Daomen Invasion

Chapter 830: : The Duke's Road to Rage (1)

Of course, Xiahe is not only persuaded by gentleness, Daomen naturally has the means to influence the soul, the effect is not so overbearing, and the moist things are silent. It was a long time since he was in the Twin Cities, and he had applied the Daoist interference spell to these people, otherwise these people would not be able to take risks with him.

Xiahe has no choice. The soldiers recruited by the outside world are related to the level of the outside world itself.

In the future, the race of the lunar world will certainly not be inferior to the main world, and it will even pass. As long as the capital is in operation, the lunar world can take the place of the main world.

This universe has not been well bred, or something has interfered with the process.

Xiahe plans to get 20 ordinary legions, plus troops supported by the nobles, to complete the two worlds of the Merrifin family. The door of the world can be opened at any time. The two worlds with detailed coordinates are only left to open the war. Xiahe did not intend to personally enlist, and the world could not be separated from people.

After getting his nobility, he rushed to the Tongtian Tower and held a meeting.

Also attending the meeting this time was Lynch as far away as Titan.

Xiahe did not allow Lynch to participate in the expedition, he entrusted Lynch, if his troops were in decline in the main world and the Merrifin family, but the Rhode Island homeland was hit, then please Lynch on Titan Island Send troops and directly attack the territory of the Merrifin family.

Xiahe is staying behind, and Lynch has a lot of elite. Although he didn't lay down much land in the half-elf empire, it was not easy to toss half-elf.

As for the homeland of Rhode Island, there are now the First Expeditionary Corps, the Fourth and Fifth Field Corps, and the power is somewhat surplus.

The Second Expeditionary Legion, now in East Sun City, after Bill swindled to death, the Second Expeditionary Legion took over the original position of Bill, and collected the following forces to expand the Third and Fourth Expeditionary Forces.

The two legions, Xiahe had a skeleton before, but the field army lacked manpower and had to be transferred. Now it is rebuilt and there is no need to transfer people in the field army, because the Asra School of Magic, the magicians and The number of professionals in other warrior series is very high.

As for the Second Expeditionary Legion, the head of the legion is Eliza, that is the legendary intelligent mechanical life. The number of robots and structures she can command alone is over 100,000. And the chaotic barrier space badge that the legend can use, and the volume inside is large enough, Alisha is equivalent to being a legendary mechanical summoner.

Xiahe was not too worried about Winter City. He was worried about his nobility, just like Viscount Claude, whose territory was not in the north.

But attacking the vassal nobility requires a lot of courage. Anyway, Xiahe formed an expeditionary corps on the east side of the city, which was the hinterland of the empire, and could always support the little nobles who had surrendered to Xiahe.

Otherwise, he would not be stationed there, and it would be very difficult to transfer.

Now, all the nobles who have surrendered to Xiahe have indeed felt safe, and at the same time, Xiahe has also received the due reward, that is, the soldiers.

Ordinary legion, elite legion, main legion, these three grades Xiahe turned out to be the priority to establish the main legion.

The biggest difficulty for ordinary legions is the proper adult man. Of course, women with good qualifications are not bad. What is the concept of the twenty ordinary legions, that is 1.2 million people. Rhode Island in Xiahe couldn't make up such a huge number anyway.

Otherwise he is crazy? To accompany the land to those nobles, under Xinda 6's enthusiasm, he would have to use the merits to buy back the land that he could have occupied by himself.

Who made Dao Gong too tight, he has no time.

Now he has more than one hundred nobles, both large and small. On average, there are more than 10,000 people in each noble. However, Xiahe also gathered a lot of icemen, such as the original Dragon Island, the refugees Lynch got through the war and so on.

In addition, similar to Nietzsche and Claude, as well as a few nobles of Glonitz, who have already put their lives on Xiahe, they can call Xiahe. So Xiahe has such a huge plan.

The 1.2 million people are still young and middle-aged. This method of violent soldiers, without food and weapons on hand, is simply an unrealistic thing.

Fortunately, Xiahe did not lack both. There are food plantations, weapons and alchemy plants, and there are more and more magicians in hand. Professionals are increasing every day.

The morale behind this is the knowledge of Taoism and the supply of food such as Lingmi. Professionals trained in batches are definitely not as good as those geniuses who awaken by hard work. However, with Lingmi moisturizing the body and laying a solid foundation, this batch of trained professionals may not be as good as the geniuses, but in the same level, they are not weak chickens, but strong.

In September, the construction of Princess Angelina ’s alchemy plant was completed, and at the same time, the miniature Great Walls of Xiahe and Muses were completed and actively exposed.

