Daomen Invasion

Chapter 880: : Military mobility

Princess Angelina's war, the upright battle, destroyed the enemy's logistics, forcing the enemy to gather together, trapped in the old nest.

Her goal is not only the noble coalition forces in the New World, but also the old nobles of the empire.

The Imperial Legion, in theory, she can command, but Princess Angelina will not pin her war plan on the heads of those legions. She studied Xiahe and trained troops on the New World.

All combat missions are promulgated to enable the soldiers to grow up as soon as possible.

Don't rush to eat the enemy, let the enemy slowly bleed.

The situation was stable, and someone made a statement to Princess Angelina, saying that Duke Asla, the army is too large, is no longer a duke should have the power, it is recommended that Princess Angelina weaken the size of Duke Asla's army.

Her Royal Highness was a little angry. Which army of the nobility would be allowed by law?

My father had never worried about this kind of thing, and made Asra and Muses become assistant ministers. This was a long-term arrangement, and it was definitely not a temporary intention.

Princess Angelina, simply sent all the people who made a speech back to the empire, went to the city of Juno, and arranged to go to the palace.

Finally, no one noisy anymore.

Was arranged to work in the palace, and there is no future in the future. This is the snow. And it looks like there won't be another day to call it out. Those who want to do things behind can only stand up.

Loyalty, if you add a stupid word, it is better to do something for you.

Those who do not understand the role of Asra and Muses, don't wander around in the future and throw them into the trash can, which is also a worry.

Princess Angelina didn't even give these people a chance, and she felt a little lost in her heart.

Asra ’s men have so many available talents, and never give Asra such an idea.

Xiahe ignored these things. Except for the Taiyin Fairy World, he already had five complete worlds. Two of them beaten by the Merrifin family, the scale was not that large, and the rank was not high. The three worlds he developed and captured are very good.

But the world has been conquered more, and his strength has also been constrained.

The world of Taiyinxianfu is very stable, and it was almost destroyed by the demonized goblin. There are few humans left, and it is quite easy to rule.

But the other five worlds all need to be guarded. Especially from the world captured by the Merrifin family, be prepared to guard against the counterattack of the Merrifin family at any time.

Xia He regretted that in those two worlds, he could only put the first and second expeditionary corps in the past and stayed there for many years. At the same time, he had to train new recruits, and the construction workload was huge.

Although the other three worlds are more stable, each world must also have a legion. Because it is too big, training the local army is also very troublesome.

Xiahe's desperate training army in the main world, the scale of the expeditionary army, eventually reached five.

Xiahe simply transferred all the expeditionary troops to guard these five worlds and train troops in different worlds. As for the five main legions, as well as the Knights of Medieri, they were quietly transferred back to the main world.

At the beginning of the year, the movement of the legion was considered to be over, which was already very fast.

Except for the transfer of positions, all the legions have completed the dress up, which is the most difficult part.

Xiahe arranged full-speed production of intelligent mechanical life. His alchemy factory, as well as factories renting princesses and kings, have not done anything else in recent months.

The design of the Devil Forest has stopped, and all the magicians have been put into production.

The battle on Xiahe's side was all handed over to the noblemen.

This is also the advantage of being a big boss. Xiahe can still be lazy if the situation permits.

Xiahe's legion numbers have basically been determined. In the future, if you add legions, they will all be secondary legions, and will not increase the number of the main force.

Five field corps, five expedition corps, and five city defense corps.

This is Xiahe's main fighting power. Of course, let Sith create an army of crows, owned by the heirs of the Duke. The establishment is still 150,000, and will not expand. After the Sith inherited the position of the Duke, the title of the regiment had to be handed over.

Then there was the Knights of Medirelli, this number still exists alone.

Asila Academy Corps, this has only two teams, a scale of 1,000 people, and it is not possible to expand in the short term. Xiahe considers that the scale of the college will expand in the future, and in all controlled worlds, the establishment of branches will be no problem.

Then came the Bering Flying Corps. Xiahe didn't originally plan to expand the scale of the flying unit, but now the cost of flying warships is low, and it can already allow the lowest-level professionals to drive and fight without using magicians to control.

The cost of use has followed, and because of the invention of Grass, the flying warship itself can produce a cheap double-layer shield, and its survivability is much stronger. The main army of Xiahe has expanded the scale of the flying battalion to four Pcs.

