Daomen Invasion

Chapter 841: : Simple and crude

Dragons are relatively powerful creatures in the multiverse, but once the main world of a universe is occupied by a single creature, the situation is different.

For example, in the universe where Xiahe is now, only humans, half-elves, and half-orcs remain in the main world.

The dragon perished earlier, and is already a vulnerable group in this universe.

This dragon, which was killed by Anderson and others, is not weaker than human mages of the same level, but there is no racial advantage. The two legendary undead joined forces and the dragon died very brittle.

Like the first dragon that was killed, this dragon was cramped and bones were extracted, blood was collected, and scales were removed.

The dragon itself is a wise creature, dying without dignity at the moment.

The soul of the tentacle is contaminated by Anderson, and he is still dragging the undead giant turtle in vain. It will not take long for this tentacle monster to transform into an undead and be subdued by Anderson. With the help of giant tentacles, it is much easier to hunt large sea monsters in other seas.

The war in World No. 2 may last for a long time. The dragon of this world has already cooperated with the Merrifin family, which restricts Anderson's army tactics. Without two legends, the army cannot act alone, otherwise it will be attacked by the dragon from the air.

However, this time he didn't take many hexagrams to fly, and the battleship simply didn't take it. The air is the world of dragons. If you want to conquer the whole world, the difficulty to overcome is not only the sea.

Anderson is not in a hurry, because the difficulties are all predictable, better than knowing nothing.

The main world, the new world, the nameless castle.

A battalion in Xia Ye persisted for seven days, and no Star Devil came to invade. But in these seven days, the attack of the Mozu has not stopped. Had Xia Ye had enough muskets this time, I am afraid that a large magic circle would have to be turned on to keep the castle.

The Demon Clan may be able to let the humans in the castle break through. If outside, the power of the Void Demon Clan is enough to attack any human legend.

Xia Ye stood at the top of the castle and looked at more and more demons in all directions, feeling that all demons in the northern area were moving towards the castle. This castle is meaningless, what is the purpose of the demon. The Merrifin family should not control so many demons.

Feeling baffled, news suddenly came from Rhode Island that a demon star warship floated on the sea and reached the east of Rhode Island, which was less than a thousand miles away from Rhode Island.

It was still the island occupied by the Temple of Dawn in the east that discovered the Devil Star Warship and warned Rhode Island.

Rhode Island's cordon is only five hundred miles. Although airships often go out to patrol, airships cannot take care of every place. They fly very high. Although the star warships are huge, most of them are sunk in the sea. The area on the sea is not as good as a small warship.

Demon attack on Rhode Island? This is a problem.

Xiahe heard this news and found it somewhat difficult. All the main legions are in a different world, and only the First Expeditionary Force is still in the half plane. The Second Expeditionary Force is on the territory of the Paine family. The third and fourth expeditionary forces have only skeletons, and the regiment commander and battalion are ready, but the soldiers below have not yet reached the standard.

However, there are aristocratic coalition forces in Samsung Town, about 100,000 people. They trained in Samsung Town. They were originally prepared to support the New World, and the New World War situation was stable.

The quality of these troops may not be as good as the third and fourth expeditionary corps, but the equipment is good. There will be no problem over Samsung Town. For the Sun City, the City Defense Army was transferred back from the New World. After playing with the Devil for a long time, there is no problem.

Over the northern border city, the training of the City Defense Army is not very good, but there are no civilians over there, and the fighting has little effect.

In the southern city of stars, there are many nobles led by Nietzsche, but the number of city defense troops and field troops is not too large. Although the training is very good.

When Xiahe heard the news, he asked Liumen City to mobilize the recruits of a legion to go to the city of stars for defense. The other is the magical academy, and sent out an academy mercenary to go with the temporary legion.

If there is no problem with the city of stars, the Demon Race can't find any other way.

But this way, Rhode Island has no energy to support the Second Expeditionary Legion.

"It's really annoying." Golia was in the magic tower, looking at the new information, very depressed. During this time, Rhode Island was not peaceful. After killing more than 2,000 children of the law, new children of the law appeared, and many of them came from Samsung Town, which was not easy to deal with.

Now a Star Warship of the Demon Race appeared and floated towards Rhode Island. This is not the same as the Magic Mountain. Star battleships require a lot of legendary cooperation. At least a few more than sixty levels are required to break the shell.

There are at least a dozen legends in the Devil Star Battleship.

