Daomen Invasion

Chapter 849: : Recommendation No. 1

The current situation is that Xiahe and Muses surrounded the entire continent with the Great Wall, leaving only one port untouched. It was the place where the royal coalition landed, and now belongs to Princess Angelina ’s private territory.

There is also a port where Xiahe has been casually built. In the eastern part of the mainland, there is no fleet yet, only a few expedition ships.

Throughout the New World, Princess Angelina had become hostile to the old nobles.

Her princess is not very good, but if the old emperor is dead, if she really inherits the throne, there is nothing to do with these old nobles.

The main problem is that, His Majesty the Emperor, all the children are excellent, but they are not as high as the Emperor.

If the emperor arranges everything, first hand the throne to Princess Angelina, and then support yourself behind her. There will be a transition of one or two hundred years, which will naturally form a circle around the princess. But now, the emperor threw the princess down and closed himself, no one knew what was wrong with him.

Under such circumstances, the following nobles are naturally ready to move.

Princess Angelina wants to have a stable position, she has to have a very good means. The New World is the princess' testing ground. The area she occupies is not small, and it is the most abundant place. Then two large ports along the east and west coast are under her name, Xiahe does not mean to seize.

The person who occupies the most land on the mainland is her assistant minister.

Now, she couldn't think of sinners as impossible. The end of the nobles' disobedience is the distribution of the interests of the entire new continent, and it is not their turn.

In this round, the princess won for the time being, and then see how the nobles fight back.

If it is a direct rebellion, the princess is not afraid, because then, the princess has the power to mobilize the royal army.

The Royal Family In other worlds, the army can be quite powerful, not comparable to that of the Merrifin family. But Princess Angelina wanted to be transferred, there must be a necessary reason, it is not free to use.

If you want to mobilize at will, either the empire has a big problem, or she will become stronger in the future, and the power of the royal family will naturally move closer to her. Anyway, legally speaking, she is the heir chosen by the emperor. As long as she is okay, sooner or later the troops will be under her command.

Cotton Jack is also well aware of these bad things about the empire. It seems to be in harmony, but in fact it is still intrigue.

The Duke is still the leader. Duke Asra has absolute authority. The people in the core circle also support the heir, Sith, although this Sith has no sense of existence and does not hold any positions.

But everyone knows that the core circle of the Duke Asra is a particularly powerful collective.

This circle supports Sith, then others can't move.

"Jack, this time, don't rush to destroy the coalition forces of the Merriffin family."

"The target is Duke Murphy?"

"Well, new small warships come out, and with our old-fashioned flying warships, I'm going to attack the port of the Merrifin family. There are many ships over there, and many still buy our goods."

"What power did the Duke Murphy send?"

"The army of 300,000 people also has a fleet of eighteen ships, plus a large number of troop carriers, and additional supply ships. This is to get hard with us. I don't know where he comes from."

"Our intelligence network is not spread to the west. Why did the Duke Murphy's family participate?"

"On the New World, there may be a conflict with Muses."

"Then go to Muses."

"It ’s the same with me. Anyway, both me and Muses blocked their way. Now it ’s Murphy who comes out to try. If I do n’t kill him, the rest of the nobility will form a coalition and deal with me and the collective. Muses. "

"Shall I make a tactic?"

"Yes, Jack, it's up to you this time. You can mobilize all the power of Rhode Island."

"Including Smith?"

"Excluded. Smith is not a Rhode Island man. He has to act alone without letting people know his movements. He doesn't show up, it's the biggest threat. All legends have to take into account where he is and dare not wantonly Delusion. "

"I want to see the properties of the new small star battleship."

"One, give him permission to check, now he is your captain." Xiahe said to Fire Crow 1.

Cotton Jack immediately retrieved the information. In front of him, the phantom array floated up, and the entire room was enveloped by the phantom array. A battleship nearly 25 meters in length floated in front of it.

This battleship imitates Fire Raven One. If you don't consider the core computing area, Fire Crow One is indeed a very suitable ship for combat. There is a strong defense, and there is no dead end attack.

The fire crow type 4 has a length of 24m4, a maximum width of 8m, and a maximum height of 4m8.

One deep space furnace is the main power, and eight energy furnaces are the auxiliary power. In the atmosphere, only one auxiliary furnace can be turned on to achieve the best speed. Opening two auxiliary furnaces can complete all technical movements, and the maneuvering also exceeds the six-pointed star airship.

