Daomen Invasion

Chapter 835: : Assassination plan

"The real attack range is an area with a diameter of about ten meters. The attack distance is only three kilometers. Any further distance, no matter it is directly in front of it or the area around it, it will be weakened. Within three kilometers, it can deal with legends. This distance can only deal with targets below the epic, but fortunately, three kilometers away, the magic spread is very powerful, it is a range attack. "

Everyone's cold, range attack, targeting the soul, then deal with miscellaneous soldiers really destroy a large area.

Moreover, it can attack legends three kilometers away, this weapon is also considered powerful. Do n’t look at the legend, you can attack from a distance of one hundred miles, but that ’s for weak chickens. The two legends blasted each other's spells hundreds of miles away. The end result was half exhausted, and no one could hurt anyone.

For example, Xiahe ’s Purple Electric Ice Cone is theoretically a hundred miles away, and can be reached in an instant. However, if the legend on the opposite side is not too good, it can almost sense the lock of the spell. Although it can't escape, it can be done by inspiring defense. Xiahe also has the advantage of first-hand attack. It can no longer be the same as the lower-level state.

At the legendary level, the Taoist prince's advantage is reflected. The distance is not a problem. As long as it is within the attack range, there are still spells that can bomb the enemy.

But the consumption of magic is smaller than Taoism, which is also an advantage. At close range, the release power is weaker, but the consumption of less magic is enough to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers.

The disadvantage of magic is that although the upper limit is very high, to that extent, the consumption is no different from Taoism. Taoism is an all-round technology category with no dead ends. In fact, low-level Taoism consumes a lot of money. It's just that magic is easier to master and easier to promote.

And Taoism, from the beginning, involved spiritual practice.

After the Daomen researched the magic net, in many occupied worlds, it also promoted such things as magic, and artificially arranged the magic net covering the whole world.

Is cheap and durable, and can quickly accumulate thugs. If you arrange a magic net on a starship, there will be a lot of casters, and even everyone can be a caster.

Of course, it does n’t make sense to do this, and the Magnet Master is not cheap, compared to infantry cannon fodder.

This undead magic cannon is a powerful weapon, and the materials are not so high, that is, it uses more refining techniques, and people with lower levels cannot make it.

Anderson glanced at the magic cannon himself, and said, what is Lord Duke doing now? Send us, I don't know if there will be any trouble in the main world.

He did not worry about the aggression of this world at all. An integrated legion, with twenty ordinary legions behind him, was too good for the Merrifin family. However, the main world needs manpower very much. On Rhode Island, the City Defence Force can only defend, not field attacks.

Xiahe and the Merrifin family are just heading towards the front, and the situation on the New World is quite strange.

The Merrifin family gained the share of the princess's alchemy factory. Originally, they wanted to show their fists, but as a result of the miniature Great Wall, the Merrifin family felt as uncomfortable as eating shit.

However, the power of Xiahe did not care about the problems of the Merrifin family on the New World. The Merrifin family did not dare to target the Duke of the Tombstone on the New World. Because now they both belong to Her Royal Highness, and are working hard to eliminate the Demon Race on the New World.

Whoever attacks his opponent on the New World is an enemy of the royal family.

But do it in the Arcane Empire? Against Rhode Island of the Xia family, the Merrifin family lacked battleships. Although rich, but you dare to build in the dock, Rhode Island dare to send flying warships to destroy.

And even if it is made, a lot of legends will follow along the way to protect it.

Sea warships, when faced with flying warships, the survival rate is not high.

The rest, the most recent goal, is the Paine family. But the Paine family didn't eat well, and it was beaten down, and there was not much loss to Rhode Island.

The economic and political center of Rhode Island has not been attacked. Such a war is nothing more than a fight against consumption.

As a result of consumption, the Merrifin family had been given a lesson last time. Nearly 200,000 soldiers and horses, not logistics, were all swallowed.

Although the Merrifin family is a veteran noble, it is still not as good as those grand dukes. They followed the royal family a little later, which made the Merrifin family not so solid.

It is not impossible to mobilize the strength of the outside world, but the rule of the outside world will be weakened.

Which is more painful, Rhode Island is openly mobilizing against the outside world. The Merrifin family does not know whether it is better to attack the Paine family or concentrate the army on the attacked world.

Don't look at Xiahe's military dispatch, but most of his energy is still in the world of Taiyin.

Today, there are only two communication channels left in Taiyin World. One is Xiahe ’s original Shenfu Passage. The other is Lucifer ’s side, which can be used as a transit station to provide Xiahe with information about the world of Taiyin Xianfu.

