Daomen Invasion

Chapter 879: : Accumulation in winter

Princess and the king were very busy. After seeing Xiahe's passing news, he wanted to add money and change some equipment. Angelina and Snowvis did not think much, so they agreed.

The attributes of equipment provided by Asra are there, and the combat effectiveness is not increased by a little bit.

In the future when the large regiment is fighting, there will be no more intensive assaults. This powerful individual equipment will become of great significance.

Duke is willing to provide specific attribute values, details are given, it is not a problem to imitate.

If you don't provide these details, it's a ghost.

Both of them will specially send someone to copy, and continue to study how to reduce costs. In the case of their own manufacturing, if the price is not lower than 10% from Asla, they will not change the way of equipment.

If the price is lower than 10%, they ask Asra to reduce the price at most, and they will not use their own production methods to solve the problem.

Of course Xiahe concealed a little detail, but it didn't matter, these things were given to the princess and the county king, and they might also be transformed to add their technology. And these technologies are not what Xiahe wants to have.

Alchemy factories are stronger than science and technology factories in that the drawings can be produced immediately after they are taken down.

Xiahe ’s updated designs soon began to be produced from his large alchemy factories and transferred to the army. Before that, the soldiers had been adapting to the new equipment in their illusions.

This is a must. For example, a heavy magic armor, the captain knows its defense, but the damage to the armor from various attacks, he should also be very clear. Whether to choose hard resistance or evasion is a judgment.

If a war lasts for a long time and it is difficult to obtain supplementary maintenance, you must try to reduce the hard resistance fighting method, but when you need to fight quickly and quickly, the choice will change.

None of these can be learned in actual combat and must be adapted in illusion in advance.

Scorpion robots are autonomous combat robots. If human soldiers command, the effect is not ideal, and the level will not be too high. The humanoid robot warriors, below the 20th level, no longer need so much. They are manufactured mainly because the humanoid robots have more comprehensive capabilities, just like a standard soldier.

The scorpion robot is designed purely for combat, and other functions are not needed.

The wall surrounding the main city of the Duke of Zhesu began to be built, new weapons were produced, and they were directly airlifted here for field exercises. Around the main city, there will be many small towns and fortresses that need to be removed one by one. New weapons are tested here to obtain data, feed back, and then modify the details.

Was about to be at the end of the year. The battle on Rhode Island was going smoothly. The small cities and villages on the territory of the Duke of Zhesu were captured one by one. The army of the Duke of Zhesu also shrank in a large city, relying on a strong fort to defend. Duke Zhesu also has a large amount of food in his hands, and there is no lack of water. It is impossible to rely on the siege to capture large cities. Sooner or later, he must attack head-on.

The heavy snow in the north is particularly heavy this year, which makes the offensive side very difficult. The troops of Snowvis and Xiahe have slowed the offensive. Only the construction of the wall around the main city is still in full swing. There are a lot of magicians, costumes, and robots here, regardless of the cold environment. We must completely surround the main city when spring comes.

When the time comes, large cities outside the main city will be solved one by one. If the Duke of Zhesu refused to sit back and watch, he would transfer his main army from the main city.

Decisive battle.

Yangmou is usually unsolvable, forcing you to bump into it. The weather is bad now, and the Duke of Zhesu does not want to engage in field operations. He can only watch Xiahe building the city walls.

The King of Snowvis, who had a great reputation, took an army and fought around in the territory of Duke of Zhesu. The private army of Duke of Zhesu did not dare to come out and could only hide. Stay in the city.

When was the most, Snowvis hit nine enemy troops in one day, all of which defeated the enemy in front.

No one calls him Lilac County King anymore. The young county king who was once full of literary and artistic children is now the coach of an iron-blooded army.

In these nine battles, Snowows only used the strength of the two battalions. The other troops were stationed in the distance to watch the battle and did not participate. Of the two battalions, only three to five brigades participated in the fight each time. That's it. Duke Zhesu's army of more than 100,000 was beaten by more than 10,000 people.

Snowis is also proud, and the army of the Duke of Zhesu is not considered weak, and is a soldier of the main world.

Moreover, Duke Zhesu has his own robot production line. In the army, a soldier has almost three robot soldiers. Therefore, the number of robots on their side has not surpassed that of their opponents. The strength of the robots is ten times the gap. The number of robots on the other side is up to three times that of their own.

Xiahe did not expect that Snowvis fought so fiercely, which was completely different from when he was in the technological world.