The star warship is huge, like a huge island. The number of demons that can be held in it can't be beaten by millions, maybe tens of millions. Anyway, the demon can be crowded in the cabin just like animals.

The hateful thing is, over there at the Temple of Dawn, I came over and asked me if I would like to help.

At this time, it is too unfavorable for Rhode Island to engage with the temple. Rhode Island was fighting the Merrifin family, and if they were to interact with the temple again, other nobles would have reason to intervene.

There are a lot of legends on Mount King Kong, but most of them are new legends. The realm is not stable. It is just in the early 40s, and there is a risk of falling against the legend of the Devil.

"Call Shrek." Golia resigned helplessly.

Shortly afterwards, Shrek came. He was very busy recently, and the children of the law were really exhausting. Everything that can be done is already done. There are also some identities who belong to the army of other nobles and are not easy to deal with directly.

On the other side of Sanxing Town, it is in the state of coalition forces, some can move, some cannot.

The two met again, and Shrek was also embarrassed. He said to Goliath: "There are so many strong people in Sun City, why are we both working out something?"

Golia thought for a while. Sure enough, she said to Shrek: "It seems that there is still Smith, often giving you aftermath."

Shrek was even more embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

"The Duke asked you to lead a group of people alone and increased your strength. You should have been fighting fire everywhere."

"I just think that there are too few people to save the fire."

"Forget it, the group of people in the academy is still too tender. And if they don't move, the Sun City will be as stable as rock, and no one can make trouble."

Shrek thinks for the same reason. There are a lot of legends in Sun City, and they can use the secret formations in the city to fight.

Although the Academy cannot support it, the entire Sun City, even if there is no city defense army, can only be defended by the Academy and the mercenaries. You know, there are hundreds of thousands of city defense troops in the whole Sun City. Pulling out is equivalent to half a field army.

The gap between the combat power of the city defense army and the field army is about double, mainly because the equipment of the city defense army depends on the city and is not suitable for field operations. However, there are field projects for the training of urban defense forces. Equipping them with equipment and adapting to them for a period of time means that they have become elite.

"Speak, what do you want me to do?" Shrek stood in a determined posture.

"The devil's star battleship, slowly drifting in the sea, and more than 800 miles, will reach Rhode Island. It is not clear where the star battleship intends to come up."

"Can't we use our own star battleship?"

"There is only one, and the rest are not in the main world."

"Isn't the teacher sending the drawings of the Devil's Star Wars? Have you followed the drawings, are there weaknesses?"

"There is no weakness, it is too difficult to force into it and break the shell. It is relatively easy to have the strength of the Duke. The so many strong people in the empire are also hard-earned, and there is no way to make tricks."

"The gap between me and the teacher is too great. If you let me go, I can't break the shell."

"No, the battleship of the Demon Race has a thick shell, but because it has not been completely completed, the closest defense is the method of soul impact. Any life, when approaching the battleship, will be contaminated by the spirit of the Demon Race. But the robot Soldiers are not afraid. "

"Golia, your idea is wrong. To consider the whole situation, why did the Demon Race come to Rhode Island, is it really related to the Merrifin family. If there is, the Merrifin family will definitely not have such a trick, There will be other means of cooperation. "

"Then what do you mean?"

"I remember last year, there was a guy in the graduation project of the Magic Academy who designed an alchemy bomb."

"So expensive!"

As soon as Shrek said ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Goliath remembered that the student's graduation thesis had a magic item design, which was a powerful alchemy bomb. If it detonates, it is estimated that half of the Sun City will disappear.

"Whether it is, it can be used to blow up the Devil's Star Wars, and it's worth it. I took a robot force, boarded the Star Wars, dug a hole in it, put the alchemy bomb in it, and solved it in one click. Question. This time we bring all the legends we can bring to protect the six-pointed star airship that transports bombs. "

"Have you thought about the Void Demon?"

"So with a lot of legends, all the weapons and equipment designed by the teacher are prepared, specifically for the Void Demon. I heard that on the New World, the Void Demon has no siege of the teacher. It is possible that it is following this star warship. Now. "

"I see." Golia immediately gave orders to make the following people make super alchemy bombs.

It is not difficult to make alchemy bombs. It can be broken down into many parts and combined together. It is mainly because of the consumption of a lot of magical raw stones. It can be blown up at a time, probably a few million gold coins. This is just the consumption of the original magic stone. The craftsmanship of various magicians and the refining of other auxiliary materials cost a lot of money.

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