Daomen Invasion

Chapter 829: : Before the war (2)

After Xiahe confirmed the final war plan, he returned to the Twin Cities and summoned all the nobles who had surrendered to him.

"Everyone, I plan to use troops against the Merrifin family."

Below the silence, everyone knows that the Duke is strong and strong, but the Merrifin family has a deep heritage, but it is not an ordinary nobleman. After all, Lord Duke's rise time is too short.

"I hope you can join, and according to the resources you provide, the ratio of troops, etc., will eventually give you the corresponding benefits. I can even come up with two worlds and share with you."

"Duke, I will participate!" Someone responded immediately. In fact, Xiahe does not take advantage, these people will participate, but the help provided is not that great.

Xia He glanced at the count and smiled, saying: "I have a lot of troops, and according to the real ratio, you may not get much, but I will take out a fixed amount and divide it according to the ratio between you. I also In your territory, you will build a planting plant, an alchemy plant, and produce some of our unique equipment. It may not be that large, but at least it can increase your own war potential. "

"Master Duke, in this case, is there a great loss for you." A little baron flattered.

"I can do it myself, but if you follow me and go to war, there will definitely be losses, and the losses may be great. So compensate you first, so you don't have to resent me when you get it."

"Dare not!"

"Duke, we will never be so unconscionable."

Xia He smiled very softly and said, "Okay, you follow me, it's an adventure. I know that I haven't been in business for a long time, and I like to cause trouble. Everyone puts my family's lives and life with me. Follow me, will Offended many, many people. So this time, I want to bring you together. "

"Adult, is there anything else we don't know?" A marquis asked. He was the highest-ranked man in the house. Although his family was neutral, his heritage was still much stronger than other little nobles. He even had Two worlds are in the hands.

"I'm worried, the Green Forest side and the Leo Continental side are absolutely abnormal. It is possible that we will be attacked by them even if the half-elf empire is not beaten. You know why the Temple of Dawn is so persuaded , I let them go, and they left? "

"The Great Prophecy of Dawn Temple is the most powerful."

"Yes, the Temple of Dawn has mobilized its strength and went back to the Green Forest to protect itself. The Temple of Dawn is so strong that they all ran back to take care of the old nest. Do you think the things of the Green Forest are simple? In addition, there is a reason why you follow me now, because I am understaffed and need manpower in your hands. "

The nobles laughed, and Xiahe said again: "So you are sending charcoal in the snow, I am naturally grateful. Know why, I let you send troops and help, but do not mention the matter of the title?"

This time the nobles didn't understand it. When the other big nobles encouraged the little nobility to send troops, they would promise many advantages in knighthood, but the Duke Asra never mentioned it.

"Because the title is false, if the strength comparison between the royal family and the imperial nobles can be the same as I do to you, the emperor can easily split the big nobles, making their strength weak from generation to generation, and eventually all disappear. .. If I give you the title, you can take it back. I want to give you something that I ca n’t get back. "

Everyone raised their ears and listened carefully to the words below Xiahe.

"I want to build a country. In this country, there are no nobles, parliaments, citizens, and civilians. Everyone ’s status is linked to their merits, and to the rank of citizens. The rank of the citizens is their own, and the merits can be passed on to future generations. There is no right to obstruct it. All the merits you have gained today can be left to future generations. This is the true inheritance. "

"So lord, what is merit?"

Of course, the nobles know the merits of merit, but Xiahe said, but it seems not.

"For example, Baron Palau sent out a hundred people this time, helped me fight, and achieved the results, then part of the results belonged to Baron Palau, which can be converted into a value to represent his merits. This merit is Baron Palau is an inalienable part. Even if he rebelled in the future and was killed by me, this merit can be passed on to future generations. "

Baron Palau narrowed his neck, and everyone laughed, and the laughter was a bit unharmonious. After all, the nobility system has continued for too long, and it is difficult for everyone to accept a country without nobility.

"Not a noble, what are the benefits? It is Baron Palau's fault, and he does not have to bear his children. Unless his children are also involved in the rebellion."

"Duke, that, I ..."

"Just take your example, you can't betray me." Xiahe laughed.

