Daomen Invasion

Chapter 865: : Captive life

Xiahe found two teams of people to accompany Chen Yu, a caster team, and a logistics team.

Is not to monitor Chen Yu. With that bracelet, Chen Yu will be seen everywhere by Fire Crow. Of course, these two teams were formed temporarily, and the personnel were drawn from elsewhere.

Normal caster squad, if the captain is a 20th-level magician, it is already incredible. The captain of this squad is an magician of epic realm, born in Asra Magic Academy. The remaining four combat masters are also students of the college, from the 25th to the 28th grade, and they are about to graduate.

Xiahe is also a little thought to form such a team, he wants to organize a college army.

In his academy, there are not only magicians, but also various professionals, but the most of the Asla Academy is the heavy warrior and swordsman. For other professions, Xiahe intentionally avoided it and did not plan to do more training.

For example, the profession of archer is not to say that it is useless. The problem is that with a magical musket, the significance of the archer is not so great. Xiahe still cultivated some assassins. In addition, there is a long spearman profession, which is listed by Xiahe alone.

"I am Chen Yu, my profession is priesthood, hostage of your prince, you can also be said to be a captive. What do you call it?"

Chen Yu was not worried about Xia He ’s conspiracy or tricks. He gave him the language scroll and he learned it. He quickly mastered the lingua franca of the world.

General terms are generally simpler and cannot be used to describe the laws of too many worlds. They can only be used to communicate daily.

Magician, must learn magic language alone, Daomen also has a golden medal.

"Mr. Chen Yu, I am Barred, a magician, originally placed in the city defense army. These are students ..."

Bai Ruide Chen Yu introduced one by one, Chen Yu looked at the captain of the logistics team, with the meaning of inquiry in his eyes. The squad leader is also an epic mage.

"I'm Jin Nirol, the captain of the logistics team, Mr. Chen Yu, we will be with you in the future, you can tell us wherever you want to go."

Jin Nirol's face is unsmiling, like a stamp, you know his meaning, he does not know your existence.

"Well, Jin Nirol, nice to meet you."

Kinnirol did not speak, and the people in the logistics team did not like squeaking. The soldiers in this squad are no longer young students, they are here to carry out their missions. The matter of making friends with Chen Yu is that of Barred.

"Well, His Excellency the Duke said, I can stroll around in his territory."

Bride said with a smile: "The problem is no problem, but you know, we accompany, but it is not a waste of time. I have to mobilize the army to protect you. Every time I dispatch, there is a cost."

Chen Yu couldn't help crying and laughing, said: "Well, I still have some money on me, can I get the gold? Fortunately, I haven't been robbed by the Duke."

"What are you talking about, how can Lord Duke rob you." Jin Nirol said unpleasantly.

"He's kidding." Barred waved his hands to make Jinnirol not impulsive.

"Ah, I'm not kidding, in fact, as a captive, the Duke has left me with personal property, I am very grateful. So the money is spent."

Said Chen Yu, and took gold out of his ring. As he fetched it, he observed the people who accompanied him. As a result, even the soldiers did not respond. He put the gold bricks one by one on the table and took out twenty, saying, "Is it enough for a while?"

Bride said: "If there is no trouble, it is almost enough. Where do you want to go?"

"Out of the city, I want to see the demon."

Braid said: "You are probably in this world, which is also equivalent to the legend of the 50th level up. The terrible existence of the Demon Clan is not a big threat to you, but be careful, I will bring at least one more squadron Follow me. "

A squadron of fifty people, Chen Yu felt that it was not too much burden, he agreed to come down, anyway, his money must be spent, Asla did not take his money, but he was not saved to marry his wife.

Chen Yu knew very well that he was a bachelor and mixed well here. Even if the division could not make an alliance with the Duke of Asla in the future, Asla would not kill him.

But if it's annoying, it's hard to say.

"Then you wait, we will start tomorrow. It is already afternoon. I will mobilize some people from the Tongtian Tower to form and mix the squadron."

"Mixed Squadron, what do you mean?"

"It's a mixed squadron, you know?" Jin Nirol explained.

"Understood." Chen Yu convinced.

Chen Yu lives in the magic tower, this thing has the attributes of the magic tower, but it is not as powerful as the magic tower, and it is well built. The attack power is quite sufficient, the endurance is not so good, there is no element pool in the tower to communicate the element planes, and there is no platform to communicate deep space.

He lived in a room opened on the ground floor, and two teams of people accompanied him for dinner.

