Daomen Invasion

Chapter 860: :crack

The old mage thought for a while and asked: "Then ... Duke, goddess of wealth, are you also made?"

"She is not. In the future, unless she obey me, I will drive her out of this universe."

"Don't kill her?"

"It's not necessary. Besides, she used to be my ally. If she is willing to leave, I won't kill her. Can you know why?"

The old Master's aura flashed, and said: "She is not the **** of this universe?"

"Yes, she is not the **** of this universe. You are smart. If it is not too late to advance the legend, there is a chance to go further. But it is good to be my god. At least, as long as I am not dead, you will also get eternal life. Although the Taoist gods have scattered powers, they also have fewer obligations, and live more freely. "

"Is it an obligation? Like Lord of Dawn?"

"Yes, when he sees evil, he is going to eradicate it. He may be lazy, but when he can't avoid it, he has to do it even if he pays the price of his life. This is the relationship between authority and obligation." > & 1t; / i>

"I hope there is an i name." The old mage bowed his head and accepted Xiahe's suggestion. Becoming a deity belonging to the spellcaster, and a deity of Lord Duke, is much better than entering the Dawn Kingdom of Dawn.

"Just call Lifeng, as for the priesthood, I will talk about it later."

"Yes." The old mage gave Xia He a salute and stood up.

"After becoming a god, you do n’t need to practice, as long as you perform a priesthood and accumulate merits, you can upgrade your level and gain strength. Someone or some gods, if you want to target me, you must first consider cutting you out. So for you, gaining strength is still Is something that must be done. "

The matter here was quickly resolved, and the matter of the Demon Insect Forest was completely resolved in the Demon Insect Forest.

Although there are still a lot of monsters in the forest, the roots have been removed and no more monsters will be born. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

However, the cracks on the ground have expanded to two hundred meters away. Underground, a lot of red water has oozed out, gradually filling up the hundreds of miles of cracks.

The magicians checked that the red water was not venom, but only slightly contaminated with magic gas, which was much cleaner than the soil in the forest. The source of red is a mineral deep in the earth.

Soon these red substances will settle down without threatening people on the ground.

Although there is no threat, the Yamaguchi City side still has to deal with it slowly. The monsters in the forest must be cleaned up. Because the offensive line is to be changed, no one dares to sail in this crack, in case the water recedes?

If you walk against the crack, you are afraid of geological instability and collapse.

But the cracks did not need to be dealt with by the aristocratic army. A group of people was sent over the sky tower to investigate what was under the crack. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Xiahe brought back a captive and interrogated slowly, not in a hurry.

This forest is not far from the mountain pass, that is to say, from the north of the mountain pass, you will enter your own territory. And this place is close to the Tongtian Tower, that is to say, the Merrifin family has long wanted to deal with themselves.

It's just that this time the army of nobility passed through the forest and attracted the demon riot. Then he happened to have a magic scroll, which could summon the mighty Dawn Giant, and the arrangement of the Merrifin family was finished.

If there is no scroll of the Lord of Dawn, if you want to destroy the demons, you will either use kinetic weapons or you will shoot it yourself.

Therefore, no enemies can be underestimated. The Merrifin family fought softly, and playing tricks can be quite powerful.

If you did not make a good flagship, people left Xinda 6. The layout of Xinda 6 will be taken away by these demons. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Yamaguchi ’s walls are high and the weapons are good, but it ca n’t stop an hour.

This kind of city can't hold back for an hour, other cities can withstand the longest time at most.

The Tongtian Tower can be closed, and more powerful magicians of today come to support it.

Yamaguchi City has now added 20 battalions with a scale of 100,000 people. After adding equipment to play, it will re-enter the battle.

At a distance of thousands of kilometers parallel to the crack, drive a straight path through the forest.

Because when the dawn giant exploded, the dawn light soared up from under the crack, and the surrounding forests were purified. Those demonized plants will no longer attack humans.

There may be monsters farther away, but the number is scarce and cannot threaten the army.

The next day, the noble army moved. This time it was still followed by a large number of robotic troops, only ten battalions in size, and the other ten battalions stood by in Yamaguchi Castle. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

However, this time the air power has increased, Xiahe ’s own flight battalion will not move, and the number of noble new flying warships has also reached the standard of one battalion. In addition, the six-pointed star airship, Xiahe supports 48 small and 12 medium-sized There are also three large ones.

Not to mention that the flying battleship has stronger combat power, but the Xiahe six-pointed star airship is not for sale.

