Daomen Invasion

Chapter 882: : Battlefield Training

After receiving the report from the camp, Xiahe realized that the problem was not small. If the troops of the noble coalition are all of this quality, then it is better to recruit new recruits in the Six Faces City.

Those new recruits are not necessarily enlisted in the army after training, and may return to home directly.

When they are needed, they will be recruited again.

Xiahe does not want all people to be soldiers, but all citizens must undergo military training and serve in the military. This is something that must be done.

If the soldiers of the nobility are not as good as those of their army under training, they cannot be armed at a large price.

However, the Demon Race is a special case. The troops of the nobles are second-class in their own eyes, but in the eyes of many people, they are already the elite of the elite.

Those soldiers from other worlds are not as good as these noble troops. At least these soldiers did not collapse, they just asked for help.

Normal siege, probably attacking in one direction, waving the flag in the other direction, so you have to maintain your strength in each direction. It's just more or less.

But the attack of the Demon Race, in all directions, must arrange manpower in every place, which makes the rest of the defender's side disturbed. When the number is insufficient, it is indeed easy to fatigue.

Is also right to increase the soldiers, at least the pressure on the soldiers is not so great, and there is enough rest time every day.

The only problem is that the number of robots must be guaranteed, and human soldiers cannot be killed or injured too much.

The number of medical equipment in the noble coalition is too small. If human soldiers are injured more, they may not be cured.

Xiahe sent a message to Mianmu Jack to prepare a batch of medical capsules to be airdropped to the aristocratic coalition forces. The number did not need to be too much, about 200.

After thinking about it for a long time, the way to solve this problem is magic.

There are a lot of magics that calm down human beings. The cheaper way is to calm down the medicine, but it is harmful to the human body, but this damage is still within the scope.

My main force does not have this problem, why?

Warsong, your own soldiers, have officially learned the warsong, as long as you shout your name, you are not afraid!

Turns out to be brainwashing?

But his own soldiers only do this when they charge, and they usually sing a compliment of themselves when they are fine.

Yes, your own soldiers have special training methods, so the number of accomplished professionals is very large.

Special training methods include elementary breathing methods, which have been practiced for a long time and are helpful to the soul.

However, this method cannot be learned by outsiders. Xiahe still decided to add a magic pattern to the army equipment of the noble coalition. As long as they are near the magic net node, these soldiers can maintain the maximum possible calmness. If you can't calm down, take the tranquilizer.

'S future solution is to sublimate the spirit in the training of the phantom array to increase the soldier's ability to control his own emotions. This is a long-term plan.

But if you want to not damage the brain, you have to step by step. I am afraid that only your own lineage soldiers have such a long time for illusion training.

It does n’t matter anymore, even the secondary legion can still meet the training requirements.

The army of the nobles had initially set up twenty of them, and they might be increased in the future, letting them figure out their own way.

On the battlefield, there are some people who are born to be brave, and such people can't invest too much. Since it is an investment, it must be biased. Outside of the heirs, Xiahe did not consider this issue.

There are a lot of troops trained in the city of Daliang, and there are also in the town of Sanxing. Xiahe can't keep every soldier keeping thousands of hours of illusion time. Not to mention tens of thousands of hours of intense training.

In the phantom array, the simulated power level and consumption are completely different.

Xiahe's heirs, in the phantom array, encounter legends, then there really is the legendary coercion, acting on the soul.

Back then, the large illusions of goblins could simulate real objects, and that was called powerful.

Of course, it can also be called rich and capricious.

For other troops, the soldiers who just spent money training on Xiahe ’s side, Xiahe

It is impossible to simulate their true feelings.

Different training methods, the consumption is very different.

The resources consumed by Xiahe to train a small team are for outsiders, enough to train a large team. That is a hundredfold difference.

So to help outsiders to train, the money is like falling from the sky, Xiahe is not tired.

Phantom Array, Phantom Array, and increasing Phantom Array consumption can also solve this problem, but for cowards, it is still more effective to take medicine, and it costs less.

Xiahe felt that this kind of thing had no effect on his maid, so he wrote down the handling opinions. Unless someone responded and improved his opinions, he would not pay attention to this message anymore.

A magic pattern, a magic net node, and a pill form a double protection, how simple.

The general of the sixth battalion did nothing. He invited the generals of the noble coalition and proposed that he would send several brigades to the city head to demonstrate the fighting method.

