Daomen Invasion

Chapter 854: : Let's go to war

The war exploded and the Arcane Empire fell into a civil war overnight. The impeachment princess of the House of Commons has the same fold. However, the House of Lords remained unmoved.

No matter what the princess did, she could not blame.

What's more, the people in the House are all elites, knowing that the princess is forcing everyone to the team. Some of the people in the House of Lords are watching and watching, although they are more inclined to follow the princess, but no one knows how much the princess has the ability, so they cannot immediately stand up and support.

Not support, but can not oppose.

The targets of opposition can only be those of the House of Commons. In fact, the princess's behavior was not a bad thing for the House of Commons. Instead, some old nobles in the House of Lords occupied a lot of the Empire's resources.

But the princess will not do anything with the House of Lords, which is almost conclusive.

On the other side of the House of Commons, following the princess may not be good.

The emperor's sentiment was overwhelming, and Princess Angelina ignored it. As long as she could handle Xinda 6, the House of Lords would be stable.

Although Xinda 6 is of great value, the goal of the House of Lords is the world controlled by the half-elf empire and half-elf. The princess of Xinda 6 can do it, proving that she has the ability to take everyone to expand the territory.

As for those unlucky nobles, it is their business.

A big family in the House of Lords did not send troops to the new 6 at all. They each have many worlds occupied, and the target in their eyes can only be other worlds.

Instead, the nobles controlled by the House of Commons prefer to compete for resources on Xinda 6.

Everyone feels that the main world is good, but the old nobles have long understood the meaning of the starry sky. Many worlds are the future of the empire.

On Xiahe's side, there are more than one million noble troops in his hand. Now that Her Royal Highness is in such trouble, no one can run away, and you can only follow Xiahe to the black.

Xiahe happily held a meeting on the side of the Twin Cities and said that he would send troops to fight the rebellious nobles of the empire to the end. Everyone here is worried.

Xiahe sat on the side of the round table in the conference room. Around the huge round table, there were twelve people, all of whom sent more troops, and the seats that went out were all little nobles who sent less troops.

Xiahe looked around for a while, and now his morale was not high, he smiled and said, "Afraid of losing troops, isn't it?"

"Yes." The only marquis answered.

"There is no gain, there is no gain. You don't think about it, I have a small alchemy factory here, which can already make all kinds of weapons, robots, and even low-level structures. There is a big Yes. At the seaside, there is an alchemy factory that is better than here. At the three alchemy factories, we can produce a large number of robots. We have metal mines, we have coal mines, and Her Royal Highness Princess makes magic stones for us. "

What sound was choked back in the Marquis ’voice, and the princess came out with the magic stone?

The consumption of the war suddenly became affordable.

The magic of the Duke's side is not sold out. The magic structure is equipped with simple wisdom and can be used as a magician. If it is commanded by a magician, the power is stronger than that of a real wizard. After all, the human mage can't directly consume the magic stone to release the magic, and will also be tired.

"Everyone, I have transferred all the elite back to Rhode Island in the past few months. Do you feel uneasy?"

The people around the round table shook their heads, but this would not be the case, because the Duke's investment here, but more and more, the soldiers under everyone's equipment are getting better and better. Weapons and armor that were previously unwilling to use were later eliminated, not even the latest recruits.

"On the side of the Twin Cities, we brought together more than one million people, plus the troops in the hands of the princess, there are more than three million. The enemy may have broken through 10 million. But the war has never been more than the number. Our robots are the other party. It ’s more than five times. Also, it ’s impossible to pile up such a huge number in one place. On the side of the Twin City, that is, 300,000 people, the rest are in the large fortress of the Great Wall defense line. "

Xiahe explained to everyone: "When we meet the enemy, the enemy can't be together for tens of millions. The troops must be arranged reasonably. Their army, the largest is 300,000 people, will not be in one place. It is about 30,000. To 50,000 people, a battle group is the most cost-effective. "

Xia He went on a little bit and analyzed how the battle would be launched. What are your own weapon advantages, arms advantages, etc.

The other is that the twelve nobles at the core, part of the flight warships they ordered, are already in place.

The Duke led himself and was supplemented by a flying battalion.

The alchemy factory on the side of the duke can also use the devil's corpses, bones and other materials to make robots. Today's low-level robots have built-in bones made of biological materials, no longer using metal.

In the Twin Cities, the alchemy factory also burns the blood of the devil as energy, collects the magic gas, and manufactures the magic gas crystal, which is quite stable and saves a lot of purification costs. These low-level magical energy crystals are much easier to deal with than wanting to deal with them.

