Daomen Invasion

Chapter 851: :influences

Tongtian Tower, Cotton Jack was relieved. At this time, he contacted Xiahe and asked, "Adult, how do you know the other party's magician, the reaction speed is so slow?"

"I do not know."

"Then let the old warships attack, in case the other party responds quickly."

"Then there will be a war between legends. They have more than forty, and we have a lot of them."

"Adult, you have no record ..."

"How can it be unrecorded? Our legend is stronger than them."

"But our legend is younger than them. Over time, the magicians in our hands will grow much higher than them. If they are spelled out now, it's too bad."

"If you don't fight, how do you grow up, do you rely on fantasy?"

Cotton Jack was speechless. The Duke really didn't think about directing, and he held himself accountable. Fortunately, the other party's response was strange.

Cotton Jack didn't think about it, he felt the normal reaction speed, that is the standard that the Duke-led mages would implement in the highest fantasy. The legendary wizards of the Merrifin family are assembled from various places, without any cooperation, and are distributed in different armies.

From the discovery of the flying battleship formation to the departure of the battleship team, it took only five minutes.

The magic tower was exploded, which shocked the legendary mages. They thought that the enemy was coming to a decisive battle, and sent a lot of legends.

Rhode Island did mobilize a lot of legends, but never thought of a decisive battle.

It is indeed a good idea to defend the enemy from outside the country. The problem is that the long-range attack will inevitably lead to weakness. Xiahe did not organize a large fleet, but only sneak attack.

The big brothers of the Merrifin family were frightened when they first faced such an attack.

And the legendary masters of Rhode Island, the actual combat is not too much, but the training intensity is super. In the battle in the illusion, there will often be confrontation between legends. Don't think it's just an illusion, it's a real illusion, the pressure on the soul is as great, and all the battles within the illusion will consume a lot of energy.

Simulates the legendary attack, the force acting on the soul, these are not created out of thin air.

All large phantom arrays rely on large magic structures, such as Mount Vajra, such as Blue Moon City, such as Tongtian Tower. These places have the best training effect and can simulate the power of legend.

Like the illusion created by the original goblin, it can virtualize real items, which is already a god-level application.

Rhode Island Masters take things for granted, in fact, the entire continent, only the top power will have similar training. For example, the core mage group of the royal family, such as the backbone of the nine colleges.

Second-level magic academies do not have this level of teachers, let alone the private masters of the Merrifin family.

Ninety-six flying warships moved forward, and the Fire Raven IV also went to Sun City without flying back to high altitude.

Cotton Jack felt okay. This time, there were not many enemies killed, but the fleet was over and the navy was over. Wanting to reorganize was not only a matter of ships. People who can control the ship are also difficult to add in place.

In addition, a lot of materials have been destroyed. The Merrifin family now has to transfer materials elsewhere, or else so many troops will starve. Unless they have the Rhode Island standard, reserve a large number of Tokamaru, and can quickly mobilize food through the large six-pointed star airship, otherwise it will be a disaster.

Was affected not only by the millions of troops, but also by the surrounding cities.

The Merrifin family ’s territory requires temporary provision of supplies everywhere to supply these lost soldiers. Then these cities will fall into weakness for a short time and the people's hearts will be turbulent.

Rhode Island airstrikes the port of the Merrifin family, and this matter spread quickly throughout the country. The losses suffered by the Merrifin family could not be concealed at all. The soldiers of the Duke Murphy had more casualties and most of them were stationed in the port, but did not enter the city.

Because the port was huge, it was prepared for the expedition to the New World, and there were many facilities. The troops of the Duke of Murphy did not enter the city.

Every major force in the empire was evaluating this battle, and then all came out in a cold sweat.

Flying warships, they can also make, but never thought there would be such a great power, everyone originally thought that flying warship protection is worrying, let alone legendary, that is, epic, good luck can also win a few.

But when the enemy attacked, the flying warships came and went like wind in the area without the magic tower warning, and the legendary mages could not catch up.

And the speed of flying warship is too fast.

Your legendary mage can be stationed in one place, but people will not attack you and go to other places. What should you do?

At this time, everyone thought that the city of Duke Asra seemed to have built a lot of air defense towers.

If you want to attack Rhode Island with a flying warship, you can't have a similar effect. When the Rhode Island army dispatched, they all followed along with flying warships.

Flying warships are not too expensive. The main gun can attack many times. The number of alchemy bombs carried may not be large, but space equipment can be used to solve this problem.