Because the upgrade value of this thing is very high, the combat capability in the atmosphere is not weak. The product that goes further is the Fire Crow IV. Xiahe ’s own flying warships will not build too much, even the four battalions.

If necessary, let the nobles buy more and cooperate with the battle, it is enough.

The time when the Giant Dawn was put in the last time, the technology gun was not damaged by the monster, and it was still usable after repair. The most lost was the robot warrior. During the retreat to cover the human soldiers, the eighth chengdu was exploded by demons. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The aristocratic army didn't care so much anymore. A lot of monsters were killed last time, and they directly exchanged merits for more robot warriors. Although merit is more precious than gold coins, everyone's money is not enough to buy weapons and equipment. Anyway, following the Duke, it ’s not difficult to get merit.

Everyone saw that the Duke was going to do a big job. If you do n’t win, nothing will happen. If you can win, everyone will become a senior citizen of the Duke and enter the Parliament.

Of course, Xiahe also collects gold. For Taoists, the value of gold is not regarded as money, but is itself a relatively high-value metal. In many formations, where gold is used, substitutes are either insufficient in attributes or more expensive.

The ductility of gold is excellent, and its properties are stable and abnormal. In addition to its inability to withstand high temperatures, as a matrix material, the advantages are almost irreplaceable.

Not to mention the internal temperature of most arrays is constant and will not be affected by the outside world. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Gold is also a metal of stable value in the Divine World. Even if the fairy found a planet with a lot of gold, it did not let the price of gold fall.

Just like the Mithril in the magic world, even if the entire planet is Mithril, this thing is still precious to the Master.

The aristocratic army took brigades as a unit, marching brigade deep into the forest. Although the threat of enchanted vegetation had been eliminated, the engineering robots were still clearing huge trees.

Between the mines in the mountains and Yamaguchi, Cotton Jack wanted a wide enough road.

In the cracks in the forest, a team of students at Asra College was in charge of the operation.

This team of students is quite good, the worst is the 20th-level magician, not very young, a total of nine people, the leader is a legendary mage transferred from Tongtian Tower, called Su Ke. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Su Ke is not a native of the arcane empire, but a magician from Omori 6. He also turned to Xiahe earlier. He didn't even reach the 20th grade. He was obscured all the way and worked diligently.

Many such talents in Xiahe's hands grew explosively after the loosening of the rules of the main world.

Su Ke has a golden-yellow head, a turquoise pupil, an iron-grey fundus, and a beautiful appearance.

He offended the mage tower in Green Forest and fled to the Arcane Empire. When he met Xiahe, he took refuge directly. There are no earth-shattering things happening. Until one day, in Su Ke's body, he cultivated true energy.

He still can't be a Taoist priest, but he has become a leader in the Master.

The people under the command of Su Ke started to build a base beside the crack. The base covers more than two hundred meters wide cracks. At the edges of both sides, the ground is reinforced with magic. The width of the reinforcement is much wider than the cracks. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

In the center of the base, there is a square opening directly, below which is the red water surface.

Su Ke let people put the submersible down, took eight students himself, and dived deep into the crack. This submersible is much more expensive than a flying warship. It can dive into tens of thousands of meters of water. It was originally used by Xiahe to study the deep-sea environment. Inside the submersible, there is chaotic barrier space, and there is a life cycle device. Even if it sinks and cannot float, it can maintain this individual's life for a month.

In addition to some underwater robots carried by the submersible, the submersible also brought two sub-submersibles, which also have combat capabilities.

Both of these sub-submersibles are intelligent machines and can also be commanded remotely. The three submersibles sank deep into the cracks, and it was not too fast.

Under the red water, the visibility decreases rapidly, and turning on the lights is meaningless.

However, such expensive gadgets never rely on vision to observe the environment. In the submersible, the soul beads in the magic array release the induced waves, plus the high-frequency sound waves released by the submersible itself, to detect the surrounding environment ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ There are no creatures in the crack, so lifeless.

Only when the depth of more than six thousand meters down, the sub-submersible explored the bottom of the crack.

The huge space inside is huge, and it seems to have gone to the extreme north of Bingfengda 6. In the submersible, Sook ordered the sub-submersible to travel to both ends, looking for the flow pattern and seeing where the cave would lead.

The bottom of the cave is hard rock. The robot collected a little sample for analysis. There should be metal ore below.

When the investigation was carried out for more than half an hour, the underwater suddenly swelled, and the strength became stronger and stronger. Su Ke thought for a while and said: "Anchor!" Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank the pros for their support!

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