Daomen Invasion

Chapter 852: : Coercion

Every day thereafter, a starship battleship was launched. Twenty days later, twenty-four fire crows and four fire crows were all completed and transferred to Rhode Island.

The Fire Raven II was not completed. The energy start-up will take time, and then the steady flow of deep space power will gradually transform the warships and let the warships finally take shape.

The weapons made by Xiahe are all growth type. When they were just assembled successfully, the combat effectiveness was not very good. They might not be much stronger than the old-fashioned flying warships.

Samsung Town, restarted the production line to produce flying warships, Xiahe gave the drawings in the past. The core technology of some flying warships could not be sold. The newly designed star battleship has no worse properties than the old one, but the cost is higher, and it does not involve the confidentiality of the Daomen.

The cost of the new flying warship has increased, but the requirements for the driver have been reduced. There is no need for a magician, as long as it is a professional. In the current main world, there are too many professionals, and it can be used as a pilot after training, which is very convenient.

No big magician is needed, and the flying warship will not develop towards the Daomen equipment in the future. Xiahe's own resources are limited, and the starry sky warship can't make much. Simply dismantle all the original flying warships. Battalions of flying warships.

The flying battalion has 96 battleships. Most of the people are logistic and ground troops.

There are also 384 sorties in the four battalions, which is a bit more for Rhode Island, but Xiahe has other territories. On the New World, there is a shortage of weapons.

Also built a battalion for Lynch, and a battalion for Dragon Island.

The flying fleets of these two battalions were not merged into the establishment, and the four battalions were handed over to the Berings who performed well in the Demon War. This child, Bering, has been promoted quite fast. It is considered to be a better person in the legend of the younger generation. Xiahe has already drawn it into the Taoist system.

The four flying battalions formed a separate army and were not in the same sequence as those six-pointed star airships. For the time being, the three models of the Star Wars of the Fire Crow are also commanded by Bering. Bering directly transferred a battalion's flying warship to the Dongyin Mountain base outside of Dongri City. After dozens of original flying warships were transformed there, they were transferred to Red Sea City.

Kirishima, the construction work is still quite heavy. The mother ship is still under construction. The number of existing small star warships is still too small for the mother ship.

But there are not many three models of the fire crow, and there are one type and zero type in the design, even the skeleton is not designed yet.

The existing ones are not enough to support the mothership. Models other than the Fire Crow are also under construction.

Xiahe estimated that after the construction of the Asla fleet, the resources at hand were simply not enough to build a second fleet. Only four other flagship skeletons are still there. If you want to complete the construction, you have to knock down all the worlds you know and concentrate resources.

For a month, the Merrifin family hadn't slowed down yet. Xiahe had already dispatched a large army to meet Xia Ye.

Berling ordered a flying battalion to go to support. This flying battalion consisted of six fire crow type four and ninety-six new flight warships.

The Void Demon did not appear, and the heavy troops on the ground pushed towards the Demon in the wilderness.

The chariot roared, and the sound of artillery fire shook the low-level demons one by one, and they were deterred by human weapons. Because the demons are too dense, magic muskets are not a good choice. On Xiahe's side, a lot of technological artillery was built. Science and technology artillery is not ideal for killing demons at level 20 and above, but most demons are below level 10.

Xiahe is strange, Void Demon, where did he go?

He contacted the princess again. Recently, Angelina and his communication have become more and more frequent, almost in a state where people can be found at any time.

Xiahe asked: "Angelina, on my side, the void demons didn't show up. You have to be careful, it's been more than a month. It stands to reason that they shouldn't do nothing."

Princess Angelina said: "It's okay, I came from the reinforcements from the mainland, there are enough legends, I'm not afraid of the Void Demon to do things."

"That's good, what kind of equipment have been tested?"

"All tested, thank you, Asla."

"Nothing, even if there is no Void Clan, similar equipment should be popularized. In future wars, I am afraid that legends will be shot frequently, and I ca n’t take care of that much. And the legendary flashing ability, arbitrary gates and other technologies, weapons for the army The equipment is fatal. So it has to be updated. "

"The Merrifin family, in conjunction with other nobles, should be afraid of being attacked by you and do not want to face your army alone."

"He was trying to deal with my fleet, yes, Your Highness, how many ships do you have at hand?"

"There are not many flying, the sea can transport about 150,000 people at a time. Including **** warships, the main battleship has the attributes of a magic tower."

"Progress is fast."

"What progress? Are you taunting?"

