Daomen Invasion

Chapter 850: : Assault

Cotton Jack sighed, "What other weapons can you offer me?"

"I don't recommend using higher-level weapons at once. The enemy is not so powerful, and directly use the existing flying warships to strike the enemy's fleet. It is enough to have a fire crow type four ..."

"Are we scarce of resources?"

"No, it's just not necessary to" wavy "fees. Besides, it is better not to give the enemy too much information. If a lot of new equipment is not used this time, the enemy will think that this fire crow type 4 is our only hole card."

"You infer ..."

"Even if Murphy's fleet is killed, there will be more nobles involved in the crusade, and we have angered everyone. Your captain, long-term plans, the resources on Kirishima have accumulated for more than two years. The result. We will not have more resources to collect over time, and the number of enemies may be far beyond your imagination. "

"It's just that the world is enemies, but it's okay, this time it just killed a low-level fleet. Is there any junk weapons in our stock?"

"Are you referring to the scroll?"


"A lot of scrolls, but I suggest ..."

"From now on, use standard weapons, right?"

"Yes, those reels are left to other worlds where we need to attack, and there will be wonders, good quality and low prices. The war in the main world will all use standard equipment in the future."

"Your intelligence is too advanced, it is not a good thing, it seems that I don't have to command."

"Your Excellency Captain, you are the highest commander."

"Well, prepare for the manpower. I'm going to carry out an air strike on Murphy's fleet and destroy the port of the Merriffin family."

"Should pay attention to casualties?"

"No, erase that port from the map."

"As you wish." Huowa No. 1 promised happily.

"grown ups."

Xiahe Road: "Don't ask me, I will deal with you all this time. What I want is to frustrate the attacks of the Duke Murphy and the Merrifin family. In fact, it doesn't matter if the war is burned to the city of stars. I actually really I hope that a large number of nobles will come to trouble me. In that case, the princess will intervene. Come, then come together. "

Cotton Jack is terribly cold, the Duke is going to play big.

However, as soon as the star warship appeared, the enemy's actions would be severely hit. Twenty-four articles a month later, assembled, they are not afraid of legendary attacks. The fleet can attack the ground in the air, and the enemy's march is restricted, so it has to send legends to follow.

There is no such thing as a surprise attack, and the enemy's actions will become rigid.

And this star fleet can **** the six-man star airship that transports mobile troops. The operation of his own army is much more flexible, and with Huo Yi No. 1 in the center, he can get communication support on any battlefield.

If you play like this, how can you lose?

Xiahe appoints Cotton Jack as the marshal, and he will be in charge of the war against the Merrifin family. There is no need to worry about Golia.

The command center is set in the Tongtian Tower, with Huowi No. 1 as the relay, and the information covers the two large 6s of radiation.

The only Firecrow Type 4 battleship was lifted off at Kirishima Island, fully equipped, and flying directly above the sky, at a position of more than 10,000 meters, overlooking the port of the Merrifin family.

The other flying warships only dispatched 96, four formations, equipped with a large number of legendary mages, from the Sun City, directly into the port of the Merrifin family.

I don't know if it was artificial. Above the port of the Merrifin family, there are dense black clouds and the wind is blowing, as if there will be bad weather. Although the warship was not affected much, it slowed the coalition's actions. The Duke Murphy hoped to rest for a few more days. If there was a hurricane, the troop carrier would be in danger.

Old-fashioned flying warships are just their own protection, and their attack power is not low at all.

When ninety-six flying warships fell from the clouds, the legendary mage in the port didn't even react. The flying warship skimmed the sea roughly at low altitude, forming a terrible sonic boom. At the same time, the alchemy bomb was dropped on the battleship in the port.

The violent explosion instantly turned the harbor into flames.

Ninety-six flying warships dropped 384 alchemy bombs at once, all of which hit their targets. Moreover, these flying warships did not immediately evacuate, but turned around and added a "wave" attack, dropped all the alchemy bombs they carried, and then flew to the sea, hovered, and bombarded the main battleship with a main gun.

Under the cloud, the wizards of the Merrifin family were dumbfounded. They have never heard of such violent fire delivery. Xiahe will not rebuild these alchemy bombs in the future. Naturally, they must be cleaned up quickly. Because the cost is not cheap, it is not as good as the technological weapon designed by the ‘door’.

But the power of alchemy bombs is not small. The main battleship of the Duke of Murphy has been hit by a hundred alchemy bombs. From the deck to the inner cabin, the flames spit and the high temperature melted a part of the metal hull, not to mention The bomb hit the keel.