Everyone laughed together, and the laughter was still not so harmonious, Xiahe said: "What is the nobility? Is it a privilege, where does the privilege come from?"

Everyone pondered, Xia Hedao: "Think of the hereditary nobles of the current empire, they all followed the founding of Juno I, so they have today's status. The nobles have privileges, and these privileges are passed on from generation to generation. For future generations, this is what the nobleman means. "

"Aristocracy, isn't it to protect civilians?"

Everyone laughed again, looking at the talking Viscount, this guy still has aristocratic spirit.

"You follow me, today's war is your future privilege. Yes, there are still privileges in a world without nobles. And these privileges can be hereditary, and you are not missing anything."

"Isn't it just a name change?"

"Of course different. Nobles have military powers, but citizens do not. Citizens can still run businesses, open factories, and get some tax relief. Citizens have no children and are only responsible to the country. When the country needs generals, it will only Choose from citizens. "

Xiahe looked at the nobles present and said, "I told you before the war, I don't want you to regret it. What I can guarantee is that the system I am talking about today can guarantee your interests. Everyone who is willing to pay, He will get the benefits he deserves. I ca n’t let you have more merits because I like someone you are here. Your descendants, if you work harder, you can get more merits. "

"This merit, can I change things?"

Xia He glanced at the count and said, "Of course, you can change almost anything. You can also use some merits to exchange some money that you can't buy. For example, force a person to become a legend."

Everyone, suddenly held his breath, the bird was silent!

Everyone understands that forcibly increasing the level of the upper level does not bring too strong combat power, but the lifespan has actually increased.

Duke Asra means that if you have enough merit, you can redeem your life!

Yes, when the nobility is good, very good, but after a hundred or two years of life, I still want to die.

"It's not just a question of life, merit can also be redeemed for spiritual practice. If your children want to acquire a certain skill, I will have an academy to use the merit to buy learning opportunities.

"So, citizens, it sounds like there can't be any servants anymore ..." a noble asked a little anxiously.

"Why do you want a slave? In a few years' time, I will be able to create a robot servant with a shape you choose. You don't need to eat, as long as you can charge it. The robot servant will be a symbol of identity in the future. Will abolish the noble system, but not the family system. "

The words were dispelled, and the concerns of most people were dispelled.

The family is the key to inheritance. The nobles do have many privileges, but they also have responsibilities, and they are not literal.

If you do not fulfill the noble responsibilities, others can condemn you in this name.

When you are weak, someone will act on you.

However, merit cannot be calculated in this way, and others cannot take it away. If you can't take it away, with a large number of merits, the family can train better talents.

Although this kind of system will give many civilians a chance to reach the sky, compared with the family, the civilians have not so many opportunities. All the people present have ideas. They are willing to follow Xia Hegan because they don't want to stick to the rules and continue to live together.

Here in Xiahe, they have a chance to rise.

"So, sir, what about our land?"

"The land belongs to the country ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But according to the citizen level, you can own part of the land ownership and hand it over to the country after death, or pass the land to future generations by donating a certain merit value. High, at least lower than you want to be a legend. "

"What if the merit is not enough?" Some people asked worriedly.

Less land is not a problem. According to what the Duke said, turning in the land can directly get the credit. Give up the population, you can also get credit. The land left for everyone must be no less than the area of ​​a castle.

"You can also buy it with money, but it costs a lot of money. In my opinion, it is worth it. This kind of land is your private territory. What do you like to play in."

Sounds like buying your own land, but it's worth it. In fact, now they manage their own land, and their annual investment is not small. If you want land, you have to invest.

"The harvest on your own land is tax-free." Xiahe said again.

This time, the laughing people are much more harmonious and tax-free, that is the favorite power of the nobles.

Of course, what you do n’t like most is that the Duke of Asla wants absolute control, and since then everyone no longer has military power. However, the military power is what is needed to ensure the existence of the knighthood. The knighthood is gone. Why do you want the military power? There will be robot warriors and equipment in the future, this is not prohibited to buy.

Listening to Xia He's analysis of citizen privileges, the nobles' resistance is not so strong.

They listened and heard that the Duke of Asra was targeting the old nobles. These little nobles were not affected by lethal effects.

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