Daomen Invasion

Chapter 859: :saint

Giant Morning Dawn, the most powerful magic scroll in Xiahe ’s hands, if it were not in the depths of the cracks, and there was a powerful monster, he might not have to consume it immediately, although the Lord of Dawn gave him this thing, and he had no good intentions.

Where can gods have fuel-efficient lamps, do you really think that being kind and orderly is harmless to you?

Boy, then you are too naive.

The gentle gods such as the Lord of Dawn do not mind building a referee.

"Go, punish sin." The old mage looked quite solemn, pointing to the depth of the crack. The Giant Dawn nodded and fell all the way to the depth of the crack. On his body, the soft light radiated to the surroundings, and the demon bugs fell down and were completely purified.

The old mage sucks, the gentle master of morning light, and the magic is so overbearing.

Dawn giant in this magic scroll, after being summoned, life began to count down. He exists for sacrifice. Before he sacrifices, he will purify the most evil existence without fear.

In the depths of the earth, on a squirming red flesh, in the cracks of purple and black, the worms continuously poured out. The red flesh is about three kilometers in diameter. Under the flesh, like a plant, it has long, dense roots and sticks into the ground below.

When Giant Chenxi saw the red flesh, there were hundreds of cracks in the flesh suddenly. It felt dangerous, and it no longer spit the devil. All the sprayed insects are purified by the morning light.

The surface of the flesh quickly melted into liquid in the white light.

Hundreds of cracks, vaguely, with purple eyes, looking out.

"Sin, go to death!" Giant Chenxi roared angrily, and his forehead also cracked a gap, emitting a golden light. This light does not spread, just like a giant sword, sweeping through the red flesh from top to bottom.

The three-kilometer-thick meatball is split in half by this golden light.

The giant Chenxi jumped forward, without looking at the result, and detonated his body. The dawn giant with a height of more than 100 meters turned into a golden luminous cluster. This light felt sharper than the blade. Everything it passed was torn apart.

The so-called smashing means smashing into dust.

Underground monsters never thought that there would be such an enemy. It exists to produce endless Devil arms. But before waiting for it to come up with a desperate means, the giant Chen Xi blew himself up first.

The old mage had already flew out of the gap, leaving only a few flying little robots to observe.

As a result, the Giant Morning Dawn exploded, and a few robots melted instantly, and the picture ended.

Has not flew back to the Xiahe of Tongtian Tower. The scene under his eyes is also shocked. If he was blasted by the morning dawn giant, he would almost die.

What is magic for death is meaningless, this is something that directly acts on the source of life, and is destroyed together with the soul.

In the **** kingdom of the Lord of Dawn, this kind of Dawn Giant can be regarded as an existence that can be sacrificed at any time. So, what about the more advanced arms? It ’s terrible to think about it. Just cannon fodder, you can kill yourself in an instant.

Be aware that you are already a fifth-order Taoist and can confront the existence of the eighty-level deities.

By the sixth level, most demigods are no longer their opponents. But even if you are advanced, you still have to be slain by this giant of dawn. With Xia Ye, it may leave a life. As for the physical loss, it is difficult to say, maybe you have to give up.

Originally, I had already estimated the power of the giant Chen Xi, no, unless I was too dark, I would not be able to stop this kind of killing.

In the end is the **** of the main world, it really should not be underestimated.

Fortunately, the kingdom of God cannot come, and I dare not touch any of the gods ’land for the time being. This time it is a warning. Unless you become an immortal, you must have awe in the face of the gods.

The gap between demigods and gods is too great to be countered by any means.

In a distant kingdom of God, the supreme existence suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at the distant world.

A giant died, in order to purify evil.

Is indeed a very evil existence

Now, although not too powerful, it can destroy a world if it is allowed to develop. The sacrifice of this giant is still worthwhile.

Judging here, the supreme existence did not continue to observe.

In many worlds, there are his followers. Although the main world is the most important, it does not have the degree that he must always pay attention. To cast his eyes on the world of mortals is a huge consumption for him. The divine power is extremely precious, even the gods must be careful.

In the universe, the number of Protoss is huge, and there are hundreds of them in the main world. The gods of these more than one hundred main worlds are potential enemies.

The supreme existence sighed and closed three eyes again, as if slept in the past.

Giant Dawn of the Morning is dead, and the underground monster is also dead. The old mage who released the Giant Dawn of the Morning feels a pain in his brow, and a brand is formed on his forehead.