The main battleship of Duke Murphy is just one, more than three hundred meters long, because when docked in the port, there is a magic tower to detect the sky, thinking that there will be no danger. The problem is that the battleships in Rhode Island, all in flight, passed six thousand miles. When the magic tower detected the battleship, the battleship was three hundred miles away.

When it was determined that the flying warship was the target, the time had passed two minutes.

And when the magic tower detected the flying warship, the flying warship immediately started to increase, increasing the time by 30%, and within two minutes, the flying formation reached the harbor.

The original detection of the magic tower will be farther away, but the bad weather has affected the alert of the magic tower.

The Magic Tower did not turn on all functions. The Merrifin family seemed to regard war as a child's play.

And all the magic ballistas of the ninety-six flying warships went out with a "wave" and "shot" and hit the magic tower behind the port.

The simple protective magic tower was opened, and it was cut off by the waist. When the legendary mage flew out of the magic tower, the flying battleship of Rhode Island had already evacuated.

This is a simple surprise attack. The flying warship relies on a faster flying speed than the legendary mage, hitting a 'wave' and leaving. The mage of the Merrifin family looked at the harbour and wept without tears.

Most of the battleships are sinking, and the unsinking are burning. The soldiers on the battleship are in disarray. These are ‘fine’ sharp water divisions, which are much more difficult to train than infantry.

While he was staying, from above the clouds, magic projectiles bombarded, and the Raven IV attacked the unsinking troop carrier with a secondary cannon.

Fortunately, the Duke Murphy did not intend to go out, and the soldiers on board were resting.

But the flagship soon realized that the Fire Raven IV turned around and rushed into the city behind the port. Without the magic tower, it is just the attack of the legendary mage, and it cannot break its defense.

Besides, there are three legends in the Fire Crow IV. On the harbour side, because the army is not ready, there are only four legendary mages in town.

This port was originally the base of the coalition forces on the Merrifin family. After the coalition forces went to Xinda 6, there was no further maintenance. It was later prepared to attack Rhode Island before construction began again. Behind the port is a temporary city that could have accommodated millions of troops.

Now, the city is full of the own army of the Merrifin family.

When the Fire Crow IV came here, he suddenly didn't know how to start.

"Where to fight?" On the Fire Crow IV, the legendary mage in charge of the attack did not make his own claims, even if Cotton Jack gave orders to attack at will. But now that I have time, it is better to ask.

"Attack the warehouse, the flagship positioning." Cotton Jack said calmly.

Killing soldiers will certainly hit the Merrifin family even more, but it will make the nobles of the empire feel excited. This is not a frontal battlefield, this is a sneak attack on the rear. This time it looked more like a massacre.

But who is to blame, your legends are so scattered, the attack lasted for a few minutes without reacting.

In the west of the city, a huge warehouse is more than 20 meters high. More materials are in the underground part of the warehouse. The Fire Crow IV made an emergency stop in the air, head down, and pointed the main gun at the top of the warehouse. This is the largest warehouse in the entire city.

From the main gun of the Fire Raven IV, a hot metal stream was ‘shot’, that is, the metal was liquefied by high temperature.

The attack instantly penetrated the warehouse and penetrated more than 500 meters into the earth.

After doing this, the flying fleet had already returned, ‘shooting’ out the remaining magic ballista, and all warehouses throughout the city were severely hit.

However, the magic ballista is mainly defensive, and the effect against large targets is not ideal.

After this ‘wave’ attack, the fleet roared away without stopping. On the ground, dozens of legends flew, thinking of the fleet that chased Rhode Island.

However, when these legendary flying degrees were less than three thousand miles, in a blink of an eye, the target was lost.

The Fire Raven IV began to bombard the inside of the warehouse without using any artillery shells. It directly used the artillery as a magic wand and a sequence of ‘shooters’.

Dozens of legends in the city, want to rush to the battleship, the hidden gun barrels outside the battleship, spray ‘shoot’ over a foot of magic projectiles.

Suddenly two legendary defenses were torn, and the rest of the legends evaded.

Two unlucky eggs ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ were penetrated by metal projectiles in the abdomen, one was a lateral stroke, the internal organs were torn off, and the other was directly broken the spine.

The legends immediately dispersed and dared not fly together, while releasing the power of the boundary and strengthening the shield.

Seeing that nothing could be done, the Fire Raven IV slowly flew towards the sky. Anyway, the supplies were almost destroyed, and there was no need to entangle with the legend of the enemy.

There are so many legends in the flying fleet that are not fighting head-on.

The wizards of the Merrifin family watched as the slow-slowing Crow IV suddenly increased, realizing that they had been deceived.

None of the opponent's battleships flew slowly.

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