Noble generals were reluctant, but they were not easy to refute, they could only agree. If he was afraid of disagreeing, he would be dumped and replaced as a general.

General will send four standard brigades, with 500 people in every direction.

The brigades were divided into small groups, and on a section of the city wall, the noble coalition soldiers were shown how to attack. The number of their robots is not much, they are all around. There are forty scorpion robots in each team, but only ten on the city head are enough.

Scorpion robots also don't participate in the battle, only attack targets that are missed and are too close.

On the high east wall, a small team is conducting standardized combat demonstrations. The demon are not endless attacks, they also have to rest. At noon, another group of Mozus rushed up, and the captain of the squad, across the mask, said: "You see clearly, my team, the maximum shooting distance of the precision shooter is 1,500 meters. But usually one thousand On the meter, it is difficult for the precision shooter to hit the point, and the attack distance needs to be controlled between 800 and 500 meters. "

"What about the specifics?" The human soldiers standing around left and right, asking for advice with humility.

"It depends on the effect of the precision shooter ’s usual training. The combat requirement of the precision shooter is that the hit rate is more than 80%. This hit rate refers to the hit. The weather is good today, there is almost no wind, magic projectiles The impact is small. My precision shooter can hit a moving target at a kilometer. "

The captain of the team is not too troublesome. Anyway, there is a merit, although it is a pitiful merit. But you are good to talk, why not take it. Merit is much more precious than gold. Merit can be exchanged for gold, but it is impossible to exchange a little merit for how much gold you have.

The precision shooter is already attacking, and only one shot is fired in a second and a half, but each shot can guarantee that a demon can fall down and can no longer stand up. The other soldiers stood in a relaxed attitude, holding a magic musket in their hands.

"Standard soldiers, we are training a 300-meter precision attack, but affected by various environments, the best attack distance is within 100 meters. A team of three people, the most accurate shot is on the 300 meters. Attack, the other two waited for two hundred meters and one hundred meters respectively, thus forming a step difference. "

Sure enough, a demon rushed to a distance of 300 meters. One of the soldiers in the team raised the magic rifle, mounted on the city wall, and aimed at the target to attack. The remaining two began to prepare, but still very Is to relax.

"Inefficiency, shooting early is also a waste of resources. All of you, start attacking at 50 meters. Don't worry, you only need to attack once every two seconds. In fact, at this distance, mechanical talents are the main fighting force. We The energy is mainly to attack those seemingly troublesome targets, and set fire as a unit to shoot. "

The captain also raised his musket at this time, aiming at the target 100 meters away to attack.

"My weapon is the most powerful in the squad, so I attacked the demon, he seems to have 20 levels."

The captain of the squad heard the roar of his rifle. A hundred meters away, a demon with a height of more than three meters, blocked the vital point with his arms. On his arms, there were naturally heavy scales.

Powerful impact force, he was rolled back.


"This is a repellent projectile." The captain didn't look at the results, because there was already a robot, and while the demon was rolling, www.wuxiaspot.com ~ set fire and attacked him.

"If it were my own, the second projectile would kill him, but my projectile is more valuable, and it does n’t have to be wasted on him. Also, those demons are fierce, but even if they reach the root of the wall and want to climb up, It ’s hard, you see. "

The soldiers were slowly attacking in their hands, and they had time to observe. A group of demons came under the city wall, and the robot below immediately fired a lot of black metal balls.

The metal ball exploded among the demons, because the squads attacked before were all relatively high-level demons. These demons that can rush over have very low levels. The bomb exploded, causing death and injury, and the surviving Demon Clan had no ability to climb the wall.

"Look, even if they climbed up, would it be our opponent to fight melee?"

Soldiers of the noble coalition forces felt that what he said made sense. Most of these soldiers are not professionals, but they all wear fine armor and are accompanied by robots. Even if there is a head-on conflict with the Mozu, as long as they are not beaten by more, they need not be afraid.

"Remember, this is our world. The demon are coming, they are all weakened, and the same level can't do us." The captain said, picking up a disposable magazine at the head of the city, said: "For example, I have practiced throwing stones, you see ... "


The magazine was thrown out by him, making a roaring sound in the air, and hit the head of a demon. The demon's face was covered with blood, and his skull was smashed inward.

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