The old mage was startled and quickly released a water mirror technique, glancing at his face in the mirror.

At the position of the eyebrow, a faint white **** pattern appeared.


The old mage burst out a slur, what does this **** pattern mean?


I am a magician, when did I become a saint? After becoming a saint, the soul after death is going to enter the kingdom of the **** of dawn!

The old mage panicked, urged mana, his body instantly rose to a height of thousands of kilometers, and then desperately flew in the direction of the sky tower.

The mission is completed, the teleportation array can not be used by him, he has to hurry himself, this is also part of the mission.

The old mage was so anxious, how could he be marked!

No, you can't enter the kingdom of God after death, you are simply an unbeliever!

He shouted desperately in his heart: Duke, help!

Not long after Xiahe returned to the Tongtian Tower, the old mage knelt in front of him and wept. He just went to release a divine scroll, and he didn't know what to do, he was marked by the magic of the Lord of Dawn.

Then his soul was contaminated and became a saint of gods.

After his death, his soul will be forcibly included in the kingdom of the Lord of Dawn and serve the Lord of Dawn forever.

Xiahe had a headache when he saw the pattern on his forehead. Sending such an unpromising old mage, of course, is worried about what is wrong in the scroll. But he never thought it was such a problem. If I release it myself, I don't know if this divine art can be established.

The six **** embers in his own soul can resist the trap of the Lord of Dawn.

Xiahe himself was not terrified. The person who had seen the Temple of Dawn before released the Giant Dawn. There was no such consequence. If he knew of it, he would not pit this old mage. The loyalty of this old mage is almost the same as those of his students.

"You don't have to worry." Xiahe said softly: "This soul mark, first of all, can be covered up. At least I have a lot of ways to cover up for you. If you just cover up, your soul is still not free. Hidden, cannot be sensed by the power of the Temple of Dawn. "

"Adult, is there no solution forever?" The mage of the old mage came out. A person who is not his pure mage cannot understand this fear.

"Yes, let your soul fly away, the Lord of Dawn will not be able to enslave your soul."

The expression on the old mage's face, I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Of course, there are still a few ways, such as the war between me and the Temple of Dawn, destroying all the power of the Lord of Dawn in this world, then he cannot find you from this world."

The old mage was silent. He knew that this was impossible. Even if the Duke had this ability, he would not dare to ask for it.

Is too expensive. It is not worth it for him alone.

"Of course, I negotiated with the Temple of Dawn, saying that it was a misunderstanding, and it was almost impossible. It would eventually lead to war. Such insults, the Temple of Dawn will not accept it anyway."

Xiahe is right, this is an insult. You are not ashamed to be a saint in the Temple of Dawn, so simply die.

The giant Chen Xi exploded without saying a word. It can be seen that this kind of believe in pure light

Guys, what choice would it be.

"Or, you change your faith." Xiahe Road.

"Changing faith?" The old mage looked at Xiahe puzzledly.

"Become a **** under my hands, Lord of Dawn, I can't bring other gods into his kingdom."

The old mage was startled, dumbfounded, and said for a long time: "Master Duke, are you going to become the **** of magic and build the earthly kingdom?"

Xia He smiled and said, "Where do you want to go? My identity, do you know roughly?"

"I know ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lord Duke is from a different world, and it has developed for ten years, and has today's achievements, and no one is relying on it. Most of us mages have been blessed by your adults, and they will not dare to forget this life. No one cares about the origin of an adult. "

Xiahe said: "I am a unique spellcaster, called a Taoist, similar to a magician. But our Taoist will create his own gods and let them serve us. Do Goddess of Doom know?"

"I know."

"She was made by me."

The old mage did n’t know what to say, so he asked, "Will she ... be dangerous?"

"If I die, she will die with her, no choice."

"That's okay, Duke, if I become your god, will it be the same?"

Xiahe said: "You are not as dangerous as her, and the level will not be so high. I will not give you this restriction, but you will be commanded by a higher **** to serve me."

"If it's just for adults, it's okay, but, I really can't turn around."

"Then do you want to know the difference between the gods under my hands and the gods in this world?"

"I must know." The old mage insisted on authenticity.

"Gods of this world, the power belongs to one. And the spirits of my men, the powers are scattered, although the fighting power is the same powerful, but those powers come from my gift."

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