Now the Bering Flying Corps is also the size of 25 battalions, all of which are flying troops.

It's just that the alchemy factory has no time to produce so many warships. What Xiahe needs most now are all kinds of airships, robots, soldiers, armor, etc.

Then came the Nietzsche Legion, Claude Legion, Gronitz Legion, Archimedes Legion.

This is the most powerful and loyal person among the nobles who surrender to Xiahe. Naming the legion after their name does not mean that the legion is theirs, it is just an honor.

There is another number that is vacant and will always be vacant. This is an incentive. Many people want to name a number with their own name.

This is the Unknown Army, and the battle flag is also blank.

In addition to these legions, Xiahe has five star fleets, but all are vacant.

The main legion, in addition to the Star Fleet, is not only the secondary legion. Xiahe also gave the nobles to his staff, leaving 20 regiments. They are not the main legion, but higher than the secondary legion. Assemble when needed, and disband when not needed.

With so many production tasks, even if the alchemy plant is produced by assembly lines, the magicians go all out to make everyone busy.

Fortunately, the first to be satisfied is the five expeditionary forces. After this part of the production is completed, the remaining legions can be slowly replaced.

The items eliminated by the main legion can be directly given to those noble troops under Xiahe.

Like the Bering Flying Legion, you don't need to control it for the time being, you still need to use the old equipment, and slowly replace it.

The most urgent task right now is the dress-up of the five field legions, and the city defense forces are not so eager. Because the city defense force is a force that relies on city operations, equipment changes can be carried out more slowly.

The first field army was placed in Stormwind, the second field army was placed in Kirishima, the third and fourth field troops were placed in Rhode Island, and the fifth field army was placed in the domain of the Paine family.

On the New World, only the Fifth City Defense Corps was placed in the Tongtian Tower, and the Fourth City Defense Corps was placed in the coastal fortress group.

The first city defense corps is at Storm Point, the second city defense corps is in Sun City, and the third city defense corps is in Liangliang city.

These legions will not participate in the combat plan for the time being. Just for daily training.

Four legions named after people have gathered enough manpower, one is an army recruited from outside, and the other is a manpower recruited from the nobility.

The four legions were prepared by Xiahe against the Merrifin family and the Duke of Zhesu.

The war on the new continent depends on the army formed by the nobles.

Xiahe was not too worried about himself, and he was not alone in exploding soldiers. Now with the civil war in the empire, all the nobles are terrified and want to arm themselves to their teeth.

And he has been very restrained. The establishment of these legions will not be expanded. If there is demand in the future, only the second-level legions will be added. The second-tier legion must not be as luxurious as the main force. In other words, only when the main legion ’s equipment is updated again will these items be distributed to the secondary legion.

Xiahe's idea is that if the world can really be unified in the future, even if the Taiyin Xianfu world has quietly stolen the identity of the main world, this world is still one of the most important.

Right now, it is impossible to give up this world.

The establishment of five field army and five city defense army is not much.

As for the expeditionary army, it was to go to a different world to fight. When one world was settled, and the local army was trained, the expeditionary army would go to another world and continue to fight.

The movement of the Xiahe army could not hide everyone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ So the princess's staff would only say that his army was too large. For a duke, this scale is indeed not small, but if you want to rule a world, the scale of this army is too small.

The war with Duke Zhesu was temporarily carried out by Snowows. The four new troops currently organized by Xiahe are all actually training in the new continent.

Among the new troops, only the Nietzsche Legion completed most of the equipment replacements, and the other legions used the retreat of the previous main legion.

Although was not responsible for the war and the task was to train, the Nietzsche Army was still placed in Yamaguchi Castle. It is very close to the fissures in the Demon Forest, and there are huge resources under the fissures, and there is another channel to the world. Xiahe dare not take it lightly.

Is only a noble coalition with second-class fighting power, he is not very relieved.

The head of the Nietzsche Legion, Nietzsche II, the son of Nietzsche, graduated from Asla Academy, is already a legendary mage. Nietzsche himself did not want the title, and accepted the civic hierarchy within the system of the Duke of Xiahe. He was assigned to the Fire Raven Legion himself as the Deputy Chief.

The head of the army is Sith, the heir of Xiahe. In theory, Nietzsche is the real commander of this army.

In the family, there are two army commanders. Nietzsche's encounters envy countless people. Who made him follow the Duke too early, and he struggled with himself, and he became a legend early.

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