Daomen Invasion

Chapter 842: : On the blasting team

The starship is drifting at about five kilometers per hour, far from Rhode Island. The super alchemy bomb can be assembled in less than ten hours.

Shrek's idea is very good, I don't play with you, I beat me. It is absolutely impossible for me to spend a lot of troops to siege the Star Wars. I will send a lot of legends, and then I will install a bomb for you and directly break your battleship to see what you have to do.

If not, the battleship is sinking and I will leave.

Although it costs a lot, it may be equivalent to tens of millions of gold coins, and the bang disappeared. But when you dispatch a large army to fight, you also need to spend money. And to mobilize the army, it costs real gold coins. The duke's collar is not poor, but the circulation of gold coins has not been very good.

Because in addition to the world of Taiyin Xianfu, Xiahe's other worlds have coordinates, and it is not time to give back to the main world.

However, the Duke's leadership is not lacking in resources. The magical original stone or something is not too important for Xiahe.

When night fell, on Rhode Island, a large six-pointed star airship took off, hanging a huge cargo box underneath, containing the alchemy bomb just made by Mount Vajra. Behind the large airship, there is a medium-sized airship, which contains more than two hundred special robots.

There were also twenty small six-pointed star airships, each of which carried two legendary mages. A total of forty legendary mages followed the super alchemy bomb and went straight to the star warship floating on the sea.

At this time, the Star Wars is more than 600 miles from Rhode Island.

The large six-pointed star airship hung a huge box, almost full, but it can still fly more than 1,400 miles per hour. The distance of more than six hundred miles is within half an hour.

The demon star warships slowly drifted along with the waves in the night, and there was little power. Only a small thrust pushed the huge warships closer to Rhode Island with the current.

Rhode Island's flying team, without any hesitation, reached the starry sky battleship. Forty legends immediately came out of the airship and were suspended in mid-air. The medium-sized airship dropped more than two hundred robots and landed on the starship.

After the robot fell, it immediately activated the cutting device on his body, and the plasma repeatedly spewed out, dissolving the shell of the Star Wars a little bit.

The shell of this star warship has a thickness of more than 200 meters. The biological material is hard to drill with metal drill bits if it is hard to touch. But the plasma is super high temperature, these robots are equipped with large batteries in their bodies, supplementing the power with magic rough.

Above the forty legends is the large six-pointed star airship, and they wait patiently.

A strong spiritual shock spread from the starry sky warships and rose into the sky. The robot ignores this kind of thing. Both small and medium-sized airships flew away. On the large airships, the golden light illuminated, forming a spiritual protection layer. They did not hide at all.

The forty legends were also shrouded in golden brilliance, coupled with their own resistance, the spiritual impact of the Demon Race completely failed.

Blade of space, material transfer, extreme deep cold ...

The legendary mage is still cooperating with the robot to destroy the outer shell of the star warship. This star warship, because of the severe external closure, when the robot was destroyed, the demon inside could not rush out to resist.

Shrek saw this scene in the air and knew he was betting right.

When the Devil intends to approach Rhode Island, he will start the Star Wars to avoid being intercepted on the road. But the Devil absolutely did not expect that he could have a way to destroy the shell of a battleship more than 200 meters thick.

In the outer shell of the battleship, there are powerful magic defense attributes, but the plasma itself, the ultra-high temperature can not be completely defended. The legendary mage's attacks are all in pursuit of the most powerful and do not seek the scope of the attack. A blade of space more than one foot long is enough to tear the hard biological shell away from the mouth more than two meters deep.

"Well, don't attack again, according to plan." Shrek looked at the legendary mages, testing the effects of various spells on this star warship shell, and immediately ordered to stop. He is not here to experiment.

The legendary mages are good-tempered, and the rules of the Duke are very big. Now Shrek is the commander. No matter what their original identity is, even the principal of Asra College can only follow Shrek's orders.

Permanent cure! Permanent cure! Permanent cure!

Forty legendary mages, while performing permanent spells, such as Shrek, a non-permanent wizard, all took out the magic book and released the permanent spell in the magic book.

In Rhode Island, there are enough legendary mages, and this kind of magic is often used in special buildings when building cities. Therefore, in the backup magic book led by the Duke, the amount of such magic is stored in a large amount, and is a daily task of the legendary mage.

A large number of permanent fixations landed on the star warships, surrounding the pits burnt by the robots and strengthening the battleship shell.

