Daomen Invasion

Chapter 828: : Before the war (1)

The news from Lv Mori is getting worse and worse. The mechanical life is siege, and it is expanding in Lv Mori like mold. However, the gods still came in a lot of strength and defended decisively. At the same time, there were a lot of heroes in various countries, temporarily blocking the offensive of mechanical life.

However, it is not optimistic, because the magic tower in the north has a taste of sitting idly by.

However, on the side of the Arcane Empire, only the Xiahe family was nervously preparing for war. The little nobles do n’t have that strength. After all, the Viscount Baron or something can have hundreds to 1,000 troops in their hands. These troops are usually guarding the territory. When war is needed, the soldiers will be concentrated on the big nobles they allegiate. If it is directly under the royal family, it will fight with the royal army.

Expecting the little nobility to fight the enemy on its own is a bit of a pit. Although the army of these little nobles went to the lower world, it was also a hegemon.

As for the big nobles? The Marquis and the Duke basically have a different world as the foundation. The army in their hands is definitely not just the empire. The real army is fighting and conquering in different worlds.

If the army is needed, they do not need long-term training, as long as they are called back for short-term training, they can adapt to the war in this world.

Unlike other nobles, Xiahe sent the earliest elite troops to the world of Taiyin. If it were not Rhode Island, it would now be the golden egg, and he would have to echo the underground world. He would not leave three legions. On the Xinda 6 side, he took out the elite soldiers and cultivated new elite, and immediately moved away again, without hesitation.

Anyway, the Qingda 6's Qing Dynasty work, with the noblemen to do it, and the goddess of wealth, also joined the feast.

Yes, because of the means of His Majesty the Emperor, the Demon Race did not explode, so it was wiped out of the collar and cut off contact with the Demon Realm. The half plane of Xiahe was not attacked at all. The traps of the drifting temple were wasted.

So Xiahe hurriedly drove out the power of other temples, and when those powers were defeated, the nobles in other places were driven away, and the Goddess of Wealth officially came on stage.

Not only the goddess of wealth, Xiahe also let the believers of the other two goddesses also join in.

For the Goddess of Wealth, war can indeed increase her strength in the short term, but only peace is a long-term thing.

She listened to Xiahe's suggestion and didn't even care about the believers. She mainly focused on transactions and offered wealth contracts.

In this way, it has no effect on the king's power and the like, and she has not been noticed yet.

Xiahe does not really care about the belief of the Goddess of Wealth. The Taoist Palace also needs the God of Wealth. If the Goddess of Wealth refuses to succumb, she can only leave the world and exhibit elsewhere.

As a **** to the Taoist palace, although the freedom is lost, the safety is greatly improved.

Who dares to bully the gods of the Dao Palace, causing one, it is equivalent to a big nest, and there are a large number of Taoists and immortals behind.

And the gods who believe in the gods will explode, and they will be coveted by many higher lives.

There are quite a few gods falling down this time. Every dead **** is unique, and there is no backstage behind him.

When the believers of the Three Goddesses reached Xinda 6, the pressure on Xiahe's side was reduced a lot. The only elites were in the Tongtian Tower, and the rest of the places did not matter.

Xiahe wants to train his horses and concentrate on the Merrifin family.

This newly-proclaimed duke was also a marquis before, and his family background is quite deep. The Merrifin family also has a lot of worlds to back up, and it is not known how long it will take to destroy it. However, this is the only object that Xiahe can directly deal with. The rest of the nobles have people behind them.

The Merrifin family, who had no one in the background before, was attracted by the emperor.

The reason why Xiahe is anxious to build all four expeditionary corps is, of course, to manage the world of the Merrifin family. There are only two field legions in the main world to stare at. There are enough people, and there are many legendary strongmen in the town. I do n’t worry about the Merrifin family desperately.

In fact, the legend of the main world is much stronger than that of the other world, and it can fully rush into the unparalleled army of thousands of horses and cut the grass. But the thing of the will of the world has a great influence on the legend. Unless it is God Week, the Nine Avenue Palace replaces the will of the Daomen with the will of the world, and the priests play whatever they want in their own world.

Although Taiyin Xianfu does not have Da Luo Jin Xian, it is not weak, but it is because it has lost the earliest opportunity and cannot be tied with Jiu Avenue Palace. Equal confrontation was later beaten down.

Xiahe is anxious to exhibit in the Taiyin World, just because there, the martial will of the Taiyin Xianfu itself has replaced the will of that world.

In the world of Taiyin, Xiahe can shoot ordinary people casually, and will not suffer any bite.

