Daomen Invasion

Chapter 853: : Arrogance

"His Royal Highness, you, me, and Muses are all concentrated in the north. We are in the underground world, and there are countless resources. Your majesty left, letting you rule, you can also mobilize the resources that belong to your majesty, that is to say , We now have a lot of magical rough stones in our accounts every day, what is it to start a war? "

"Wait first, I have to keep the Ninth College out of business."

"No, Your Highness, now you open your mouth to ask them, you have to pay the price."


"If your majesty is here, you will do this, but your Highness will never do it."

Princess Angelina pondered. In the room, the reported magician was helpless and didn't know what to do.

"Asla, you must be able to convince me, otherwise, I will not start the war."

"How to convince, you need an absolute victory?"

"War, there must be a possibility of defeat. What I want is not absolute victory, but what I want is inevitable benefits."

"Your Highness, start the war, no matter what, you will get a lot of supporters. The interior of the empire is not a piece of harmony. There are too many things in the hands of the old nobles, and the new nobles have no potential for development. Looking at the good situation over the half-elf empire , But no one moves, this is the contradiction within the empire. "

"If the imperial civil unrest ..."

"Your Majesty will be very happy, he has a courageous daughter."

"Asla, don't you worry?"

"Why should I worry, my Rhode Island, whoever plays it, has to pay a heavy price."

Princess Angelina looked at the mage in front of her and said, "Guise, what do I do?"

The mage whispered: "Athra is definitely not well-meaning."

"How do you know that I have no peace of mind?" Xiahe's magic circle works very well. He can hear the tiny sounds in any corner of the huge room. You can even use sound waves to restore everything in the room. For example, Angelina ’s current hand is pressed on the table, and a piece of paper is pressed under her hand, which may be a map.

For Fire Raven One, this calculation is simply pediatric.

The mage was embarrassed and said, "Imperial civil strife, your majesty will not spare us."

"Will they be spared? None of these messy guys can run away."

The mage is speechless, you are a princess, a body of gold, how can you be desperate with others?

Princess Angelina sighed and said, "You guys, loyalty is enough, but unfortunately you can't decide big things. This is my mistake, alas ..."

"So, did your Highness agree?"

"Mine, I will pay the funds, is this what you want?"

"Yes, I am very nervous at the moment, so, forming a coalition, Rasnovis joined, set up a fleet, and conduct training, these are in front of me, I want to expand in Samsung Town, handle everything in a month. "

"One month?"

"Oh, surface warships cannot be built, but flying warships are still possible. Your Highness, many nobles have ordered from me, and they are also our reliable allies."

"Asla, I feel, do you still have your own plans?"

"No, I just want to clean up the surrounding area. Duke Zhesu on my opposite side has always been ambiguous. His Royal Highness also asked for orders to send him to the army and join me in an expedition to occupy the territory of the Merrifin family."

"What if he disobeys?"

"Meriffen is too far, Zhe Su is very close, I'd better eat his territory first." Xia He replied with a smile.

"This is the core of your plan?"

"Of course not. The most influential aristocrat in the north, there is only one Zhesu left, and he refuses to stand in line. He still has a group of followers. If he is not dealt with, his lord, how dare I send a large army out?

Xiahe also wanted to know if Her Royal Highness had any ambitions, if not, she should part with her. Sooner or later, she will die.

"Okay, then I will give the order, who is responsible for Samsung Town?"

"I will send Qiu Xuanji to take charge of the coalition."

"He doesn't seem to be in your core circle?" Princess Angelina said in a timely manner that her intelligence on the duke's leadership was not blinded.

"Qiu Xuanji is capable and powerful. He is not loyal to me, but he will not betray."

"anything else?"

"He's not a person in this world, he doesn't have so many scruples in doing things. He just needs to be responsible to me, Your Highness, are you satisfied with this answer?"

"Okay, I will write to Snowvis and let him come back immediately. It is estimated that he is very fond of your approach. He has long thought that there will be a day when he will fight in the empire."

"His Highness has great ambitions."


"I'll wait for the good news from your Highness." Xia He smiled and closed the communication.

Cotton Jack said: "Master, are you going to fight against Duke Zhesu?"

"Of course, I will let him send out all the troops to attack the Merrifin family. If he refuses, I will kill him. This person has never been in the same direction as us. No matter who is behind him, Rhode Island Opposite to him, he is not allowed to continue to toss. "

"What are you going to do?"

"Move out all the strong men and wipe out all the legends of Duke Zhesu in this world."

"Do you want to do it yourself?"

