Daomen Invasion

Chapter 877: :culture

Xiahe has a variety of retreat training, and now it is a plan to use air power to retreat when surrounded by enemies. It's just that none of these demons can fly.

If there is a flying demon, a legendary mage will face it.

This plan is not good, just designed for the situation where the air force is not strong. However, the efficiency is really high. The metal box is loaded with robots, and it is released to form a protective ring, allowing human wounded soldiers to drill into the box and take it away when it is full.

Because of the wounded soldier, except for a musket, he has no weight. Large airships can transport about two thousand people at a time. If the soldiers are heavily armed, they can only transport 500 people.

There are many medium-sized airships, but only one hundred soldiers can be transported at a time, and wounded soldiers can transport between 400 and 500.

Has passed more than half an hour, more than 200,000 wounded soldiers and nearly half lost. Can't wait for the next batch of rescue, one by one airships filled the boxes, turned and left.

There are also tens of thousands of soldiers who are moving towards the center of the camp.

However, of the 100,000 people, up to 60,000 can be taken away, otherwise the airship will not be able to take off. A small half of the wounded soldiers will be left here forever and become the rations of the devil.

And those demons who have been killed have been eaten by the same clan, and the demons have no scruples.

Among the airships, Angelina and many legendary mages are relatively speechless.

For a long time, a mage said: "This kind of devil is not a normal state. Our enemies cannot always be of such a large number and are not afraid of death.

Princess Angelina smiled bitterly: "In the green forest, the mechanical life invades, and it's troublesome. The mechanical life is almost the same, and these mechanical lives, you have read the information, and you have seen it before in the Emerald Province. The same, they are not only mechanical, but also carry flesh, can parasitize, and can reproduce themselves. "

Everyone has nothing to say, in fact, mechanical life is more troublesome than the Demon Race.

The transformation of demons from other species has a process, which is not fast, and the transformed monsters have less fighting power than before they were demonized, IQ decreased, and the fighting method is closer to instinct.

But what about mechanical life? What they copied, the combat ability is the same. There are no defective products.

"The Duke Asra is studying magic fuel, hoping to cause greater damage to mechanical life. Now this kind of incendiary bomb is difficult to kill mechanical life. The temperature is still slightly lower, and the adhesion is not magic, it is best. It is better to be able to chase mechanical life and burn. "

"Duke Asra is preparing this?"

"He has prepared more things, but this is just about talking to me. Sooner or later, the war on the Bingfeng Continent is about to end. After the end, of course we lose nothing. If we win, the empire will be defeated. Integration, the half-elf side, is not a problem at all. The unification of the entire continent, the next step, even if mechanical life does not come in, we have to kill it. "

"His Royal Highness, the formula of Bairimaru, will he refuse to give it? We don't want Shirimaru, nor can Bairimaru?"

"He said that eating too much food is not good for the soldiers. It is a temporary emergency. If we want it, we can just change the food and we don't need to make it ourselves."

"I don't think he is at one with His Highness."

"One heart? How is it possible, he is a prince, I am a princess." Princess Angelina looked very open.

"His Highness supported him with so much money."

"Hey, I have to pay it back. My brother is already integrating with his army. Everyone's military system will be the same and the equipment will be the same. One such thing is Hakurimaru. Just make sure everyone has one. If they ca n’t get supplies for three or four months, the soldiers ca n’t stand it anymore. ”

"But if I can get this thing ..."

"We can also create similar, cost-related problems ourselves. Besides, the Duke gave us battery technology, which is the most important thing. The number of robot warriors in the future is basically about ten times that of human soldiers. The battery is gone , More trouble than cutting out the grain. "

The battery of the robot warrior can be recharged, but it also has a life span. If it is overloaded, it may be damaged.

Therefore, this technology is indeed precious, and Xiahe did not hide it, so he took it out and shared it with the princess.

Princess Angelina can save tens of thousands of gold coins every day because of this battery, so the complaints of the legendary mages under her opponents have not been heard.

The mages again had nothing to say about this battery technology. The Duke Asra had kept it secret. This time he and the Empire's civil war, he immediately took it out and shared it with the princess. If the selfishness of Duke Asra is true, it is really unreasonable. Every magician knows the value of this gadget, which is like a high-level miniature magic furnace. Each has its own unique technology and is a very confidential gadget.

Battery can be made by anyone. After the principle is stated, as long as a magician with level 5 upwards, just give him a flask.

However, there is no question of cost in a hundred years. Don't try to overcome it. After you have overcome it, others will make cheaper batteries.

