Daomen Invasion

Chapter 881: : 2nd rank troops

Xiahe's worry still makes sense.

In February, in the mountains south of the Great Wall, a large number of demons suddenly appeared, rushing to the mines occupied by noble coalition forces. Early on the discovery of Fire Raven One, the noble army quickly shrank back to the city at the foot of the mountain for defense, with little loss, but the number of demons broke out strangely, and it seemed that it could not hold the posture.

Understand that in this city, there are twenty battalions, and the noble army has five thousand battalions, which is one hundred thousand.

Therefore, it makes sense that Xiahe regards this noble coalition as a second-class force. Instead, it is Xiahe's own main force, relying on city defense. If there are 100,000 people, no matter how many enemies there are, it is not a problem to stick to a few months.

Now only three days of fighting, the noble coalition began to ask for help.

The number of legends in the coalition forces is more than twenty, but there is really no way to face the surging Demon race.

The legendary mage goes out every day to kill a group of demons, and retreats when the magic power is 30%.

Is not a mage, like Xiahe, has complex and changeable, powerful magic. Many legendary mages have to retreat after releasing a few powerful magic.

As for using low-level magic to slowly engage in demons? The skills of these masters are not necessarily good.

Xiahe is a little depressed, because in the mountain city, he has given a lot of advanced equipment, many of which were withdrawn from the main army, such as some advanced robots and magical structures.

These 100,000 people, plus nearly a million robots, all ask for assistance?

But the matter of the Void Demon Clan was not resolved in one day, and Xiahe would not be involved in a day. In the city at the foot of the mountain, the city weapon can't deal with the Void Demon, and he won't let Nietzsche II take risks.

Nietzsche Legion hardware keeps up, but the number of legends is not as good as other main legions.

The large number of demons is not a problem. It may be because the demons have adopted a death attack tactic, or they are constantly sending troops to attack, which will cause huge pressure on the side of the city.

On the other side of Yamaguchi Castle, in addition to the Nietzsche Legion, a few more battalions were added in the past few months. Together with the five battalions left behind, there were a total of 30 battalions, 150,000.

This matter is still cotton Jack came forward, ordered Yamaguchi to mobilize twenty battalions to support.

In addition to the twenty battalions, the Nietzsche Army dispatched a standard battalion and a flying battalion to support it.

The war with the demons is irritating. Fortunately, there are no small cities in the New World where ordinary people live. Otherwise, all of them must be equipped with defenses. At most, it caused a huge loss of power to the demon, but the city will also be destroyed.

On the New World, all cities are militarized towns, and all of them live in the military.

So if the demon attacked the ice maple continent, everyone would have to find the devil's main battle and not let it land, otherwise it would be a disaster.

Professional soldiers have an absolute advantage over demons, but non-professional soldiers, fully armed, are nothing but a tie to ordinary demons, while civilians can only let demons kill.

The Demon Insect Forest has been cleared, purified, and attacked the Demon Clan in the mining area, and did not go west. The reinforcements crossed the Demon Insect Forest, opened the way with chariots and flying troops, and struck into the city surrounded by Demon.

Xiahe has been observing the war situation, and feels strange. The soldiers in the city, relying on the city, feel that they can't stand it. How can the reinforcements kill them easily?

If it is not a trap, I don't believe it.

But if you give up that city, the demon will attack the Yamaguchi city from the west of the demon forest. Without the mining area city staring behind, the demon must have been an easy attack, no need to worry about behind him.

Is a trap, it must pass.

Besides, there are many cities in the east occupied by Xiahe's aristocratic coalition forces, which are not large in scale. If the Mozu gave up this mining city, if they were to the east, those small places would not be able to withstand the crazy attacks of the Mozu.

Originally thought that the demons in this area were almost cleared. It seems that there are still secrets in the mountains.

Xiahe calculated that the five worlds he occupied, no matter which one, faced the invasion of the demons, it was necessary to complete

It will take less than a hundred years for the fallen, and it will become a new demon world.

This reinforcement brought a large number of engineering robots and drawings provided by Cotton Jack.

In addition, the scorpion-shaped robot was sent a lot and should stabilize the situation.

The wall of the mining area is 30 meters high and a step is 10 meters.

The city heads on the lower two floors are defended by robots. Only the uppermost layer has human soldiers. The city is extremely strong. Some demons of four or five meters in height are striking the city walls frantically, but they have just made some holes.

In the center of the city, there is a large magic furnace to generate electricity. As long as the battery of the robot warrior is not damaged, you can get energy supplement. There are rooms for Tibetan soldiers in the two walls below, which actually charge the robot soldiers. The two floors have no access to the interior of the city, and the robot will fight on it until it is destroyed.