In the Twin Cities, the food was pretty good. The dried vegetables from Rhode Island used a magic array to replenish the water.

Chen Yu was already very satisfied. When he came, he saw around the Twin Cities, there were demons everywhere, densely packed.

His room is not big, and the bathroom and toilet are public.

After dinner and shower, Chen Yu returned to his room and lay in bed enchanted.

What's this called, I just came over to investigate, and was caught and captured. It wasn't that he didn't want to resist. At the time, even with two ichthyosaurs, he was not an opponent of the Duke.

That guy felt terrible to him.

Is just a duke. In this world, in a single empire, there are no more powerful existences than this duke. Why revolt, anyway, this man Asra, to convince people with reason.

Liao Min was put back, and there was no prohibition on himself, just a bracelet positioning.

If you really want to run, it is not impossible to run, but in that case, it will cause trouble to the teacher. The next time the teacher comes, I am afraid that I will be directly hit.

Is a hostage, can not run, this is an attitude.

Anyway, running is also to escape to a corner of this world. It is impossible to return to your own world. The door of the space, the Duke of Asra must have sent someone to guard it, and he wants to go home unless Shimen agrees to form an alliance with the Duke.

On the second day, a squadron was sent over the Tongtian Tower to accompany Chen Yu around the city.

This squadron is different from the normal squadron. The members are a caster squad, a logistic squad, a heavy cavalry squad, two tank squads, and five standard squads.

The two tank squads have only two vehicles, one is a heavy attack tank and one is a fast assault tank.

Standard squadrons revolved around these two vehicles, including the accompanying robots and magical structures.

Standard squads also ride Trojan horses. Chen Yu also arranged a Trojan horse. He probed and found that this thing was well-conceived and could cope with most terrain, but he could not charge as a mount. The disadvantages are obvious, and the advantages are obvious. When used to travel, it is not as comfortable as a vehicle, but it is suitable for field operations.

Chen Yu sat on the Trojan and found that the Takahashi saddle was very comfortable. He could even lean on it without falling.

He was also assigned a set of Master A, removed the ability to read information, and could only passively receive messages from Barred and others.

"I don't need this thing."

"You didn't say that before, I don't refund the money, in addition, the outside air is not very good, if you wear a mask, your breathing will be much more comfortable." Bai Ruide said.

"If you don't refund the money, then I still wear it."

Xiahe can see Chen Yu's words and deeds. He feels that this Taoist is really strong in his heart. If he doesn't provoke himself, he can live.

I don't know what kind of school this guy is from. It seems that, like Qiu Xuanji, it belongs to the famous school.

The squadron assembled, and the two teams of Barred, a total of sixty-one people, set off from the Twin Cities and walked to the east.

Under the city is the accumulation of the corpses of the devil, and they must be cleaned day and night, otherwise the corpses can be piled up on the city wall. Chen Yu rode a Trojan horse and looked at the demons in the distance. He asked, "Brad, why don't they come to fight?"

"Will come at night, and during the day, the devil will lose a lot."

"Humans are not good at night warfare?"

"No, it is the illusion we gave to the Mozu. During the day, the attack will be increased, and the Mozu will mistakenly think that we are strong during the day. In this way, we can get a chance to rest during the day."

"You say this, are you afraid of being known by the demon?"

"Of course not afraid, anytime during the day ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ they will be attacked by crazy attacks, no matter what the truth is, they will eventually choose to attack at night. At night, we will invest more robot fighters, The demon will destroy more robots, giving them a sense of accomplishment. "

"Well, if our power is stronger than the Demon Race, why not go out in the field?"

"It's a good idea to clean up the Demon Race faster, but there are strange arms in the Demon Race. I don't know where to hide it."

"Void Demon, isn't it?"

"Yes, if the Void Clan is dispatched, the legendary ones are easily attacked and killed by the Void Clan. Our officers are very precious, and even the non-commissioned officers should not be sacrificed in this way. So our field operations are all around the city, choose day."

Chen Yu looked at the robot warriors around him and said, "This robot ..."

"The Duke followed the county king into a world of science and technology, and turned back a lot of mechanical life. The robot is a good auxiliary arm. It can also recover some metals if it is smashed."

"Why don't you make more points? It's cheaper than training soldiers?"

"Then? What are you doing? Let the robot take control of the world?" Barred replied with a grin. The truth is of course not the case. Robots are the cheapest only if they are around five levels. Robots of this level cannot fight alone.

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