Daomen Invasion

Chapter 848: : Lift off

In the entire flagship, only the outer suspension layer of more than 100 meters is used for combat and defense. The internal role is to collect materials and direct the rest of the battleships to fight.

From the appearance, the battleship is like a broken ferrous metal. In the cracks, it seems that the thick magma is tumbling and brewing strength.

This flagship weapon will not be more than the Galaxy Cruiser, but the muzzle and position of all attacks can be switched at high speed. When needed, more weapons cabins can be added inside the flagship and put into the energy field.

So Fire Crow One said that this is not like a flagship, but more like a battleship.

In the simple structure, all materials will continue to absorb energy to upgrade, evolve, and eventually become a command center that is difficult for the fairy to break.

Xiahe knew that there was something similar in the Nine Avenue Palace, which would only be used when fighting across the universe.

Fire Raven One is also right. I need a small warship, which is the kind of flying warship now, with a length of less than 100 meters and more than 15 meters.

However, the Devil has provided biological materials, so that he does not need to rely on metal, and can now start the manufacture of the mother ship.

Anyway, the requirements of the mothership are not high. To be able to carry various small combat weapons, the structure itself is simpler. The reason for being huge is to provide maintenance and logistics for all combat units. The standard of the infantry base itself is very high, and an ecological circle is required.

The outside of the chaotic barrier space is not shrinking indefinitely. The larger the internal space, the more impressive the external dimensions.

Fortunately, the flagship was prepared early enough, the materials were all prepared, and there was no problem with the assembly. As long as a month's time, the combat effectiveness can be initially formed. With the flagship, Xiahe can deploy kinetic energy weapons outside the atmosphere. If the enemy has no legend, the attack effect of this cheap weapon is very impressive.

The lethality of the fortress is huge and can penetrate various defenses.

It's just that the legend can fly into the starry sky, and after being attacked by kinetic weapons, it is likely to be hit by the enemy legend.

If it were n’t cheap, this weapon would be of little use, and was destined to be scrapped after one use. This is for bullying enemies without legend.

But there are no legendary enemies, usually weak chickens, and there is no secret weapon to win.

For the legend, after the first blow, you can immediately understand the use of kinetic weapons, and you can also use magic to intercept. There is no need to block it, just change its direction. Even if it is a few kilometers away, a slight change of direction will not be able to accurately hit the target.

Leaving from the inside of the flagship, the magic circle between the mountains released a thick mist, which sealed off the entire basin. The star flagship is suspended above the magic array, constantly accumulating power and transforming the hull. The shields that are suspended in the energy field are also being constantly modified, and the strength is getting higher and higher.

When the strength reaches a critical point, and the added cost-effectiveness is not high, these shields will be recovered, and then put into a new shield in the energy field for reinforcement.

In the flagship, a lot of material shields will be added. This thing has a very good protection against naval guns.

If it were not for cost, Xiahe wanted to wrap every battleship like this.

Unless he owns the entire universe, this behavior can only be adequate. With this money, it is better to build more frigates and block them in front of the mother ship to defend against powerful attacks. The frigate itself also has a near-defense system. With the powerful computing power of the flagship, it does not need to rely on the hull to resist attacks.

And now this flagship, even if it is not protected by a frigate, no weapon can hurt it.

Ordinary naval guns are meaningless for the flagship. The flagship can even release more material shields to protect it in an outer layer. The material shields do not need to be as strong as these shields now. They can be destroyed once It doesn't matter, it's cheap anyway.

The material shield suspended in the energy field is like a miniature frigate.

The powerful computing power of the flagship can instantly move these shields onto the orbit of enemy attacks. The flagship's power system is also enough to quickly evade the enemy's attack with this thing, which is only over a thousand meters long.

After Xiahe came out, he immediately went to the second dock, which was a plain. In the middle of the flat land, a huge lake with a diameter of more than thirty kilometers was dug. Normally, star warships need to be built in the universe. However, Xiahe uses a lot of biological materials, mainly to build the skeleton of the mother ship, and the rest of the materials are slowly growing up.

Twenty kilometers in size, compared to the Devil Star Battleship, is a small toy that can easily fly out of the atmosphere. After flying out, there is no need to come back.

The mother ship was built in the lake. Xiahe observed the skeleton of the mother ship and did not join it. Instead, he turned to the factory to watch the construction of the small battleships mounted on the mother ship.

There are three types of small ships, large, medium and small.

The length of the large size is more than 100 meters, the medium size is more than 60 meters, and the small size is only less than 20 meters.