"No, the empire originally did not have these things. The Demon Clan appeared and burst out. In fact, many battleships already have legendary attributes."

"Do you know how much money was spent to build such a good warship, and you can't return it to the original." Princess Angelina sighed.

Xia Hexin said, "That's because your skills are not good, the legendary warship, the Holy Thunder Empire can be built long ago."

"His Royal Highness, on the New World side, the situation has been finalized. Is there still a need for Samsung Town?" Xia He tentatively asked.

"Oh?" Princess Angelina was quite sensitive. When Xiahe said that, she didn't give a reply, but she sighed.

"I started a war with the Merrifin family, and your army is still in my territory, and will give many people an excuse. Now the people of Metaline have been withdrawn."

"The people of Metatelin are gone, but they are still exchanging resources with you, don't think I don't know."

"But Metatlin will not be involved in the war. Your Highness, if you are willing to participate, of course I have no opinion. We will set up a joint fleet in the town of Samsung to attack the homeland of the Merrifin family."

Princess Angelina smiled. Asla was about to tie herself to the chariot.

Was thinking about what to say when a mage walked into the princess's room outside and said, "His Royal Highness, no good, the army of the Duke of Muses conflicted with the people of the Merrifin family."


"The army of the Merriffin family crossed the Great Wall of the Duke of Muses." The mage emphasized the tone and emphasized the word Great Wall.

Princess frowned. The Merrifin family is in the New World, but there are more than 300,000 troops, plus the nobles affiliated with the Merrifin family, the total number will double. There are less than 100,000 people in Muses himself, and head-on conflict is a disadvantage.

Mussis does not need Asla, Asla is well equipped and has many legendary mages. This **** can even transfer the elite, then the demon here train new recruits.

"Princess, I heard that, since the Merrifin family chose to fight in the New World ..."

"Don't mess up!"

"Your Highness, the coalition of Samsung Town, set up now. What are you afraid of, these nobles, after all, dare not directly deal with you, as long as you catch Merrifen a Li Wei, the rest, who support you, who oppose Do n’t you know at a glance? "

Princess Angelina was not angry, she carefully considered, her father let Asra and Muses auxiliary, there must be a reason. It now appears to be a huge test for myself.

Is he wooing the old aristocracy, or do I use these two guys as my team to create my own power circle?

If you fail the exam, your heir's identity will be cancelled.

"What else do you think, Your Highness, the big deal is defeated, I and Muses, with your help, the New World will never be attacked. As for the city of Juno? Your Majesty's body is still there, who dares to go? make trouble?"

"You are so light, my father entrusted me with the empire ..."

"Come on, it's just a small test. Why doesn't your courage have courage? At the beginning, how did you advance the legend."

"This time, are you mocking?"

"Yes, don't let me down, my princess." Xiahe's voice came out of the magic circle, and the reporting mage lowered his head, hoping he didn't hear it.

"Will you be loyal to me? Asla?" Princess Angelina asked directly.

"I'm loyal to your majesty, your heir appointed by your majesty, if you do not do well, hehe." Xiahe's tone became more and more abhorrent.

"It's not so good yet, you have the tone of a power minister."

"Take it down, Snowvis will definitely support you, right?"

"Yes, my brother will definitely support me."

"Mussis is not that bad. His three thousand soldiers are quite elite. I have only one army that can crush him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The rest are not good. Then his core force is probably more than 50,000 people, all According to the standards of my main force, the remaining 100,000 people are not bad except for the little nobility he has gathered. "

"Let's just be like this."

"His Royal Highness, Muses did not have much time to start. If you give him time, it will develop quickly. I now have more than a hundred nobles attached to me. On the side of the Great Wall defense line, more than one million troops are not my own. My own people are in the Tongtian Tower and the west, and there are very few people in the eastern seas. "

"What should I do?" Princess Angelina asked calmly.

"Order the nobles over the main city of the royal family to obey your instructions and let the Merrifin family disarm in the New World. If the people of the Merrifin family refuse, let these nobles attack them. In the New World, nothing will happen to them. "

"Asla, do you know the strength comparison?" Princess Angelina couldn't help laughing, but her eyes were fierce.

"The two of us, together with Muses, come and go, and there are less than three million people. The number of other nobles is more than double ours. But, does it make sense? These people ... in my eyes , Really worth mentioning. "

"What an arrogant prince, you really are not my best choice." Princess Angelina's voice was faint and somewhat ethereal.

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