Passage of Shenfu, Xiahe will not be used at the point of life and death, so he passed Lucifer and paid attention to that side.

The development of Taiyin World is amazingly fast. The construction of Taiyin Xianfu has been completed. The Taoist system of Xianfu has been completely arranged. The children brought from the main world, as well as the children selected from the locals, have joined Daoxianfu. in. There are tens of thousands.

These children will be treated differently when they are in their teens. One part will become a real Taoist and the other part will be changed to something else, such as a magician or a pure warrior.

The main force of Xiahe is there to clean up the world, eliminate all demonized goblins, purify the earth, sky, rivers, lakes, clean the sea and so on. Then Freya created the dungeon by herself and opened up the dungeon world after the soul died. The seeds cultivated in these years have been taken to the Taiyin world, and the whole world is thriving.

However, Xiahe has the paranoia of persecution. He is afraid that the world will be attacked by others, so most of the main troops are left there. And he asked Asteria to run into the lunar world, which meant refuge. Let Medillary pass by, too. As for Freya, she died, and Freya could not survive. She was to work as a coolie.

Taiyin world is finalized, Xiahe doesn't want these people to come back, the pure broken is affected by the huge power of Daogong.

He could not walk away from the main world, otherwise he ran over himself. Now the practice can only be directed by Freya. Fortunately, Asteria's talents are good, and she has been practicing all the way without any hindrance.

what did you say? Obstruction is necessary to hone people? Silly, whether a person's heart is firm is born. The greatest possibility of suffering is to destroy a person's future.

And Asteria is not hard-working. He ran all over the world and followed Freya. Today he wants to purify a mine, and tomorrow he will kill a deep-sea monster. After taking a break, I heard that something went wrong with the construction of the prefecture, and I had to go to the underworld to run.

And the prefecture did not have the guard of King Yan Luo, and every place must be handled by his own legs.

Then Asteria had to repeatedly modify the construction plan of the Heavenly Court. This plan is an endless thing.

No matter how good his plan is, he will not be qualified in the end. Freya let him do it, not useless work, but accumulating the technical ability of the commanding god.

Xiahe cares too much about this student. In the future, his six gods must be inherited by Asteria.

Is like Xiahe's teacher, and regards him as a sectarian future. Xiahe also puts hope on this student.

There is no way. Taiyin Xianfu is afraid of being beaten by Kunlun Dao Palace. He must keep the flames in order to settle down. Xiahe is ready, if he really can't fight against the palace, then the world of Taiyin will be completely closed, and Asteria will become an ancestor there.

Died himself, and hope to be resurrected among the students' six gods.

If everyone finishes together, it's really finished.

The Merrifin family felt that Duke Asra was too rampant, but he did not know that Concord was timid. If he was really brave enough, he would have brought together the five main legions and directly attacked the Merrifin family in the main world.

With the addition of two expeditionary corps, it is estimated that the Merrifin family will not last long.

"What do you say? Assassination?"

Xiahe was talking to Freya on the day, Shrek's news was inserted ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yes, teacher, I got the exact information, the Merrifin family will kill you. "

Xiahe rubbed his temples. The Merrifin family was about to die. If they wanted to assassinate themselves, they would have to be demigod. Under the demigods, all ants are ants!

He is not too arrogant, as long as he is with Xia Ye, the demi-god's attack can threaten him, not a fatal blow. The Libra of Order is a good thing, and its defensive ability is super strong.

"Specifically, what do you know?"

"I don't know, I don't have a suitable Necromancer on hand, and I have insufficient ability to torture the soul."

"The best Necromancer, in the second world of the Merrifin family, I can't call him back."

"Just know that the assassination will be completed before the end of the year."

"In that case, there are more than two months."

"How is the teacher going to deal with it? Would you like to expose it in advance and let the other person retract his hand?" Shrek was still very worried. He didn't quite understand the teacher's fighting level, for fear that the teacher would be calculated by others. If you open the lid now, it will make the Merrifin family dread a lot, and may not be shot.

"Why do you want to expose? With the strength I have shown, the Merrifin family has to use almost ten legends to deal with me. If one or two, it's a food delivery. Unfortunately, I'm not a necromancer, killing ten legends, Only cheaper Anderson. "

"Teacher ..."

"It's okay, continue to pay attention to the assassination." Xia Hexin said, you have never experienced the fear of being ruled by Taoist priests. There are not a hundred magicians, no one hundred people, and it is too naive to want to kill yourself.

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