Daomen Invasion

Chapter 834: : Undead Magic

Decided on the plan, but not in a hurry to go to Big 6, this low-level world, the response of the strong is also much worse than the main world. This is the world ruled by the Merrifin family, there is no skinning, but there will be a month or two of preparation time.

Anderson still had to clean up the sea monsters first. If the sea monsters were not cleaned up, an army would be trapped on the island.

Also, there are dragons in the sky. The dragon that was killed today came from an island in the south. The island is not small and there are no humans.

On the bone battleships, weapons for air defense are also arranged. If there is a dragon, there will be other flying creatures.

Many worlds have griffins, monsters such as giant eagles, and flying warships don't care. They can escape with a strong degree, but the six-pointed star airship is not good, especially the large six-pointed star airship.

This time Anderson brought two large six-pointed star airships, capable of transporting 500 types of heavy cavalry, including all auxiliary equipment logistics.

The Merrifin family, having such a world, did not understand how to open.

Sea monsters, so many sea monsters are all money. For magicians, sea monster body materials are the best research objects, and how many strange products can be made.

This world is almost the same as the original ecology.

Anderson, he didn't think about it. The Merrifin family may not be lazy. It may be that the Merrifin family has no power to clean up the sea. These sea monsters are very difficult to deal with, even if they have only 40 or 50 levels. The huge figure makes their lethality quite terrifying.

Fortunately, Xiahe's heirs like Anderson don't need any military merits. He eventually wants to enter the circle of Taoism and belongs to people outside the system of the duke.

Xiahe reimburses everything he consumes.

So Anderson settled down and started to make a bone devil tower. A floating bone skeleton tower.

Originally this was something that the most advanced Necromancer could make. The ultimate form is a magic tower flying in the air, not afraid of sunlight, and able to move high in the atmosphere.

Anderson can't make it even if he has level 60, but he is a simplified version of the magic tower that can drift on the sea.

This magic tower also has six floors, covering an extremely large area with a diameter of three kilometers. Xiahe prepared a lot for him this time, mainly to test the role of the undead army. This bone devil tower is one of the test targets.

Anderson ’s ordinary undead, as well as his students, were unable to assemble this magic tower. He could only summon his three legendary undead to help him do the hard work. Lord Duke has provided enough bones, which have been refined in advance, and have a number, because the inside is sealed with a rich death, let ordinary soldiers do this job, and it hurts a lot.

Even metal warriors made of metal will also be affected by lifelessness and be damaged prematurely.

Three legendary undeads, plus Anderson himself, flew five kilometers into the depths of the sea, then took out the materials and began to build a bone devil tower. The huge bones were spread on the sea by the legendary undead, colliding with each other, making the sound of Dingdong, as if the iceberg collided.

The undead carefully checked the numbers, and the bones spread in all directions, weaving into a network, and sinking underwater. In this way, the bones are stacked layer by layer, forming a huge network under the sea. It is a magic net of the undead type with a diameter of five kilometers.

In the center of the magic web, there is a strange furnace, soaked in seawater.

When the thickness of this network reached 180 meters, the outermost magic array was completed. Anderson calmly stood in the center of the magic array, holding a black bead in his hand, extracting the power of the undead inside, for the magic underfoot Transmit energy.

The black mist penetrated and spread to the feet, and for more than an hour, the beads in Anderson's hands gradually turned into pale white, cracked open. Anderson just recited the mantra in his mouth.

This sound is so weird that it is simply not possible for human beings to come out, as if whispering in the night, with a terrible rhythm.

The bone network underneath trembles with higher and higher frequencies. As Anderson's high tail broke through the sky, the entire bone network turned into a giant tortoise.

The three legendary undead fell and watched the change in surprise.

The undead heavy infantry stomped his foot, the turtle shell under his feet was so solid, his metal boots did not bring any scars to the turtle shell.

"Master Duke, it's amazing."

"Yeah, not a Necromancer, but created such a great thing." The Necromancer also followed with admiration.

A giant tortoise with a length of more than three thousand meters floats on the sea, and around the giant tortoise with undead is a mist of death that reaches a thickness of 100 meters.

Even under the sea surface, the mist entangled on the turtle shell, but did not spread into the sea water further away, all attracted to the body by the undead giant turtle, forming a 100-meter thick protective layer.

This stuff is inspired by Magic Mountain. Xiahe consumed a lot of demon skeletons, and came up with such a huge thing.