After the reinforcements arrived, Cotton Jack gave orders to stay dead, and all the gates were completely closed.

The noble coalition was not very desperate. After all, there were more than 100,000 people and a strong air force. This time there were quite a lot of supplies. The pods under the six-pointed star airship were full.

There are also legendary mages. The huge space equipment also brings fresh food.

In the cold underground in the middle of the city, the fresh meat is frozen, and it is not a problem to support for a few months. The soldiers relaxed a little bit. The above said that this kind of support will arrive regularly, and all are airdropped by a six-pointed star airship.

The new reinforcements also built towers against the city walls, arranged the magic circle on the ground, and continued to strengthen the fortifications.

After the flying battalion delivered materials, the flying warship dropped a wave of incendiary bombs outside the city. After losing its light, it escorted the six-pointed star airship and left.

Yamaguchi Castle is not far from here, just across a demon forest.

Flying warship wants to fly over, just arrived after acceleration. The flying warship was dispatched to **** the six-pointed star airship.

Forty noble battalions, a main standard battalion, with so many troops, if there is still no way to hold the city, Xiahe has nothing to say. At that time, Xia Ye was guarding the small castle.

The Nietzsche Army sent the sixth battalion. The battalion will be a legendary mage and the deputy will be a legendary warrior.

The number of legends of the Nietzsche Legion is not as large as others. The standard battalion dispatched this time is the most powerful one in Nietzsche II's hands. In addition to the two battalions, there are three legendary towns.

Another flying battalion started throwing incendiary bombs at the demon outside the city every day, which could reduce the pressure in the city.

The incendiary efficiency of the Molotov cocktail to the demon is not too high, but it will prevent the demon from gathering dense forces and can only be scattered to attack the city.

Once it is less dense, it is not terrible. The musket in the robot's hand can slowly shoot the devil.

Xiahe observed for a whole day, and found no problem, this is the problem. Anyway, he will not dispatch the main force. As long as the number of second-class legions of the nobility is sufficient, they can also deal with the devil.

He has built even tall towers. In theory, if the Devil does not reveal the bottom card, he will not be able to attack the city at all.

Although it is a city with no characteristics, as long as there is a purified magic circle to allow soldiers to move safely, you can guarantee combat effectiveness.

The battalion of the 6th Battalion will not take over the command. He just watches the data in the temporarily built tower, and does not even command the army in his hands. This battalion is stationed in the city, and does not go to the city to help defense.

After reading a lot of data, this battalion found a little problem. The quality of the soldiers of the noble army is still not good. In the face of the surging Demon, the soldiers shot too often, and they were shooting at overclocking.

Under normal circumstances, the magic musket designed by the Duke's collar can only be activated once a second. There is a control device on the firearm. If it exceeds this speed, the damage to the firearm will become larger, and it may even cause unrepairable consequences.

After three days, the damage rate of the noble legion's muskets was too high, and many soldiers had only secondary weapons.

No wonder the panic is terrible, it turned out to be the reason.

In the main legion, if the highest commander does not give an order, there will be no soldiers to turn on this device and carry out over-frequency shooting


Even if it is a squad action of five people, the squad leader does not say that the soldiers will only shoot at a speed of up to one shot per second ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For technological weapons, this rate of fire is really poor.

However, for magic weapons, this magic musket has been perfect.

In fact, every time a magic projectile is shot, it is enchanted again through the trajectory, with additional lethality.

Soldiers have more problems. For example, under standard circumstances, only accurate shooters are allowed to shoot at a distance of more than 500 meters. For ordinary soldiers, it is best to have a distance of 100 to 300 meters. Tactics.

But these noble soldiers began to attack at a distance of thousands of kilometers.

Theoretically, the killing distance of the magic rifle must be more than one kilometer. The problem is that the quasi-head is gone. If you ca n’t hit the devil, it ’s a minor injury. The consequence of this is that even when the demon are injured, they can still rush to the head of the city, causing more pressure on the robot warrior.

Old-fashioned robots used ordinary guns. The closer they were, the more powerful they were. Then they were plasma guns. The attack distance was within 50 meters.

The battalion of the sixth battalion is also helpless. These things, the soldiers of the noble coalition army, are not without training. But seeing the endless demons coming, these people panicked. Even if they can be regarded as battle-hardened.

The biggest problem is that before this, the most difficult battles were all done by Xiahe's main force. After Xiahe's main force withdrew from the New World, the soldiers in the hands of the nobility had not really grown up. What they are best at is to follow suit with the main force.

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