Daomen Invasion

Chapter 855: :forest

Two battalions were left in Yamaguchi Castle, and the rest of the army took the battalion as a unit and marched slowly towards the southeast.

The central nobles did not build many good roads, and the demon domains that the demon tribes made wiped out the creatures in many places, and there were many places where the demon tribes artificially demonized plants and animals. Fortunately in the north, especially in the middle.

At a distance of more than two hundred miles, there is a forest with a width of more than one hundred miles. The vegetation is demonized, and there are hidden animals, insects, and soil that are not suitable for the vegetation of the main world.

Cotton Jack ordered the two battalions to open their way, and the demonized plants were also afraid of fire. In front of them was a large mechanical propulsion, cutting down the trees and causing the robots to throw them into the forest on both sides. Then it was set on fire and expanded the road wider.

The pioneering behavior of the duke has always been simple and rude. Anyway, these demonized plants will be eliminated sooner or later. It takes some effort to deal with it, and it is not a waste of resources. Without purifying this land, the species born here will become more and more violent, and then spread around, threatening human survival.

In other worlds, the demon often get some demonized creatures to throw away, and slowly sit up. Some small worlds do not know how powerful they are, and they have not been purified. For one or two hundred years, the whole world will fall into disaster.

Large machines are cut with lasers, and the attack of demonized plants is not effective for large machines, and the degree of propulsion is still ideal.

Xiahe really gave everything to Cotton Jack and let him handle it. He himself and Xia Ye both concentrated on modifying the data of various equipment drawings. In fact, the following Taoists and magicians have done the most work, and both of them are the final check.

Some genius ideas are difficult to realize, because the designer may be a dozen-level master, not to mention a dozen-level master. The epic master has many technical difficulties and cannot be quickly overcome. Xiahe and Xiaye will take a lot of time to complete the final steps.

On the side of Cotton Jack, he just made a general direction, specific calculations, and Fire Crow One was also responsible, and then passed down the details and handed it over to the implementation.

But for the first time such a battle was commanded by Cotton Jack, millions of people may have to be mobilized before and after. It is impossible to say no tension. He always pays attention to the battle situation, even the smallest details are observed in person.

In his room, a large phantom array is always on, mobilizing the battlefield picture at any time.

Large metal machinery is not too tall, only less than five meters, but it is a multi-legged system, and its width and thickness are relatively impressive. The metal arm structure is not an imitation of human beings, but a kind of demon bug with excellent load-bearing capacity.

The laser cutter in front of the machine can cut off the big tree three meters in diameter at once, and the molecular oscillating knife removes the messy branches of the tree crown. A giant tree waved its branches and pulled it down to the metal machinery below. The metal machinery ignored it, and the calculation core automatically calculated the attack strength, and the stick only made slight scratches on the black metal surface.

Engineering cyborgs are not incapable of fighting, but their fighting targets are usually not military but complex environments.

Cotton Jack was lying on the bed with the picture adjusted to the top. He saw a buzzing sound of monsters in the dark forest, gathering in the direction of the troops.

Dozens of robots rushed up, carrying a huge fuel tank behind them, and flamethrowers in their hands sprayed tens of meters of flame. Demon worms that were contaminated and born were incomparable to those in the demon world. They were burned by thousands of degrees of flame and suddenly fell to the ground.

The still burning body continually bounced and twitched, and the ground was also lit by demons. These liquid fuels cannot be extinguished when they are on the body, and the flame will burn all the time.

Behind the engineering machinery unit are robot warriors and human-controlled chariots.

Cotton Jack frowned, and the advancement was slower than expected. He could only advance about four to five miles in an hour. There are many engineering robots dispatched this time, so it is so difficult to face the forest. If you rely on human infantry to advance, you do n’t know how much danger there is.

Those demonized plants are more troublesome than the tree monsters raised by half-elves. After all, the number of tree demon is not much, and in this forest, every tree is demonized.

The micro robots are collecting samples. The materials of these trees have become particularly tough and possess certain magic defense capabilities. At the same time, the branches are activated, and the attack power is not much for huge engineering machinery, but for infantry, it is possible to hurt the soldier's neck.

The construction robot is a little over a hundred tons and won't shake even if it is pumped. Human soldiers are only over one hundred kilograms, and some may be more than two hundred pounds, but is there a difference?

Only heavy soldiers can resist such attacks. Ordinary soldiers, the magic circle on the armor stops working, and the weight is only fifty pounds.