"Yes, everyone seems to have forgotten, I am the whole of Rhode Island, the most terrible person."

Cotton Jack pouted, saying with heart that you are not young anymore.

"What about Samsung Town?"

"The princess pays money, supplies, and people. Samsung Town will let him continue to dominate. The warships in the world, I don't want to make them for the time being. They are not legendary. It is meaningless to make them. Legendary ones are now made. Too much resources. If the princess pays, the construction standards need not be so strict. "

Xia He told Cotton Jack here, the Samsung Town Allied Forces, that Qiu Xuanji was in charge, but the entire Rhode Island battle sequence was all handed over to Jack.

Jack is now his most important confidant. Since the rules of the world have been loosened, Jack's degree of advancement has also increased. With Xiahe's years on the Xinda 6, Xiahe often personally guided his practice.

Yishiyiyou said Xiahe, Jack was no longer grateful.

Xiahe is just like his family. If he did n’t meet Xiahe, he knew very well that even if the opportunity of this world came, he would at most be a strong pirate. He might one day be an advanced legend, but he would be left behind by most people. .

And now, he knows very well that advanced demigods are a matter of time for him.

Qiu Xuanji received the order and returned to Samsung Town from the city of stars. On the other side of Sun City, he also mobilized a group of mages and gave it to Qiu Xuanji for command. Qiu Xuanji's deputy was Bill who pretended to be dead.

Bill is a powerful magician. Besides being unable to practice Taoism, he is one of the best students in the college.

Xiahe certainly can't let Qiu Xuanji hold everything. The meaning of deputy also has the role of supervision.

The mage in the Bill belt is not the most important force in Rhode Island. For example, Smith and Shrek, Xiahe intends to mobilize to the city of Liang, to start the Duke of Zhesu.

Xiahe will return to Rhode Island himself, fighting to destroy the Duke of Zhesu once.

As long as things are clear, many people will not look on and choose to stand in line immediately. Of course, some people like to procrastinate, to see who gives more benefits.

Xiahe attacked the Duke of Zhesu, so there would be fewer people watching.

If you wait and see, you may become the target of being attacked.

Xia He didn't want to be chaotic, he wanted the whole Big 6 situation to be clear. As long as there is no internal entanglement, his territory is secure, and after occupying the territory of Duke Zhesu, there are enough soldiers. Then you can start working on the half-elf empire.

There are also many worlds occupied by half-elf empire, and the technology of half-elves is not very good. The world they occupy, for Xiahe, is equal to the golden land that has not yet been opened.

Half-elves respect nature, the world they occupy, large areas of virgin forest, ancient vegetation, and the ecology is quite intact.

Half-elves do not like jade or anything. For Daomen, a series of important resources have nothing to do with half-elves.

The princess announced her will to show the royal family's attitude towards the Merrifin family. This is a resolute military action, and Muses and Asra will be fully supported by the royal family.

At the same time, the princess ordered the noble army of Xinda 6 to start the army of the Merrifin family and demand that the Merrifin family immediately disarm. The Merrifin family has more than 300,000 main forces in this world, and the little nobles who have joined together have more than 300,000 people.

These 600,000 people are nothing, but what about other nobles? There are more than six million.

These noble armies, with robot soldiers on hand, now occupy the alchemy factory, and it seems that they don't care what the princess said at all.

The contradiction between the nobles broke out in the moment of Xinda 6.

Grand Duke Merriffin heard this news and was overjoyed. Was it implausible for Her Royal Highness? This is to fight against all nobles!

He immediately stood up and stated that he no longer supported Princess Angelina in power.

On Xinda 6, a large number of nobles simply ignored the princess ’s order, and the army of the Merrifin family gathered to pounce on Muses ’s nest.

By destroying Muses, the land on the Xinda 6 will allow the Merrifin family to divide a lot.

The Merrifen family's army was mobilized. As a result, the nobles in the middle of the 6th began to gather troops and follow the Merrifin family's army. This is to divide the benefits.

These people not only do not attack the Merrifin family army ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but also intend to swallow Muses.

Xiahe immediately contacted the princess, and Princess Angelina sounded pretty good.

"Asrah, you're right. Once the situation started, the situation became clearer. I shouldn't have thought so much about it. The enemy appeared, and it would be killed."

"Yes, so now the war has begun. Let's discuss where to start the war for Xinda 6."

"Of course it is an alchemy factory." Princess Angelina said.

"No, Your Highness, I'm going to destroy the fortresses of the nobles, so that they can only camp on Xinda 6."

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