Daomen Invasion

Chapter 878: : Talent

Princess Angelina has many worlds in her own hands. She is one of the emperor's more important descendants. At a young age, she captured two worlds herself, and the royal family assigned her three worlds.

Then there are dozens of worlds that she is attacking herself, and she is still dealing with slowly.

The three worlds that are not allocated to her by the royal family are the most precious. The culture there is close to the main world, and the soldiers are very good. And the two worlds she captured by herself are just settled and will not be rebelled.

But it will take many, many years to change the civilized ecology of those two worlds.

She is not too good at this, and she lacks time and manpower.

But she does not lack resources, and those five worlds can provide her with huge wealth.

Therefore, no matter whether it is Princess Angelina or Xiahe, they can't look down on these strange soldiers. They were saved only because they had a heart of mourning. Besides, these soldiers were not useless. Low-intensity wars can also be sent to the battlefield.

After training, some stationed tasks can still be completed.

But no matter who it is, they dare not let these soldiers perform dangerous missions. In the face of the attack of the Demon Race, the soldiers of other worlds actually committed suicide. It seems that after suicide, they will not be eaten.

The soldiers of the main world surrendered and gave up resistance, but there were situations where they would die, and they would definitely fight to the end.

Xiahe glanced at the battle report and immediately gave a research intention.

Ask all magicians led by the Duke to design a pod that can be quickly carried by a six-pointed star airship. The cost of the pod must not be doubled, but it can transport not less than two thousand people plus equipment. It doesn't matter if there are spatial attributes, you can figure it out anyway.

Theoretically, three large six-pointed star airships are required to transport a battalion of six thousand troops.

At the same time, Xiahe gave the carrying data of the six-pointed star airship, which is 50% higher than the current model in take-off weight.

In addition, the transport capacity of medium-sized six-pointed star airships, to reach the standard of the previous large airships, is to transport 500 people, a large group. But this is a hybrid brigade that requires transportation of tanks.

This task is quite difficult because of the cost ceiling. If not, just install chaotic barrier space directly. It may be risky to transport humans, but there is no pressure to transport robot warriors.

However, if the cost is controlled, the pod cannot use too expensive technology.

Xiahe's mission was only carried out, and he received a message, which was passed directly in the illusion. Even if this kind of news is shown to him directly, he can let others handle it first. But just when he was there, he opened it and glanced.

A student who was still studying passed a design drawing to Xiahe.

This is a drawing of a robot soldier. The scorpion robot has six legs, two forearms, and a long tail. Xiahe didn't pay much attention to it. Students often designed some messy things, with some flashing points, which can be included in the materials, and add keywords, and I will talk about it later when needed.

Most of the designs are usually made only a few pieces. As a collection of graduation works, students keep one for themselves and two for school. They may buy as many as they like, which is roughly the case.

But he looked at the specific data in it, and then looked at the composition of the magic circle, he was quite surprised.

The design of this scorpion robot was unexpectedly delicate and practical, and he immediately went to check the student's information.

An epic master in the upper grades is about to graduate and cultivate his true energy, but he has no hope of becoming a Taoist.

Grass Tu Lean.

The 39th-level magician, only 19 years old, genius ...

Looking back at his origin, he was originally a native of Sun City. His parents were fishermen at the earliest. Later he joined the army and made military achievements. He was eligible to be sent to the college to study. The background is absolutely innocent, because of the good qualifications, so I have been observed and inspected to see if there are any problems.

This is a loyal mage with a strong sense of belonging to Rhode Island and can be absorbed into the core.

The above is the evaluation of Grass for so many years.

Xia He thought for a while and commented inside the material, let Glass come to Xinda 6, and follow him for a while.

The design of the scorpion robot is not to say how high-end this thing is, on the contrary, this thing is equipment under level 20.

Adhering to Xiahe's consistent philosophy, low-level equipment is to be cheap and easy to manufacture. The materials must be common, and ordinary alchemy factories can also handle most of them.

The scorpion-shaped robot is only more than one meter long. The forearm can hold weapons. Any weapon can be used. As long as it is for human use, the scorpion-shaped robot can master it. However, the design of the forearm is to allow the scorpion robot to control other things besides combat.

There are three kinds of robotic weapons, spitting plasma in the mouth, and the end of the hexapod are all designed by the forelimb of the mechanical spider. They are very sharp and can be used as melee weapons.