In Xiahe's hands, there is a better battery. His robot warrior, different levels, will use different types of batteries.

Forty-level robot warrior, the energy contained in the battery explodes, which is almost equivalent to a legendary scroll.

In the sky, two more magical airships came and dropped two boxes. These two airships were under the command of Duke Asla. The boxes under these two airships are even larger and use a bit of space technology.

However, in the end, only less than 10,000 people were taken away, and the remaining 30,000 people waited **** the ground.

But the people in the sky knew that they couldn't wait. The robot was almost killed, and the demon had surrounded the remaining wounded soldiers.

"Let's go." Angelina didn't want to watch anymore and let the airship fly south to chase the noble coalition team.

She didn't do anything. Angelina gave the Duke a task to come over and clean up the demon here. There are imperial merits for killing demons. Xiahe has rubbed things on the side of the princess for a long time, but many of them are exchanged for merits.

The number of these demons is several million, and there are many meritorious deeds.

And the merits of killing demons in his own territory are far less than those he took outside the territory. Xiahe himself used the Great Wall to encircle his territory, at the cost of killing the demons inside, and the number of merits was only about one-fifth of the normal.

If the millions of demons here are killed, the number of merits is equivalent to killing tens of millions of demons in their own territory. Even equivalent to hundreds of millions.

Even if a demon has a little merit, this is a lot.

Cotton Jack listened to this command and thought it was not bad, but the demon in this camp might be a trap, because Her Royal Highness refused to go down, just to let the airship save people and see nothing in the trap.

The enemy refused to waste power for less than a hundred airships, so who should he send to clear the enemy?

Thinking for a long time, he can't let the power at hand, his noble army to deal with this intensity of battle, without relying on the city, it is a bit difficult.

When there is no manpower right now, you cannot waste your troops.

By the way, the goddess of doom has just sent two doom fairy riders. The doom fairy riders are not afraid of demon pollution and are also legendary powers.

Let them lead the soldiers, troops, there are a lot of experimental things at hand, there is a tank battalion, simply experiment in the past. This tank battalion is also full of six thousand people. Five tanks are driven by a squadron. The remaining 45 people are all auxiliary tanks.

One hundred tanks acted collectively, the strength was still quite huge, and then there was another one thousand iron riders. There was no need to worry about field battles at all.

This tank battalion was not disbanded because new tanks were constantly being tested, and they have been testing on the northern battlefield.

Cotton Jack conveyed the order to let the chariot battalion and another full battalion battalion to kill the millions of demons.

The two battalions have 12,000 people, but there are more than 100,000 robot warriors and constructions. Although the strength is very different, but the nearest battalion can be mobilized to help. It's almost the same.

Fortunately for this task, the merits are enough, otherwise the expense will also make Cotton Jack heartbroken.

The speed of the tank is not slow, but long-term operation will inevitably require maintenance of the magic furnace and even major repairs. So to transport this chariot to the target location, you have to use the airship force.

A medium-sized airship can hang an empty tank. There are some medium-sized airships in Xiahe, and there are more princesses. A hundred medium-sized airships can get the tanks, and the rest of the supplies can be transported by large airships.

Legendary Mage can still bring a lot of things, two days later, the troops can reach the battlefield.

Hope that those demons will not be gone after two days ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

Princess chased the noble coalition, and all the human soldiers in the wounded camp were finally dead. It was not glorious that they died. Many soldiers lost their weapons and gave up resistance.

There are some soldiers who chose to commit suicide.

Some people will say that they are going to die anyway. Why are they still struggling? What's wrong with this.

However, it is precisely because the quality of these soldiers is worrying, without the kind of pride that belongs to human beings in the main world, and refuses to fight bravely in the end, even dropping their weapons.

Therefore, Princess Angelina did not do her utmost to rescue, and did not even think about saving them from the beginning.

Later, the flying fleet led by the Duke of Asla went to throw incendiary bombs, which gave birth to a heart of pride in the princess's heart. This mobilized the airship troops that could be transferred, and took away some of the injured soldiers.

These captives have to spend money to raise them, you said to include them?

Princess Angelina wasn't broken, these soldiers, she didn't need it at all. Even a person with such a weak fighting will still have to farm.

In the main world, the culture of each empire emphasizes self-improvement. People who are not self-improving will be abandoned. This is caused by historical reasons. At first, human beings lived under the rule of goblins, and lived under the rule of elves. Finally, they turned over to become masters, not relying on others' charity.

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