The death soldier said: "Master, shall we use this giant tortoise to transport soldiers to the big 6?"

The three-kilometer-long behemoth, which transports 150,000 soldiers plus supplies, is of course no pressure, and this thing is no problem against large sea monsters.

Anderson said: "Most of the world can't breed so many sea monsters. Our invasion also has the experimental nature of studying specific directions for future wars. Dealing with sea monsters in the deep sea is also a problem. Anyway, Merri The Finn family is not powerful. We have time to get the sea monsters first, and then let the white bone battleship take charge of the battle. "

The three undead are under his control. Although they have wisdom, they can make suggestions. In the end, they have to listen to Anderson.

The legendary undead built a bone devil tower on the back of the undead turtle, which is equivalent to obtaining a mobile war fort at sea. The Necromancer ’s magic tower is as powerful as the attack power, and there are many unpopular things that the elemental mage can't defend against. A simple arcane mage is also a headache for undead magic.

However, over the main world, the magicians are not very classified, whether it is arcane, elemental or summoning system, they are all in one, and there is no shortcoming.

Xiahe himself will be powerful summoning magic. At this level, element lords can summon it.

However, some elemental lords have reached the **** level and are not easy to serve. Only when Xiahe reached the ninth rank Taoist priest, could he slay the elemental lords fiercely and make them obedient as thugs.

However, outside the main world, the magician basically takes a single route. Although the arcane mage also has some elemental abilities, but the number is very small, the elemental mage will not study arcane magic. Even within the Elemental Master, there are countless factions.

Undead magic in the main world is no different from other magicians, but in a different world, it has a strong taste.

Like Anderson, there is the skill of undead natural disasters. It is relatively difficult for people in the main world to die and want to transform the undead, and it is not easy for the necromancer to create natural disasters. But in this world, Anderson alone is estimated to be able to wake up hundreds of thousands of dead bodies.

So Anderson doesn't worry much about the big 6 strategy, but instead deals with sea monsters, he is more attentive.

If there are no powerful demigods in this world, but only legends, Anderson thinks he can play five.

In the Bone Demon Tower, every layer has been arranged with the undead created by Anderson, which is a proud work. Each floor of the magic tower has an attack window. This window refers to the external magic circle. Only the top floor really opened the window. A huge undead magic cannon, suspended in the open space, can turn at any time and attack in any direction.

"Okay, let's find some helpers, let the deputy commander guard the bone warship, call Minnie, Tom, and Clark. Six legends, dealing with a deep-sea octopus, should be constructed.

Anderson instructed that the undead corpse flew to the shore to find a helper.

Although Anderson feels he can deal with octopus, but he is afraid that octopus has a helper, in case of mistakes, it is difficult to kill this deep-sea octopus again.

There are two main types of octopus monsters. One is the flow of tentacle monsters that are influenced by certain gods. They are the most powerful and can attract the attention of the gods behind them.

The other kind is the natural and cute octopus monster, which becomes a powerful deep-sea monster by virtue of its practice and opportunities. These octopus monsters are all native and have no background. The power is not as good as those chaotic tentacles, but this octopus monster has relatively strong wisdom.

If a temptation fails, it won't work at all next time. On the surface, this retribution is not very strong. In fact, it has their unique ability to judge. If you do n’t feel like your opponent, you wo n’t do it again.

If you are a little slack, you might be stared at by it.

This octopus monster directly ate a fish-shaped submarine. The information sent back by the fish-shaped submarine showed that it was a native octopus monster with a wrist length of at least 500 meters.

The thing itself is highly toxic, the effect of undead toxin on it is slow, and the octopus's wrists and feet can be disconnected to survive. Once the octopus monster detects that the toxin cannot be expelled, it will break the injured part.

After the arrival of the three legendary masters ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are somewhat cautious. After all, no one will feel comfortable coming to the magic tower of a necromancer. The strong breath of death makes them only able to close the external circulation, which is equivalent to the feeling of breathlessness, and the legendary strong will also feel uncomfortable.

Anderson saw it, smiled, and dispelled the breath of death, so that the air on the top of the magic tower suddenly became fresh.

The three legendary mages smiled bitterly and looked up at the undead magic cannon suspended above.

"Adult, how did this thing attack?" Minnie asked to take the initiative to ease the atmosphere.

"Unleashed legendary magic, the soul smashed, is the magic I studied."

"Soul crushed?"

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