Hexapods are also different. The last two legs are relatively thick and can fully support the robot to stand up and fight, and make complex movements without damage.

Then there is the tail. This scorpion-shaped robot's tail is an electromagnetic gun with a hose that can shoot physical projectiles. This kind of electromagnetic weapon, which is not a straight tube, is difficult to be miniaturized. As a result, this Gratu is done.

In some technological worlds, there are powerful electromagnetic guns on starships, powered by electrical energy, which can add physical projectiles to matt levels. Inside the battleship, a circular electromagnetic orbit is set up to solve the space problem. Matt's metal projectile, even the fairy did not dare to block it.

Theoretically, this weapon is shown to the extreme, and even the neutron star can explode.

Of course, in the design of the scorpion robot, the tail part can rotate in any direction, but the internal electromagnetic orbit is straight, extending from the head of the scorpion robot to the tail. The length of the entire track is more than two meters. Scorpion-shaped robot display machine, double armor, biological armor inside, the material is also obtained from the Demon side, in the future there will be better alternatives, as long as the starry sky worms eat bones, it can be synthesized.

The outer carapace contains metal components, and there is a weak energy field between the two layers of armor to buffer it.

For example, a heavy hammer hit the scorpion-shaped robot, which could not cause shock inside.

This is the miniaturization of the defensive design of the Star Wars. Of course, the effect is much worse, but the defensive ability is still excellent. Even if the scorpion-shaped robot is hit by a boulder, it will not be scrapped.

The scorpion-shaped robot can also be deformed and put away. The whole volume is one meter in length and width, and the thickness is half a meter. It is extremely convenient to transport.

The materials and structure are also quite mature designs.

It is roughly a biological bone material, a common cheap metal. Inside is a high-energy battery, a miniature magic furnace, an electromagnetic adder, a plasma injector, a soft electromagnetic track, and an automatic filling box. Finally, there is a general combat computing core.

Almost most of them are the technology of existing robots, yes, there are metal fiber muscle fibers.

Not to mention this robot first, the small energy field technology inside can provide outer protection for the armor, and the double defense design is very good.

This technology can be used on heavy armor soldiers, which can reduce the load and the energy maintenance, but the attributes will not be reduced. Heavy armor soldiers, if they reach the stage of melee combat, they may also face powerful monsters. When a hammer hits them, the armor is life-saving when they cannot hide.

There are a variety of configurations that can use this technology, including heavy cavalry, and even the unicorn configuration of the Medelili Knights.

This is a more advanced airbag design, and its impact resistance is much stronger than ordinary air.

Unconsciously, many talents have emerged in Xiahe's college, even if it is placed in the nine colleges, it is also very good.

Xia He took advantage of the time and went through the design of the recent college again. The powerful Yuanshen can let him read in the illusion. Soon he found many interesting designs.

Sure enough, one person is short, so many students, and professors, everyone is inspiring every day, designing things that Xiahe didn't even know about.

Xiahe took up the plan for restructuring the army, brushed it a little bit, and revised some things in it.

Like the configuration of the military camp, there is no problem. The problem now is that he has found a better robot design scheme, and all the military robots must be changed.

Of course, there are also weapons of the chariot type, which will change dramatically.

The scale of the 6,000 people in a battalion remains unchanged, and the following establishment is still 500 people, 50 people, and five people are arranged in this order. It's just that each team, from the squad, has changed the robots and configuration.

Xiahe can't share the technology of robots and chariots. The technology in the hands of princesses and county kings can create similar things by giving them attribute values. The price of self-made is almost the same as buying on Xiahe. But Xiahe decided to set the price 20% cheaper than what he made himself, so he could continue to sell weapons to his allies ...

Don't look at Xiahe earning much, the princess and the county king are both happy.

As long as they have similar technologies, they can transform their resources into combat power at any time and will not be restricted by Xiahe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is different from some countries in the technology world. Some countries in the world of science and technology have no solution at all without manufacturing technology.

But on the side of the main world, there are very few things that the magician cannot create.

Xiahe's Yuanshen calculated that suddenly his new weapon was more powerful, but the selling price might be cheaper.

This is not possible, he simply doubled the sale price again, and felt more pleasing. The word "non-sales" is marked at the back, which is extended to mean that only allies can purchase, and any transfer is strictly prohibited.

This is not for money, but to reflect the Duke's own value.

If your things can be made casually by others, your existence becomes meaningless.

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