These warships are also junior models. When the future is in the starry sky, the energy core must be replaced. The small warships in the starry sky are amazingly fast, flying so fast in the atmosphere that they can light themselves up.

The battleships are all metal skeletons, biological material shells, and biological materials themselves, which can continuously absorb metals and penetrate into the interior, forming interlayers to increase strength.

The metal itself is also pro-spell-like and can form formations to increase the protection of the battleship itself.

The mothership must be formed at least one year later, and can only be flown after three years. The current small warships are all allocated to the storm corner, and are temporarily used as weapons in the atmosphere. Like today's flying warships, they will no longer be the main weapon in the future. It is okay to use it to bully the small world. In a slightly larger world, flying warships are a target for legends.

Therefore, there were only more than 100 pieces left on the Rhode Island side of the Xiahe River, and only 24 pieces remained on the second expeditionary force. In the atmosphere, airships will be used to fight in the future, and some small warships in the star fleet are enough to cope with the scene.

Xiahe spent a month on Kirishima, and heard that the Fleet of the Duke Murphy had reached the territory of the Merrifin family before leaving Kirishima and returning to the New World.

The priests responsible for making the flagship are the last priests left by the main world, and the rest went to the Taiyin world to develop.

All the remaining Taoists entered the flagship life and practiced.

The flagship's energy operation has been able to exceed 50%, and it simply lifted from the fog island and rushed to the cosmic sky. Many legends have sensed what happened on Kirishima, but because it was too far away, they did not know that this was a star warship.

This starry sky flagship flew out of the atmosphere and stopped more than a thousand kilometers from the ground.

Then the flagship began to contact everywhere, Rhode Island, Storm Point, and the Sky Tower in the New World. The three main positions of Xiahe completed the docking in an instant, and the information was synchronized. Image and sound can be transmitted, and it may even be possible to transfer small items at a low price in the future.

"No. 1, what's the status?" Xiahe was in the Tongtian Tower and contacted the flagship directly.

Fire Raven One replied: "Very good, the energy has turned on 60%, higher than expected. Do you need me to increase the height?"

Xiahe thought about it, the legend of this world, it is not a problem to fly a thousand miles.

"What is the best flying altitude?"

"Below 100,000 miles, where do you need me to be?"

"At what height is the kinetic energy weapon best?"

"In this world, 60,000 miles will be enough, and the power has been maximized."

"Then fly at an altitude of 60,000 miles."

"Yes, Master Daojun, I am collecting data on this altitude now, and I can reach the specified altitude after about a day."

"Very well, over the Merrifin family, lay out some kinetic weapons, aim at important magic towers, and their warehouses. When needed, they are all dropped."

"Adult, don't you consider civilian casualties?"

"When we don't have a good choice, we don't think about it."

"Yes, Master Daojun." Huowa No. 1 finished asking questions and started to be busy with its affairs.

Cotton Jack was on the side and said in surprise: "Adult, our battleship, can fly at a height of tens of thousands of miles?"

"It's not a problem to fly to the moon, you can fly farther, to the stars in the distance."

"Is this battleship mine?"

"The Azra, of course, is mine. You are only the captain, are you going now?" Xiahe asked with a smile.

"Even now, there are still many things at hand."

"It can be commanded remotely on the battleship, and I can leave a configuration here for you, so that your consciousness can come in the configuration."

"Forget it, I'm not ready yet." Cotton Jack was a little discouraged.

Flying tens of thousands of miles away from the earth, he suddenly felt a lonely feeling. It felt like he was a pirate in the sea at an early age, sitting in a sea boat and sailing in the wind. You do n’t know what danger there is in the vast sea. Most of the time, destiny is in the hands of the sea ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It does n’t matter, by the way, now the fleet of the Duke Murphy has reached the territory of the Merrifin family Soon their army will attack Rhode Island, do you have any ideas, don't go back? "

"Rhode Island, who is directing now?"

"The Sun City is still Golia. Nietzsche is coming to the New World over the city of stars, and it will be handed over to Glonitz. Although he is young ... but you are also very young. Ha ..." Xiahe is in a good mood. Laugh out loud.

"Where is the princess?"

"The Void Clan hasn't appeared for a long time. She is a bit impatient. I advise her to be quiet. Anyway, the seaside port is ours. These nobles have mastered the alchemy factory. But, do we need the alchemy factory?"

"Of course not." Cotton Jack laughed. The princess just paid for the construction of a meaningless alchemy factory, and the situation in the New World was settled. To the north is the Duke of Asla, to the south is the Duke of Muses. Most of the central part is occupied by the royal family, and the rest of the land is divided by a large number of imperial nobles.

Really ... laughing dead.

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