of course control everyone.

Xiahe inspected every kind of assembled parts, personally tested, and was satisfied. He gave specific values ​​and asked the following people to design qualified products and did a good job.

Wearing the construction mage armor, even if it is a magic net mage, the durability of the battle can be guaranteed.

Although it still depends on the magic network node, it is the magic composition itself, not the source of magic power. The number of magical original stones needed on Master A has been reduced to the extreme. Relying on the formation method, it can also extract deep space power as a supplement.

Without this means, Xiahe could not support such a large amount of equipment consumption.

The mage's short spear, the alloy formula above has been adjusted, abandoned fine gold, added some green copper and ordinary silver, plus carbon-free steel, and some biological bones. The savings in pure gold alone have reduced the cost of the mage's short spear by more than 80%.

Of course, there will be a loss of durability, but this thing is repaired and the price is lower. Overall, the difference in durability is nothing.

The improved mage rifle has two attributes: single attack and group attack. The mage's mask turned downwards, with better sealing, adaptability to underwater activities, and increased resistance to toxins. The belt is redesigned, the space attributes are reformed, and the pendant point can be used without magic power.

The magic book, flame bottle, and space capsule provided by the mage are all new.

Xia He has seen the mage's suit and feels that his own mage now has five players in the same level. The firepower is fierce, the defense is strong, and the cost is acceptable.

With these, his magician can feel at ease on the battlefield, otherwise a cold gun would be killed, would n’t it be a huge loss.

It is not impossible to rely on the armor to resist the magic gun, but the cost of the armor is too high. All kinds of magic ammunition made by Xiahe have very different attributes and cannot be targeted for defense.

Therefore, the new mage A had to create shields specifically for long-range attacks.

Phase Frost Dragon Shield is extremely mature, but it is still not suitable for magicians, and will affect the release of magicians' portals and the like. Not everyone, like Xiahe, can perform complex spatial calculations and perceptions.

The magic placed on Master Mage is the gate of Yin and Yang created by himself.

The dual-attribute shield allows the mage to control freely and can be opened and closed in any direction. Behind the Yin Yang Gate, there is a operable Mobius ring of fire.

Xiahe opened the phantom array and released the test screen of the Yin and Yang Gate. He saw five precision shooters aiming at a magician wearing a magician armor in different directions. The precision shooters are elites above level 10, and the magic muskets that have passed level 20 are used. They are all long-range sniper models.

The magician was not reminded, but at the same time the five precision shooters attacked, the gate of Yin and Yang appeared.

As if it were a spherical air shield, the magician was wrapped in it. In a flash, the magic bullet projected over several times hit the door of Yin and Yang. Less than two centimeters inside, the magic projectile was ejected, losing its power and falling on the ground.

Xiahe repeatedly released this picture, and it was determined that the precise shooter first attacked, and the Yin and Yang Gate moved later.

Then the mage flickered continuously, surpassed more than 600 meters, the degree was amazing, approaching a precision shooter. The precision shooter fired continuously, and could not break the gate of Yin and Yang made by Master A. The precision shooters in other directions are still desperately attacking.

Xia He glanced at the message above the mage's head, indicating that this magic shield could last for another hour.

The magician rushed to a position 300 meters away from the front accurate shooter. The door of Yin and Yang suddenly slipped a gap, and a wind blade flew out. The wind blade seemed to be forced out of the gap, the wind blade flew out, and the shield closed again.

Xiahe nodded, this is no longer the most basic operation. This magician should not be a magic net master, but went out of his own magic academy.

That is, his eyesight, other people's words, will think that this wind blade is hacked from the inside of the shield.

This style of play, the precision shooter can only helpless.

The Yinyang Gate can maintain the strength because the attacks are absorbed by a construction part on the mage armor. This is the rolled-back lotus leaf-shaped carapace behind the mage armor. The material is made from the bones of the demon. Xiahe's bones of the Demon Race have not been easy to deal with, and finally passed millions of tests to refine this kind of gadget.

The huge external armor, sharing the attack power, can perfectly offset the attack of the magic musket.

The ordinary Yin-Yang Gate will break after being attacked once. That is not a battlefield spell, but a battle spell. On the battlefield, your attacks may be hundreds to thousands.

The construction is closely related to the mage. Others take the mage A, and there is no way to stimulate the Yin and Yang doors.

Xiahe rejoices in his heart that the mage is the most valuable of all arms. The Daomen has powerful arrows, which are better than the Yin and Yang doors, but he dare not take them out directly. After the people from the Dragon and Tiger Dao Palace came and saw the falling arrow symbol, there was nothing to explain, and they were seen through.

Moreover, if the arrow breaks, the manufacturing cost in this world is still slightly higher. Although Xiahe can use the starry sky worm to decompose the shell of Lingmi and make enough rune paper. However, the number of Taoists he cultivated in the Taiyin world is also large, and the demand for rune paper is almost massive.

The substitute is the Master A plus Yin Yang Gate.

With this, Xiahe can finally start the war machine, not afraid of the magician's loss on the battlefield too high. On the battlefield, what can really threaten the survival of the magician, in addition to the enemy's magician, that is the magic musket.

The captain of the squad can support the phased frost dragon shield in the heavy armor, and can counterattack with a magic musket.

The magician has never been too well equipped to deal with the large-scale emergence of magic muskets.

When the goblins were rampant for a while, it was also related to the magic gun.

Now Xiahe's magic musket has such a high range and so much power that he has a headache. Fortunately, the material problem was solved, otherwise he would not dare to venture to war.

The Merrifin family, the number of magic rifle equipment is still quite high. On the east side of the city, your army can only fly kites three hundred meters away. If you get closer, the loss will increase. Although there will be losses in the war, it is better to not shoot cannon fodder.

Well now, in his own army, the squadron can serve as a more suitable backbone to conquer in a different world.

As for the Demon Skeleton ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I have really collected a lot.

The Demon Skeleton has other uses. Xiahe picked up a cylinder with a six-sided edge. In his eyes, Daomen was used to instantly enlarge the cylinder to see the internal structure clearly.

This is a computing core used by a robot warrior. It is delicate and complex, with toothpick thickness and a centimeter in length. This computing core, the external material is colloidal, which allows the robot warrior to withstand a strong blow, and will not let the computing core be destroyed by the shock power.

To be precise, as long as the computing core is not dug out, the robot warrior can always run the computing function.

The previous robot warriors often fell down after being hit hard, or some sonic shock can also make the robot warriors out of control. The solution is to enhance the material.

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