Daomen Invasion

Chapter 864: :hostage

There are many troops in the main world, because they occupy a lot of different worlds, and they can add soldiers in different worlds. Like an arcane empire, it may have a population of more than one billion people, and more than 10 million troops, all considered poor soldiers.

But because of the addition of soldiers from different worlds, the Merrifin family can mobilize millions of people.

For example, the Nine Academy, which occupies more of the world, and the royal family, can mobilize a large number of troops, and will not cause a population collapse.

This time, the Merrifin family raised more than 1 million people, and not many have been mobilized in each world. It will not affect production.

There are many soldiers in Xiahe, but Rhode Island has reached the limit. Without collecting the nobility and getting more people, he can no longer continue to expand.

Fortunately, his advanced technology, gold plant and grain factory, can maintain his rule.

"Duke, if we can form an alliance, I have a request. We finally have a fate. Will you refuse a little request?"

"It depends."

"I want to learn about this world."

"Knowledge is priceless, but in the face of fate, as long as you give enough money, I will arrange you to enter the world's mainstream magic academy."


"I am the principal, what do you think?"

"What do you mean by enough money, gold?"

"Of course not, resources. Your world is a Taoist world. Some resources are not valuable, but for magicians, it is still good. If you join the Magic Academy, my college needs funds to expand. You happen to be different. The first student in the world does not come out of you, should I come out by myself? "

"You are really good at convincing people with reason."

"For a long time in this world, you will hear my good reputation, you will not regret it."

"Hopefully, my martial arts are big enough, and resources are not a problem, but in that case, I am not alone in learning."

"It doesn't matter, no one other than you will charge money."


"Fate fate." Xiahe laughed a little, then said: "I will also send people to learn about your world, shouldn't it be a problem?"

Chen Yudao: "Of course not a problem."

He thought that the Taoist can understand the magician, but it is difficult for the magician to understand the Taoist. The difficulty of learning is not the same. From the principle of equivalent exchange, as long as the number of students sent by both sides is the same, it will not be a loss.

Besides, although there are many soldiers under the Duke, but there is no spirit, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

It doesn't matter what you pay for.

"The college you entered is the highest-ranking college I can give you. Other students do not have this treatment, so the money you spend is still worth it."

"Other colleges?"

"Well, I happened to have a good relationship with a magical academy, and that college's funds were pretty good, and I helped raise them. So letting some people study in the past is not a problem. You don't want people in the martial arts to go to a college? 1. What if there is a problem with the place I arranged? "

"I believe now that you are used to convincing people with reason."

"Look, we have a good start, so why not continue immediately? Liao Min, right, take those two fishes back, I'll send someone to send you, shouldn't it be a problem? Rest assured, he will not follow In the past. "Xiahe pointed his finger at Xia Ye. Xia Ye is fully armed and wearing a mask.

Liao Min said helplessly: "Well, then I will go back immediately, and the master said this thing, the time flow of the two worlds is similar, and I will come back soon."

"Don't worry, your brother will be a guest in my territory. He is a real guest, not a prisoner."

"Not a prisoner, but a hostage, a hostage, and a hostage." Important things, Chen Yu said three times.

Liao Min smiled bitterly and stood up. Xia Ye also stood up without saying a word.

Xiahe said to Chen Yu: "Then, hostage, come with me. Actually, don't worry, I won't kill you, even if you can't form an alliance, at most it will keep you in this world."

"Where are you going?"

Chen Yu soon learned that he was taken to Yamaguchi City by Xiahe. In Yamaguchi City, he took a flying warship and flew all the way to the Twin Cities.

Chen Yu asked in surprise: "Is this a technology product?"

"Not really, the core power is the magic furnace."

"On the ground, what are those?"

"Mozu, this big 6 piece, has just been invaded by Demon Realm and is still being cleaned up."

"Devil Realm!"

"Well, Demon Realm, a very troublesome world. You see, you come as a hostage and get a lot of information as a priority. I have nothing to hide from you. This is not a bad thing. After you go back, your status in the martial arts will naturally improve . "

"I will tell you some information, as long as it is not related to my martial arts." Chen Yu said helplessly, the other party was convincing people with reason, and if he refused to accept it, then Asla said it would not be good enough to deliver. He is no longer a child.

"Your territory is really big!" Chen Yu sighed after flying to the Twin Cities.

"There are thousands of miles to the north, of course it's big."

Chen Yu was surprised and said, "You are just a duke."