It seems that everyone has to reconsider the way of urban protection and the transfer of troops.

If you don't study, you will be beaten in the future.

The aristocracy of the Arcane Empire was not conservative at all. After discovering this, a few nobles contacted Rhode Island, hoping to purchase Rhode Island's defense system. These nobles are to make Rhode Island good, otherwise you can buy technology or copy it.

After receiving the request, Rhode Island responded one by one and agreed to help build a defense system.

There are not many nobles like this. More nobles have their own technology and can imitate them, even if the cost is high, but they will not be controlled by others. Purchasing Asla's technology is an alliance.

Besides, there is no back door, no one knows.

At the same time, Muses announced in a high-profile that because the Marshal of the Merriffin family disrespected him and invaded his territory on the New World, he would form an alliance with the Duke of Asla to fight against the Merriffin family.

This is not a big deal, at least in the eyes of the imperial nobility, Muses had already worn a pair of pants with Asla.

But Muses claimed that if the Merrifin family were to invade his territory on the New World, he would fight the Merrifin family in the New World and drive the Merrifin family away from the New World.

The New World was originally unclear. Asla and the Merrifin family fought, but there was still a lot of peace on the New World. That is to give the royal family face and the princess face. But Muses' statement was not reprimanded by the princess, which shows that the princess is impatient with the Merrifin family.

The Great Wall defense line, the anonymous castle, Xia Ye continued to stick to it, and the demon's offensive was not strengthened, it was just under siege. The Void Demon appeared once and disappeared, which made Xiahe uneasy.

Void Demon, your city is not afraid, but if it appears on the battlefield, it is very dangerous.

The reason why the Fire Crow IV also adopted the defense of the energy field and shield is because the old-fashioned defense means have no good effect on the Void Demon.

If the Merrifin family has mastered the method of making the Nether Demon, then there is a way to create a similar magical structure. Although it is expensive to build, it can't afford that kind of loss.

Assaulted the port, Xiahe was also dragging time, and waiting for the completion of his twenty-four Fire Raven IVs, the army's **** issues could all be given to this star warship.

On this day, Xia Ye contacted Xia He, and the two faced each other with a phantom.

Xia Yedao: "I think I have failed to make bait."

"I know." Xiahe is also more depressed, because the time is longer, and the Tiantian Tower is also good, not to mention the Twin Cities. They did not mobilize reinforcements to rescue Xiaye pretending to be Xiahe.

Even if the enemy is stupid, he will know that there is a problem over the unknown castle.

"Do I still stay here?"

"Stay, I will send reinforcements, at least around the castle, a large number of demons gathered, it is time to clean them up."

"Shall I do it myself?"

"No, don't expose it."

"Have the mechanical legion?"

"Yes, all the old-fashioned robots, as well as experimental new products, I sent them this time. The number of various tanks and artillery is enough, so that I regret to make them out."

The Demon Realm has collapsed, and the power of the Demon Race has dropped dramatically. Before that, Xiahe planned to fight for more than ten years.

Fortunately, the robot warrior was destroyed, and metal could be recovered to make new robots.

"Then when do you send someone to come? I'm too bored here. The demon attack is soft every day. The consumption is not small, and the magic array has to be prepared. There is no illusion here, everyone is getting more and more annoying ~ www .wuxiaspot.com ~ A month later, I will send a batch of remote control mechas so that the soldiers can be controlled by soul power. "

"There will be losses."

"I know, but it does not affect the lifespan of the soldiers, it only affects their future upgrades, the soul mecha is destroyed, and the soldiers’ souls are also injured. If treated properly, this loss can be tolerated. Otherwise, what you say will become trouble. It ’s just that long-term defense in that kind of place, people ca n’t bear it. And worrying about the appearance of the Void Demon, you dare not leave the castle. ”

Xia Ye didn't say anything more. Soul mecha is not advanced, and any major force can create it.

Only Xiahe is willing to play this way, for the lowest level soldiers.

The entire event will be recorded by the magician and analyze the soldier's heart. Xiahe established the Star Fleet, and the environment on the battleship will have a greater impact on his heart.

Deep space symptoms can drive people crazy.

What kind of facilities should a warship have to enable human beings to live in the depths of the universe for a long time, and to ensure the health of their hearts. This is a knowledge.

Soul mecha allows soldiers to remotely control weapons. Perceptually speaking, it is like wearing armor yourself and repeatedly rushing among the demon army instead of staying in the castle every day. I do n’t know how long it will take.

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