Fly in one draw!

Ordinary soldiers' armor is for light weapons and magic muskets. When they encounter heavy hammers and tomahawks, they hit their heads, even if the neck is supported by a metal spine. If you don't smash it, you can still survive the unloading force.

The army of these nobles is also a team of five people, but the captain's heavy armor, the additional magic is not the phase frost dragon shield, but the air shield, which is more popular in the magic world.

The air shield is actually wind elemental magic, and its defense is not as good as the phase frost dragon shield, but after being penetrated, it will not collapse, and the broken position can be quickly repaired.

The advanced air shield, like the phase frost dragon shield, has a complex internal structure and can deflect enemy attacks.

The important thing is that the excitement and existence of this thing are less expensive than the phase frost dragon shield. Xiahe's own main force does not care much about the cost of use, although it has been considered in the design. But each soldier's equipment has actually been optimized.

The army is taking the squadron as a unit and following the robot force forward, and the robot soldiers on both sides are covering. Some small special robots, such as robot spiders, act in the forest that has not yet been felled and are responsible for vigilance.

The mechanical spider is a relatively satisfactory mechanical body designed by Xiahe. It walks silently in the forest. Eight metal mechanical feet bounce silently on the ground and tree trunks.

The picture of Cotton Jack just shifted for a moment, and no longer pay attention to these small special robots on the periphery.

Buzz ...

Huge beetles flew from the side of the forest, listening to the sound, there are hundreds of them. They act by olfaction, ignoring the robotic forces in front, and pounce directly at the troops composed of human soldiers.

The robot warrior on the side immediately raised the magic musket in his hand, the auxiliary metal eye was also opened, and the muzzle aimed at the burning forest on the side.

On the ground, a mechanical spider suddenly bounced up. This jump was more than eight meters high, and it fell on a demonized beetle. The beetle's slender body is more than one meter long. Inside the sharp mouthpiece, there are densely packed small teeth that look like the tip of a needle.

The forefoot of the metal spider staggered, and the cold light flashed off the head of the demon. From the wound, a dark green liquid was ejected. The liquid spattered on the ground, and there was a loud noise, and a hole was corroded on the fallen leaves.

The metal spider loosened its legs, and a demon had swooped towards it.

The metal spider sprayed a net directly. The size of this net can easily hold an adult man wearing armor. The demon ran into the net, and the net contracted immediately, its wings were strangled, its body was out of control, rolled forward, and fell to the ground.

The metal spider also fell. When it fell to the ground, there was a crash, and then it rolled on the ground, then it fell into the fallen leaves and disappeared.

The demon in the air hovered down, looking for the whereabouts of the metal spider.

Dozens of small robots hidden behind tree trunks fire lasers on their backs at the same time, striking the dive insects into a confused smell.

Small robots have insufficient energy, and even such a weak laser attack will run out of energy in a few clicks.

It's just that these lasers contain light element information, and the enemy that was hit can be detected by the army led by the Duke of Xiahe to a specific location. These small robots were originally vigilant, and the second most important thing was whether they could kill the enemy. They were too small and did not have the sharp forelimbs as the mechanical spiders.

The battalion of the previous battalion issued an order at this time, asking the troops not to go deep into the forest immediately. Only a few miles had been blazed out now.

boom! boom!

The robot's musket fired, and there were already beetles flying to the burning area. That was the felled demonized plants thrown by the robot. When the beetle flew over the burning area, the body was already on fire.

These beetles are huge and much stronger than the monsters that appear on the front.

"Attention, it may have been artificially raised." The battalion general reminded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that the soldiers below raised their weapons one by one. The squad leader is ready to stimulate the magic shield at any time.

The battalion will also succumb. In the north, this demonized forest has been dealt with for a long time. The Duke has a more powerful robotic force and will not retain such trouble. Now that we have passed the Great Wall, a large area of ​​forest appears. What did the nobles in the middle do?

The width of this road is about 50 meters, which is the area of ​​two ancient trees, plus the lower bushes on both sides. With a width of fifty meters, the squadron formation is just right, with room for robots to defend on both sides.

Fifty meters away, it was also a low shrub that was cut by a laser so that only a small piece of ground remained.

The trees that were dragged into the depths of the forest burned more than a hundred meters away. The magical flame seemed to be very heavy. The burning smoke fell directly towards the ground and was not affected by the driving force of high-temperature air.

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