Throwing into a star usually doesn't cause bad consequences.

If you are really afraid of trouble, you can just throw it away from other universes, but do n’t harm yourself anyway.

A large number of areas in the north are already clean, and human soldiers do not have to wear masks to live, everything is going in a good direction.

Those nobles, who have completely disobeyed the princess ’s command, now attack Muses ’territory, and will attack themselves later. The duke's leader must never be left out of the way.

Xiahe ’s war mobilization did not say much about the benefits, but just let everyone understand the advantages of his own army and the inevitable victory.

"I now have troops in two and a half planes, and I can support the war of Xinda-6 at any time. It is impossible to lose. I only hope that everyone wins beautifully, and does not damage too much. My army is behind Take a seat and be able to support any battlefield at any time. If you do n’t need me to be dispatched, you will get more credit. "

Xiahe tempted to profit, and those who surrendered to Xiahe were full of heart.

Xiahe needed their people and had already begun to select people in their territory and moved to Rhode Island. But everyone is not worried. Because Rhode Island also feeds more than 100 million people, it will be packed sooner or later.

The Duke ’s army is still fighting in a different world, and the demand for personnel is gradually declining. After conquering a complete world, the soldiers do not need everyone to come out.

"I will not personally command this war and give it to Jack to deal with it. All the troops will be unified under my name for reorganization. In terms of organization, a battalion will be reduced by a thousand people to only a scale of five thousand. Officer, the Tongtian Tower is arranged uniformly, I will not arrange my people below. "

Xiahe confided one by one, and the nobles listened very carefully.

The reason why there are only 5,000 people in a battalion is because Xiahe's battalion has a thousand heavy knights. In the hands of these nobles, there is no such powerful force.

But Xiahe will supply more chariots to replace the role of the Knights.

The chariot may be limited by the terrain. However, Xiahe ’s prepared war zones are all in the middle of the Big 6 and there is no such complicated terrain. The chariot can pass through most places.

Then, the nobles had a separate flying battalion, and the attack power was not increased by a little bit. Everyone knows that the four flying formations of the Duke Asra destroyed the Merrifin family's expeditionary fleet. It's been a month since the Merrifin family can't recover.

Xiahe's mobilization was smooth, and within three days, 20 battalions had been reorganized.

These 100,000 people went out first and went straight to the middle of the Big Six.

Before that, a special engineering camp in Xiahe had already gone to a mountain pass in the middle and built a special castle.

The mountain pass is about two miles wide, and the peaks on both sides are particularly high, but the mountain area is not large. A few hundred miles away, the vegetation on the mountain has long been destroyed, and the demons have made this place miserable.

The engineering forces built a long castle on each side of the mountain pass, with a width of 400 meters and a length of three kilometers. In the middle of the mountain pass, a three-kilometer long and 500-meter wide road left.

Xiahe is here, sending his elite city defense army, plus 50,000 soldiers in training. The two castles serve as advancing battle bases and store supplies.

There is no gap between the castle and the hillside, and the above has been paved as a take-off point. The warehouse was built below as a place to store and repair flying warships.

It was more than twenty miles away from the mountain pass, and the terrain became wider. There was a fortified city here, boxy and 1,800 meters long. It was originally built by a marquis, and Xia Ye led the soldiers to fight down. Then let the engineering troops transform and put the nobles under their command.

This position is the most dangerous place south of the Great Wall. It is well guarded. Within a thousand miles, the enemy has to make a detour. It's not impossible to go over mountains and mountains, but what about large equipment.

The aristocratic legion quickly reached their destination, rested in Yamaguchi City, and did not see the Demon Clan along the way ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There were many in this area, and they were all cleared by Xia Ye. In the south of Yamaguchi, the Demon Clan has long since disappeared. The unlucky marquis spent a lot of energy to clean up. As a result, the city was cheaper in Xiahe.

Flying machines are released in all directions to investigate the enemy. These flying machines are supported by the Starry Flagship and have a great range of detection.

Soon, the nobles found a suitable target.

In the east of Yamaguchi City, south of the mountain, there is a city, which is backed by mountains and there is a small vein between the mountains. The army stationed here is probably in the early 20,000s. There are also more than 3,000 people in the mine, manipulating robots every day, collecting metal mines.

This city is more than two hundred miles away from Yamaguchi City. Cotton Jack immediately ordered that the army arriving at Yamaguchi City leave only two battalions to defend, and the rest went to the target location to receive the mine.

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