This kind of auxiliary benign magic, the resistance of the battleship is extremely weak, because the battleship judges that this magic is only good for the battleship, and there is no harm. In the positions blessed by permanent fixation, the defensive attributes have more than doubled. Devil races will use similar spells when they build warships themselves.

As a result, powerful legendary spells penetrated into the outer shell of the battleship to form a box that strengthened the surroundings of the pit to a depth of more than 100 meters. Only legendary magic can be reinforced by material to reach this depth. In places like Mount Kongo, there are many places blessed with the legendary permanent cure.

After the blessing of permanent fixation was completed, the shell tossed by the robot's plasma in the middle had gone down for more than fifty meters. The robot's energy is almost used up, and now all rely on the magic stone to support power generation.

Seeing this effect, Shrek was fortunate that he temporarily modified the robot. Otherwise, this depth would definitely not hurt the Star Wars.

On the large airship, more than one hundred robots were airborne. These robots were smaller in size. After landing on the reinforced frame, they began to lay magic materials on them. When the magic material is laid, all robots begin to dissolve automatically, turning themselves into metal pillars and fixing them on the frame.

The magician reinforces these metal pillars, and the robots below dissolve the shell of the starry sky battleship frantically, and the dissolved substances are constantly cut and transferred out. The demon inside the battleship panicked, and wanted to open the hatch, the battleship floated upward.


Forty legendary mages release gravity at the same time, and the star warship trembles violently on the water, being forced down.

Below sea level, thousands of demons were forcibly pushed out of some launch tubes around the star warships.

However, as soon as the Demon emerged, he would be attacked by the legendary mage, and there was no chance to stop the robot.

Shrek smiled, and those launch tubes were relatively small. The Void Demon is huge, and it is impossible to get out of the launch tube. Unless they can shred, then fight back.

Mozu may not have imagined that they could use technology to destroy their shells. If relying on the legendary mage, although the shell of more than two hundred meters thick can be destroyed soon, the magic of the mage will definitely be consumed cleanly.

Or, if Smith is dispatched, the effect can be better?

Shrek remembered Smith's pervert, and was a little unhappy in his heart. I never seem to catch up with him. But it doesn't matter, he is a mage, he is just a swordsman.

The robot enters a crazy state, regardless of whether its equipment will be damaged, the speed of plasma release is getting faster and faster. A robot made a small hole with plasma, and then threw a plasma bomb into it to melt a bigger hole.

The temperature in the entire big pit is quite high, and the equipment on the robot can't bear it.

Shrek looked at the progress, and it was more than 100 meters deep, which was almost enough. However, the following Demon Race had not yet effectively counterattacked, and he gave the robot a command to continue.

Anyway, the night grows, if the Demon have no other means, then this operation against Rhode Island is considered a complete failure.

The robots started to be damaged one by one, and the original magic stones were almost consumed. In the middle of the reinforced box, there is a big pit that loves you 150 meters deep. Biological materials are very good in defensive properties against physical attacks and magic attacks, and were originally highly resistant to high temperature damage.

But the temperature of the plasma is too high, mixed with low-temperature magic to destroy, and the attack time is long, so it has such damage. If it is a complete star battleship, with near-defense weapons, so that the robot can not land, it can not cause such damage.

"start preparing."

Shrek ordered that the intact robots and wreckage were brought out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the sky, the large airship descended slowly, and the hoisted boxes were stuffed into the big pit. Yan Si fits. Some boxes were dropped down on the airship. The robot opened the switch on the box, pulled out the metal hose, and poured liquid into the small gap between the box and the battleship shell.

The liquid saw the air and solidified slowly. The material that had just been transferred by the wizards was also piled on the box. The box is not 150 meters thick, only 20 meters high. Above it was smooth, these substances were attached to the box and fixed by the spell, and there were dense and uneven bumps on the box.

The sea water was extracted and poured into the big pit. In the sky, the legendary mages used powerful ice magic to freeze the sea water. Above the huge box, layers of ice were repeatedly strengthened, showing azure blue color. It didn't take long for the entire box to be sealed under a 130-meter thick layer of ice.

After this step was completed, Shrek smiled happily.

No matter what means the demon has, it is impossible to achieve now. Looking at the time, the alchemy bomb is about to explode in a few minutes. He told all the magicians: "The last step left, let's hide and observe."

"Yes." The wizards immediately retreated in all directions, ten miles away from the explosion site.

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