There is a five-meter-thick energy field outside, and the floating shield can be freely dispatched in the energy field.

However, the main gun of the battleship is installed inside the battleship. Unlike the flagship, all weapons are external. After all, the flagship's energy field has a thickness of 200 meters, and any large weapon can be installed.

Although the chaotic barrier space can solve many problems, the cost control of this small star warship is the first. Using space technology to install the main gun in a five-meter thick place, the cost will double and roll up. And if it is installed inside the battleship, the furnace of the battleship itself can directly provide energy to the main gun, and also save the transmission consumption.

This main gun itself is integrated with the energy furnace inside the battleship.

Each energy furnace can support the fire crow type 4 to continue fighting for 24 hours, and the flight time is 30 days.

This state refers to the state where the five-meter energy field is turned on and the shield is adjusted at any time. The strength of the shield is also constantly being strengthened, but for this type of battleship, Kirishima has built eight of them. Only one of them reached the ideal state of protection.

The strength of the shield itself needs energy to grow.

Look at the energy field, there are also weapons, directly firearms more than four meters in length, can launch huge projectiles.

Behind the battleship, there are auxiliary cannons on both sides that can be turned, and they are usually aimed at the ground for striking the ground.

Both the main gun and the secondary gun use space buffer technology, and there is no recoil.

This is also the most expensive component of the entire battleship except the deep space furnace. These three guns, in addition to shooting projectiles, can also be used to release spells, which is what makes them expensive.

As for the shield, it exists to protect the warship from being shot down by the mad legendary strongman.

And the bombardment of various magic cannons will not break this layer of shield, even if the level of the shield has not been upgraded.

After reading the data of the Fire Crow IV, Cotton Jack felt okay. The battleship is more than twenty meters long, but the power zone occupies a position of six meters, and a gun barrel is also erected in the center. The rear compartment is for weapons storage, and two secondary guns are also brought.

Yes, there is no chaotic barrier space in the entire battleship. This is a tactical weapon, and it will return to the mothership after a few days at most. And in the starry sky, this warship's self-sustaining ability is not strong. In a fierce battle, the shot down may not be small.

It is necessary to control the cost, except for protection and weapons.

Very exquisite weapon, when the driver loses perception, he can also fight automatically. When the situation is complicated, it can be commanded through the flagship when it is difficult to deal with.

The flagship evaluated the battle index of the Fire Raven IV. When the standard was not met, the flagship took over forcibly.

This is also the reason why Xiahe is eager to build a flagship. The power of the flagship is the power of the intelligent system, which allows all weapons to exert their greatest power.

On the Fire Crow IV, five people are responsible for driving and ten people are responsible for weapon control. Such a quantity can ensure that everyone has a rest period and rotates to work.

After all, this thing can fight for eight days in a fierce battle. If you are flying, you can fly for half a year.

Originally a starry sky model, it can also be used as a lifeboat in addition to combat. When the deep space furnace is turned on, even sub-light speed flight is possible. There is no way to jump space.

In addition to being larger than expected, this battleship perfectly achieved the preset attributes, and now it is not afraid of the attack of the legendary strongman. If the person who controls the weapon of the battleship is a legend, he can also use three guns to release the legendary attack and enlarge it.

This increase in spells is equivalent to a legend staying in a moving magic tower.

The difference is that the energy source of the magic tower is constant, drawing power from the elemental plane, and this battleship is limited to drawing deep space power. The core deep space furnace, the speed of drawing deep space power, is not that fast, if fighting If the frequency is too high, it is difficult to get supplements.

But how many possibilities does ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ expose the battleship to a lot of legendary siege?

This defect is not a defect, because the battleship can fly, and the magic tower itself cannot be moved. If the magic tower can move, it is half a floating city.

"I want ten warships, all of which meet this standard. Can I do it in three days?" Cotton Jack asked Fire Crow One.

"My suggestion is that for this one, the rest can be completed within a month, and the number reaches as many as twenty-four. Otherwise, our resources will be wasted, and there are only ten types of crows for the time being."

"Well, this one is enough. I need three legendary weapons to control this battleship. Can this be done?"

"Of course, Lord Captain."

"What about kinetic weapons?"

"It is not recommended to use the target for the time being. I hope that when it is used, it can be dropped all at once, causing irreparable damage to the enemy. Of course, you are the commander and have the power to change my decision."

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