This is where the Daomen are powerful. After occupying a world, they will assimilate the will of this world and slowly turn this world into the home field. The enemy wants to invade? I can kill you all with a golden fairy.

Of course, Jinxian is not so busy, and usually only needs to dispatch appropriate force to crush it.

The cost of dispatching Jinxian is quite high.

Xiahe is also a bit worried. Although the strategy is set, the recruitment of horses is also very fast, but now the arcane empire is not very peaceful, and Her Royal Highness has promoted the method of finding the son of the law, that is, using the phantom test, in the empire Thousands of children of law were caught and executed.

However, this phantom array is at least medium-sized, with complex calculation formulas, and energy consumption is not small, and it is impossible to pass aside the billions of people in the empire.

Well, although there are only a few hundred million people who pay taxes to the royal family, there are still a large number of people who do not pay taxes to the royal family.

You see, the nobility is so annoying, weakening the power of the country.

Like the Shenzhou Empire, all occupied worlds belong to the empire, and there is no state divided by local forces.

In the Tongtian Tower, Xiahe repeatedly calculated the power needed. The number of the Merrifin family in the world is definitely not twenty, otherwise it would have been the Grand Duke. More than ten and less than fifteen.

There are now eight masters of coordinates, and only two can attack immediately.

To attack such a world, you need to use the power of the Thunder to directly dispatch four expeditionary legions, and then equip twenty ordinary legions. Such a huge army layout requires huge logistics.

The logistics forces in Xiahe's hands are scattered in the army, and each squadron has its own logistics team.

However, this kind of cross-world expedition, without Rhode Island as a direct backing, can only use the half plane to hoard supplies, and the real big head logistics is placed in the half plane. After the main legion passed, the half plane was opened in the other world and the material was transferred. This is also a common method in the magic world.

This is also a way to bully the weak. Before dealing with the demons, no one was willing to use the half plane to make the transfer.

Don't look at the value of the alien world is much higher than the half plane, but there is still no mage willing to give.

The goddess of wealth already knew that the half plane of the coordinates could not be used. Xiahe went to battle with other worlds, but she did n’t want to bring the goddess of wealth unless she surrendered to herself and became the **** of Taoism.

However, the Temple of Doom is okay. The Goddess of Doom will be able to control the land afterwards. The real God of Daomen is comparable to the existence of heaven.

Fortunately, the productivity of the main world broke the table, and he improved his plant, and the number of alchemy factories was enough. Otherwise, even if he became a prince, he would not be able to go to war. Just look at Muses and you will give him more than 100,000 People, let the children of this law be grateful.

If it weren't for his identity, Muses would now become his strongest ally.

Xiahe gave the captives to Muses because he didn't need a true ally, because in the end, he wanted to conquer the entire main world, even by that time, the main world had been reduced to an ordinary big world, and its status was too shady The world replaces.

The mass-produced materials were sent to a new half-plane. Xiahe dared not move the plane of Jennifer. He was afraid that the emperor was still watching him. When Jennifer died, she didn't tell anyone about the position of her half plane, but gave it to Xiahe. Xiahe still keeps the book she gave, unwilling to use it, just want to use it as a souvenir.

Jennifer's half plane, if not necessary, he did not want to move.

Just let it exist there, don't be disturbed.

Of course, if his materials were not enough, he might have shipped out the wood that can create chaotic barriers. Where the stock is enough for Xiahe to conquer many worlds.

Now he has a lot on his own, so he is not in a hurry.

Xiahe's demand for the original magic stone is not high. Daomen has its own means of consumption, which is jade. The formation method with jade arrangement can extract deep space power more efficiently, much higher than the magic original stone. Moreover, the jade is stable, and the original magic stone is somewhat dangerous.

In the half plane, Xiahe stored a lot of magical rough stones, and built an alchemy factory, and arranged a large number of robot workers, construction workers, and intelligent mechanical life.

Half plane is a production workshop armed to the teeth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ storage warehouse, used to transfer materials.

He also designed an open planting plant, and arranged the elemental sun on the half plane to make food production faster.

Logistically, Bairimaru was finally eliminated and replaced with Shirimaru. The support time is not so long, but with some simple foods, it can keep people's body normal and not much damage.

The eliminated Bairimaru was just not given to soldiers in the army, but it still has a market. This thing is good for feeding magical creatures, which is very cost-effective. Xiahe opened another way to make money, although his army eliminated magical creatures as mounts.

But magical creatures are still very powerful, and they are often irreplaceable.

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