There was an uproar in the world, and the group was excited.

However, Princess Angelina made her purpose quite quickly, acknowledging the ownership of the land by the two dukes. This confession was also verified by the royal family. She personally took an airship, flew at low altitude, and filmed every section of the Great Wall with magic. This proves that the Duke's Great Wall has completely surrounded the territory.

Some people naturally question what your walls can block.

Xiahe's answer is very domineering. Except for Juno City, your city walls are all rubbish, but they are just lines. I have a flying warship and I don't need to climb the city walls.

Of course he is nonsense. Even if the Shenzhou Empire entered the era of the universe and could still conduct wars across the universe, the city wall is still necessary. Otherwise, the ground troops with fierce firepower will be able to rampage.

When the 100-meter-long city wall covered with formations was erected, the only way to impact the city was to airborne.

Whether it is the delivery of firepower, or the armed forces of the soldiers, there is too much difference. For example, Xiahe. Now, the most powerful weapon of the ground troops is the Knights of Medirelli. There is a squadron of knights, even legends can take away with a wave of charge. But the Knights of Medieri are still difficult to leap over the walls of magic.

Xiahe just talked about it directly. Whoever is not convinced, then let my army go to push down your city wall. If your city wall can't stop it, then your territory is not yours, it is illegal.

The low wall of the city puts the flag down, and the Duke of the Tombstone hangs so as to convince people.

Because in theory, as long as the mad dog Asra is willing, he can create a weapon that blasts any wall. Just pay for it. Now everyone knows that Duke Asra, on the other side of the underground world, has magical ore veins. The emperor has a big head.

One magical original stone is enough to stimulate the magic cannon. If someone makes an artifact, and accumulate 10,000 pieces?

It ’s a lot of money. The problem is that if you take up this challenge, the city wall is broken, and when the royals say that your territory is illegal, how do you refute it?

Many people suspect that this is a sign that the royal family wants to **** the land. It is a pit, who jumps and is stupid.

Then, both the House of Lords and the Lord passed the will promulgated by Her Royal Highness, and established true legitimacy.

Not everyone believes that His Majesty the Emperor left and went to the Devil Realm. But Xia He understood that something went wrong with His Majesty the Emperor, and it was true to go to the Devil Realm. In the ontology of Juno City, there is no way to make waves. High-profile princess Angelina was in power, a very authoritarian move that made the nobles suspicious.

But everyone felt that Duke Asra ran further and further on the road to death, unable to look back.

In doing so, it only attracted more than 100 small nobles, very small nobles, but offended all the big nobles. As for Muses, everyone ignored it. Asla used at least his **** record to prove that he was just dead, and his combat effectiveness is still good. Throwing away all identity, this is a legendary mage.

And Muses, but a clown in front of the emperor, was far worse than the Duke of the tombstone. It is said that at the beginning, when Muses was just favored, he also provoked the Duke of Asla to come, and was later beaten and beaten, finally convinced. Duke Asra had never been so embarrassed, if anyone pressed him, he would kill him.

Xiahe secretly transferred the First Expeditionary Corps and stationed the Second Expeditionary Corps on the territory of the Paine family. During these two months, he did train a large number of recruits. However, these recruits are only capable of manipulating weapons. It is hard to say whether the orders given above can be executed well.

But Xiahe still put these recruits into half a plane, 20 ordinary legions, 1.2 million people.

Xiahe estimates that a formal legion can destroy these 1.2 million recruits.

In the half plane, a huge phantom array is quietly running, and all recruits are devoted to the second training. The illusion training is bloody. And this time there are more than 10,000 professionals among the 1.2 million recruits. A slightly higher ratio than one percent.

Two months of intensive training, taking medicine, practicing martial arts skills, and even some talents are slightly better, all have practiced elementary breathing. However, there are still very few recruits who become professionals.

The First Expeditionary Force also followed half a plane ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to take a rest. Xiahe had no plans to send to another world because the Second Expeditionary Force was not in place. The two worlds of the Merrifin family are not too powerful from the intelligence. It ’s not as good as the world I did n’t have time to deal with before.

A field corps will deal with one at an early stage.

After a certain foundation has been laid, the recruits are almost trained. They can be put into the battlefield and walk from the half plane. It is easy to enter the half plane in the main world, and it is difficult to enter the invaded world from the half plane. In contrast, the military's turnover costs are indeed too expensive to use half planes.

But there is no way. This kind of army is sent directly to the battlefield, and half of them can survive in the end.

Before the imperial nobles thought about it, Xiahe abruptly moved the alien strategy of the Merrifin family.

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