The princess was also very powerful. He sent the noble coalition forces into the old nest. Now in the New World, tens of millions of noble coalition forces are half dead. Among them, more than seven million are concentrated in four large cities, and the rest are scattered. Tens of thousands guard the alchemy factory, and then there are the strongholds.

However, after the lack of logistics, the defeat of these troops is a matter of time.

Princess Angelina is much stronger than Xiahe thought. It took her two months to force the noble coalition forces to this extent. She doesn't attack, she just kills her opponent. Let the other party find a way, consume a lot of resources, and transport resources from the empire to supply them to weaken the power of these nobles.

The cost of shipping supplies is very high, and on the princess side, with Xiahe's support, logistics is not a problem.

If you fight for wealth, these noble coalitions can't really fight the royal family.

It is only the rich family of the aristocratic coalition that cannot be defeated in three to five years. It will be possible to show fatigue after a few decades. The great thing about the princess is that although she has the absolute advantage, she doesn't make the other person feel it. The noble coalition forces felt that Her Royal Highness was dead, and sooner or later she would not be able to support it.

Therefore, the noble coalition forces continued blood transfusion, continuous loss, and then blood transfusion, hoping that the princess would fall down one step first.

And Her Royal Highness Princess, learning Xiahe, continually transported recruits to replenish his troops. The qualified soldier quietly moved to her own world again.

She has five worlds that are completely destroyed, it is her big rear.

This war has been fought for a long time. Almost all of her troops have been fought in actual combat, and it is a high-intensity war.

Allied forces with the nobility, and the remaining demons on the New World.

Museis because of the princess's offensive, his own territory was also guarded. All the captives obtained by the princess were bought by him and trained as his own army.

Xiahe knows very well that the son of the law, if there is a way to recruit and train these people, how can he be considered a qualified soldier? Muses lacked more manpower than himself. On his territory, there were hundreds of thousands of people, and it would be considered a poor soldier to pull out 10,000 soldiers. It stands to reason that it is good to have one or two thousand troops.

So Muses was cold-hearted, whoever gave him away, he was willing to pay for it, and then transformed into his own army.

As for the supply problem, Muses did not worry about Xiahe controlling him and bought directly from Xiahe.

The Merrifin family has n’t rebuilt the fleet, but it ’s late winter. Even if it ’s built, you ca n’t go to the north to fight. The coalition of the Merriffin family and the Duke of Murphy, which consumes a lot of money every day, is stationed on the side of the port.

They are incomparable with Xiahe. In addition to the daily training, the army on Xiahe still has many tasks to be done, such as road repair, city wall repair, city repair, farmland treatment, etc.

The army of others consumes the military posture day and night. Xiahe's army, everyone owes the Duke a large sum of money. Everyone is still happy and willing to owe more debts.

Some people obviously can use merit to pay off debts, but they refuse to insist on using gold coins to repay in the future.

Within the empire, various conflicts are also constant, even though the scale is not so large.

Xiahe still has some supporters in the north and middle of the empire, such as the Paine family he has collected, and he has to die to the end and get along with Rhode Island.

Xiahe's Second Expeditionary Army was scattered on the territory of these nobles, helping the defense and training the nobles' army.

The essence of the empire was manifested at this time, so fighting ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ did not produce any refugees.

The world of No. 1 and No. 2 of the Merrifin family has been taken care of by Xiahe, but other worlds are strictly guarded and it becomes difficult to attack. But these two worlds want to digest it, it is not something that can be done in a year or two. Xiahe did not let the army withdraw, but supplemented some soldiers in the past.

This is a long and dull winter. In addition to Snowvis's reputation, it makes people feel so bored that they want to sleep.

Even if there is a war every day, the atmosphere is still the same.

Xiahe has gained a lot. The army ’s equipment has changed. The Academy Corps has already had the size of two brigades. On the side of the Taiyin Xianfu World, everything is on track. The Taiyin Xianfu Guangshou College has a very high training rate for Taoists.

After the completion of the construction of the prefecture, there was only one king who was in control. The heaven had no shadow, but it did n’t matter. Bai Yujing built the city and it was too late.

Xiahe is very happy, now he knows the world of coordinates, besides on the Merrifin family, he has three more.

The strength of the world of the Taiyin Xianfu World is all transferred out, and they are devoted to the war in the outer world. On the other side of the Taiyin Fairy Mansion, the Taiyin Fairy Corps is being built.

In all five worlds that have been completed, all have high-grade jade mines.

This time, Bai Yujing's creation, there is hope, no longer a castle in the sky.

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