"I am the new Duke, the site is considered small, and did not conquer several worlds." Xia He continued to brag. Frightening each other is also a means.

"It's terrible." He flew out of the flying warship and felt the faint magic in the air, Chen Yu said.

"Yeah, there are many, many demons outside. My army goes out to fight every day and fights against other nobles. It is all military affairs all day long, and I rarely have time to practice."

"Fight against other nobles?"

"Yeah, I am a person who likes to convince people with reason, but some people don't like to listen to reason and feel that they can force me to do things that I don't like. Then we have to go to war."

"Very convincing." Chen Yu applauded.

"Are there any enemies in your school?"

"Of course, there are two enemies. But the three schools can't fight."

"Yeah, no one wants to fight two other marches at the same time. I can understand."

"I said that my martial arts have millions of Taoists, not kidding."

"I know that the priest under my hands is also very big, but his aircraft is broken and he can't go back for the time being. He refused to give me coordinates and asked me to send him back."

"How did you deal with him?"

"Let's form an alliance with his martial arts. This is the intention now. When he returns, he can discuss with the martial arts. After all, his status may not be as high as yours, and he dare not make any decisions."

"here is……"

"Twin Cities is a place to fight. At the beginning, there were still a lot of powerful demons. We can only shrink to defend in the city. Did you see the magic cannon over there?"

Chen Yu nodded. The magic cannon was so high and big that he could see it as long as he was not blind.

"The Demon Race has a kind of battleship, hundreds of miles away, and ordinary weapons can't deal with it. Fortunately, it hasn't been made yet, and it was discovered by us. Then these battleships were all destroyed. However, the Demon Race has many huge things , You have to deal with these magic cannons. "

"This world is much more advanced than I thought."

"That is." Xiahe said proudly: "Is the Lord's world, people are also very smart."

"But there are nobles." Chen Yu tentatively said.

"Nobles, sooner or later, they will die. Don't worry. As long as the world progresses, this thing should not exist."

"Is that over there?"

"Robot troops, we have obtained scientific and technological information in a different world, and created many such soldiers, which can reduce the loss of human beings. Otherwise, if the Devil enters our world, even if we can drive it away, it will make the world become depressed."

Chen Yuxin said that it is indeed the main world, capable of manufacturing such powerful robots in large quantities.

These robots are not weaker than ordinary Taoist priests.

Xia Hexin said, "Introduce you Taoist priests in the future, and you will never doubt me again when the Taoist palace comes." As long as I hide it for a few more decades, the Taiyin world will fully unfold.

The local government was in operation, the heaven was built, the population was multiplying, and Baiyujing in Xianfu was completed.

At that time, unless you sent Daluo Jinxian over, everything was too late.

Xiahe really needed Chen Yu's martial arts to come to this world exhibition. Anyway, he couldn't get the main world directly, and he could only get a salary at the bottom, so that the Taiyin world became the main world.

It doesn't matter if you slow down, it's better than fighting with the Nine Academy.

Xiahe arranged Chen Yu in the magic tower, handed him a bracelet and said, "Wear it and I will be able to monitor you anywhere. Then you will have limited activities."

"Limited activity?"

"Well, some of my sites can't let you in. Even if you form an alliance."

"I will not go to confidential places."

"There are too many demon clan active outside. There is a devil clan hiding, which is quite dangerous. Even you, you may be killed without defense. If you are a hostage, if you die, your martial arts will also It will blame me. I have nothing to do with being afraid or not, I ca n’t bear the blame for the Devil, right? "

"Very powerful Demon Race ..."

"Anyone with space mobility and first-rate sneak attacks. They can't break in in the Twin Cities. If you go out and wander around, you might encounter them. Now my army doesn't dare to go out on a small scale."

"So who can I chat with for a while? Although ... I know that if the alliance is not possible, I will live in this world, so, I can know some unimportant information?"

"I'll find some people to accompany you, but you have to protect their safety."


"Some of my students ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are good kids in the Academy of Magic, you can teach them something, it is your sincerity. I know, you do n’t say important things, just common sense. . Then you also ask them something, not in exchange, you can make friends in this world. "

"Then ... thank you, Lord Duke." Chen Yu was serious, and gave Xiahe a courtesy.

"You're welcome, I'm really busy, otherwise I will accompany you. You take a rest here first, if you need anything, tell the person I sent, remember to checkout in the future."

"Okay." Chen Yu put the wristband on his wrist, and the wristband contracted gently. If he wanted to take it off again, he would have to destroy it violently.

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